Ear congestion treatment
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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All patients who are faced with the problem of hearing loss are interested in the question: "How much does the ear congestion pass?". The period of restoration of normal hearing depends on the reasons for its violation. If the congestion is caused by inflammatory processes, then the unpleasant symptoms disappear within 10-14 days.
When discomfort due to a foreign object or water in the ear canal, the condition returns to normal after the removal of irritants. The congestion of ears after a cold persists until the full recovery of the body. But according to medical statistics, about 5% of patients experience this symptom on an ongoing basis.
What should not be done with ear congestion?
In case of dysfunction of the hearing aid, you should seek medical help. Self-treatment is dangerous, since without determining the cause of the disorder it is almost impossible to find effective methods of treating it.
- For internal otitis, warm compresses cannot be used. Warming is contraindicated in purulent discharge from the ear and increased body temperature.
- Do not bury the drops in the ears, which are not prescribed by the attending physician. If you choose medicines yourself there is a risk of worsening of the painful condition. Some drugs include antibiotics, which can have a toxic effect on the nerve endings and lead to deafness.
- If warming up is prescribed, the procedure cannot be performed with a hair dryer or closed compress. This is due to the risk of trauma to the eardrum.
- The ban includes radical unconventional methods that can harm not only the organs of hearing, but also the entire body. For example, shove a paper tube into the ear canal and set fire to it, put an ear to a heated surface and another.
- Alternative herbal remedies are dangerous. Herbal ingredients can cause an acute allergic reaction, and their wrong proportions cause intoxication and more serious complications.
- If a foreign object or insect gets into the ear, you should not try to cope with this problem yourself. Attempts to clean the ear cavity with a cotton swab or needle may damage the eardrum and severe hearing impairment.
The treatment of ear congestion should be dealt with by an otolaryngologist. After a comprehensive diagnosis, the doctor prescribes effective treatment methods and makes preventive recommendations.
Effective ear drops with ear congestion
There are many reasons for laying ears. If the disease state is caused by inflammatory, infectious or fungal processes, then special ear drops are used. Drops also help in blocking the auditory canal with a sulfur tube, as they soften the accumulation of secretions and contribute to its removal.
Consider the most effective ear drops:
- For otitis on the background of antritis or catarrhal diseases, drops of Otipax, Otofa, Otinum, Otikain, Garazon, Sofradeks and others are used. The composition of drugs includes potent active ingredients, so they should be used only for medical purposes.
- If the ear canal is blocked by a sulfur plug, then instillation with hydrogen peroxide of 3% helps. Also, Auro, Remo-Vax, A-Cerumen, Debrox are used to soften the sulfuric plug. The majority of these drops include carbamide peroxide, which quickly and effectively softens hardened ear wax. Drops can be used for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
- The changes in atmospheric pressure during the flight on an airplane cause not only a hearing loss, but also severe earache. To relieve painful symptoms, lidocaine drops can be used: Otipaks, Dropleks, Anauran, Otto.
All medications should be used only for medical purposes.
A mandatory component of the integrated treatment and prevention of hearing impairment are vitamins. Otolaryngologists are recommended to take ascorbic acid, tocopherol, beta-carotene and antioxidants. The interaction of such substances has a beneficial effect on the hearing aid.
Consider in detail the vitamins that are useful for hearing:
- Vitamin A - accelerates recovery from inflammatory diseases and improves the immune system. Retinol is found in vegetables and fruits, and milk.
- B9 - people with hearing loss have lower folate levels than healthy people. Vitamin is found in leafy green vegetables. Promotes active cell growth and maintains their health.
- B12 - participates in the structure of red blood cells and the maintenance of nerve cells. Maintains hearing aid health. Contained in large quantities in the meat of animals.
The above vitamins have a positive effect on the cells of the nervous system. The duration of vitamin therapy and the dosage of nutrients determined by the attending physician.
Physiotherapy in otolaryngology is used in combination with other medical techniques and as an independent method. It has anti-edema, bacteriostatic, vasodilating, anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties.
The main types of physiotherapy:
- Stimulating procedures (pneumomassage, amplipulse therapy, diadynamic current therapy, magnetic therapy) - relieve puffiness, normalize blood flow.
- Cleansing methods (ear blowing and rinsing) are aimed at restoring the patency of the auditory canal and normalizing its functions.
- Warming techniques (Solux, electrophoresis, UHF) - suppress inflammatory processes, relieve pain syndrome.
Physiotherapy treatment allows you to speed up the healing process, reduces the risk of developing complications of the disease and allergic reactions to drugs, relieves pain.
Ear massage with congestion
Another therapeutic method used for ear congestion is massage. On the ear there are many biologically active points, stimulation of which contributes to the relaxation and restoration of the affected organs and structures.
Indications for:
- Accumulation of fluid in the tympanic cavity.
- Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the auditory tube.
- Otitis media without pus.
- Long runny nose.
- Weak immunity.
Massage is carried out for an extended period of time. If the hearing loss is caused by otitis, the massage is directed to the area of the ear and lymph nodes. The procedure improves the circulation of lymph and helps to clean the ear of excess fluid.
- Heat your hands and massage your ear for 5-10 minutes until you feel a pleasant warmth.
- Press the index finger on the trestle so that it closes the auditory canal. Repeat 10-15 times.
- Cover your ears with your hands and lower them 10 times. Massage the cheek muscles and temporal region.
- Cover your ears with your palms and tap the back of your head with your fingers. It feels longer like a drum. Run 10-15 times.
- Put your palms tight to your ears, quickly open and close your ears. Repeat 10-15 times.
Massage should be performed 2-3 times a day. Regular procedures increase blood flow, prevent atrophy of the auditory nerve, and help restore hearing.
Massage is contraindicated in infectious diseases, hemophilia, mental and neoplastic disorders, for pregnant women, for purulent otitis, for injuries of the eardrum and state of physical exhaustion.
Acupressure with ear congestion
One type of massage is a point technique. On the surface of the outer ear are more than 170 biologically active points. Each point is associated with a specific internal organ and a network of blood vessels. Stimulation of points helps to activate the internal forces of the body.
Acupressure for ear congestion depends on the causes of the disease state:
- When blood pressure jumps, insert your thumb or index fingers into the ear canal, hold for 40-60 seconds and remove the cutting. Repeat 3 times. Then put one hand on the solar plexus, and the other on the crown and hold for 3-5 minutes. Massage is recommended to do 2 times a day for 5-7 days.
- If congestion caused hearing loss, then immediately after sleep, massage your ears in a circular motion for a minute. Press your palms to your ears and sharply remove them, repeat 20 times. Massage the lobes for 3-5 minutes.
- In case of hearing impairment due to otitis media, accumulation of exudate, inflammatory, infectious or catarrhal processes, regularly massage the lobes. Squeeze your ear in your palm and rub it in slow circular motions. Put your index finger in the middle of the ear, pull up and down.
Acupressure is forbidden for rashes on the surface of the ears, fresh wounds, oncology, bleeding. Contraindications include the period of pregnancy, diseases of the cardiovascular system, acute infections, purulent inflammatory processes, psychosis, increased intracranial pressure.
Exercises for the ear with congestion
There are many reasons for which hearing loss occurs. Special exercises have been developed to eliminate the unpleasant symptom.
- In the morning, right after sleep, rub your ears clockwise with your palms. Perform 10-15 grindings. Carefully massage the lobes. This exercise stimulates blood circulation and increases blood flow to the head.
- Cover your ears with your palms and lightly tap the back of your head with your fingers. In the ears should occur sounds that resemble beats in the drum. Perform the exercise for 1 minute, repeat 2-3 times.
- Finish a set of exercises by lightly rubbing the ear lobes.
To achieve a positive effect, exercises should be performed daily for 7-10 days. When performed correctly, the circulation of the outer and middle ear is improved, the auditory nerves are stimulated, and an indirect massage of the eardrum occurs.
Nasal washing with ear congestion
The ear-nose-throat system is closely interconnected, so if one of the structures is affected, then this negatively affects the others. One of the causes of impaired hearing aid functions is nasal congestion. Clogged nasal sinuses are one of the symptoms of colds and can cause the spread of infection to the nearest organs.
Rinsing the nose with ear congestion helps relieve a painful condition. The procedure promotes disinfection of the nasal cavity and leaching of germs. Due to this, the nasal passages are cleaned of mucus and other contaminants, swelling is reduced. Moreover, if the hearing loss is caused by purulent otitis, the procedure is not performed. This is due to the risk of spreading the infection to other tissues.
Rules for washing:
- Clear the nose of mucus.
- Bend your head so that one nostril is higher and the other lower. Insert the tip of the rinse bottle into the upper nostril.
- Slowly drive the liquid. In this case, the ears should be above the nasal passages.
- After the solution has been injected, wait until it comes out through the lower nostril.
- Repeat the procedure with the other nostril.
It is recommended to use isotonic seawater for washing. The fluid should be at a comfortable temperature. This treatment method is not used for acute and exudative otitis, as well as for perforation of the eardrum.
Warming up with ear congestion
Another method to eliminate disturbances in the perception of sound information is to warm up. It helps with the acute form of external, catarrhal and exudative otitis in the stage of recovery. It is also used in the initial stages of inflammatory diseases of the ear, provided that the cause of the inflammatory reaction is eliminated.
The therapeutic effect of heating:
- Improved microcirculation - heating tissues promotes dilation of blood vessels and blood flow. Accelerates the outflow of toxic substances formed due to inflammation.
- Activation of metabolic processes - heat accelerates metabolic processes in damaged tissues at the cellular level, which accelerates healing.
- Activation of immune protection - increasing the local temperature triggers the leukocyte anti-infective activity, increasing local immunity.
For warming up you can use alcohol compresses. To do this, take 70% alcohol or vodka and heat to room temperature. A small piece of dense tissue is moistened in the liquid, and then wrung out. The flap is fitted to the affected organ, and the top is covered with a cotton swab and a layer of polyethylene. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day for 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.
Also suitable for warming dry heat. As a rule, it is a blue lamp (the blue color penetrates the closed eyelids least of all and affects the eyes). The lamp is turned on and directed towards the ear, at a distance of 30-40 cm. The procedure lasts no more than 30 minutes, 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.
Warming is prohibited in case of purulent otitis. The expansion of blood vessels and active microcirculation promotes the penetration of pathogenic flora into the systemic circulation and the development of complications. The treatment is not carried out in case of suspected presence of neoplasms. When heated, tumor cells actively proliferate, contributing to the progression of the disease.
Alternative treatment
Since ear congestion can be caused by different reasons, the therapy is chosen for each specific case. Consider the popular alternative treatment methods for temporary hearing loss.
- If the discomfort is associated with air travel, then chewing gum will help. During chewing, a large amount of saliva is secreted and the person begins to swallow more often, which reduces the pressure in the ear cavity. In some cases, slightly open mouth with normal nasal breathing helps.
- When inflammation helps onions. Bake onions in the oven and squeeze through cheesecloth. A couple of drops of warm onion juice bury in the morning and evening, covering the ear with a cotton turunda.
- With congestion due to sulfuric plug, you can use a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide or olive oil. The liquid is slightly heated and buried in the diseased organ. After a time, sulfur will flow out on its own, freeing the ear canal.
- Anti-inflammatory properties has a decoction of bay leaves. 4-5 leaves, pour 250 ml of water and boil on low heat until boiling. Ready broth cover and wrap to cool. The tool is instilled into the sore ear for 8-10 drops. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day.
Apply the above alternative prescriptions should be after consulting with your doctor and determining the cause of the disease state.
Propolis with ear congestion
Propolis is a bee glue, which bees produce from various resins of plants. It consists of dozens of ethereal and balsamic compounds, propolis phytoncids, wax, vegetable resins, and various trace elements.
The rich composition of propolis has the following properties:
- Disinfectant
- Anti inflammatory
- Antibacterial
- Antioxidant
- Immunomodulatory
Propolis has a wide range of medical applications. Drugs based on it inhibit the activity of viruses and bacteria, neutralize poisons, accelerate regeneration processes. Bee glue activates the production of immune cells in the body. Suppresses inflammatory processes and accelerates recovery.
If ear congestion is caused by inflammatory processes, then these recipes based on propolis will help:
- In a glass container, melt 0.5 kg of butter and add 100 g of propolis to it. Simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Add to the mixture another 50 g of crushed propolis and 100 ml of alcohol. The alcohol component must be infused for 48 hours. After that, mix the oil and alcohol tinctures. The finished product is instilled in 3 drops for 3 weeks.
- Moisten a cotton swab in alcoholic propolis tincture (available at the pharmacy) and put it in the sore ear for 6-8 hours. If the procedure is carried out for the child, the tincture is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1: 1. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.
- Take 10 ml of 15% propolis tincture and mix with 40 ml of olive or other vegetable oil. Moisten a cotton swab in the resulting mixture and put it in a sore ear for a day. To achieve a stable therapeutic effect, the procedure is carried out 8-10 times a day.
- Put 2 drops of 5% propolis solution into your ear. The procedure is carried out twice a day until complete recovery.
Before use of propolis should consider the presence of contraindications. It is prohibited in case of allergic reactions to bee products, urticaria, eczema, and bronchial asthma.
Salt with ear congestion
In most cases, the overlap of the auditory canal is accompanied by pain. Discomfort occurs due to hypothermia, water ingress into the ears, and other factors. One method of pain relief is dry heat. Salt is excellent as a warming agent. It is possible to use both large table, and sea salt.
- Take a bag of thick cloth or a warm sock, pour 100-200 g of salt into it, tie it up.
- Lick the sock in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Or heat the salt in a dry frying pan and put it in a sock.
- Spread the warm salt so that it takes the form of a flat pillow.
- Adjust the warm compress to the sore ear or lie on it until the salt cools. After the procedure, it is recommended to drip into the ear alcohol and close the ear canal with a cotton swab.
But to use salt with ear congestion for warming is possible only with the permission of the attending physician. As in some cases, warm compresses exacerbate the already painful sensations.
If the discomfort is accompanied by an increase in overall body temperature, chills and fever, then warming is contraindicated. Such a symptom complex may indicate purulent processes in the organ of hearing, and warming procedures can lead to an extensive abscess.
Castor oil with ear congestion
Castor oil (ricin) is a vegetable emulsion of castor oil. It has a unique chemical composition, contains more than 80% fatty acids.
Medicinal properties:
- Anti inflammatory
- Bactericidal
- Regenerating
- Antimycotic
It is widely used in the treatment of inflammatory processes in tissues, skin and ENT diseases, gastrointestinal tract pathologies. Castor oil is effective in the treatment of ear congestion caused by inflammatory processes. The tool is used not only for otitis, but also for painless removal of insects from the ear canal.
Vegetable oil is used for instillation, in the form of compresses and ear turundums.
- If the product is used for instillation, it should be heated to body temperature before use. 2-3 drops of oil are instilled in the sore ear, wipe the excess with a cotton swab. If the hearing loss is caused by rhinitis or nasal congestion, it is necessary to clean the nose in advance, otherwise the treatment will not bring the desired results.
- If the ear canal is blocked with sulfur deposits, then a few drops of warm castorca are buried in the ear and covered with cotton wool. The procedure is carried out 1 time every 4-5 hours for 3-4 days.
- Another option for using oil is heating compresses. They are effective in otitis at the stage of resolving inflammation. For purulent processes compresses are contraindicated. To prepare the compress, take the gauze and fold it in several layers. Moisten the bandage in a slightly heated oil, slightly squeeze and apply on the area behind the ear. Cover gauze with wax paper and cellophane and cover with a woolen scarf / scarf. The procedure is best done at bedtime.
Regular outdoor use of herbal remedies relieves irritation symptoms, hyperemia, accelerates the recovery of damaged tissues. Unlike other oils, castorca does not form a film; therefore, it is suitable as antifungal and antibacterial agent for bacterial and otitis media, furunculosis, otomycosis. Instilling oil helps to normalize the pH of the external auditory canal and strengthens local immunity.
Despite its medicinal properties, castor oil should be used with extreme caution. It is contraindicated in case of damage to the eardrum or blood vessels, psoriasis, the presence of pus in the auricle, for children under 2 years of age and for individual intolerance to herbal remedies.
Camphor oil with ear congestion
An effective remedy in the treatment of diseases of the ear cavity is camphor oil. Contains the active ingredient - camphor racemic (extract from camphor wood), as well as an auxiliary component - sunflower oil.
The drug has a wide range of applications, as it has the following properties:
- Anti inflammatory
- Pain reliever
- Antiseptic
- Vasoconstrictor
- Local annoying
Camphor oil is effective in the treatment of external and otitis media, with edema of the Eustachian tube, inflammation of the inner ear, penetration into the ear canal of an insect. Depending on the evidence, there are several methods of using camphor:
- Instillation is used for external and otitis media (without purulent processes), penetration into the insect's ear. In the first case, the drug is instilled into a pre-cleaned ear for a couple of drops of warm oil. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day to eliminate discomfort.
If the congestion is caused by the penetration into the organ of hearing of an insect, then the oil heated to body temperature is instilled 1 drop. The procedure is carried out until the oil pushes the insect out.
- Compresses have a warming effect, relieve swelling of the Eustachian tube and are effective in non-purulent form of inflammation of the middle ear. A piece of bandage folded several times and make in the middle of the slot for the auricle. Gauze is moistened in camphor oil and fitted to the ear. From above impose a layer of polyethylene, cotton wool and wrap a scarf. Compress is better to do at night, not lying on the sore ear.
- Turunda with oil can be used instead of instillation. A small tampon is rolled out of cotton wool and a sterile bandage, which is impregnated with camphor and heated to a comfortable temperature. Turunda should be easily inserted into the ear. The tampon is left overnight. Treatment is carried out within 3-5 days.
Camphor oil is contraindicated for children under 2 years of age, with injuries of the eardrum, injuries and psoriasis of the auricle, allergic reactions to the herbal remedy, ear tumors, purulent processes. Before using the tool should consult with your doctor.
Herbal medicine
Another method of treating ear congestion is decoction and herbal infusions.
- Chamomile tea has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. A teaspoon of grass, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave to cool. The finished infusion is filtered and used for washing the patient's ear (the liquid should be at a comfortable temperature).
- Take two tablespoons of crushed sorrel roots and pour 500 ml of water. Boil the mixture over low heat to allow the liquid to evaporate in half. Strain the broth, cool to room temperature. Dig in 2-3 times a day.
- Mix a tablespoon of hawthorn with the same amount of periwinkle. Pour vegetable ingredients with 500 ml of water and boil for 20-30 minutes. Broth should stand for about an hour, then filter it. Means is taken orally on 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.
- Two tablespoons of crushed raspberry root pour 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for 12 hours. Infusion filter and take inside 100 ml 3 times a day. The course of treatment is at least 3 weeks.
Before using herbal recipes, make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the herbs used.
Aloe with ear congestion
Aloe (agave) is a plant with a wide range of medicinal properties. It has anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates regeneration processes, works as an immunomodulator. The bactericidal action of aloe manifests itself in relation to streptococci, staphylococci, dysentery and diphtheria sticks.
Aloe juice is effective in the treatment of otitis media, with lesions of the Eustachian tube, sinusitis, rhinitis. It is used for burns, eczema and many other pathologies. The plant quickly relieves pain in ear diseases, relieves inflammation and relieves puffiness.
To prepare the medication, take an aloe leaf (the plant must be older than 3 years), peel. Gel gently collect with a spoon and strain through cheesecloth. Bury the resulting juice 2-3 drops in the affected organ. The treatment is carried out for 4 days.
Geranium in ear with congestion
Another popular herbal medicine used in the treatment of ear diseases is geranium. It consists of more than 500 components: tannins, essential oils, vitamins and minerals, volatile production, tannin, pectin, organic acids and more.
Geranium is used for acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, runny nose, sinusitis, otitis, sore throat. The plant has such properties:
- Pain reliever
- Decongestant
- Antiseptic
- Hemostatic
- Disinfectant
- Anti inflammatory
- Soothing
- Prevents pus formation
- Stimulates the production of interferon by the body
Geranium is considered to be a natural antibiotic. If ear congestion is caused by pathogenic flora, inflammatory processes and is accompanied by pain, then the following prescriptions can be used for treatment:
- Roll a fresh leaf of the plant into a tube and insert it into the ear canal. Cover your ear with a warm cloth or warming dry compress. Leaves change every 4 hours. The course of treatment is 3-4 days.
- Crush to a mushy state a couple of leaves of the plant and mix with 20 ml of olive oil. In the resulting mixture, moisten the gauze turunda and insert into the diseased organ for 6 hours. On average, the treatment lasts 3-5 days, with chronic otitis not more than 10 days.
Before using the geranium, you should consult with your doctor. The plant is contraindicated for children under 3 years old, pregnant, with a tendency to allergic reactions, attacks of asthma.
Another alternative treatment method used for ear diseases is homeopathy. In case of congestion, it is used if the problem is caused by inflammatory processes or concomitant disorders of the body.
The main homeopathic medicines and indications for their use:
- Belladonna - otitis media, separation of the secret, stabbing and throbbing pains. Fever, sore throat and glands, runny nose.
- Magnesia phosphoric - hearing impairment, severe spastic pain.
- Aconite - soreness and itching, slight cough and thirst. Throbbing pains in the ear, stuffy nose.
- Hammomilla - the deterioration of the perception of auditory information, inflammatory processes in the organ of hearing, pulsating pain.
- Ferrum phosphoricum - discomfort is caused by an infection and there is a risk of it spreading to the lymphatic system and the respiratory tract.
Use the above tools only after examination by an otolaryngologist. All drugs are prescribed by the homeopathic doctor, selecting the individual dosage and duration of therapy.
Surgical intervention for ear congestion is performed in severe cases. Surgical treatment is necessary for serious complications of otitis media, lesion of the eardrum, hearing loss, getting into the ear cavity of an insect or a foreign body.
In exudative otitis, a myringotomy or adenotomy is performed with or without a shunt. In the eardrum create a hole through which the fluid accumulated in the middle ear (water, blood, pus). Shunting normalizes the structure of the mucous membrane of the middle ear. The healing process of the eardrum takes about 5-7 days, and the restoration of the functions of the auditory tube takes more than 6 weeks.
If an insect has penetrated into the ear or a foreign object is stuck, it causes severe discomfort and makes you seek medical help. The doctor examines the affected organ and decides on further actions. For clearing the ear canal, rinsing is performed, using tweezers and other medical instruments. Special attention is paid to the subsequent antiseptic treatment. Attempts to independently get an insect can cause injury to the auditory structures.