Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Electropuncture - the effect on biologically active points by certain currents of low frequency, which have pronounced inhibitory, analgesic, hyposensitizing, antianginal effects.
The advantages of the method are non-invasiveness, the possibility of obtaining a reflex response of any organ, the mobilization of nonspecific mechanisms for protecting the body and its adaptive resources. The method is widely used in the treatment of psychosomatic pathologies.
Electropuncture is one of the effective methods that make up the category of reflexotherapy, and is directed, like other methods of acting on biologically active points, to stimulation of certain areas of the body by dosed discharges of electric current. This technique is based on the oldest knowledge, combined with the latest developments in the field of biophysics and medicine. Electropuncture was assigned to the first patient at the end of the 18th century to enhance the effect of acupuncture popular at the time. Then a very useful and extensive scientific work was published on the methods of electropuncture and their application in the treatment of various diseases. The author of the scientific work, the Frenchman Sarlandjer, invented the first safe electrical appliance, which worked on certain points of the body according to special schemes. Since then, electrocurrent treatment has not only been studied, but has also been used consistently, perhaps because of the relative ease with which the instrument was created and its ease of use. The most famous and respected in the world of medicine was the so-called "German school" of electrotherapy, headed by the gloomy Dr. R. Fall. Currently, electropuncture methods help not only to remove primary symptoms, they perfectly work as a complex diagnostic, and also supplement the main therapeutic measures as an effective method of treating many pathologies.
Devices for electropuncture
The specificity of the electropuncture method is not a problem for those doctors who already have acupuncture techniques. The question is only how much the doctor is ready to study and use the devices for electropuncture. For a doctor who knows the topography of BAP (biologically active points) and, as a rule, is interested in improving his skills, the use of electrical equipment will not create a special problem. Moreover, medical electrical appliances greatly simplify many processes related to the category of reflexotherapy.
Devices for electropuncture, which model they are, have a special search mode - search for biologically active points, which simplifies the work of the reflexotherapist and makes it possible to "forget" about the use of multivolume atlases on meridians and points.
Which BAT groups can find the device for electropuncture?
- Points that exert a reflex influence on the central nervous system (CNS).
- Segmental areas of the BAP, which correspond to the innervation of the specified zones of the spinal cord.
- The so-called spinal BAP, which are located along the vertebral and paravertebral line at the point of exit of nerve endings and vegetative fibers in the innervation zone of internal organs and systems.
- Regional BAP, which are located in the skin in the area of the projection of internal organs.
- Local BAT, with which you can work on nearby tissues - blood vessels, muscle tissue, joints and ligaments.
Thus, modern devices for electropuncture have become not only assistants in the activity of reflexotherapists, but also enable treatment at home. New models started to appear on the market, which are absolutely safe for home use, of course, more for preventive purposes than for serious treatment of chronic pathologies.
Apparatus for electro-puncture
The first devices and devices for electropuncture appeared a long time ago, by and large a pioneer in this field can be considered the author of the scientific work on electrotherapy of the Frenchman Sarlandie, who at the end of the 18th century first tested the effect of electric current on his patient. Nevertheless, it must have been a long time before a really effective and safe apparatus was created. In 1963, in Russia, a device was developed to automatically search for BAT (biologically active points) on the body of the patient, the authors - Geikin and Mikhalevsky protected their offspring with a patent, later the device was recognized in many European countries, especially where schools were actively developing reflexotherapy and electropuncture (France and Germany). In the same place, in these states, apparatuses for electropuncture began to be produced in series production, and in the USSR scientists continued work on the improvement of such devices.
The first devices allowed for use in Soviet medical institutions were released in the 1970s at the Radioisotope Instrument Making Research Institute in Riga, these apparatuses could not only determine BAP, but also allowed the introduction of drugs into the human body using the electrophoresis method. Since then, a lot of time has passed, and modern devices for electropuncture have many modifications, from very complex to very simple, allowed for use at home.
At present, electropuncture is conducted in outpatient clinics with the help of such devices:
- All models of the category DENAS.
- All the ELAP category options.
- Axon-01.
- Reflex-03.
- Elfor.
- Shuboshi FZ-1.
- Master.
- Electronics ELITE-4.
It is not possible within the framework of this article to list all the existing models of devices for electropuncture, it can only be noted that most of them work by the methods of Foll and Nakatani and allow to determine the level of energy balance in the body, and also to influence certain biologically active points, thereby normalizing patient's state of health.
Practical electropuncture by the Voll method
The method developed by the German physician R. Vollem is based on the determination of the exact potential of the interaction reaction of BAP (biologically active point) on the action of a direct current force of 1.5-10 μA. The response of the human body to the electrical impulse is measured, fixed and then interpreted according to the proposed algorithm. Practical electropuncture according to the Voll method is used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, the effectiveness of the technique is confirmed by time, statistical positive data. In addition, according to Voll, patients are diagnosed and treated in 55 countries around the world, starting from the 1960s, which can also be considered a confirmation of the effectiveness of this development.
General principles of the method:
- Diagnostics is based on the level of stability of indications, as well as on other parameters - time and rate of change of the indicator.
- Voll therapy presupposes, first of all, the use of either sedation or activation of the zone chosen for treatment. In this case, pulses of different strength, frequency, and magnitude are used.
- Practical electropuncture by the method of Voll helps to choose a therapeutic direction and preparations, both traditional and homeopathic. Treatment is appointed taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, and the drugs are selected depending on the diagnosis determined by the disease.
In 1953, Dr. Voll publicly declared that he had invented a method to help regulate system failures in the body. Indeed, in order to ensure that the result of treatment was stable, it is necessary to eliminate the underlying cause of the disease, which is most often hidden, and it is also not a secret that for a long time, symptomatic treatment that significantly facilitated the patient's life, but did not eliminate the etiologic factor of pathology, was widespread in medicine. The essence of Dr. Voll's method is to find the true reasons that, in his opinion, lie in the energy imbalance. In order to find the place of power failure, Voll invented a special apparatus that involves measuring the electrical potential at biologically active points located in the projection zones of organs and systems. These points have been known for a long time, more than 3,000 years ago acupuncture zones were used to identify and treat diseases by Chinese doctors.
Today almost all physicians confirm the informative nature of this method, its reliability according to statistical data is more than 90%, which is a very high indicator in the diagnostic sense.
What is the advantage of electropuncture according to the Voll method?
- Absolute painlessness of the procedure.
- Detection of pathology at the earliest stage of development with an accuracy of 93%.
- Detection of predisposition to certain diseases, which makes it possible to prevent the disease in time.
- The statement of the existing diseases with an accuracy of 95%.
- Identification of hidden parasitic diseases.
- Absence of contraindications for the diagnostic procedure.
- The possibility of individual selection of medicines and homeopathic remedies, taking into account possible reactions of the body to treatment, including allergy is taken into account.
.Today, many physicians, general practitioners, neurologists, gynecologists, pediatricians, are proficient in the Voll method, which shows really wide possibilities for bioresonance diagnostics and therapy.
Electropuncture treatment
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How do electrical currents affect the human body?
All the processes occurring in the human body are accompanied by certain electrical discharges, which are strong. The principle that the treatment of electropuncture adheres to, at first glance, is quite simple: electric currents are selected according to the parameters that are similar to human impulses. Complementing, activating or vice versa, reducing the activity of initial discharges, electrotherapy helps to normalize the activity of internal organs and systems. Apparent simplicity is in fact refuted by a complex reflex mechanism, which is included in the work after exposure to currents to biologically active points that are in the projection of the organs to be treated. The exchange functions of the most complex chemical substances, hormonal and nervous systems are started, otherwise the brain and cardiovascular system work.
Electropuncture treatment is divided into two main methods:
- Non-invasive method. Action on the set points occurs by contact of the skin and electrode.
- Electroacupuncture is an invasive method. The discharge is passed through a special needle, which is preliminarily introduced into the designated biologically active zone
Acupuncture with the help of electric current is considered more effective, since it is capable of affecting deep structures, and sometimes directly in the zone of the desired muscle tissue. This method causes a more intense reflex response, therefore, the effect of treatment comes faster.
Despite some specificity of the first and second method, the sensations experienced by the patient fit into the framework of comfortable bodily touch. A slight tingling or tingling is, perhaps, all the relatively uncomfortable phenomena that may occur during an electropuncture session. The duration of one procedure varies from half an hour to one hour, the recommended course of sessions is at least six. The type, frequency, polarity and magnitude of the current should be selected by the physician depending on the therapeutic task and the individual characteristics of the patient's condition.
What happens after electropuncture treatment?
The result sometimes exceeds expectations. In almost 99% of cases the functions of systems and internal organs are normalized to a greater or lesser extent, in addition, the general condition of a person improves, it becomes more active, workable. Gets a positive charge and immune system, the neuro-psychic structure stabilizes.
The first thing a patient observes after completing a full course of electrotherapy is the restoration of digestive organs and unprecedented ease in the body. Muscle spasms are also quickly removed and spastic vascular conditions neutralized. Completely the restoration of the energy balance occurs after several courses, which must be completed to fix the primary result.
Methods of treatment with electric current
- Electropunctural darsonvalization.
- Ultrasonopuncture.
- Bioregulated electrical stimulation.
- Transcutaneous electroneurostimulation (TENS).
- EHF-Electropuncture.
- Mioelectrostimulation.
- Electrochemotherapy.
- Transcranial electrostimulation.
- Electrosonotherapy.
What is being treated with electrotherapy?
- BA is bronchial asthma.
- YABZH - peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum without exacerbation.
- Chronic diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system.
- VSD - vegetative vascular dystonia.
- NDC - neurocirculatory dystonia (hypertonic variant).
- Osteochondrosis of the spine (compression syndromes).
- Allergies, including allergic dermatoses.
In principle, any chronic diseases respond well to the course treatment with electropuncture, the effectiveness depends on the preliminary diagnosis, and on the possible accompanying pathologies.
Are there any contraindications when electropuncture treatment is impossible?
Like any therapeutic method, electrotherapy also has its limitations. Electropuncture is contraindicated in such conditions and diseases:
- Systemic pathologies of blood - hematological pathologies (leukemia, leukemia, malignant anemia).
- Neoplasms on the skin in the zone of biologically active points.
- Hemorrhagic pathologies - violation of the process of blood coagulability.
- Acute inflammatory processes, especially with hyperthermia.
- Pregnancy.
- Congenital pathologies.
- Acute mental states (psychosis, alcoholic psychosis).
- Cachexia.
- Epilepsy.
- The presence in the body of the pacemaker.
- Postponed stroke, heart attack. The procedure is carried out strictly according to indications and only 4-6 months after the disease.
- Extensive process of varicose veins.
- Electropuncture can not be combined with radiation or chemotherapy.
- Thoracic age, children under 3 years.
- Age over 60 years is a contraindication associated with the presence of many pathologies in this age group.
Treatment with electric currents should be carried out only in specialized medical institutions, in equipped rooms for procedures and strictly according to the indications after a comprehensive diagnosis.
Reviews about electropuncture
A few decades ago there were doctors who were skeptical about electropuncture, today the situation has radically changed. Reflexotherapy in principle has acquired the long-awaited status of a respected medical direction, because the accumulated results, thousands of healed patients eloquently convince even the most picky skeptics of the effectiveness of this method. Feedback on electropuncture is currently only positive, of course, if the specialist has sufficient experience, in addition, the doctor has to constantly improve, including in the field of research, which is more understandable to physicists, cybernetics than physicians.
Modern methods of electrotherapy are rightly considered medical, moving from the category of non-traditional methods of treatment to the category of popular and used methods in many medical institutions. Most likely, this recognition electropuncture deserved due to positive statistics, because in the medical world there is a very clear definition - evidence-based medicine, that is, any method should be accompanied by such results that can be checked, measured and, most importantly, repeated.
Physicians in electrotherapy attract reliability and effectiveness, patients - painless treatment and a sense of primary effects immediately after the first session. That is why the responses about electropuncture are mostly positive, which once again proves the value of both ancient medical experience and the expediency of combining them with the latest scientific developments.
In modern medicine, electropuncture is considered not only in terms of symptomatic treatment, but also as a potentially promising direction that helps restore the energy balance of the human body as a whole. Today, an entirely new science is actively developing at the intersection of medicine, physics and biophysics, this branch in the foreseeable future will help to disclose the secret of the interaction of information processes that are responsible for the regulation of the work of internal organs and human systems. Electropuncture in this sphere already occupies one of the most significant places, and it is likely that soon it will rise to the next higher level, close to the fundamental sciences.