How to lose weight after menopause: alternative drugs, drugs, nutrition
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A sharp change in weight in any direction, at any period of life, can be a disturbing signal. Perhaps the body is sick and the person needs to be examined urgently? With age, these changes are most often reduced to undesirable completeness, especially exciting women. How to lose weight with menopause, want to know many of them.
Can I lose weight with menopause?
Dramatic weight loss with menopause should not please, but worry the woman. After all, the cause can be ailments, including serious ones: from pathologies of the thyroid gland to banal worms.
Diabetes mellitus, nerve disorders, oncology are the most common diseases in which weight loss is possible. In this case, to determine the reasons, it is desirable to be examined, at a minimum, to make ultrasound and laboratory tests, in order to eliminate the cause of weight loss on their basis.
But more often it is the other way around: perestroika during menopause promotes excessive fullness, as a result of which a woman begins to torment the question: Can I lose weight with menopause? Moreover, the problem is not only aesthetic: weight gain is directly proportional to the risk of developing breast cancer.
It is characteristic that age completeness, which appeared before menopause, is evenly distributed over the female body; fatty acquisitions of the climacteric period are deposited mainly on the abdomen and thighs, and then we are talking about a figure resembling an apple. It is better, of course, not to allow fullness, but if this did not succeed, how to return the figure to the attraction, how to lose weight with menopause?
Successfully resisting completeness is helped by such measures:
- activity - sports, walking, jogging, gymnastics;
- water procedures: swimming, visiting the sauna;
- rational nutrition of natural products;
- control over your own appetite and calorie food;
- frequent dishes, in small portions (up to six times 300-350 g);
- unhurried chewing;
- during the day it is useful to have a snack with fruits, sour-milk products, dried fruits;
- breakfast should be dense, and dinner - light;
- cook stewed, boiled, baked dishes;
- drink enough fluids;
- Do not get involved in diets;
- tune in to positive.
Promotes weight loss renunciation of well-known harmful foods and dishes: fast food, ketchup and mayonnaise, salines and marinades, smoked meat and muffins. Instead, the menu should be low-fat varieties of meat and milk products, seafood, fresh herbs and fruits, vegetables, cereals and bread with bran.
Alternative means for losing weight during menopause
The problem is how to lose weight with menopause, old, although perhaps less worried about the former women than our contemporaries. Without going into detail, it can be noted that the reason is in various lifestyles, fashion trends in earlier times and today, when the prerequisites for completeness are laid long before the onset of menopause (hypodynamia, bad habits, stress, overwork, etc.).
But alternative means for losing weight during menopause were relevant at all times. This is evidenced by the saying that women after forty get better "not from cutlets, but from years." With the aim of losing weight, great-grandmothers successfully used herbs, which for a long time understood the sense. Modern women are less knowledgeable about herbs, but they can use prepared recipes, including those from the Internet.
Alternative methods are aimed at saturation of the female body with useful components in menopause, prevention of age-related diseases, strengthening of protective forces, improvement of general condition and appearance, normalization of sleep and well-being. The means containing phytoestrogens, antioxidants and other necessary ingredients are used.
An indicative list of alternative agents that facilitate the course of menopause and promote weight loss:
- clover infusion;
- royal jelly (and other bee products);
- tea from oregano;
- juices fresh;
- tincture of the peony;
- soybean;
- alfalfa;
- linen;
- licorice;
- hop;
- red grapes.
Infusion of red clover is prepared as follows: take 2 tbsp. Spoons of raw materials on a glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos night (8 hours). Take after filtration, a quarter portion for half an hour before meals. Infusion has astringent, diuretic action, restores the protective barrier of mucous membranes, supports the skin, hair, nails in a healthy condition, promotes sexual activity.
Bee products are taken fresh (during the breeding of insects), pharmacy - in capsules, pollen is mixed with honey. Course - two months. As a result of taking a woman, the appetite and metabolism normalizes, the mood improves, self-regulation of the hormonal system starts.
Natural juices perfectly clean the intestines, enrich the body with minerals, vitamins, phytoestrogens, antioxidants and other biologically active substances. So, the cucumber juice acts as a mild diuretic, normalizes the acid-base balance; Celery juice contains an optimal amount of calcium and sodium, promoting the assimilation of Ca. Pure fruit juices are too sweet, so they are better combined with vegetable.
If there are various abnormalities in the work of organs and systems, it is recommended to consult with a doctor about the treatment of herbs and juice therapy.
Food for weight loss with menopause
In addition to menopause, other factors are also to blame for the unwanted weight gain:
- cell aging;
- decreased metabolism;
- Unhealthy Lifestyle;
- stress and accumulated fatigue;
- hypodynamia;
- heredity;
- thyroid disorders;
- some other pathologies.
Stopping on the issue of nutrition for weight loss with menopause, you should, first of all, eliminate overeating. Excess food delivers to the body unnecessary calories, with which the aging organism can not cope, and therefore forced to send them to the reserve. Fatty depots, as a rule, are located in the abdomen and hips, hence the "apple" figure.
Avoid excess fatness is possible, and many sources give their own recommendations about this. All of them note that a set of rules (in particular, physical activity) is needed, but nutrition for losing weight with menopause is crucial.
Change the food should be in two ways: reduce the caloric content, and the weight of each serving. In the diet should not be dominated by animals, but vegetable fats (olive, sunflower, peanut), on the table daily there are vegetables, fruits, protein foods, fish, salads without mayonnaise, a variety of nuts.
"Forbidden fruits" in the form of sweet, flour, roast, smoked, salted should be excluded from the menu or at least severely restricted. Imperceptibly reduce the portion helps a little trick: eat should be from a small plate. A psychologically complete small plate seems more "satisfying" than an incomplete big one.
Experts warn against severe diets: they during the menopause not only will not help, but can damage and aggravate the problems with the figure. Therefore, you need to lose weight slowly, but confidently.
Now about drinking. Soda, especially sweet, harmful a priori, especially in the menopause. Therefore, the drinking regime remains standard: to drink up to two liters of clean water a day.
Menu with menopause to lose weight after 45 - 50 years
For weight loss, it is important to correctly organize the diet, calories and the amount of food consumed. Practical tips on how to lose weight with menopause:
- First of all, do not "get hung up" on food; life is rich and diverse and menopause is not a reason not to notice it.
You do not need to consume more energy than to expend. To reduce your appetite before eating, it is always helpful to drink a glass of water or eat an apple.
You should get rid of the habit of arranging a tea party at work with the indispensable "cookies" and homemade cakes. The best snack dieticians call apples (green) or nuts. And if you can not without tea or coffee, then you should not sweeten your drinks. It is known from practice that it is possible to develop such a habit in just a few days.
Water. In order not to forget about it, it is advised to keep it on the desktop and drink a little - not only feeling thirsty, but periodically during the day. There is an opinion that it also helps to give up sweet tea and coffee.
Dieting with menopause is not recommended, but a weekly unloading once a month is very handy. The diet menu should contain a maximum of calcium, especially necessary for the body in the menopause. A classic menu dish with menopause to lose weight after 45 - 50 years is a curd-banana mixture.
- Bananas relieve digestion, promote weight loss, remove cholesterol and toxins. They are useful in many climacteric related diseases of the digestive organs, hypertension. Just a few days, curd-banana diet can get rid of 3 - 5 kg.
Of course, we must not forget about moderate, but regular physical exertion. It is not necessary to achieve a sudden drop in weight in any way. This is not just undesirable, but dangerous: due to rapid weight loss increases the risk of metabolic disorders and the occurrence of obesity.
Diet pills with menopause
The problem of how to lose weight with menopause is often solved with the help of pharmacological drugs. Fortunately, diet pills for menopause in pharmacies are sufficient.
However, only an expert can understand them, so it is hardly reasonable to take menopausal medications on the advice of incompetent people. A competent approach involves laboratory examination and doctor visits; only a physician is able to offer a drug suitable for you personally.
The reality is that the drugs with hormones, the doctors are attributed only in cases where there was an extensive hormonal failure and other methods of losing weight are ineffective. But taking hormones is not a panacea. To reduce weight, a woman still needs a lot to move, follow the diet, do not overeat and do not get carried away by harmful foods.
Homeopathic remedies help to increase the level of estrogen and eliminate excess weight: remens, femicaps, feminale, tsi-klim, klimadinon, estrovel. In the list of drugs promoting weight loss - femaston, angelik, kliminorm. The drug reducesusin effectively reduces appetite, and xenical reduces the absorption of fat.
Life expectancy has been steadily increasing in recent decades, but the age of menopause is unchanged. It comes after 40 - 45 years and as a whole does not depend on external factors. This process can not be influenced, but it is quite possible to learn another: how to lose weight with menopause with the help of rational nutrition. This is to preserve in this way the youth, health and external attractiveness of the body.