Foot training with feet bones
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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To the bone on the feet did not develop, you need, first of all, to train the foot. Then the ligaments, tendons, small bones that are in the foot are trained. This is also an excellent tool for injuries - a person training their own feet, gets injured when falling 3 times less often than someone who has problems with flexibility.
Good advice for beginners
When you are practicing exercises on the flexibility of the foot, after the exercises you should feel pleasant fatigue in your feet. This means that gymnastics has gone to your advantage and therefore, it has a good effect. If you have not felt tired, but just ruminated - then the load for you is too small, it should be increased. How to increase - you will feel yourself when you are tired of exercise.
To the effect of exercise was even more, be sure to do after your exercises a good contrast shower for your feet. The shower relieves tired feet, activates blood circulation in them, invigorates and tones the entire body.
Exercise to strengthen the ligaments
This exercise not only strengthens the muscles, but also helps them tone up, and strengthen the ligament apparatus.
The starting position is sitting. Pull out your legs, do not strain your feet, keep them free, leaning on your heels. Here you will not only work with your feet, but with your hands. Squeeze the fingers of your feet with your hands, so that you get a handful in your hands. Keep your toes up to three minutes (until you stand). You do not need to tighten your toes until it turns blue, but you need to strain.
Then relax, straighten your back, stay in a relaxed position for up to one minute. And again we repeat the exercise. So you need to do 3-4 times. This exercise is good to do in the evening, after coming from work, and unloading the legs is required. It will effectively help the feet to unload, remove negative energy, adjust to a healthy rest.
Exercise to relieve spasms from the fascia of the soles. With these exercises, if they continue every day, it helps to lengthen the fascia of the sole, but not only. This is an effective way to deal with a painful bone on the legs, a calcaneal spur, pain under the knees, back pain, numbness of the limbs. And who said that different organs and parts of our body are not connected? A loin was bad - the leg got sick, and the bone is growing on the next day. Therefore, with the slightest pain in the feet and lower back apply it, and soon everything will be in order.
Sit on a chair, put your feet so that they are perpendicular to the floor surface. Reserve a big ball for tennis. Place the ball on the floor so that it assumes a static position, rather than rolling on it. Now put the stops on the tennis ball and roll the ball around the floor, firmly pressing on it. Then we do the same thing with the other foot - back-forward - and vice versa. Movements should not be fast, but strong.
It is necessary to perform until the foot warms up, the heat must go all over the leg. The approximate time for which this exercise is performed is up to four minutes.
Exercise for joint mobility
This exercise will make it possible to activate lymph flow and blood flow in the joints, strengthen the ligaments, and also fight (and competently fight!) With arthritis, which provokes the appearance of ossicles on the legs. How to do this exercise?
The starting position is sitting. Bend the right leg to the knee, as much as possible, pull it to the trunk. Then take the right thumb of the bent right leg with your right hand and pull it toward you.
Pulled - pinched carefully from left to right, then right-to-left in circular motions. So do it three times.
Then we do other manipulations with the finger. Let's put the thumb of the foot to the left, then to the right, as far as the flexibility of the foot allows you. But you do not need to do the exploits of flexibility: you can damage the foot and not at all prevent the development of the stone, and aggravate this process. The cartilaginous tissue, of which the protruding bone on the finger consists, is quite fragile, so it quickly traumatizes.
When you do this exercise, watch your sensations while moving your thumb. If you feel pain in any position, be sure to consult your doctor for advice. Due to the poor flexibility of the toes, diseases much more serious than the bulging bone can hide.
Do not just stick with one thumb. You need the flexibility of the entire foot and excellent leg health, so massage all the fingers in turn and rotate them as large as possible. Then proceed to the left foot and train her foot.
Exercise for the development of large foot joints
Do you know that the joints on the foot are arranged in three levels? So, the first level is the distance between the foot and toes (this is their phalanx and tarsus), then the second level is the middle of the foot, more specifically it is a plus and tarsus, and the third level is the distance between the shin and the foot (that is, the ankle ). How to work with the levels of the foot?
The exercise should take up to five minutes - to train each level of the foot. With one hand, firmly take the foot just above the joint, and the other - just below the joint. And we begin to rotate the foot left-right - up to three times in each direction. And then right-left. And the third time - in a circle. You do not need to hurry, the main thing is the quality of the exercise. If you do everything correctly, over time, the foot will become flexible, mobile, legs will be much less tired and sick, even at significant loads.
Exercise "wave"
Although it is called so, but we will not limit the movement of waves. We sit down on a chair. We lift the leg above the floor and begin to do wavy movements with the foot - the right, then the left one. This we warm up the feet. Then we get up and raise the leg, we make a foot motion in the form of a spiral. We alternate the right and left legs. The same thing we do, swinging the foot right-left and in a circle.
This exercise makes the foot more flexible and strengthens ligaments, tendons, protecting against injuries and inflammations.
What is necessary for the effectiveness of the exercises?
To exercise to strengthen the foot and its flexibility were effective, they would be nice to combine with barefoot walks. If you are walking in the summer, alternate the grass in the park, a forest path with its earthy soil and a sandy beach.
Remember that the foot is very well trained not by a smooth hard surface in the form of a parquet, but by a rough terrain with an uneven terrain. Elasticity of ligaments and tendons during regular daily training will necessarily recover, and along with this you will conduct an independent natural therapy against bones on the legs.