Human ear mite
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Today, more and more often we have to deal with various diseases caused by parasitic infestation. For example, the ear mite in humans in 90% of cases becomes the cause of inflammatory diseases of the ear with further spread of the pathological process to the nasopharynx and pharynx. The mite is quite difficult to remove. This pathology requires serious treatment.
Otodectosis (ear mite) is a parasitic disease caused by a mite called Otodectes cynotis. This organism lives and reproduces on the inner surface of the ear drum, in the ear canal, and can reach the eardrum. [1]
The structure of what an ear mite looks like in humans
Externally, it is impossible to see the ear mite with the naked eye. Its presence can be judged only by indirect signs, such as changes in the structure of the skin, the appearance of fatty deposits, a sharp rash, reddening of the skin. The structure of the mite is microscopic, as it looks like an ear mite in a person, can be seen only under a microscope. Quite well it is noticeable with the use of ordinary light microscopy. With the use of electron, luminescence microscopy, it is possible to examine the structure of the mite in more detail, and even notice its physiological features. [2]
The most informative data and important photographs, allowing to analyze in detail not only anatomical and morphological features, but also to draw conclusions regarding the developmental pathways of the mite, its life cycle, and the physiological processes taking place, were obtained using phase-contrast microscopy. [3]
Ear mites in cats
Ear mites can also occur in cats, but they are not dangerous to humans. There are many varieties of mites. Thus, more than 100 varieties of mites are known, each of which has its own specific features. Thus, the mites that affect the cat, choose as an intermediate host for their development it is the cat's hair. They have specific mechanisms by which they attach themselves to the cat's fur. The entire life cycle is also adapted to the peculiarities of metabolic processes, biochemical cycle of the cat. It is in the cat's body that the optimal conditions are formed not only for the existence, but also for further development and reproduction of the mite. It is worth noting that mites living in a cat do not just find optimal conditions of existence on their skin, but are perfectly adapted to these conditions. In other conditions they can neither take root nor exist.
There have been numerous discussions and options regarding the possibility of ticks infecting a cat. Scientists have also conducted experimental studies on this topic. As a result, today it is already possible to answer the question with complete certainty: is cat ear mite transmitted to humans? The answer is unequivocal: no. The reproduction and development of the cat mite on human skin and hair is impossible, because the structure of the skin, the structure of its glands, the composition and functions of the skin secretion do not contribute to the active settlement of human skin by such mites. In humans live other mites, which according to the systematics belong to a completely different systematic category. Mites inhabiting humans, on the contrary, are not adapted for existence on the skin and hair of a cat.
Life cycle of the ear mite
The ear mite Otodectes cynotis goes through several stages of development. Almost all development takes place in the human body as the main host. The initial stage of the life cycle is the egg. Its viability averages 28 days. It contains a large amount of spare nutrients, water, as these are all the reserves of nutrients for the embryo inside. Development is rapid. The egg provides nutrition and full development of the entire future mite individual. It is at this stage that the main organs and tissues are laid, and most of the organogenesis (laying and development of organs) takes place.
The second stage, which immediately follows the egg stage, is the larval stage. Thus, at this stage, the larva emerges from the egg. It develops quite rapidly, there is an active formation and development of organs. Often it has attachment organs, through which there is an attachment to the most convenient part of the human body, where further development and growth occurs. Thus, the larva actively consumes nutrients, improves the internal structure and increases in size. These are its main functions. It takes about 30-32 days to reach this stage, after which the next stage begins.
The third stage is called the protonymph (nymph 1). At this stage, the individual emerges from the larva. It has a maximally developed digestive system and organs of attachment, movement. She moves freely through the ear canal, skin coverings. As a result, it finds the most convenient place, rich in nutrients, tenaciously attached with the help of tenacious limbs and teeth. There is active feeding and growth, as well as a supply of nutrients. At this stage, the individual exists for up to 2 weeks. This is an intermediate stage. The individual does not yet resemble the adult stage, but is already sharply different from the larval stage.
In the fourth stage (nymph 2), significant transformations occur that facilitate the transition of the tick from the protonymph stage to the adult stage (imago). This stage is called nymph 2, and it is mainly directed towards adaptation to further adult life, accumulating nutrients.
Finally, the last stage is the adult, or imago. At this stage, the mite is fully formed, is at the stage of full development and fully formed, ready to reproduce. He migrates along the ear canal. It finds the most comfortable place for life and reproduction. It is in this place that the main activity of the mite occurs, its active feeding and reproduction. The life expectancy of an adult, depending on the conditions, varies from 28 to 40 days. During this period, the individual lays eggs, and the life cycle begins again. [4]
Recognizing the presence of a mite in a person Otodectes cynotis is quite simple. Symptoms are quite typical for this pathology, pathognomonic. Thus, when mites appear, itching, burning, irritation appear first. These symptoms gradually increase, intensifying the activity. As the mites multiply and develop, the severity of symptoms increases significantly.
Signs of ear mite infestation, in addition to increased sensitization and irritation, also develop an inflammatory process, the ear becomes red and rough. To redness and swelling, infection may join, as a result of which the inflammatory process intensifies. With the progression of infection, an infectious-inflammatory, and sometimes even purulent-septic process can develop. The danger is that the inflammatory process can progress dramatically, leading to the spread of infection and inflammation to other organs.
A frequent complication is an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx and pharynx. This is due to the fact that the nasopharynx is connected to the ear directly through the eustachian tube, which can also be subject to inflammation. Accordingly, there is a stuffy ear, sharply reduced hearing, pain in the throat, fever, nasality of the voice, runny nose, nasal congestion.
Differential diagnosis
To make a diagnosis, you need to see an otolaryngologist. He will conduct a comprehensive examination and make a diagnosis. With a visual examination (during the usual otoscopy), the doctor will already be able to suspect the presence of a mite. But in order to finally confirm the disease, it is important not just to diagnose it, but to make a differential diagnosis. This means that the symptoms must be differentiated from other similar cases and similar manifestations. The main method is the analysis for demodex, microscopic examination, scraping. Depending on the severity of the pathology, either a normal scraping from the ear canal or an extended scraping from the body surface may be required. This is especially important if symptoms have spread to other areas, including the scalp, neck, face (mainly in the form of severe flaking and rash).
Clinical examination - blood, urine, fecal analysis - may also be required for diagnosis. Microscopy will help to identify directly the mite itself, or products of its vital activity in the smear, to consider the features and specific characteristics under the microscope. Based on these data, it is possible to determine a clear systematic position of the pathogen, up to the species and genus. The more accurate this identification is, the more accurate and effective the treatment can be selected.
Ear fungus in humans
Against the background of an ear mite, skin irritation, a decrease in immunity can occur. This entails a violation of the microbiocenosis. Against the background of impaired immunity, there is a decrease in colonization resistance of microflora, resulting in a decrease in the number of representatives of normal microflora and an increase in the number of pathogenic flora. The first to react to changes in environmental conditions is the fungal flora, resulting in a fairly rapid development of ear fungus in humans. Faster always grow yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. It can develop as a solid white plaque with continuous growth. It entails an inflammatory process, erosions, diaper rash.
Local, isolated fungus can also develop, which manifests itself by single isolated colonies that are predominantly white in color. An inflammatory process develops beneath these areas. Candidiasis develops as an independent, single disease, or as a component of other forms of disease. It is often combined with other related diseases and forms of fungus. In complex with fungus, itching, burning, crumbly discharge develops. With mites in complex with the fungus develops excruciating itching, followed by maceration of the ear canal. Then there is the formation of gray-white suppuration, mucus, erosions are formed, sometimes even bloody discharge.
A dangerous complication is the development of progressive visceral candidiasis (systemic mycosis). It manifests itself as an inflammatory process that affects internal organs. Pathologies such as bronchitis, pneumonia, myocarditis develop. Often there is candidomycosis of the trachea, esophagus. The process progresses, affecting the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and nose. The most dangerous condition is necrosis of tissues, mucous membranes, in which there is a complete or partial die-off. The process may be accompanied by hearing loss, or its complete loss.
The diagnosis of a concomitant fungal infection is usually made on the basis of the results of laboratory tests, which include the obligatory bacteriologic culture, and microscopic examination of a scraping or biological sample. In the case of seeding, the fungus is indicated by characteristic growth, as well as the results of serologic and biological identification tests. Therapy upon confirmation is usually given for the type of fungal infection in addition to therapy for the ear mite.
Duck mite in humans
Against the background of decreased immunity are optimal conditions for the development of fungal and parasitic flora. Quite quickly develop various parasites. Duck mite, which develops in humans, is one of the varieties of mites. It can be transmitted to humans from infected birds through prolonged contact. In single contacts with infected birds, infection is rare. Diagnosis is based on the results of objective examination. Diagnosis is confirmed by the results of laboratory and instrumental studies, after which the appropriate treatment is prescribed. The main diagnostic method is scraping and bacteriological, microscopic methods of research. It is also important to prevent infection by periodic treatment of birds against mites.
Barn mite
The barn mite can be found in barns (as the name suggests). It can also be found in warehouses, cellars, and haylofts. Agricultural workers are often infected. In order to prevent infection, it is necessary to periodically carry out treatment and prophylaxis courses, treat grain, storage walls with special authorized means against mites.
The disease manifests itself in the same way as other varieties of mites. The leading sign is peeling, crusting, severe burning and itching. All this may entail an increase in body temperature. The incubation period can last up to several weeks.
Ixoid tick
Most often, when diagnosing an ear mite in a person, it is the ixodes mite that is detected (up to 85% of cases). This mite affects a person mainly against the background of reduced immunity. It is manifested by itching and burning, irritation. A person scratches the affected areas, as a result of which the disease only progresses. If an infection enters, a purulent-septic or infectious-inflammatory process can develop. For diagnosis, cultures and detection of the mite itself, its DNA or products of life directly in the smear or scrapings are performed.
Otitis media
It is an inflammatory process affecting mainly the middle ear, less often - the outer ear. The main signs of otitis media are sharp pain. Often there is a decrease in hearing, there is a blockage of the ear. In the absence of treatment can join headache, sharp pain in the ear, which spreads along the course of the nerve, and can cover the area of the teeth, gums. The danger is that the infection through the eustachian tube can migrate to the nasopharynx, pharynx, oral cavity. Against the background of the development of tick-borne lesions, it is doubly dangerous, because there is a simultaneous infection, there is a mite invasion.
There are different forms of otitis media. In particular, it can be acute and chronic. In acute otitis media, a sharp pain develops, which goes to the ear, tooth. It often happens that it is impossible to determine the exact source of pain. Pain and persistent hearing loss are often accompanied by tinnitus.
The simplest form of otitis media, which develops against the background of irritation of the ear canal, accumulation of products of mite activity, is middle adhesive otitis media. Otitis develops as a consequence of inflammation and prolonged fluid retention in the middle ear cavity. This leads to the fact that there is a violation of the normal conduction of the auditory ossicles, as well as the tubes that connect the middle ear and nasal cavity. As a result, adhesions are formed, ossicles are formed, and air conduction is impaired, resulting in decreased conduction. Treatment consists of injecting special drops, laying ointments. Also do blowouts, lavage and treat the underlying disease (respiratory tract, eliminate the mite). Pneumatic massage of the eardrum has a positive effect. Electrophoresis is also performed, with which drugs are injected directly into the tympanic cavity through the auditory tube. Surgical treatment is rarely used, but it is mainly performed in the presence of persistent adhesions that are constantly progressing and cannot be treated with conservative means. Degenerative processes and necrosis may require replacement of the auditory ossicles with polyethylene prostheses. A hearing aid may be required during rehabilitation.
A complication of adhesive otitis media is purulent otitis media, which is accompanied by the formation of pus in the middle ear cavity. This is the perforative form. The causes are all the same. It manifests itself with progressive, increasing pain, there is noise in the ear. After a few days, there is a sharp increase in body temperature, symptoms of intoxication appear. The disease is accompanied by weakness and fatigue.
An unfavorable sign is the appearance of pus from the ear. This indicates that the eardrum has ruptured. This alleviates the condition. If there is a risk of rupture of the eardrum, paracentesis is performed - an operation, the essence of which is that a person makes an incision in the eardrum and releases the fluid. Due to the fact that there may be a need for emergency paracentesis, the treatment is carried out mainly in hospital. This is also due to the need to monitor the course of the disease in progress, the need to take antibiotics strictly in compliance with the treatment regimen. Additional procedures are also carried out, which are also more effective and convenient to carry out in the hospital: washing the ear with hydrogen peroxide, injecting drops of antibacterial, antiparasitic action. Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed, treatment for the nasopharynx, including vasoconstrictor drops.
The disease requires mandatory treatment, as there is a high risk of complications such as meningitis, mastoiditis, and hearing loss. The prognosis depends on the treatment. So, if timely and correctly treat the disease, a full recovery is possible. But if you do not provide proper treatment, the disease can go into a chronic form.
Chronic otitis is characterized by a cyclical course, persistent perforation of the tympanic membrane, constant and periodically coming exacerbations and periods of remission. Most often develops precisely as a complication of otitis media, in protracted forms. It can also be a consequence of not only tick infestation, but also various associated pathologies, diabetes mellitus, rickets, avitaminosis, pathologies of the respiratory tract. From the ear there are mucous or purulent discharge, pus. In most cases, there is no specific odor, but sometimes a malodorous odor may appear. For diagnosis, radiographic examination is used (temporal bones are examined). A bacteriologic seeding of the contents of the middle and inner ear is also performed. Together with this analysis, an antibiotic sensitivity test is also performed.
The most dangerous and severe form of the disease is catarrhal otitis media, in which the inflammatory process involves all the cavities of the middle ear, tympanic membrane, as well as the auditory tube, mastoid process.
The usual conservative treatment is quite enough to completely get rid of the mite. It is obligatory to apply drug therapy, physical procedures. A nutritious diet is required, consumption of a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals. Appointed biological supplements, stimulants, homeopathic remedies, recipes of folk and alternative medicine, phytotherapy. An obligatory condition is sanitation of the oral cavity and respiratory tract. Therapy is mainly local, but with a prolonged or progressive course of the disease, systemic therapy may be required.
Local therapy consists in the permanent removal of crusts, pus. For this purpose, disinfectants are used. In order to normalize the state of the mucous membrane, astringent components are used.
Rinsing the ear with hydrogen peroxide solution is recommended. Antibiotic therapy is used both locally and systemically. The ear is first flushed with antibiotic solutions, then powdered antibiotics are blown into the ear. Intramuscular injection of the drug is recommended (in case of worsening of the condition, ineffectiveness of the applied local therapy).
The main means of physiotherapy are electrophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation, UHF, laser treatment. Balneotherapy, mud therapy, massage are prescribed in the conditions of sanatorium-resort treatment. If areas of granulation or polyps are found in the ear, surgical treatment is prescribed. Prescribe special means aimed at removing the mite. In particular, the ear is buried with oil mixtures, oils. Oil closes the entrance to the ear. Accordingly, the mite does not have enough air, and it tends to go out. Bactericidal agents such as dioxidine, levomycetin alcohol, sofradex) also proved to be good. Physiotherapeutic and vasoconstrictive nasal drops are used. When there are diseases of the throat and nasopharynx, local anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious agents are also used. If fluid accumulation, exudate may require paracentesis (incision of the tympanic membrane).
Treatment at home
The main types of treatment available at home - the use of folk, homeopathic remedies, herbal components. In the presence of a mite, it is recommended to drop oil and oil solutions into the ear. They can be prepared independently, or bought in a pharmacy in a ready-made form. Best of all, oil drops based on plant components that give the opportunity to quickly eliminate the mite, and at the same time to provide disinfection, reduce inflammation. Any oil or fatty base is used as a base.
- Recipe #1.
Heat to a half boil a mixture of sunflower and olive oil in a ratio of 1:2, then in the heated oil add linden flowers, chamomile, St. John's wort. Then dissolve 0.5 teaspoons of menthol dry and 0.5 teaspoons of propolis. Kept under a closed lid for at least 2 hours, after which 2-3 drops drip into the diseased ear, about 3-4 times a day. Duration of treatment - at least a week.
- Recipe #2.
Mix peach seed oil, grape seed oil in a ratio of 1:2, add 2-3 drops of coconut oil, then mix it all. Add 1 ml of concentrated extracts of cloves, thuja, 0.5 teaspoons of juniper leaf powder. All this is thoroughly mixed, then insist at least 2-3 hours, drip into the ear a few drops. Duration of therapy - at least 7-10 days.
- Recipe #3.
Glycerin is taken as a base. In it we add 2-3 ml of extracts of St. John's wort, St. John's wort, calendula flowers, peppermint. All this is mixed, insist at least a day, drip into a sore ear three times a day. Then put a cotton turunta, put dry heat on the ear.
- Recipe #4.
In the castor oil add 2-3 drops of essential oils: sage, chamomile, plantain leaves, yarrow grass.
- Recipe #5.
We take corn oil as a base, add to it 1 ml of alcoholic infusions of the following plants: dandelion medicinal, three-leaved vahta, fennel fruit. All this is mixed, insist on an hour, then drop into the ear a drop 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment - at least a week. You can also lubricate the area around the ear, the ear lobe.
Drops and ointments for ear mites
All drops and ointments used for ear mites should be applied regularly, at least 7-10 days. They should be fresh, prepared on a fat base. This determines the main mechanism of action: fat clogs the entrance to the ear canal, the mite lacks air, and it goes out. Additional components included in the composition of the means have an anti-inflammatory effect.
- Recipe #1.
For the preparation of ointment take karite and shea butter, mixed in a ratio of 1:1. Melt on low heat until completely dissolved, stirring constantly. In the resulting solution add about 15 grams of melted on a water bath or steam propolis, 3-4 drops of essential oil of goldenseal, St. John's wort, stir thoroughly and allow to solidify until the formation of a homogeneous mass. Apply a thin layer in the ear canal, on the ear lobe.
- Recipe #2.
Drops prepared by yourself can be put into the ear. They are prepared on the basis of alcohol. For preparation, take half a teaspoon of gentian rhizome, chicory herb, melon grass, yarrow roots. All this is poured alcohol, insist at least 3-4 days. Add 2 ml of camphor alcohol. Drop 1-2 drops in the sore ear 2-3 times a day.
- Recipe #3.
To apply to the affected area, use ointment anti-inflammatory composition: 1-2 teaspoons of three-leaved bush, fennel fruit, peppermint, chamomile, pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid. Infuse until the decoction is warm. Then pour in pre-melted butter, use to lubricate the ear canal, the area around the ear.
- Recipe #4.
To prepare drops for the ear take a teaspoon of linden flowers, flax seed, licorice roots, aspen leaves, pour about 500 ml of vodka or pure alcohol, then add half a teaspoon of dried cloves field. Then add 50 ml of glycerin. All this is insisted for at least 3-4 days, injected into both ears 2-3 drops twice a day. The course of treatment - a minimum of 28 days (full biochemical cycle).
- Recipe #5.
To prepare oil drops, as a basis take in equal parts decoction of chamomile, mountain ash juice, decoction of St. John's wort herb and decoction of calamus berries. Take about 2-3 tablespoons of each component, add about 5 grams of ground cinnamon and the same amount of ginger, pour 50 ml of heated petroleum jelly, insist at least 5 hours, injected into the diseased ear in small amounts twice a day, 28 days.
- Otodectosis
This is a veterinary medicine that comes in the form of an ointment. Humans can also use this ointment. Otodectose is applied in a thin layer directly into the ear canal, or on the area around the ear. Quite effective, side effects are rare. This is due to the fact that for humans, the pharmaceutical industry produces few drugs that can effectively affect the mite. Veterinary drugs, if properly calculated, can be used to treat people (after all, man is also an animal according to the biological systematics).
- Amitrazine
A veterinary drug used for the treatment of ear mites in animals. Amitrazine is given at 200 mcg per 1 kg of body weight (animals). Humans can also be given this drug at the same dosage. It is controlled, dermatologically safe and effective.
- Ivermectin
Represents a veterinary medicine. The advantage of veterinary drugs in the treatment of human diseases is that they do not cause side effects, and allergic reactions almost never occur. This is due to the fact that pure active ingredients are used without any additives, impurities (animals have strict quality control for drugs, the requirements for their quality are more stringent than for humans). Ivermectin is an ointment that is applied in a thin layer to the ear, as well as put in the ear canal itself.
- Avermectin ointment
It is used to lubricate the external ear canal, the area around the ear. The main attention should be paid to the area behind the ear. Avermectin ointment is used not only for the treatment of ear diseases, but also for the treatment of demodex localized on the scalp, face, chest. It is applied in a thin layer. The course of treatment is at least 14 days.
- Otopheronol Gold
It is an ear drop used not only to treat mites, but also to eliminate inflammation, congestion, and prevent infection. Veterinary drug, which, if necessary, is prescribed to people. It is better to use for adults. For children, it is better to use other means approved for use in pediatrics. Otopheronol Gold is prescribed 1-2 drops, into the sore ear. The maximum dosage should not exceed 5-6 drops per day.
Prevention of the ear mite
The basis of prevention is the observance of hygiene rules - this is the main and basic preventive measure. It is also important to eat properly, include in the diet the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals, regularly undergo preventive examinations, if necessary - timely treatment. Do not take cats and dogs in bed, when in contact with yard and stray dogs, wash your hands thoroughly. Do not keep animals near the face of the head, ears. In addition, it is important to maintain a high level of immunity, since the development of the disease is possible only with reduced immunity and disturbed microflora.
In most cases, with proper and timely treatment, the prognosis will be favorable. Ear mite in humans is quite easy to eliminate, especially if you use fatty, oily drops, from which they suffocate. Treatment will prevent the reproduction of mites, the progression of the disease, infection, the development of the inflammatory process. If not treated, complications may arise. The main complication is otitis media.