Enlargement of lymph nodes under the armpits: in women, in pregnancy, men, children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Lymph nodes depend on the state of the immune system, so if they increase, you need to be alert - this can be a symptom of the development of various diseases or the appearance of an infection in the body. Enlargement of the lymph nodes under the arms is one of the most dangerous signals, therefore, such a manifestation must be treated with special care.
Causes of the lymphonoduses under the armpits
In some cases, the lymph nodes under the armpits can increase due to allergies, which can even develop into anaphylaxis. In addition to this symptom, the patient may also experience vomiting with a runny nose, swelling on the face and urticaria.
In addition, the cause of inflammation may be the development of furunculosis, and he, in turn, is considered a sign of a violation of the hormonal balance. Changes in the size of the lymph nodes can also occur due to inflammation of the axillary hair follicles or the spread of the infection from the breast.
The most dangerous cause of the increase are oncological pathologies - this is the cancer of the lymph nodes or the breast.
The lymph nodes located in the axillary region can increase due to the development of pathogenic processes in the neck, chest, upper limbs, and also the mammary gland. This is due to the fact that their main function is protective - the lymph nodes act as a biological barrier, which prevents the penetration of infections.
Inside, lymphocytes and antibodies are produced. They prevent the penetration of various foreign elements (bacteria, as well as viruses with toxins) into the blood. In addition, they contribute to the destruction of tumor cells. Through the vessels that bring them, they get lymph from the organs and tissues - here it cleanses. Along with this, lymph nodes deposit a part of the lymph, as well as a redistribution of fluid between the bloodstream and lymph.
Through the vascular vessels from the lymph node, lymphocytes are delivered to the area of inflammation, which help to destroy foreign proteins.
The increase in the axillary lymph node indicates that his activity has increased - he is struggling with infectious infection and other pathogens. Lymph nodes help to remove them from the lymph by reacting to any foreign element for the body.
Symptoms of the lymphonoduses under the armpits
Identify the development of the disorder can be due to the presence of the following symptoms:
- first redness of the skin on top of the site on which the lymph node is located;
- At a palpation of the given area there is a dyscomfort;
- in the case of a strong inflammatory process, this area becomes painful;
- the temperature rises;
- work with hands causes a feeling of sharp weakness;
- nausea appears;
- the feeling of the lymph nodes allows one to feel their pulsation.
Symptoms of the inflammatory process in the axillary lymph nodes are most noticeable in the case of development of a purulent form. At first, the temperature rises slightly, and then the fever starts and chills appear. The main danger of such a process is that at the same time purulent foci can arise in other organs.
Enlargement of lymph nodes under the armpits in women
For women, inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes and their subsequent increase is a very dangerous symptom - this may be the first sign of the development of breast cancer.
Enlargement of lymph nodes under the armpits with mastopathy
Approximately 10% of women with mastopathy have an increase in lymph nodes in the armpits. At the same time, there is pain, which is of different severity.
Enlargement of lymph nodes under the mice of pregnancy
At pregnancy the immune system of the woman becomes less active - it is necessary for protection of a fruit from aggressive influence. But because of this, there is a weakening of immunity, which allows bacteria and viruses to penetrate the body more easily, provoking the development of inflammation, as well as colds. Therefore, in pregnancy, lymphadenitis usually occurs as a complication of the common cold or infection.
But the development of this problem can be caused not only by infection - during pregnancy there is a restructuring of the woman's body: her hormonal background changes, there are weak reactions to the fetal and placenta proteins that enter the circulatory system, and the development of mammary glands. In some cases this is the reason for the increase in lymph nodes in the axillary region. Basically, these changes take place a few days later.
In addition, a small increase in lymph nodes is possible in the case of increased sensitivity of women to cosmetics (such as deodorants, hair dye, and creams, depilatories, etc.) or household chemicals, because the body of a pregnant woman can give an inadequate response to previously habitual for him facilities.
Enlargement of lymph nodes under the armpits before monthly
Most women experience a phenomenon such as PMS, which is caused by the work of hormones (progesterone, as well as estrogen). The effect of these substances on the woman's organism in this period is manifested as follows:
- There is a swelling of the breast, as a result of which the lobules increase, becoming sensitive. Axillary lymph nodes in this case hurt because it is in this area is a duct that connects them with the clavicular region. Due to the widening of the lobules of the mammary glands, the pressure on this duct and nerve endings increases - that is why there is pain, which is mainly aching (it is not very noticeable, but some discomfort still brings). In some cases, it appears only when moving with your hands (when lifting them upwards), but sometimes it can be felt constantly. Often, the severity of pain depends on the age of the woman, increasing with the approach of the climacteric period;
- Exacerbation of chronic pathologies, and they may not necessarily be gynecological - the effect is sometimes exerted by diseases of other organs. Since during the PMS the immunity decreases, so the number of pathogenic microbes in the body increases - that is why axillary lymph nodes can increase, because the defense system is forced to work more intensively;
- Violation of the process of lymph drainage, which is caused by edema of tissues and fluid retention in the space between the cells (in the area of the mammary glands, including). As a result, axillary lymph nodes swell and begin to ache. At the same time they can be probed independently.
Enlargement of lymph nodes under the arms in children
Axillary lymph nodes in children can increase due to the development of various diseases, and besides this as a result of severe damage to the skin on the arms and shoulders.
Most often the inflammatory process develops as a result of the so-called "cat scratch syndrome". The medical name is "benign lymphoreticulosis". The disease proceeds as follows: some time after the cat has scratched the baby, the nearest lymph node, which takes over the infection that has penetrated into the body, begins to inflame.
In this case, immediately place the scratch site with iodine or greens, and then carefully monitor the child's well-being.
Complications and consequences
Complications of this disease can be the movement of inflammation to neighboring organs and tissues, resulting in the infection begins to spread further in the body, which can lead to intoxication. The consequence of this can be blood infection, and in addition, inflammation of the veins, as well as a disorder of the lymph flow. On the site of the damaged lymph node there is a scar after that, and the process is irreversible.
Also in the inflamed lymph node, suppuration may begin, which is even more dangerous for the patient's life process. Suppuration can move to nearby tissues, and, because through the lymphatic system the infection moves through the body very quickly, even a fatal outcome is possible.
Diagnostics of the lymphonoduses under the armpits
The increase in axillary lymph nodes can be diagnosed by a visual method, and also by palpation. Usually the diagnosis in this case is done in this way.
In the process of diagnosis, urine and blood tests should be submitted, and in addition blood for HIV and syphilis in addition. The patient also needs to pass serological tests. In case of suspicion of a malignant tumor, a puncture is taken from the lymph node, and then a histological examination is performed. If tuberculosis is suspected, sputum is analyzed and Mantoux is taken.
The examination also requires an instrumental diagnosis, ultrasound, to assess the state of the surface groups of lymph nodes. If there is a suspicion of tuberculosis, the patient is given an X-ray.
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Treatment of the lymphonoduses under the armpits
Treatment for this disease is aimed at the rapid arrest of the inflammatory process, which causes an increase in axillary lymph nodes. Only after the infection is eliminated, the lymph nodes acquire a natural size. Thus, with the development of inflammation of the lymph nodes, the cause of this process should be eliminated as quickly as possible.
It is also recommended at the early stages of the development of the disease to minimize inflamed lymph nodes.
For rapid resorption of the tumor, you can use chloroethyl (carry out spraying). This procedure should be combined with the application of compresses with troxevasin, vaseline, and also a heparinic emulsion.
If there is a bacterial infection that causes an increase in axillary lymph nodes, antibacterial drugs in the form of injections (IM) or tablets should be used. The length of the treatment course in this case depends on the severity of the disease. Anti-inflammatory drugs - kogacel, rimantadine, etc .; antibiotics - amoxyl or amoxicillin, and with a more severe degree of inflammation - etionamid, etc.
Auxiliary agents in this case are vitamins, as well as immunomodulators.
As an additional treatment should take the vitamin C group.
It is in large quantities found in cabbage, as well as citrus.
This substance allows you to accelerate the biochemical reactions occurring in the body. To consume vitamin C follows 3 times a day (at a dose of 250 mg). The daily dosage should not be more than 1000 mg.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
The effectiveness of treatment can be increased with the help of physiotherapy - the procedure of electrophoresis, as well as ultrasound, and in addition the use of ointments and compresses that help stop the inflammatory processes.
Alternative treatment
There are several methods of alternative treatment of this disease.
Echinacea is an effective antiseptic that will help to remove the inflammation that has arisen in the axillary region. For this, you need to take 0.5 teaspoons of echinacea, diluting it in a quarter cup with plain water.
Effective herbal anti-inflammatory harvest is also effective - from a mixture (in equal proportions) of Artemisia, Calendula, Elderberry, Lavender, and also currant leaves. It takes 2 spoons of this collection - pour them with boiling water (1 L) and leave to infuse in a thermos during the night. Further it should be filtered and drunk throughout the day (tincture with this is recommended to be prepared in the evening). The treatment course usually lasts about 1.5-2 months.
Freshly squeezed aloe juice should be mixed with honey, as well as red wine (the same proportions), and then insist for a week. To eat ready tincture it is necessary for 30 minutes before meal on 1 table spoon.
Calendula, which helps to remove pathogenic microorganisms from the lymph. It is necessary to pour dry flowers of this plant with hot water, and then cover the container with a lid and insist for 1 hour. Drink tincture you need about 4 times a day (before eating). The treatment course lasts a maximum of 7-10 days.
If the enlarged lymph nodes are painful, compresses from various ingredients (leaves of mistletoe, mint, or walnuts) can be used, which should be prepared immediately before the treatment of the inflamed area. Leave them on the skin for at least 2 hours, and to make the effect better, you can cover the compress with polyethylene and fix it with a band-aid or bandage.
Mint can be applied to the site of inflammation and in its pure form. Nut leaves should be insisted in vodka for 3 days (ratio: 150 g of vodka or alcohol and 3 tablespoons of leaves). Leaves of mistletoe should be insisted in hot water or boiled on a water bath.
Calendula flowers with tansy - their mixture should be ground, mixed, and then poured with water (recommended filtered or boiled), cover the container and keep for 4 hours in a dark place. After that, strain and drink before eating (for 20 minutes), at least 3 times a day.
Freshly squeezed beet juice should be separated from the foam, and after that, for 5 hours, hold in the refrigerator. Drink juice before eating a glass of 0.5 cup - for 1 week. To improve the taste, it is allowed to add carrot juice to the drink.
You can also pour a liter of filtered water 2 garlic heads and leave for 3 days. Take tincture is necessary 3 times per day (in dessert spoons, on the 1st).
Such medicines as dimexide and ichthyol ointment as part of complex treatment help to reduce the feeling of discomfort, especially with severe pain due to an enlarged axillary lymph node.
In the absence of timely treatment in the inflamed lymph node, a purulent process can begin. In this case, surgical intervention is required to remove accumulated pus. During the procedure, the patient is placed with drainage to remove pus through it. They take it off a week later.
To prevent the increase in axillary lymph nodes, you must follow certain rules. Among the recommendations of a general nature:
- To monitor personal hygiene - this will help to avoid the development of inflammation;
- regulate sweating - in addition to genetic predisposition, this figure is also influenced by excessive weight and consumption of a large number of spices with spices;
- regularly undergo medical examinations and promptly seek help from specialists when diseases occur - early diagnosis promotes more effective and rapid treatment;
- not engage in self-treatment - trying to open or squeeze the contents of enlarged lymph nodes or conduct heating procedures can be fraught with the development of various complications and the transition of the disease into a chronic form;
- means for caring for the axillary region should be used correctly, and also monitor their quality. Do not apply antiperspirant to the hot skin, use low-quality or expired deodorants - to avoid irritation, swelling or allergy development;
- depilation should be done carefully, and do not use other people's products and razors - this can lead to infection;
- to monitor health, avoiding seasonal infectious or viral diseases that can give complications;
- maintain the immune system in good condition;
- observe the daily routine and routine;
- not to abuse alcoholic beverages and smoking.
These recommendations will help reduce the risk of the disease, and also contribute to the prompt start of therapy.
At the risk of the appearance of certain diseases, which are accompanied by an increase in axillary lymph nodes, the following special recommendations should be adhered to:
- prevention of breast cancer development - to constantly conduct self-examination and regularly visit a gynecologist, therapist, as well as a mammologist;
- prevent the development of boils - treat disinfectant medicines places cuts, scratches, etc.
The increase in lymph nodes under the arms, with rapid detection, as well as correct timely treatment will have a favorable prognosis. At an early stage of development, it is enough simply to prevent the spread of infection from its source - this will require local therapy, as well as the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.
You can not treat this disease inattentively, as it is very serious and can lead to complications or develop into a more serious pathology (for example, a malignant tumor) that can even have a lethal outcome.