How to get rid and what to do with itchy head: alternative means, masks, shampoos
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Since the itching of the head is only a sign of any pathology or condition, it is necessary to determine and get rid of the underlying cause to eliminate it. In most cases, this can only be done by a specialist who will perform the necessary diagnostics and only then will prescribe a certain kind of therapy.
Treatment can consist of such activities:
- use of certain types of shampoo;
- reception of medicines;
- changes in diet;
- external use of medicines.
How to eliminate and how to soothe the itch of the scalp ? This can be done if you know exactly the cause of the trouble.
If it is skin parasites, then it is necessary to treat the head with a special antiparasitic agent. To date, there are a lot of potent drugs that will quickly and qualitatively get rid of lice and nits - for example, Nyuda spray or Pedikulen Ultra, Paranitis spray, Medilis Bio lotion, etc.
Fungal lesions should be treated with antifungal agents, which in most cases contain ketoconazole - an effective component that eliminates dandruff and itching, as well as preventing their reappearance.
If you scratch your head because of depriving, then the affected area is released from the hair and treated with antifungal agents and iodine solution. Good help and tar oil.
With the allergic process, the basis of treatment is the elimination of the allergen. After that, in most cases, the allergy passes by itself. Sometimes you need an additional intake of antihistamines - for example, Suprastin or Tavegil.
Means for itching of the head
With scabies mite |
Anti-scratch drugs:
Sulfur ointment from the itch of the head can be used in adults and children from 3 years of age. The drug is applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day, not only with scabies, but also with seborrhea, sycosis, psoriasis, fungal diseases. Do not let the ointment get on the mucous membranes and eyes. |
In demodecosis |
Tablets from the itching of the head and to get rid of subcutaneous mites:
Ointment treatment with benzyl benzoate, sulfuric ointment, Dexodem Fito. |
With pediculosis |
Basic anticonvulsants:
Handling of head, clothes, bed linen. To use kerosene and DDT (dust) is strongly discouraged, as these agents can cause allergic shock, angioedema, irritation of the skin. |
With excessive dryness of the skin |
Means for dandruff and itching of the head with a moisturizing effect:
Oils from dandruff and itch of the head perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin, increase the resistance of hair to negative irritating factors:
It is recommended an additional intake of group B vitamins, PP, A, E. |
With fungal lesions, including seborrhea |
Therapeutic shampoos on the basis of ketoconazole, klimbazol (2-3 times a week). Rinse with essential oils: add a few drops of oil in rinse water, shampoo or hair balm. Essential oils from dandruff and itch of the head:
In severe forms of fungal infection |
Ointments and creams from an itch of a head, are applied mestno, under indications:
These funds are prescribed after a laboratory-confirmed fungal nature of the disease. Inside take the pill: Fluconazole, Terbinafine, Ketoconazole, for a week. |
With hypovitaminosis |
Depending on what vitamin in the body is not enough, prescribe the reception or injection of appropriate drugs. |
With allergies |
Antiallergic (antihistamine) tablets from the itch of the head:
In severe cases, the use of corticosteroids and antidepressants is possible. |
With a nervous itch |
Soothing drugs:
Healing head shampoo
Than to wash a head that was not scratched? Several drugs are known, the effect of which is initially directed at getting rid of unpleasant itchy sensations.
- Nizoral is a common detergent that is produced by Belgians. In its composition antifungal components are present, so shampoo can be successfully used to combat dandruff, deprive, seborrhea. Nizoral acts at times more effective than any other means of dandruff: the point is that its action is not temporary, but therapeutic - and therefore, eliminating the problem at the root.
- Sulsen - another therapeutic shampoo, eliminating the immediate causes of that it itches the head. The remedy is also suitable for getting rid of unpleasant sensations, and for their prevention. Sulsen is applied in small amounts on wet hair, and after a gentle rubbing, it is washed off with warm water.
- Sebozol is a shampoo that is recommended for use by people suffering from fungal diseases on the head. Such diseases are usually accompanied by the appearance of dandruff and itching. The remedy successfully relieves pityriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. For therapeutic purposes, Sebozol is used twice a week, for a month, and in prophylactic - once a week.
Mask for the head from itching
At home, you can prepare a mask that will help ease the condition and relieve uncomfortable sensations. There are many recipes for such masks, for example:
- Mix the raw yolk, 1 tbsp. L. Castor oil and 1 tsp. Tinctures of calendula. Mass rubbed into the skin, covered with cellophane and wrapped with a towel, kept on the head for about 2 hours. After rinse, use a suitable shampoo. The procedure is repeated twice a week, for 4-6 weeks.
- Mix 4 tbsp. L. Kefir, raw yolk and 1 tbsp. L. Oil (suitable burdock, olive). Distribute the mass over the affected area of the skin, hold it under the cellophane and towel for about 2 hours, rinse with shampoo. Repeat 22-3 times a week.
- Mix 2 tbsp. L. Base oil (for example, burdock, olive) with essential oil: 5 cap. Rosemary, 2 cap. Citrus, 4 cap. Eucalyptus. Apply to the skin in the form of a mask twice a week.
Sometimes vitamins help to correct the situation with itchiness. Many people have itchy sensations due to a lack of certain substances in the body. Most often, this is observed in winter or spring, mainly with malnutrition with a small amount of plant food.
What vitamins can be missed if it itchs?
- Vitamin A provides a normal function of the sebaceous glands, creates protection against dandruff.
- B vitamins - normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, promote the restoration of skin, eliminate dryness and unpleasant sensations associated with it.
- Biotin helps to restore the skin, eliminates dandruff.
- Ascorbic acid - provides protection to the skin, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues, prevents the development of infections.
- Vitamin E enhances the action of vitamin A, improves skin and hair.
In order to evaluate which vitamins are not enough in the body, you can pass a special analysis in the laboratory. As a result of this analysis, the doctor will be able to specify exactly which vitamin is needed, and in what form it should be taken. In some cases, the usual change in the dietary intake in favor of fruits and vegetables can help.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
When the head is itching, along with general treatment, physiotherapy is often prescribed. The treatment course can consist of such procedures:
- drug electrophoresis in the itching area, darsonvalization of the skin;
- UHF effect on the zone of discomfort, with ultrasound on the collar area;
- light therapy, thermal procedures;
- cryotherapy, head and neck area massage.
Let's highlight some of the most effective and common physiotherapy methods and tell about each of them separately.
- Galvanization is a method that acts by direct current of low voltage. When the tissues come into contact, heat production takes place, enzymatic substances and bioactive components are formed. As a result of galvanization, local metabolism and microcirculation improves, cell structures are renewed, and the endocrine system is normalized. The method does not apply if the itching is caused by cutaneous pathologies.
- Electrophoresis allows stimulating blood flow in the scalp, preventing damage to the skin, eliminating even severe itching. Most often, such medicines as Magnesium B 6, nicotinic acid, zinc sulfate are used. Electrophoresis is not used if the skin has signs of inflammation.
- Electrostimulation is especially recommended if the patient suffers from a nervous itch. The impact of a constant pulse current leads to the release of enzymes, endorphins, which stimulates the endocrine system, improves metabolism in tissues, strengthens local skin protection. Electrostimulation is not performed with eczema, dermatitis, pregnancy.
- Darsonval with the itch of the head is applied most often. This method implies the use of alternating high-frequency current. The course of treatment, which consists of 10 or 15 procedures, can significantly improve trophic processes in the skin, optimize vascular permeability, normalize muscle tone. The apparatus for carrying out the procedure is a kind of comb, which makes slow movements in the direction from the frontal to the occipital region. Sometimes patients note that the head is even stronger from darsonval: this happens if the patient has sensitive skin, prone to dryness. With dry skin, the darsonvalization method is not recommended.
- Laser treatment is the use of infrared and ultraviolet rays, under the influence of which new cellular structures are formed, trophic and blood flow improves. Ultraviolet strengthens hair, eliminates pathogenic flora, which can be actual in the treatment of seborrhea or lichen. Infrared rays warm the tissues, dilate the vascular lumen, optimize glandular secretion, soothe the inflamed skin, and remove irritation. The course of laser therapy includes up to 12 sessions.
Alternative treatment of pruritus of the head
On the condition of the skin in the region of the head, alternative means can have a positive impact. There are a lot of them, but each person can choose a suitable recipe for himself.
Home remedies for itching help many people, but: if after several applications the result is absent, then it is necessary to visit a doctor and find out the cause of discomfort with him. Thanks to this, it is possible to exclude the appearance of many serious conditions and diseases.
Vinegar from the itch of the head helps quickly and efficiently. It is bred with water at a rate of 1 part vinegar for eight parts water. The solution is rubbed into the scalp, left for 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. It is better to take natural apple cider vinegar for treatment, but you can also use ordinary table (not essence). Also, a similar solution is often used as a conditioner after a standard head wash.
Instead of vinegar it is useful to use essential oils. If your head itches, experts recommend adding 5-6 drops of oil to 250 ml of water. The solution is treated with skin and hair, left for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water. For the procedure, tea tree oil, coniferous oil, peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil are optimal.
It is useful to wash your hair and skin with a decoction of apple peel: the skin of apples is boiled in boiling water for five minutes, then let it take another half an hour. With a warm filtered decoction water the head, then wrap it with a towel and wait 20 minutes. The procedure can be repeated up to three times a week.
Another effective tool is a decoction from the bulb of the bulb. To prepare the decoction remove the upper dark leaves of onions and pour them with boiling water, keep on fire for about 5 minutes. After cooling, the broth is filtered and used for rinsing. The head after this procedure does not itch, and the hair becomes more healthy and soft.
Many people are helped by baking soda in the fight against the itch of the head - however, this method is recommended only for those who have natural hair that is not colored. The fact that the soda solution perfectly washed almost any paint from the hair. In order to prepare a remedy for itching, take one liter of hot water, dissolve in it 2 tablespoons of soda powder. To fix the effect, you can add a few drops of essential oil - for example, lavender or rosemary. Such a solution can be used, both for washing the head (instead of shampoo) and as a rinse aid. The procedures are repeated once in 4 days, before getting rid of the problem.
Herbal Treatment
If your head itches because of too dry or sensitive skin, you can regularly rinse with infusion of nettle leaves, chamomile or calendula flowers, decoction of the oak bark. Medicinal plants help to stabilize the function of sweat and sebaceous glands, restore the protective cover. And to enhance the healing effect of herbs after the treatment of the head, several minutes should be given to an easy massage of the skin with the death of your fingers. Tapping and stroking movements will accelerate local blood circulation and improve trophic processes.
If the itching of the head is caused by improper application of hair dye, then the problem can be solved with garlic and onion juice. This or that juice in equal proportions is mixed with olive oil and lemon juice, after which it is distributed over clean and damp hair. They cover their hair with a cap and wait about half an hour. Next, the mass is thoroughly washed off and rinsed with slightly acidified water (use lemon juice or a small amount of vinegar). This tool should be used regularly - once in 7 days.
A good remedy for the skin and hair is sage, which is used as infusions, decoctions, rinses, or include it in special masks. Helps sage from the itching of the head, from dandruff, from hair loss, dry skin or, conversely, excessive fat content. To prepare the antipruritic agent take 1 glass of dry plant raw materials and one liter of water. Place the raw material in boiling water, cover with a lid and stand for 45 minutes. Next, the infusion is filtered and applied in a warm form to rinse the head. The agent can be used as needed, optimally - 3 times a week, until the soybean is permanently improved.
Homeopathic preparations are successfully used for many painful symptoms, including if the head is itchy.
If there are no skin rashes, then itching, depending on its manifestations, can be eliminated with the following drugs:
- itching with tingling - Rus, Graphite, Mercurius solubilis;
- sensations of itching with burning sensations - Arsenicum Albumum, Causticum, Phosphorus, Graphite;
- a feeling of crawling-Sepia, Pulsatilla, Sulfuris, Sekale;
- itching, especially worrisome in the heat - Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulfuris;
- itching, especially worrisome in the cold - Gepar Sulfuris, Causticum;
- itching, which is aggravated by carding - Rus, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus.
With a strong itch against the background of high fever and rashes apply Aconitum, Agaricus.
With discomfort, redness, swelling, Anacardium will help.
The homeopath appoints the dosage and the frequency of reception individually - this depends not only on the causes and manifestations of the disease, but also on the age and constitution of the patient. Side effects during treatment with homeopathy are minimal: allergic processes are recorded only in isolated cases.
As a rule, the help of a surgeon with an itch of the head is not required.