Important Facts About Headache
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Headache sooner or later worries more than 80% of people around the world. It can arise from time to time or disturb a person all the time. Those with a headache that does not go away and worries them for more than a few months, doctors account for more than 35% of the entire globe. Where does the headache come from ? Here are some interesting facts.
Causes of headache
- Disturbance of hormonal balance
- Stresses, long and short-term
- Permanent mechanical overstrain of the neck and shoulder joints
- Constant state of depression
- Poor Vitamins Menu
- Injuries to the head or even other parts of the body (they are related)
- Meteozavisimost (weather changes)
- Change of climate and time zone
- Bad sleep and brain overload from this
- Continuous exposure to bright light or, conversely, too little coverage
- Stay in rooms with bad smells
- Temperature changes
- Colds
Headache and temperament
According to some reports, temperament can directly affect the nature and intensity of the headache.
For example, those who have a more lively temperament - choleric and sanguine - are more concerned about headaches in the region of the crown and temples, that is, the upper part of the head.
Slower people, melancholy, are more concerned about the pain in the neck. And phlegmaticians suffer most from headaches in the nose, these are long, severe deep pains.
Brain and headache
If you have a headache, be sure: it's pains anything, but not the brain. He does not have pain receptors, because the brain does not feel pain.
Nerve receptors as conductors of pain
Headache would not arise if there were no nerve receptors in our body that carry it. If the nervous receptors are affected by cold, heat, chemical agents, they are mechanically stimulated (say, by blows on the body or simply by touching), the patient perceives the nervous impulses arising from irritation as pain.
Since the receptors are located in different parts of the body, including in the head region, these parts of the body can be very painful. Where only our nerves are not located: in soft tissues (muscle area, artery walls, skin). There are these nerve receptors in the vessels located at the very base of the brain. Therefore, headaches can be troubling quite often when the receptors are excited.
Types of headache and their symptoms
There are more than 100 headache types. But of them physicians distinguish three main types. It's a migraine, a histamine headache and a headache. About them - more.
Histamine headache
She flies suddenly, half of her face hurts (one, not two). The duration of histamine pain can be from 20 minutes to two hours. Pain can be repeated again and again - but no more than 1 time during the day. Its duration can be up to several months.
The causes of histamine pain have not yet been clarified, despite the progressiveness of world medicine. It can overtake a person suddenly, even if everything seems to be a measure, taken and there are no visible reasons for the appearance of histamine pain. Most often this kind of pain happens in men.
Pressing head pain
Refers to the most common headaches. Characterized by the fact that the head can be squeezed, like a hoop. The localization of pain may be at the top of the head or in the region of both temples.
This headache more like a weaker sex than men. At least once in a lifetime, 80% of the world's women had migraines. With migraine, one half of the head usually hurts, and so that a person can neither move, nor work, nor sometimes even speak.
A good remedy for migraines is to place the patient in a dark room without extraneous sounds, smells and tiny shelves of light. Such treatment can act even without pills.
Headache and Diagnosis
If you are often visited by headaches, this may be a deviation in other systems and organs. Doctors say that headaches can be symptoms of more than 45 and various diseases, at first glance, not related to the head.
For example, it may be a malfunction in the kidneys or liver. Or worms that parasitize in some organ and pollute the body with toxins. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor for a comprehensive examination.
What is the difference between facial and headache?
There is a difference, and many do not know it. It is in the area of pain localization. For example, those pains that occur below the imaginary line of the eye and ear to the neck area are facial pains. What hurts from above is the head, and pains in that area are called headaches.
This distinction was devised by the physicians in order to make it easier for them to diagnose and explain the essence of the treatment to patients.
Treatment of headache by the power of the word
Such a technique, surprisingly, helps more than 45% of patients. That is, the headache can be cured not by medication, but by purely verbal (verbal) methods. Very often such an effect (a session of psychotherapy, a conspiracy, just a hearty conversation) can be reinforced with a pill. The person finally calms down and his head ceases to ache.
This means that most cases of headache are of a neurotic nature. As the tablet can be at all an analgesic, and an ordinary pacifier, placebo.
Products in the treatment of headaches
Some products have the property of curing a headache. For example, raspberries. It contains a natural analgesic - aspirin, which penetrates into the body in a very short time - within 30 seconds. With some types of headaches, it helps a lot, making it easier for the patient.
Chili pepper can also help to cope with headaches. In its composition there is a natural antibiotic capsaicin. It is so strong that pharmacists include it in the composition of adhesive plasters. Capsaicin is able to overcome even pain in the joints.
Mustard can help cope with a headache no worse than tablets. Of course, you do not have the mustard itself, so alternative medicine provides an addition to it - a slice of black bread. Eat it, and the head will soon pass.
The root of ginger, too, will do a good job in fighting headaches. It can be rubbed on a large grater, 1 ts.lozhka rubbed ginger pour boiling water and drink.
This simple remedy works well for colds, increasing immunity and relieving head pain. And rinsing the oral cavity with ginger infusion will help to cope even with toothache, not to mention the headache.
Garlic with a headache is also a good helper. It contains endorphins, hormones of happiness, just like an orange. Thanks to garlic, not only the human immunity is strengthened, but also the nervous system. A clove of garlic with black bread is able to drive away the headache.
But many spices with headaches are not recommended - they only exacerbate the painful sensations.