Fracture of the semilunar bone: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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ICD-10 code
S62.1. Fracture of the other (their) bones (her) wrists.
What causes a fracture of the semilunar bone?
Fracture of the semilunar bone occurs as a result of a fall on the wrist, withdrawn to the ulnar side.
Symptoms of fracture of the semilunar bone
Complaints of pain and limitation of movements in the wrist joint.
Diagnosis of fracture of the semilunar bone
Examination and physical examination
On the back surface of the middle of the wrist is determined by the swelling. The axial load on the III-IV fingers, the palpation of the area of the semilunar bone and the rear extension of the hand are painful. Movement in the wrist joint is limited due to pain.
Laboratory and instrumental research
The leading diagnostic method is radiography. Pictures must be made in two or three stacks: facet, profile, half-profile. As with a scaphoid trauma, in doubtful cases, control radiography is performed 2 weeks after the damage - during the period of rarefication.
Treatment of fracture of the semilunar bone
Conservative treatment of fracture of the semilunar bone
Treatment for compression fractures and fractures without displacement is performed on an outpatient basis. Anesthesia, the volume and shape of the cast is the same as in the case of fractures of the scaphoid bone. In the period of fixation, UHF, LFK of static and dynamic types are prescribed. The period of immobilization is 8-10 weeks with the subsequent development of movements in the wrist joint and the joints of the hand.