Extended duct of the breast
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The progressive enlarged duct of the breast is not a very common, but quite dangerous condition. In the enlarged ducts inflammation starts easily, various bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms accumulate, painful discharge from the mammary glands appears.
This phenomenon is more common in patients of pre-menopausal age, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding - in such cases, expansion is considered a natural phenomenon. However, sometimes this may indicate the initial stage of development of certain breast diseases. We will tell you about the reasons and possible treatment in this article.
Causes of the an enlarged mammary duct
The reasons for this diagnosis should be sought in the change in the balance of hormones within the female body, so the level of the disease is higher in menopause and in the initial stages of the climacteric period.
In addition, there may be a natural expansion of the ducts:
- during pregnancy and lactation;
- with hormonal changes in the second phase of the monthly cycle.
The last listed reasons are considered a natural physiological process in the female body. For this reason, ultrasound examination of the breast is desirable to be carried out no later than from the sixth to the tenth day of the monthly cycle.
In pregnant and lactating women, the enlarged duct of the mammary gland is in most cases a natural phenomenon that does not require any treatment.
Expanded ducts, as a pathology, are considered in the presence of an inflammation reaction in the nipple region, with the appearance of nipple and nasal congestion cracks, with an intraprotective form of mastitis.
Locally enlarged mammary duct is observed against fibro-cystic (nodal or diffuse) mastopathy when papillary growths are formed inside the duct.
However, the pathogenesis and some aspects of the etiology of the dilated ducts are still unexplored, there is no systematization of this disorder, a clear pathogenetic relationship between the state of hormonal dysfunction and the appearance of intra-cellular expansion is not proved. Moreover, most specialists do not consider the expansion of the ducts to diseases - it is usually just a symptom that is used in describing the results of ultrasound examination of the breast.
Symptoms of the an enlarged mammary duct
Usually, the following symptoms indicate the possible expansion of the ducts:
- the appearance of secretions from the ducts;
- feeling of soreness in the mammary glands;
- puffiness, hyperemia in the near-sucked region;
- sensation of itching in the nipple zone;
- retraction of the nipple.
The first signs of impairment can appear in different periods of a woman's life. Usually, the presence of an extension may be indicated by the following symptoms:
- a feeling of permanent discomfort in the chest, mostly closer to the nipple;
- isolation from the nipples, and in neglected cases - signs of intra-inflammation;
- small painful sensations (not always).
If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor for more thorough diagnosis.
Complications and consequences
The extended duct itself is not dangerous, but requires constant monitoring. Therefore, regular visits to a mammal with an ultrasound or mammogram are mandatory.
If this characteristic is ignored, then there may appear various unpleasant complications:
- mastitis, mastitis - develop as a result of infection in the enlarged ducts;
- ectasia is a process in which expansion begins to progress, eventually causing inflammatory reactions and the appearance of pathological discharge from the nipples;
- the development of cysts is a pathology characterized by the accumulation of secretions in the enlarged lumen of the ducts, which take the form of a capsule and are subsequently transformed into a cyst;
- the development of papillomas is a dangerous process, reminiscent of the formation of cysts, which, however, can later be malignant (malignantly reborn).
It is because of the possible emergence of additional diseases that the enlarged duct requires constant observation by a specialist in order to timely identify and treat the pathology that has arisen.
Diagnostics of the an enlarged mammary duct
Diagnosis is carried out primarily on the available symptoms:
- the patient complains of discomfort and minor soreness;
- the nipple can be retracted (when the parotid zone is clamped between the two fingers, the nipple is hidden inside);
- there is a slight puffiness around the nipple, redness, there may be a discharge.
Further for specification of the diagnosis additional diagnostic methods can be appointed:
- Analyzes (study of discharge from the ducts, blood test for hormonal status);
- Instrumental diagnostics (ultrasound, doktografiya, mammography);
- immunohistochemical analysis of the gland tissue element.
The latter analysis is the study of a small element of the biopsy specimen (or surgically extracted material), which is performed to exclude a malignant disease.
If the ultrasound of the mammary glands is enlarged, it is not a cause for concern. Normally, the ducts should be about 0.5-1 mm, small expansion in the lactation period, after the lactation period, before the onset of menopause. In other cases, the dilated duct also does not indicate any pathology, but can only indicate a tendency to its occurrence.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis is carried out with such diseases as intraprostatic papilloma, breast cancer, mastitis and mastopathy.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the an enlarged mammary duct
Since the expansion of the milk ducts by pathology as such is not considered, it is not necessary to conduct conservative and, especially, surgical treatment. Nevertheless, attention should be paid to the causes of this condition and the concomitant diseases of the reproductive area.
For example, if during the ultrasound examination the doctor discovered a pronounced dilatation of the lumen in the ducts, then, first of all, it is important to check the state of hormones in the body. The doctor will analyze the level of prolactin, estrogen and thyroid hormones, after which he can prescribe a treatment aimed at normalizing the hormonal balance.
If, however, the causes of an increase in the diameter of the ducts are inflammation reactions, and the analyzes indicated indicate the presence of infection, then antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Often such treatment is performed against an anti-inflammatory, immunocorrecting and restorative treatment.
If the expansion is associated with age-related changes in the body, then expectant tactics are used - the doctor monitors the condition of the epithelial tissue lining the milk canals, monitors the appearance of secretions and other symptoms. If the process of inflammation develops, then most often resort to surgical intervention.
Intra-flow cystic formations are not removed in most cases. Operative treatment is indicated only in the case when there is a malignant process, or the cyst appears on the same place many times.
Diagnosed papilloma, as a rule, is removed because of the high likelihood of malignancy of the tumor.
Homeopathic medications are used not so much for treatment as for the prevention of complications in the expansion of dairy channels. The decision on the appropriateness of prescribing homeopathic remedies is made only by the doctor, based on the results of the analyzes and studies.
- Cyclodinone - a drug that normalizes the level of sex hormones, restores the amount of prolactin, which simultaneously has a positive effect on the condition of the mammary gland.
- Mastodinone is a herbal preparation that normalizes the production of prolactin, thereby stopping the development of diffuse forms of mastopathy.
- Viburkol is a remedy that removes soreness, inflammation, spasms, including in the reproductive system.
- Ginekohel - a complex herbal preparation, normalizing the functional capacity of the sexual system of women. It is used for infectious and inflammatory processes in the reproductive sphere, with age and other disorders of the monthly cycle.
- Dismenorm - a complex homeopathic remedy, eliminates hormonal dysfunction in women of any age. Normalizes the ratio of estrogen and progesterone.
- Klimaktoplan - homeopathic drug, which is used in the pre-menopausal and climacteric period. Stabilizes the hormonal level in the adrenal cortex, pituitary gland and appendages.
Alternative treatment
Unfortunately, no herbal treatment will help to get rid of the already formed expansion of the ducts. However, alternative means can prevent complications. What recipes can be used for breast health?
- It is recommended to apply a fresh washed burdock leaf to the mammary gland, preferably at night.
- You can use the juice of burdock inside - 1 tablespoon three times a day, for 2 months.
- It is useful to drink tea based on herbal collection: make a mixture of equal parts of the burdock rhizome, rhizome of the peony, levisee and nettle leaves. It is necessary to take 1 teaspoon of collection per 1000 ml of boiling water, to insist throughout the night. Take 100 ml three times a day for an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. Then, after 10 days, the course can be repeated.
- A good effect is expected from the cabbage compress: the mammary gland should be smeared with honey and covered with a leaf of cabbage, previously slightly repelled with a hammer.
Using the recipes of alternative medicine, it is important to remember about simple daily methods of preventing breast diseases - this is regular self-examination, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Preventive measures consist in observance of hygienic norms, conducting a healthy way of life, and also in regular preventive examinations of a mammalogist or gynecologist.
It is necessary to avoid traumatizing the breast area, avoid hypodynamia, to eat well (strict diets and fasting do not have the best effect on the health of the reproductive system), rest more, do not overstrain, do not get nervous, strengthen immune defenses.
The selection of the right bra is an important link in the prevention of breast diseases. Particular attention to this detail of clothing should be given to ladies with a large breast size and excess weight. The illiterate chosen shape and size of the bra can provoke deformity of the mammary gland and impaired blood circulation in it.
At least once a month, self-examination of the glands should be performed. Pay attention to any changes in shape, size, color, as well as the presence of seals. For any suspicious symptom, you must always consult a doctor.
As we have already said, the very state of the expansion of the ducts does not pose a threat, but requires constant observation. Once a year, it is necessary to visit a doctor for a breast examination and a mammogram or ultrasound.
The expanded duct of the breast is not a pathology, but a sign that requires a more attentive attitude towards one's health. If all measures to prevent breast diseases are observed, and the woman promptly consults the doctor for any suspicious symptoms, then the breast will remain healthy for many years.