Dark circles under the eyes of a child
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The organism of a young child is very tender, not yet strong, so even a slight external or internal impact affects his behavior. Quite often, parents can alert the dark circles under the eyes of the child and this is correct. After all, if the cause of blue is not a hereditary predisposition, then such a symptom can talk about a certain pathology.
The causes of dark circles under the eyes of a child
Any mother thoroughly knows her child and is able to tell when he does not care, he is cheerful and sociable, but with the slightest ailment, the behavior of the baby changes radically. Some diseases, already, being in a "rudimentary" state, are able to make itself felt by pathological symptoms. Sometimes, attentive mummies may notice that her baby has got bruises near the lower eyelid.
For an adult, such a symptom may be the result of a hard day's work, but what about the baby? What is it, a disease or a physiological norm? To answer this question, it is better to seek medical advice from a pediatrician. But the parents themselves will not need to know the causes of the dark circles under the eyes of the child.
As established by medical scientists, after a long monitoring of this problem, which can provoke this symptom in a child can:
- Genetic predisposition. To establish the possibility of manifesting precisely this source of pathology, it is enough simply to look more closely at yourself or your "second half", the nearest or more distant relatives. If such a symptomatology is inherent in one or two of your relatives, then the reason for rejection should be sought in something else, but if many people have such a distinctive feature, it is possible to speak about the hereditary trait of the genus with a high degree of probability. Simply, the blood vessels, physiologically, are too close to the epidermal layer. But in this situation, other sources should not be discarded.
- Anemia can also cause blues. If a fast fatigue of the baby, a decrease in its activity, signs of drowsiness, is added to this symptom, it is quite possible that this cause was provoked. At her study of the blood of such children shows a reduced number of red blood cells (red blood cells), which leads to an imbalance of blood components. Few red blood cells, but white (white blood cells) predominate. It is because of this that the skin appears pale, almost transparent. And in those places where the vascular system is close to the skin surface, the epidermis begins to glow with a blue.
- Banal overwork. After all, children are the same people, only small. And they also tend to get tired. Perhaps it was a difficult day, filled with a lot of emotions or physical exertion and this fatigue simply "appears on the face" of the baby. To the same reason can be attributed and a long sitting at the computer or in front of the TV. This can be explained by the irritation of the visual receptors and the lack of oxygen in the baby's body.
- Bruises with a brown tinge appear in humans, including in children with intoxication of the body. This is the result of the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms or poisonous substances. "Poison" is absorbed into the blood and spreads to all organs and systems of the body.
- Allergic reaction to any stimulus. If this symptom is accompanied by other manifestations, then both the parents and the doctor may suspect this pathology.
- Sineva under the lower eyelid may be a factor determining the children of having an anamnesis of chronic tonsillitis (or as it is also called specialists - chronic staphylococcal infection). If the baby is constantly ill with colds, it often gets anginas, then most likely this is the reason that caused the unhealthy appearance of the child.
- Provoke such a painful appearance can and vegetovascular dystonia. This is already an area of neuropathology. If the baby gets dizzy, he complains of headaches localized in the temporal region, increased sweating, reduced vitality, it is better to show the baby to a neurologist.
- Dark circles under the eyes of the child can also be said that the baby's body was struck by some kind of infection.
- The reason for such an unhealthy species can serve as worms.
- If, against the background of dark circles, the baby had swelling on his face, it became difficult for him to breathe through his nose, as well as other symptomatology, it is more likely that the baby has adenoids.
- How strange it sounds, but dark circles under the eyes of the child can provoke a variety of dental diseases, for example, caries.
- Another reason for this factor may be a lack of vitamins in the child's body. Modern cuisine, often in the race to shorten the cooking time, in many ways tends to fast food, which can not boast of a balanced diet. Unhealthy food for the baby, lack of minerals and vitamins - as a result not only a painful look, but the body really needs help.
- If the baby does not have much in the open air, how strange it is, but it can also affect his face.
- Impact of a blow or injury.
Dark circles under the eyes of a child as a symptom
Unhealthy circles under the lower eyelid of a baby can speak of a hereditary predisposition, of living conditions (a rare stay in the fresh air, excesses in diet, rest and hanging out, etc.), and dark circles under the eyes of a child can become dark, as a symptom of one or several diseases.
- Sineva under the lower eyelids may be a symptom of adenoids (proliferation of lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx), if they are accompanied by other additional pathological abnormalities:
- Puffiness in the face.
- Problems with nose breathing.
- When breathing, a whistle appears.
- Problems with sleep.
- Night snoring.
- In this case, it is necessary to appear to a qualified specialist. Independently to stop this problem does not work, but also to ignore the problem should not be. After all, in the absence of nasal breathing in the body of the patient receives less oxygen. Less it gets and the brain. The consequences of this development of pathology will not be taken even by a graduate doctor.
- Dark circles under the eyes of a child can be triggered by an allergic reaction of the body to an external or internal stimulus. In such a situation, you should closely monitor the baby: its nutrition, analyze where you often go with your son or daughter, to determine the allergen, which reacts to the child's body. Additional symptoms of this pathology, except blue under the eyelids:
- Hives.
- Hyperemia of the skin.
- Itching and rashes.
- It is possible swelling of the mucous, up to the swelling of Quincke.
- In this can help children's doctor - an allergist. He will understand the situation and help identify the source of the problem.
- This problem can be caused by chronic tonsillitis. This is quite a serious disease caused by an infection such as staphylococcus aureus. Other concomitant symptoms of this pathology are:
- Frequent colds.
- Angina.
- Presence of a foci of infection in the pharynx.
- Increased size of tonsils.
- Tonsils are presented to the eye covered with a pathogenic coating of whitish or yellowish hue.
It is possible to examine the neck of a baby by yourself, but it is undesirable to engage in self-medication. It is better if the child is examined by a doctor - an otolaryngologist. The specialist is able to set the right diagnosis, assess the severity of the disease and prescribe an effective and safer for the baby treatment. Otherwise, incorrect therapy can lead to complications that can affect the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, other organs and systems of the "small" organism.
- At school age, one of the reasons for this symptomatology is vegeto-vascular dystonia, which is accompanied by such pathological manifestations:
- Rapid fatigue of the baby.
- Pain symptomatology in the temporal region of the head.
- Dizziness.
- Pale skin.
- In this situation, the child is able to help a doctor - a neurologist, to whom the district pediatrician will give directions. The doctor will prescribe the treatment, in parallel will give recommendations on the organization of the adolescent's day: a sufficient stay in the fresh air, moderate both physical and emotional loads commensurate with rest.
- Dental problems that provoke an unhealthy shade around the eyes. With such a situation, consultation and examination by a child's dentist is mandatory. When identifying caries, inflammation of the gums or any other pathology, adequate dental treatment is necessary, which only a qualified doctor can provide. Many parents believe that it is not necessary to treat milk teeth, because they will soon be replaced by permanent teeth. This is not the right approach. After all, if the infection exists, then losing the milk teeth, it "inherited" will pass to the already permanent teeth.
- Anemia, which is not so much a disease as a condition of the biological system, in which red blood cells in the hematopoiesis system are produced in insufficient quantities.
- Dark circles under the eyes of a child can also testify to more severe pathologies, more often affecting already adult people, but capable of affecting a tender baby organism.
- Kidney disease.
- Congenital pathology of the development of the heart and vascular system.
- Disease of the nervous system.
Some health workers believe that with a certain experience of work, even on the shade of dark circles, one can assume a certain disease that affects the body of a small patient. For example, it is considered that:
- violet - cyanotic shade under the eyes is obtained if the patient has malfunctions in the system of hematopoiesis and blood circulation,
- if the color of the tissues under the eyes is more red - this is a sign of the presence of an allergy or kidney disease,
- if the bruise gives off yellowness, then problems with the gallbladder and / or liver are obvious,
- brownish tinge is able to say about the problems that are caused by helminths, prolonged intoxication.
Who to contact?
How to remove dark circles under the eyes of a child?
If parents encounter this problem, the question immediately arises: how to remove dark circles under the eyes of a child? The answer to it can be given only by the pediatrician, and only after it establishes the cause of the pathological manifestation. Therefore, the first thing a specialist will do is to examine a small patient, perform an analysis of the daily routine and nutrition, then give directions for laboratory tests and, if necessary, for instrumental examination.
If the tests did not reveal any deviations, then the problem is either a genetic one, or its roots lie in the way of life of the family. It is very likely that in the pursuit "for the title of child prodigy" the child has too much mental or physical activity, there is little in the open air, or he spends time sitting in front of the computer monitor.
In this situation, it is absolutely necessary to adjust the regime of the day, it may be better to abandon one of the sections that the offspring visits, but to keep it so fragile health?
If the bruises are a consequence of a bruise or a stroke, then the advice of a trauma doctor will not hurt parents. After establishing the cause of the hematoma, the doctor will assign a small patient lotions or ointments that can quickly get rid of the problem.
For example, it can be a sponge forte - a drug that is easy to find in any pharmacy. This drug has a locally irritating effect. The medicine is applied externally. They are lubricated several times throughout the day by the affected area, applying a thin layer that is able to absorb in a few seconds in the epidermis. If there is a strong burning sensation, the solution should be quickly washed off with plenty of warm water.
To prevent this from happening, several drops of a pharmacological agent should be applied to the wrist of a small patient, after 15 to 20 minutes, if skin reactions are not observed, then the allergic reaction will not follow, and if it is, then from taking the drug will have to be abandoned, replacing it with an analog.
To contra-indications of the use of forage forte, in addition to the increased sensitivity of the skin to the components of the drug, it can be called a violation of the integrity of the epidermis in the place where it is planned to apply the therapeutic solution.
If the cause of bruises is the invasion of helminths, therefore, it is necessary to conduct therapeutic measures that allow the organism of the child to be rid of their presence. The pediatrician can prescribe one of the many modern means: vermox, pyrantel, phytoglystocide, decaris, zentel, nemozol, medamin, klinifef, vormil, aldazol and others.
Anthelminthic (anthelminthic) drug vermox is taken by the patient orally, that is, through the mouth.
If enterobiosis is diagnosed, a parasitic disease caused, for example, by pinworms, then adults and children who are already three years old, the recommended dosage equals 0.1 g of the drug, which corresponds to one tablet that is taken once.
But the protocol of treatment does not end there, after two, and then four weeks, taking one pill is repeated. This is done for the reason that not only adults, but also their offspring, are eliminated. Take the drug can not be on an empty stomach, the pill should be washed down with enough water.
If trichocephalosis, ankylostomiasis, ascariasis, or a combination of different helminths are recognized in the child's body, then children who are already one year old are credited with taking 0.1 g of the drug (one tablet) twice during the day (in the morning and in the evening) for three consecutive days.
When diagnosing strongyloidiasis or teniosis, the attending physician appoints to his patient 0.2 g (two tablets) twice per day, the same for the next three days.
Contra-indications of this drug include increased intolerance to the organism of a small patient of the component composition of the drug, as well as if it has a history of Crohn's disease, liver dysfunction or ulcerative colitis. The age of the patient is up to two years.
In the event that an anemia is detected in the baby during the examination, the doctor may prescribe one of the modern drugs related to the group of medicines containing iron. For example, it can be actinferrin, hemochelper, ferlatum, maltofer, phenyuls and other analogues.
Fenyuls is appointed by the treating doctor for oral administration. In the case of establishing a latent iron deficiency, one capsule per day, with a sufficient amount of liquid, is administered per capsule.
The average duration of the treatment course is one month.
When the diagnosis of anemia is confirmed, the dosage changes somewhat and the baby is given one capsule twice a day for three months.
Contraindication to the appointment of this drug may serve as hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis or an individual intolerance to the child's body components of the drug.
In parallel with taking medications, the patient's diet should include pomegranate juice, buckwheat porridge, liver, dried fruit, egg yolk, fish and seafood, apples (fresh and baked), whole-wheat bread, nuts, greens and other foods rich in iron.
If the source of black circles under the eyes is chronic tonsillitis, then, without encroaching, this disease must be treated in full. Disease is curtailed, and symptomatology will go away.
In the treatment, antimicrobial and antiparasitic drugs of natural origin, streptsils, ibuprom max, trifamox, taromentin, nalgezine, mirastern, clarithromycin, bioparox, vibramycin, and other drugs of a similar action can be introduced into the protocol of treatment.
Antiseptic drug strepsils is prescribed for adult patients and small patients who are already five years old - one tablet taken every two to three hours. But during the day should not exceed the intake of eight tablets. Strepsils should be administered half an hour before meals or after meals. The drug is placed in the mouth and dissolves until completely extinct.
It is not recommended to prescribe this drug in case of individual intolerance of the constituents of the drug and children under five years of age.
Prevention of dark circles under the eyes of a child
Whatever the cause of the pathology that has arisen, prevention of dark circles under the eyes of the child should be carried out constantly, becoming a habit, both parents and later, in the style of life of the baby.
- Do not give a small child to give too much physical and emotional loads.
- From the youngest age, children need to be vaccinated for the daily hygiene of the oral cavity and the whole body:
- Proper brushing of teeth.
- Rinse the mouth after each meal.
- Parents should ensure that children do not pull dirty hands into their mouths, afterwards the children should remember it and perform them themselves.
- It is good and with soap to wash hands after toilet, visiting streets, playing with your favorite pet or toys and so on.
- Children should spend enough time outdoors in moving games with their peers or just for a walk.
- The child, and the whole family should have a balanced varied diet rich in vitamins, minerals and minerals.
- The regime of the child's day must be harmonious, correctly combining the time of games and classes with a rest period. Rest should be full.
- It is not superfluous to gradually introduce into the life of the child the procedures that temper the body.
- When diagnosing a catarrhal or any other disease, it is necessary to immediately visit a specialized specialist and with his help to undergo adequate treatment.
- Do not ignore the prophylactic examinations of a pediatrician, even if you do not suspect a malaise, if you call the listener's listlessness to a bad mood or if you assume other reasons, the specialist will be able to recognize the disease, if any, early in its development, which will help faster and with less loss for Kid's health to quell the problem.
- Not excessive, but moderate loads are also beneficial for the child's body.
- Regular inspection at the dentist. If the baby has tooth decay or other tooth disease, it must be treated unequivocally, without waiting for the permanent teeth to grow.
- Classes in the pool.
- If the child's body is prone to allergies, it is necessary to eliminate or at least minimize it if it is not possible to remove it, the source of irritation.
- If one or both parents have bad habits, but for the sake of the child they can be eliminated from their lives. If there are no forces to overcome them, then, for example, smoking should not be, at least in the presence of children.
- Communicate more with the children, showing your love!
If a child has an increased blueness under the lower eyelids since birth, then this is probably a genetic predisposition of the genus, but if the dark circles under the eyes of a child have recently appeared, then this is a clear sign of the negative changes taking place in the baby's body. The reasons that provoked this problem can be different, as household ones, which are easily eliminated when adjusting the regime of the day or nutrition, or pathological. These sources are already in the medical plane. Therefore, in order to understand what was the catalyst for the problem under consideration, it is necessary to apply for an examination to a qualified specialist. He will determine the source and give the necessary recommendations. Otherwise, parents, using self-medication, risk to bring their child's health to a state where pathological processes become irreversible.
Therefore, be more attentive to your children, and do not ignore the help of a specialist. Only in such a tandem can you achieve the greatest effectiveness of your baby's health!