Cleaning the body of toxins and toxins
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The body, like any system, requires care. Only with careful care can you demand from your body an appropriate return. Therefore, cleaning the body of toxins and toxins is included in the category of health procedures. The attractiveness of this technique is that it can be easily carried out at home.
Cleaning the body of slag at home
Throughout life, the human body is gradually deteriorating and becoming contaminated. Nature has created a person so that he can restore and cleanse himself. But modern living conditions, food and stress have done their job. The organism of modern man is not able to cope with all the "dirt" that clogs his organs and systems today. Therefore, he needs help and cleansing the body of slags at home is a sufficiently popular topic, which is of interest to many respondents today.
Toxins and slags are poisons that poison our body. Their accumulation is capable of causing sufficiently significant disruptions in the operation of systems. At the same time, the immune system, metabolic processes, cardiovascular system, brain cells and so on are affected. This problem also leaves its imprint on the appearance of the person: the skin loses its natural healthy appearance, taking a greyish shade; The nails become more fragile, the hair loses its shine, becoming a dry straw. All these factors eventually lead to a more rapid aging of the entire human body.
The level of slagging dieticians are divided into seven stages, accompanied by various pathological symptoms.
- At this stage, the person begins to feel increased fatigue, even after a good rest.
- General weakness, the onset of a headache, the appearance of excessive sweating. Against this background, it is possible to reduce the immune defenses and, as a result, infectious infestation, leading to gastric disorders, an increase in body temperature.
- If during this period the body has not received support in the form of cleansing, the condition is aggravated, passing to the third stage. In this case, there is an exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases: otitis media, tonsillitis, inflammation of the hemorrhoids, tonsillitis and so on.
- With an even greater aggravation of the situation, the slag conglomerates pass to the conservation stage, causing stagnant phenomena: the formation of sand and stones in the kidney and bladder, the formation of cysts and papillomas.
- This stage of slagging of the body is characterized by manifestations of osteoporosis, rheumatoid symptoms, and also the weight of the patient (both in the smaller and larger side) can dramatically change.
- At this stage, the body begins to experience signs of intoxication. Bleeding toxins are carried throughout the body, hitting it. Perhaps the manifestation of symptoms of Parkinson's disease, as well as partial manifestations of paralysis or sclerosis.
- This is the last, most difficult stage of "littering" against which the immune level is sharply lowered, which leaves the body unprotected even from cancer invasion of various organs.
Cleaning the body of slag at home should be a natural procedure, like hygienic care for the body. This procedure can be called prevention of health and longevity.
To achieve maximum efficiency, you should plan a schedule of cleanings. Consistency of organs to be cleansed:
- Intestines.
- Liver.
- The kidneys.
- Stomach.
- Pancreas.
- Blood vessels.
- Respiratory system organs.
- Blood.
- Brain cells.
- Musculoskeletal system.
- Epidermis.
Cleaning of the intestine
This body is most full-scale contaminated with slag. Cleaning from intestinal slags consists of procedures using herbal enemas and oral administration of herbal infusions.
Climping is carried out using a special mug Esmarha. The time of the procedure is recommended in the area of four to five hours in the morning. If this time period does not suit you, you can spend it in the evening.
First you need to prepare a solution, divorcing a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar two or three liters of boiled water, cooled to room temperature. In the absence of apple cider vinegar, it can be replaced with freshly squeezed lemon juice or citric acid.
The finished "medicine" is poured into the mug of Esmarch and lifted by no less than a meter height. The patient is placed on the left side of the body (and only on it - this is due to the peculiarities of human anatomy). One more variant of a pose at conduction of enema - knee-ulnar. After the pose is taken, the anus is very carefully, so as not to damage the tissues, a hard tip is inserted, previously oiled with petroleum jelly. The clip-fuse is removed. It is necessary that the liquid slowly enter the intestine of a person. After all the medicine is entered, it is necessary to sustain at least 10 minutes. During these it is desirable to slightly resemble, bouncing. After a measured period of time, you can visit the toilet, removing the slag conglomerates along with the liquid.
A good effect of the procedure is obtained with enemas performed using herbal decoctions. In general, these are plants with pronounced antiseptic characteristics: sage, dill or flax seeds, officinal chamomile, plantain leaves, birch leaves, buds, calendula, oregano. It is only necessary to clarify that such a decoction must be freshly prepared.
For cleaning, you can also use oil, which is infused with flax seeds. It is taken three times throughout the day immediately before a meal. The duration of cleaning is from seven to ten days.
The mixture is prepared quite simply. To do this, one hundred grams of plant product is first ground into flax flour. It is poured with unrefined sunflower oil and mixed thoroughly, leave to infuse for seven days. Miracle - the mixture should be shaken periodically during this time.
Joint reception of "medicine" with dishes on a plant basis will allow to cleanse the intestines during this time.
Cleaning the liver
The liver is a cleansing system of the body, the first to take on the effect of any poisonous substances, including toxins. To cleanse this body, such herbs as St. John's wort, corn stigmas, birdwort (sporach), bearberry are common.
For the preparation of the composition, all herbs are taken in the same parts (one tablespoon), crushed and mixed. Collect the collected in a jar or other vessel, filling it with two liters of boiling water. The vessel is wrapped and left to stand for 30 minutes. After that, the liquid is filtered. Drink it should be shortly before the main meal three times a day, for a month, then a three-week break is necessary.
During the time when the body rests from the decoction of the decoction, a person should take an oat broth. It can be prepared by taking half a glass of oat grains and filling it with freshly boiled water. The capacity is put on the fire and held for 30 minutes on a small flame. The reception schedule is similar to the previous one.
This alternation of herbal and oat broths is recommended to be done three times.
But this is not the only way to purify your body. There are many more such recipes.
Cleansing the kidneys
Kidney can be attributed to the system of filters, they collect and remove, together with urine, all the excess from the body. When you begin this stage of purification, you should set yourself up for a long process. Effective cleaning of the kidneys can take a lot of time: from six months to three years or more.
Perhaps, the most "tasty" and highly effective method of purification of the organ under consideration is watermelon. Until recently, there were even dispensaries and sanatoriums that practiced this method of cleaning. In this case, watermelon should be eaten, sitting in a bath filled with warm water. Warm water expands on the urinary tract, and watermelon, having diuretic properties, effectively drives the liquid, which captures sand and small stones. But this should not be risked, if ultrasound has shown the presence of a sufficiently large stone, in such a situation, a blockage of the ducts is possible, which is an indication for immediate hospitalization of the patient. Therefore, in order not to get into a similar situation, it will not be superfluous to undergo a medical examination before cleaning and obtain permission from a specialist.
The duration of the procedures is seven days, then two to three weeks of rest and again a week of procedures. In these seven days a man should eat only black bread and watermelons.
No less high result shows the reception of dogrose and the corresponding herbs. To clean the root of the dog rose. Suitable and dried and fresh product. It is poured with boiling water in the ratio of one part of the dogrose - six parts of water. This composition should be placed on a stove and cooked on low heat until the volume decreases by one third. To strain. The reception of this product does not depend on the time of consumption of food. It is drunk little by little throughout the day. The daily norm for an adult is four glasses, for children - one or two.
Purification of the stomach
When "contaminated" with slag of the stomach, its functional efficiency is significantly reduced: the process of producing gastric juice deteriorates, which invariably affects the quality of digestion, and, accordingly, on digestibility, food. As a result - the emergence of stagnant phenomena, leading to the fermentation and decay of food, perforation of the mucosa, the appearance of erosions and sores, weight gain.
In order to clean, often use eggplant. Dietary food on its basis allows you to clean the wrinkles of the stomach. Tartontic acid, present in this vegetable, splits fats perfectly, so eggplant is present in many diets for weight loss.
The essence of cleaning in the exclusion for the period of this procedure, a number of products: bakery products, meat dishes, salt, dairy products.
Aubergine can be eaten in any form: boiled, cooked on a grill, baked, steamed, fried on a small amount of vegetable oil.
The prohibitions include taking the liquid both before and after eating. It is necessary to maintain an interval of half an hour. During the day allowed to take unsweetened herbal teas.
But this is not the only method of cleaning the stomach. You can choose your choice on coniferous broth, taking needles of fir or pine. Five tablespoons of the crushed product are placed in half a liter of boiled water and boiled in a small flame for ten minutes. After this, wrap the wrap and leave to infuse in the darkened place for ten hours. Strain and, storing in a thermos, it is necessary to drink this volume throughout the day in a warm form.
Against the background of taking this "medicine" you should monitor the state of urine. If the turbidity is gone and the released liquid has acquired transparency - the cleaning procedure is completed.
In this situation, and decoctions of wild rose berries, mint leaves, pharmacy chamomile and sporis.
Pancreatic cleansing
The basic processes of metabolism, both fatty and carbohydrate, occur precisely in this organ of the human body. Therefore, its cleaning is just as necessary as the procedures described above. Modern methods are quite effective.
Recipes that make it possible to clean this very body are many, we will only voice a few of them.
- In the thermos, put ten leaves of laurel and pour 300 g of freshly boiled water. Sealed, infused for 24 hours. After that, the laurel infusion should be drunk 50 ml before meals three times throughout the day. The duration of "treatment" is two weeks.
- Buckwheat groats show high efficiency. It is poured with fat-free yogurt (0.5 liters) and insisted throughout the night. A glass of buckwheat should be eaten in two sets: in the morning (on an empty stomach) and in the evening before going to bed. The duration of the procedure is ten days.
- Another high-performance cleaner, based on milk and root parsley. The duration of the purification is three days. You can prepare the medicine by twisting two kilograms of roots in a meat grinder. Chop the parsley should be poured in 3.5 liters of milk and simmer on a weak flame for an hour and a half. For three days of cleaning except for this composition, you can not eat anything.
Purification of blood vessels
If a person has set himself the goal of clearing his body, without cleaning the vessels, it will not be complete. There are several ways and methods for conducting it today. Just remember a couple of them.
Take in equal amounts horseradish, peeled garlic cloves and lemon. These ingredients grind and pour a quarter liter of boiling water. Put the mixture in the refrigerator for a day. After insisting, the drug takes 20 drops directly before meals.
Take fresh or dried leek leaves. Grind them and pour twice the volume of vodka. Put the vessel in the light and let it brew for twenty days. Drain. This cleanser should drink five to ten drops.
Cleansing of lung tissue
Frequent respiratory infections, infections of the lungs - all this may indicate the "contamination" of lung tissue, the accumulation of mucus in them, nicotine (if a person smokes or is often in a smoke-filled room).
This recipe assumes the use of cheap and affordable products.
Take oat grains (not washed) in the amount of one glass and inject in them half a liter of low-fat milk. The vessel is put on a plate and on low heat is pinched until the volume is reduced by half. Brewed corn grind, passing through a sieve. This broth should be drunk in half a glass three times throughout the day. Evidence of the process of purification can be considered the appearance of a wet cough. This indicates that the sputum began to recede.
As practice shows, the following composition works wonders. It not only cleanses the lungs, but is also used to treat pulmonary diseases even in neglected form. To make it, use pine resin (the approximate size of this piece is about 5 cm) and three green pine cones. These ingredients are filled with half liters of freshly boiled milk. The whole composition is placed in a thermos bottle, clogged and left to stand for four hours. The resulting infusion should be well filtered using at least five to six layers of gauze. It is taken a glass a couple of times a day: before breakfast and dinner. The duration of treatment is one to two months.
Cleansing the blood
One of the main methods of purifying blood is the method of enterosorption. At the same time, it can be called effective in cleaning other systems and organs of the body. For example, such as the organs of the digestive tract.
Enterosorption is an adsorption procedure with activated charcoal. This product reduces the amount of lipids in the blood. At the same time, he actively binds toxic compounds, removing them from the body. The duration of cleaning is from two to four weeks.
The intake is calculated as one tablet per ten kilograms of a person's weight. In this case, within a month it is desirable to drink a sufficient amount of pure water and eat the lungs in digestion products.
Another recipe for purification is the use of herbal infusions. For its preparation, one should take one part of the nettle, one part of the crushed dandelion roots, three parts of the elderberry buds, three parts of the spring primrose. All the ingredients are combined and take one teaspoon of the mixture, filling it with 200ml of boiling water. It is necessary to drink three such infusions throughout the day.
Another effective decoction, which will be useful even for children, is prepared from a string. You should insist a tablespoon of medicinal plant in 200ml of boiling water. Leave it for forty minutes. After that, the infusion can be drunk. To improve taste and effectiveness, honey can be added to the medicine. Take it should be twice a day.
Purification of cerebral vessels
In order to prevent cerebral blood vessels, you can use medication, and you can do with the methods of alternative medicine. It is desirable to carry out this procedure once a year.
High efficiency shows an inexpensive composition, prepared on the basis of a normal walnut. In this case, this product is used not in one, but in a number of ways to prepare a cleansing drug.
It is necessary to crush one ring of pineapple (the thickness of the piece is about 1.5 cm) and a tablespoon of nut kernels. Such a composition pour a tablespoon of honey. After stirring, leave for a day to insist. Take a tablespoon four times throughout the day. Duration of admission is a month.
Another recipe: you should clean one head of garlic, grind it. Add 200ml of unrefined sunflower oil. Stir well and leave in a cool place for 24 hours to brew. After this time, the composition is filtered and the juice of one lemon is injected into the liquid. Drink before a meal on a teaspoon of oil. The period of admission from one month to three (the time interval depends on the state of human health). After you take a break for a month and repeat the course.
Cleaning joints
The greatest enemy of the musculoskeletal system is salt, gradually deposited in the joints. It is not only possible to suspend this process, but it is also vital.
One such product is rice - this is a wonderful natural sorbent. It is possible to activate its similar characteristics by prolonged swelling in water. Soaking clears the starch from the grains, leaving the cellulose. A particularly attractive feature in this respect is the unpolished product. But the reception of such rice has its opposite side: it causes a deficiency of calcium beneficial for the body. Therefore, in order to prevent the development of such a result, it is necessary to eat dried apricots, baked potatoes in the skins, and raisins.
We are ready to offer the most effective, albeit rather troublesome, option for cooking rice. To do this, take five liters. The first day in one of them to fall asleep two tablespoons of grain and completely fill with water. The next day the "old" liquid is poured off, pouring in fresh, and the second jar is poured with rice and supplemented with water. On the third day in the first two vessels, the liquid is changed to fresh, similarly formed by a third jar. And so before using five liters. On the sixth day, the grain of the first can is boiled until ready. In the other tanks we change the water, and again we put another portion into the liberated can. This purification procedure is carried out for forty days.
A good result shows a decoction of potatoes. To get it, a kilogram of tubers is well washed and, together with the skin, is boiled in three liters of water. After readiness, the liquid is decanted and cooled. This broth should be drunk throughout the day.
Cleaning of the skin
The skin is on one side a barrier, and on the other a sponge through which the body withdraws excess fluids (in the form of sweat), the production of sebaceous glands, harmful substances. But if the pores and passageways are blocked - this invariably affects not only the condition of the skin, but also the body as a whole. As an integral part of the body, it also needs hygiene and periodic cleaning.
One of the recipes that can clean the dermis, saving it from acne, can serve as a collection: nettle - 100 g, chopped burdock root - 100 g, turn - 100 g, celandine - 50 g. In the amount of collection you need to enter 600 ml only that the boiling water. Wrap up and leave for an hour, then drain and take two to three times throughout the day.
The clogged pores can be cleaned and using corn flour, rubbing it into the dermis in the morning and before going to bed. This procedure will give an opportunity to get rid of the rash.
After the person has completed the course of complete purification, the condition of the skin changes significantly, the work of the brain is activated, memory and concentration are improving, a person begins to feel much better. He, less tired, withstands higher loads.
Against the background of purification, the metabolism is normalized, which allows you to normalize your weight by getting rid of excess kilograms.
Preparations for cleansing the body of toxins
Do not stand still and modern medicine. To date, the shelves of modern pharmacies offer a variety of drugs to cleanse the body of toxins.
To support and purify the liver, a person can poprinimat such pharmacological agents, made on the basis of plant components, like milk thistle and kelp.
To clean and normalize the functioning of the intestine are capable of drugs such as lizalak, linex, probifor, baktisubtil, lactobacterin, florin forte, bioinorm, efidizhest, acilact and others. Here you can also include live sour-milk products. They are designed to restore the intestinal microflora.
To rid the body of the effects of taking antibiotics, you should take all the same listed your pre- and probiotics. Suitable and activated charcoal or white coal. When cleaning the body, you can use sorbents such as enterosgel, polysorbent or polyphepan.
Cleansing the body with alternative means of toxins
While reading this article, not one recipe has already been mentioned, on the basis of which it is possible to cleanse the body with alternative means from slags. But there are a lot of such methods, so it's worth remembering some more of them.
- This method is quite popular. It allows you to clean not only the liver, but also to improve the entire body. This composition is still known as the "elixir of youth". Its preparation takes a few minutes, and the benefits are invaluable. To do this, mix olive (or other vegetable) oil, lemon juice and honey. This composition should be drunk on a teaspoon 30 minutes before the first morning meal.
- Rice jelly effectively cleans blood vessels and mucous membrane of the digestive tract. This dish is easy to prepare. It is necessary to grind the rice to the state of flour with a coffee grinder. Rice flour diluted with a small amount of water. Boil water and gently pour the diluted rice, stirring constantly. To improve the taste of jelly, you can add dried fruits or a mixture to the liquid. For two liters of boiling water you need half a glass of rice flour. 200ml jelly should drink sutra on an empty stomach. Drink recommended in small sips. Duration of admission is seven days.
- Very useful in this regard and vegetable freshly squeezed juices. Take recommended small swallow. The most effective in this regard are juices, made from beets and carrots. This purification technique requires the necessary preparation. Before you start cleaning three days before this point, you should eat plenty of vegetables. In this case, they are not thermally processed, being taken in raw form. From the carrot, its juice receives fiber, beta-carotene and numerous minerals. Such a composition conducts an effective detoxification of the gastrointestinal tract and other body systems. Useful and cabbage juice, which works well for the cleavage of stool stones in the intestine. It dilutes the hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach, preventing the formation of ulcers and a copy on the mucous wall. Beetroot juice is recommended to use, previously withstood in a cold place for two to three hours. Start-up beet juice should be diluted with water a little and only in time it is possible to bring its concentration to 100% natural. Due to its properties, vegetable juices improve the general condition of the body, the aesthetic characteristics of the skin, and also contribute to the discharge of excess kilograms, bringing the weight of a person to normal.
- The desired result and proper cleansing (especially the liver) is obtained when using this composition. Two tablespoons of cranberry leaves are laid in a metal container, as many leaves and birch buds, a full glass of washed, but unpeeled oats. This amount is poured in two liters of boiling water and left to be infused. In parallel, in another container, pour 200 ml of water and put it on the fire. In the second saucepan add a glass of wild rose berries. Bring the second composition to boil and at this point, inject two more tablespoons of corn stigmas and two tablespoons of spores. These ingredients should be kept on fire for a quarter of an hour. Both formulations must be decocted well, then mixed. The finished liquid should be placed in a glass darkened container and placed in a cool place. It can be a refrigerator or a cellar. The schedule of reception is as follows: the first day - 50 ml of medicine, the second day - 100 ml of medicine, from the third to the tenth - 150 ml. Medicinal liquid is recommended to drink once a day for half an hour before the proposed meal.
Cleaning the body of herbs from herbs
Cleansing the body is not only a special event that a person plans and performs accurately. It is possible daily, little by little, cleaning the body of the slag with herbs. This happens when taking medicinal plants in salads, in the form of herbal teas and broths, in other dishes or as separate components of food. How useful salad cleansing herbs can be called parsley, basil of any sort, celery, dill, onion, coriander and many others. Such a diet will protect or significantly reduce the level of accumulation of toxins and toxins in your body.
But if in time there was a need or desire more essential "to put things in order in your body, after cleaning", then herbal preparations are something that you should pay attention to. Only the advice given above remains in force: before proceeding with cleansing, it is necessary to consult with the attending or district doctor and undergo a checkup so that the situation when taking medicinal broths does not harm the body, as in the history of the patient there was some pathology.
Correctly made curative decoctions from medicinal plants activate the work of the immune system, stimulate metabolism, normalizing the work of the organism as a whole. They increase the tone of internal organs. At the same time, their ability to bind and derive free radicals, as well as diuretic characteristics, can effectively work to purify the body of slag conglomerates and other harmful substances.
It should only be remembered that if you want to get the result, and not waste time, you should take the decoctions and infusions systematically, performing the necessary schedule. It is also worth patience - it's a long process, which can last not for one month, or even a year.
In this article, we are ready to offer several options for therapeutic cleansing fees.
One of the most popular and used in practice is the collection of five components: the herb of immortelle, birch buds, chamomile, the leaves of wild strawberry, the herb of St. John's wort. These ingredients are taken in the same proportions, crushed and thoroughly mixed. To prepare the broth, two tablespoons of the collection are used, which are filled with half liters of freshly boiled water. The composition is placed in a thermos bottle, and left overnight. In the morning, the broth of the herbal mix should be drained and taken twice a day with a teaspoon of natural honey (preference should be given to linden honey, but any one).
This collection perfectly cleanses the body of salt deposits and slagging. Its special orientation is the joints, kidneys and the sexual sphere of a woman. Infusion of a similar herbal mix relieves the body of harmful fats, is the prevention of the formation of sand and stones in the kidneys and bladder. It stabilizes the work of metabolic processes, strengthens the nervous system, which is important for a modern man with his crazy life rhythm. It is also useful for people with cardiovascular problems, as well as for diabetics.
In the light of the problem being solved, one should also recall a seemingly unpresentable, growing cleanliness everywhere, like a weed. Its medicinal characteristics have been used for a long time by our ancestors in the coping of many problems. They treated pathologies of a dermatological nature. To date, the results of numerous studies prove the effectiveness of using celandine in the fight against cancer cells.
It is worth immediately warning those who want to try this plant. The juice of celandine is poison. Therefore, during the cleaning or treatment it is necessary to use the recommended dosages with high accuracy, since any deviation from the permissible safe amount of the drug is fraught with great health problems.
For an adult, the maximum allowable daily amount can be considered as the ratio of a teaspoon of a plant to a glass of water, which has a temperature close to 100 ° C. Schedule intake - three times - four times throughout the day for two tablespoons. To obtain the expected effect, it is recommended to drink the medicine immediately before eating. The duration of the course of purification is two weeks.
Not the last place in the solution of the created problem is given to medicines prepared on the basis of common nettle, which we have been afraid of since childhood. But its extraordinary medicinal properties have been used since ancient times. Especially it is not replaceable in the procedure of purification of blood and blood vessels. Infusion of the nettle activates the kidney function, relieving these organs of excess fluid and harmful compounds. It also has a positive effect on the protective forces of the human body.
Use this plant can be both fresh and dried, nettle does not lose its medicinal properties. Doctors advise to brew it and use it instead of tea. To get the effect of cleaning, you should drink about three to four cups of this drink per day. If a person has no problems with the kidneys, and he is not prone to swelling, then this composition can be safely applied for six months, without doing any breaks. After this period of time, you can make a month's rest and resume cleaning again.
It is worth remembering another gathering that will not only benefit, raising the body's immune status, but it will give you a taste of pleasure. This is a tea made from the leaves of black currant and raspberry, with the addition of berries and hips. These ingredients are allowed to be used both as a monotrack for making a drink and as a collection from them. Both the first and second case of tea preparation favorably affect all systems of the human body, while effectively removing slags and toxins.
Another herbal mix that works effectively for cleaning is the medicinal plants taken in equal proportions (100 g each) - chamomile, immortelle, birch buds and yarrow. One tablespoon of this mix is enough, which is infused for 30 minutes in half a liter of boiling water to get a medicinal broth. To improve the taste of the drink in it you can immediately add a little honey before taking. Take 200 ml immediately before going to bed.
Perfectly showed themselves berries of mountain ash, taken daily in an amount of 300 grams throughout the month. As a mono-drug, you can take and yarrow infusion, steamed in a thermos. Three tablespoons for half a liter of boiling water. And the medicine is ready. Drink one-third glass three times a day. The same infusion can be obtained and in another: a glass of boiling water pour a teaspoon of herbs and leave for an hour. After this time, the infusion to the reception is ready.
Perfectly clean the blood and juniper berries. To do this, use them fresh. Initially, these are five berries. Every day one is added. It is necessary to bring up to 15.
Our body is created by nature almost perfect. He is "learned" to perform cleaning independently within his systems and organs, but due to the fact that modern man has significantly changed his rhythm of life and, most importantly, the diet, those substances that are present in our food, significantly clog our body, which is no longer able to cope with this garbage. Hence the deterioration of health, exacerbation of chronic diseases. This is reflected in our skin: we get an unhealthy grayish skin tone, brittle nails, dry hair resembling a patch. Therefore, cleaning the body of toxins and toxins is not a whim of people turned on their own kind and state of health. This is the prevention of good health, improving the health of the whole body, as well as the beautiful view that we see in the mirror!