Herbs for cleansing the intestines
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Herbs for bowel cleansing are actively used in medicine for many decades. This fact is related to the fact that human health depends on a clear and coordinated work of all organs and systems. One of the foundations for the existence of our body is fully synthesized proteins, for the formation of which it is necessary to work as clearly as possible the digestive system, which allows us to assimilate nutrients qualitatively. The largest digestive organ of our body is the intestine. It is in it occurs the splitting of complex fats, proteins and carbohydrates with their further assimilation. It is in the intestine that some vitally important amino acids and vitamins are synthesized, for example, Vitamin B6 and vitamin K. Like any organ that works constantly and with high loads, the intestine needs some measures that support its working capacity. The most accessible way to take care of your own intestines is to clean it.
Herbs for bowel cleansing are an example of a sparing and effective "preventive" repair. For living organisms, it is necessary to periodically take a supportive course of vitamins and trace elements, diet, the use of "unloading" days, purification, the colonization of bifido- and acidobacteria. To date, there are many ways to clean the intestines at home using herbs, a certain set of products or medicines. In any case, when choosing the means for cleansing, you should consider the time it will take to restore normal bowel function.
Purifying the intestines with bran
Cleaning the intestines with bran can be the easiest and most enjoyable way to clean. Ordinary bran (the product of whole-grain processing) contains a grain envelope, partially a seed of grain, have high fiber content and very low caloric content. Purification of the intestines with the help of bran begins in the morning, the brewed bran should be eaten for breakfast, a little later, in an hour, you can have breakfast again, but exclude salty, fatty, spicy, fried. The essence of the method is the use of coarse fiber, which, when brewed, is saturated with water, creating a large volume of mass with virtually no calories. By irritating the walls of the intestine, a large volume of coarse fibers passes as a broom along the entire length of the intestine, strengthening its peristalsis. Cleansing the intestines with bran causes a feeling of satiety, promotes weight loss, normalizes the stool and stimulates the secretion (especially the gallbladder).
How do they clean bran?
Duration of reception of bran is individual. Due to the fact that this kind of product is not addictive and has almost no side effects, the use of bran can not be limited in time, however, to exclude the development of the syndrome of "irritated bowel", you should take breaks in reception without abusing this natural remedy. The most optimal option is to recognize the monthly breakfast courses brewed bran with monthly breaks. Brew bran should be mandatory, as taking a dry product can have an excessive irritant effect and lead to microtrauma mucosa.
How often should I clean?
If necessary, the reception of bran can last for life without long breaks. The only thing that limits the reception of porridge from bran, is the factor of eating bran as a type of food. However, bran can be salted, a little sugar, used with different oils, which somewhat brightens the monotony.
Juice cleansing
Juice cleansing of the intestine, in contrast to cleansing with bran, is somewhat more complicated, but no less effective. When choosing juice, it should be borne in mind that the most natural juices are apple, grape, tomato (or vegetable). Remember that potato juice contains a lot of raw starch and can be fastened. Juices from fruits that do not grow in your area can be prepared from concentrates containing a large amount of sugar, among them, fake drinks are most often found. The most effective are freshly prepared juices (from the moment of preparation to consumption, it should be as short as possible, since the oxidation and deterioration of the product start from the moment the plant cells are destroyed). When using industrial juices, you should remember about sugars and preservatives, information about which should be on the package. If the presence of preservatives is simply not beneficial, then excess sugars can cause fermentation in the intestines, add some weight, cause thirst and generally reduce the benefits of purification.
How is juice cleansing of the intestines?
It is indicated to people who do not have gastritis, gastroduodenitis, ulcerous or pre-ulcer states. These limitations are associated with the presence of fruit acids and the irritating effects of juices. When juice cleansing should be hungry diet, some juices (for example, cabbage) can cause flatulence, continue the process of cleansing during the day, the amount of juice, as a rule, does not limit.
How often should I clean?
It is advisable to carry out such cleansing not more than 1-2 times a month. Many juices irritate the intestinal mucosa, some are so bactericidal that they depress the flora. Remember that the acids contained in the juices can adversely affect the tooth enamel.
Apple cleansing of the intestine
Apple purification of the intestine involves the use of apples whole, not separating the flesh. Mature apples, as a rule, do not contain a lot of acid, but still can irritate the gastritis prone to mucosa, this feature should be taken into account when choosing varieties for cleansing. For apples to cleanse the intestines, ripe, whole fruits should be picked up, in no case should they show signs of spoilage or breach of the integrity of the peel (colonies of various microorganisms develop very rapidly in the nutrient medium in the presence of fructose). Apples contain not only vitamins, but also pectins - soluble dietary fiber. Unlike crude insoluble fiber, pectins most gently affect the intestinal mucosa (but remember that the rind of apples refers to a rough insoluble fiber and can go out in undigested form). Pectin is practically not absorbed by a person, therefore, the caloric content of a diet is determined only by the fructose (sweetness) of the apples themselves.
How is apple cleansing done?
Use apples in quantities of up to 2 kg for 1 day, the use of other products is excluded. The frequency of such days should not exceed 2 times a month. With apple cleansing, you can drink water (ordinary or mineral) as a drink.
How often should I clean?
In the absence of obvious problems with the intestines, and as a preventive measure, it is enough to perform apple cleansing of the intestine once a month. As a rule, after the New Year very few vitamins are stored in apples, the quantity and quality of pectins does not change. Remember that the acid contained in apples can destroy the tooth enamel, so you should rinse your teeth thoroughly after each apple reception.
Purification of the intestines with raw vegetables
Purification of the intestines with raw vegetables in practice looks like raw diet in combination with vegetarianism. For this method, any vegetables from which salads are traditionally prepared, as well as certain types of vegetables that can be eaten raw (for example, cauliflower), are suitable. If you resort to the method of cooking salads, you should remember that the salad can be filled with any vegetable oil and slightly salted. Different sauces, spices and sour cream can not be consumed, so you should also exclude the use of other products (especially potatoes in cooked form, bread).
How to cleanse the intestines with raw vegetables?
You can not combine purification with the use of sugars (and fructose including, which is contained in juices and fruits). Approximately 2 kg of vegetables per day can be consumed approximately, more than 24 hours it is irrational to continue purification, since fiber from raw vegetables will perfectly cope with cleaning a day, a longer period of consumption of only raw vegetables can lead to a change in the microflora of the intestine, and some substances in vegetables with prolonged reception (for example, carotene in carrots) are able to stain skin and sclera.
How often should I clean?
Repeat cleaning with raw vegetables can be 1-2 times a month, it should be borne in mind that in winter, many imported vegetables can contain preservatives. After the New Year, the amount of nitrates in domestic vegetables is almost always below normal, but in autumn nitrates in vegetables can contain much more.
Cleansing the intestines with herbal infusions
Cleansing with herbal infusions requires a person to know the medicinal features of herbs.
Most often used such herbal infusions:
- Seeds of spicy herbs (dill, fennel) should be taken in equal shares, rose hips (fruits) take 5 times more herbs, immortelle (inflorescence), buckthorn (bark), birch (kidneys) in equal proportions with spicy herbs . In 1 liter of boiling water put 2 tablespoons of collection, insist 40 minutes and take half a cup for 30 minutes before eating.
- Inflorescences of tansy, fennel seeds, bark of buckthorn in equal proportions mixed with motherwort, dandelion root and yarrow in proportion 1 to 5, brew with 2 liters of boiling water a spoonful of collection, insist half an hour and take half a cup for 30 minutes before eating.
The root of the althaea, the horsetail of the field and the seeds of flax in equal proportions, mix, take 1 tablespoon of the collection, boil 1 glass of water and boil 10-15 minutes, insist an hour and take half of the broth before bed, the second half in the morning.
It should be borne in mind that the composition of herbs is prepared, as a rule, in a combination of lax, bile and sodic and disinfecting properties of plants. For example, from herbs with a laxative effect, choose the bark of buckthorn, a leaf of cranberries, a centaury, a marsh, tansy, horse sorrel. Herbs with choleretic effect: dandelion root, corn stigmas, calamus root, leaf of wild strawberry. Herbs with aseptic effect: calendula flowers, chamomile flowers, thyme, sage.
In cases where treatment is required with a certain pronounced effect, the herbal infusions can be cleansed by a nutritionist or herbalist. Special consideration should be given to individual intolerance to the components, possible immediate allergic reactions, the effect of habituation and accumulation.
Cleansing with herbal infusions can have a prolonged effect, which should be considered working. To clean the herbs should not be more than once a week, except when the reception of herbs is necessary - for example, tableted senna leaves and buckthorn bark can replace artificially created laxatives for many years.
Cleansing the intestines with wormwood
The cleansing of the intestine by wormwood is one of the types of cleansing with herbs, but differs in that wormwood has slightly toxic properties, with prolonged admission, the accumulation effect occurs and can manifest itself in changes in the psyche (nervousness, altered perception of flowers, sleep disturbances, lack of appetite). Collect wormwood for treatment in ecologically clean areas, take in dry form (powder) and in the form of teas. As a rule, cleansing of the intestine with wormwood is associated with the need to expel parasites or eliminate putrefactive processes in the intestine.
How do I cleanse the intestines with wormwood?
For the entire course, 50 to 100 grams of powder are sufficient (depending on the age and weight of the patient). In case if wormwood tea is chosen as a cleansing, the course also can not exceed 7 days. Tea is brewed at the rate of 1 teaspoon of wormwood per 1 liter of boiling water. Tea from wormwood is brewed and drunk no more than 0.5 liters during the day, regardless of food intake, the remaining 0.5 liters is used as an enema. Be sure to exclude all products of animal origin, spices, alcohol, nicotine.
How often should I clean?
The course is carried out once and in a complex manner (not more often 1 time per year for 7 days), the restriction is due to the toxicity of the plant. When taking Artemisia it is forbidden to use animal proteins, animal fats, sugars, spices, alcohol. The first 3 days of wormwood take every 2.5 hours in the form of a pinch of powder, regardless of food intake, washed down with water. Next 4 days of sagebrush take every 5 hours. When there is an individual intolerance (allregia), the reception is discontinued.
Cleansing of the intestines with celandine
Cleansing the intestines with celandine refers to the herbal method of cleansing the intestine, but celandine, like wormwood, is a poisonous plant. All parts of the plant are used, but only fresh. Purity helps with polyposis of the stomach and intestines, with atony (without diverticula and obstruction), as a powerful bactericide. To cleanse the intestines, the celandine is collected in ecologically clean areas, applied or made enemas. When cleaning celandine, the strongest allergic reactions are possible. In undiluted form, products from celandine are used exclusively externally.
How to cleanse the intestines with celandine?
Everything begins with a preparatory diet (a gentle diet is observed a few days before cleansing), then the celandine juice diluted with water (5 drops of juice dripped into a glass of boiling water, covered and waited until the solution cools down, half diluted with any neutral drink) is taken on a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for 5 days. At reception of tea from celandine observe a sparing diet, alcohol and smoking exclude.
Cleansing the intestines with celandine as therapeutic enemas requires preparation in the form of not only a sparing diet, but also the implementation of cleansing enemas before enemas with celandine. Then 50 g of celandine grass is grinded (kneaded) and poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water. When the solution has cooled, it is diluted in half with plain water and used as an enema. Basically, this type of purification is used to control polyps of the intestine, as an antibacterial agent.
How often should I clean?
Purity due to its virulence can be recommended in exceptional cases, however, given its effect, the duration of administration depends on the result achieved - eliminating polyps, reducing the growth rate of tumors.
Cleansing the intestines with rice
Rice purification can also be recommended as an effective means of cleansing the intestines. Rice contains a significant amount of coarse fiber, which enhances intestinal motility and works with a sponge, sorbent, absorbing toxins and wastes. However, rice also contains a sufficient amount of starch, and other substances that get rid of, so that the rice grain becomes a sorbent, prepare the rice as follows:
- rice should be soaked for 5 days in cool water (it is better to keep it in the refrigerator);
- water should be changed in the morning and in the evening;
- After 5 days, rice should be cooked and stored in the refrigerator.
How to cleanse?
Apply the rice in the following way - cooked soaked rice in an amount of 0.5 kg is divided into 5 portions and eaten 1 serving in the morning on an empty stomach for 5 days. After taking rice, you should not eat in the next 3-4 hours (from 3 to 4 hours you need a stomach to evacuate a portion of rice into the intestine). Simultaneously with the beginning of taking the first portion of the prepared rice, the next 0.5 kg of rice is soaked.
How often should I clean?
Soak and prepare the following portions in order that the total amount of time for cleansing with rice does not exceed 40 days. To conduct a course of 40 days should be 1 time per year.
Collection of herbs for bowel cleansing
Human health in many respects depends on digestion and qualitative absorption of nutrients by the intestine. To improve the motor and intestinal microflora, it is recommended to arrange unloading days, populate bifido- and atedobacteria, drink grass for cleaning the intestines.
The following fees are most often used:
- Seeds of spicy herbs (dill, fennel) should be taken in equal shares, rose hips (fruits) take 5 times more herbs, immortelle (inflorescence), buckthorn (bark), birch (kidneys) in equal proportions with spicy herbs . In 1 liter of boiling water put 2 tablespoons of collection, insist 40 minutes and take half a cup for 30 minutes before eating.
- Inflorescences of tansy, fennel seeds, bark of buckthorn in equal proportions mixed with motherwort, dandelion root and yarrow in proportion 1 to 5, brew with 2 liters of boiling water a spoonful of collection, insist half an hour and take half a cup for 30 minutes before eating.
- The root of the althaea, the horsetail of the field and the seeds of flax in equal proportions, mix, take 1 tablespoon of the collection, boil 1 glass of water and boil 10-15 minutes, insist an hour and take half of the broth before bed, the second half in the morning.
In cases where treatment is required with a certain pronounced effect, a dietician or an herbalist selects herbs for cleansing the intestines.
When using any method of cleansing the intestine, it should be remembered that purification with poisonous, slightly poisonous and conventionally poisonous plants is categorically contraindicated to pregnant women and children. Any course of cleansing should begin with consultation with a general practitioner (therapist, family doctor). If necessary, systemically (constantly) take any medications should take into account their interaction with the chosen method of bowel cleansing, as well as the fact that some methods presuppose sorption (absorption) of various chemical substances, including medicinal ones. Herbs for bowel cleansing should be selected carefully, taking into account side effects from their intake.