


Damage and trauma of the penis

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Damage and trauma of the penis in 1% of the observations are combined with damage to both testicles.

ICC codes 10

  • S31. Open wound of abdomen, lower back and pelvis.
  • S31.2. Open wound of penis.
  • S38. Crushing injury and traumatic amputation of part of the abdomen, lower back and pelvis.
  • S38.0. Crushing of the external genitalia.
  • S38.2. Traumatic amputation of the external genitalia.

Classification of lesions and injuries of the penis

By the type of injuries of the penis, there are:

  • closed (obtuse): bruise, fracture, dislocation and penile entrapment, amounting to 80%:
  • open (penetrating): ripped-bruised, scalped, bitten, stabbed, cut, firearms) - about 20%;
  • frostbite;
  • thermal damage to the penis.

Damage and trauma to the penis also divide into closed (injury is not a prickly-cutting object) and open (damage to the piercing-cutting objects and bites). Nowadays, the classification of injuries to the penis of the European urological association (EVA guidelines 2007), based on the classification of the organ damage classification committee of the American Association of Trauma Surgery, is becoming increasingly widespread abroad. The comittee on the organization of trauma . It is believed that this classification makes it possible to distinguish patients with severe damage to the penis, which should be treated promptly, and patients in whom damage can be treated conservatively.

Damage to the external genitals is often found in men not only because of their external location, but also because men are more likely to engage in traumatic forearms (rugby, hockey, cycling, motorcycling, wrestling, skiing and other active sports ). The risk group consists of patients with mental illnesses, people of unconventional sexual orientation, transsexuals. Such injuries are also associated with injuries of stick-cutting objects and gunshot wounds, the frequency of which increases every year. Iatrogenic lesions and injuries of the penis are observed during circumcision, reconstructive surgery for hypospadias and bladder exstrophy, manipulations with priapism. To the rare injuries of the penis include bites.

Classification of lesions and injuries of the penis by severity of the European Urological Association (EUA guidelines 2007)

Degree of severity

Damage characteristic


Tear of tissue / concussion


The rupture of the fascia fascia (cavernous body) without loss of tissue


Tear (avulsion) of the tissue (rupture of the glans penis with the involvement of the external opening of the urethra), a defect of less than 2 cm of the corpus cavernosum or urethra


Defect of more than 2 cm of the corpus cavernosum or urethra, partial lenectomy


Complete pectectomy

Damage and trauma to the penis are more often localized in the area of the foreskin, head, cavernous bodies, they can be combined with damage to the scrotum. Damage to the genital organs of men mainly include ruptures or tears of the penis frenulum, contusion of the penis, subcutaneous rupture of the cavernous bodies, dislocation and infringement, scalp, cut, chopped or biting wounds of the penis.

There is evidence that medical personnel treating patients with injuries to the vulva are more likely to be infected with hepatitis B and / or C. Since 38% of such patients are carriers of hepatitis B and / or C.

trusted-source[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]

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