

Surgical diseases

Complications after inguinal hernia removal

To a greater or lesser extent, using any method, there is a possibility of complication development after removal of the inguinal hernia.

Injured inguinal hernia: underlying causes, signs, treatment and prognosis

 When infringing, the organs falling from the abdominal cavity are transferred into the hernial opening, in this case the organs remain in the inguinal canal.

Open wounds

When falling with sliding or rubbing against uneven surfaces, abrasions occur - damage to the upper layers of the skin.

Slanting inguinal hernia

This pathology has its own peculiarities of the clinic and the course - the diagnosis is established by the surgeon, to whom it is recommended to treat already with the initial symptoms of the disease.

Types, signs and treatment of inguinal hernia in women

This condition brings a lot of inconvenience to a person and can lead to serious consequences.

Inguinal-scrotal hernia

Such a condition can be congenital or appear simultaneously with age-related changes, and in the male part of the population it is observed much more often than in women.

Consequences of inguinal hernia

Inguinal hernia is considered a fairly common disease and treatable, but like any disease, it can have some complications.

Congenital inguinal hernia

Such pathology can occur independently, or in combination with other anomalies. For example, with such defects as hydrocele or pathology of the spermatic cord.

Inguinal hernia in children

A hernia appears, capable of both one side and two at the same time. Often, it is diagnosed in boys under the age of one year.


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