Complex of exercises, exercise therapy for chronic and obstructive bronchitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Exercises for bronchitis are an auxiliary method of treatment, they are designed to speed up treatment, charge cheerfulness, restore the body after the illness. Is air breathing really contributing to this, and how?
Exercises for bronchitis for sputum discharge
The inflammatory process leads to an increase in the amount of mucus, it becomes viscous, difficult to remove and begins to accumulate in the bronchi. This leads to discomfort, increased cough reflex, worsening of well-being. If sputum is not removed, it becomes infected, then the process is aggravated due to intoxication. Treatment of bronchitis is impossible without eliminating these pathological discharges.
Exercises for bronchitis for sputum discharge reach their goals if the patient adheres to the correct breathing. It consists in alternating strong breaths and smooth exhalations. The first is done alternately with the nose and mouth, the second - only through the mouth.
- The easiest exercise, which helps stop coughing and remove bronchial secretions, is done by keeping your hands behind your back, inhaling deeply, holding the air, then exhaling with force, through your lips with a "tube". At the same time, you should slowly lean forward.
When the bronchitis is not used, the technique of Streltsova is useful, with an emphasis on the abdominal muscles, or yoga; more details about these methods are given below. There is also an uncomplicated technique for Kuznetsov, built on ordinary physical exercises performed in a fast rhythm, with deep breaths and strong exhalations.
At the same time, we must not forget that, in addition to exercises, bronchitis also uses other methods of removing excess mucus. In particular, alternative means are popular: inhalation with steam and expectorants, herbal teas, milk with honey and soda, etc.
Exercises for bronchitis in adults
Various options for exercise in bronchitis treat pathology, enhance the functionality of the organ, restore normal breathing, provide coordination of the muscles involved in the process of breathing, in particular, the diaphragm.
When bronchitis is important to get rid of excess sputum. The evacuation process is promoted by exercises with prolonged exhalation and diaphragmatic breathing ("belly"). In the system of exercises for adults with bronchitis often include movements that mimic work, exercise, games, dances.
- Exhale with resistance: after inhaling strongly, exhale slowly (up to 15 minutes), through a tube or a hose in a vessel with water. Repeat several times daily. It is allowed to perform in any phase of the pathological process, including during remission and exacerbation.
- Breathing with diaphragm: lying on the back, counting to three; During this time, we breathe powerfully, involving the muscles of the press. At "4" - exhale with the maximum protrusion of the press. Then we cough inwardly. Possible performance in a sitting position, in running or walking.
- Squeezing: lying (or sitting) we pull the legs to the chest, hands holding the shins. Action under the scheme "increased exhalation - diaphragmatic inspiration - initial position - cough".
- Hugging your shoulders: in this way, we force the exhalation. In a pose on the width of the shoulders with spread fingers, we embrace ourselves with power, hitting our shoulders with shoulder blades. We exhale loudly.
- Chop firewood: standing on toes, wiggling our fingers with a sharp move from above, imitating the impact of the woodcutter, vigorously releasing air from the lungs and returning to the previous position.
- Descent on skis: we put our feet, as if on a ski track. Having reached up on socks, we bend down and pull our hands to imaginary sticks. At the "1" crouch with a lean forward to touch the legs with the belly; hands at the bottom behind, start exhaling. At "2, 3" in the same position, we move our legs springily and finish the air release. We return to the initial position under the breath of the stomach.
- We beat on the shoulder blades: we raise our hands, stretching and crouching on the toes. Dropping down, lean forward. With an energetic swing, we cross our arms in front of the body and beat on the shoulder blades, accompanying the action with a sharp exhalation. Gestures repeat, hitting and continuing to exhale. To the initial posture pass during diaphragmatic inspiration.
Exercises for bronchitis in children
The peculiarities of the course are that the young organism is more difficult to cope with phlegm, therefore recovery after bronchitis is delayed. Exercises for bronchitis in children, as a safe method, appointed after the normalization of temperature and improve the body. Exercise should be combined with drug therapy.
If the doctor recommends exercises with bronchitis, then they start with static ones, they gradually move to dynamic ones, then - to restorative ones. In the chronic form of the disease, it is necessary to strengthen the musculature. For delicate coughing, drainage exercises are included. It is advisable to practice in a group, under the guidance of a physician, but if this is not possible, they are at home.
A special approach is required by young children. With them, lessons in the form of games are recommended. For example, they will like to inflate balls, blow bubbles or blow on a paper boat floating in the basin. For a child, a 10-minute session is enough to lighten the lungs with sufficient oxygen, and the musculature gradually strengthened. Complete the exercises with bronchitis with children can be massaging cotton on the chest - front and back.
Gymnastics Yoga offers several options for young patients under interesting names: "crane", "bug", "flight".
- "Crane" is carried out five times: on inhale, direct hands soar up, exhale down. Simultaneously, a long "y" is published.
- "Beetle" is obtained if you sit in the arm position on the belt, then inhale, turning the body to the right with the hand withdrawn back.
- "Flight" is performed on the run. Waves mimic the wings of the bird in flight. Running slows down, going to quiet walking. It is advisable to repeat five times.
The buzzing and hissing sounds produced by children in such occupations will increase their effectiveness: breathing becomes clear, the lungs will free themselves from the excess of mucous secretions formed as a result of bronchitis.
Complex exercises for bronchitis
The exercise complex for bronchitis performs the following tasks:
- reduces inflammation in the bronchi;
- improves sputum production;
- restores the drainage capacity of the organ;
- prevents complications;
- increases the level of hemoglobin;
- strengthens the defenses.
One option involves such movements:
- Lie down on the back, on the breath, we raise the hands stretched along the body by the head. On exhalation we return to the previous position.
- In the same position, one hand is wound behind the head, the other is along the body. During an arbitrary rhythm of breathing, quickly change the position of the hands.
- We make a "bicycle" with our feet, until they get tired.
- Position on the abdomen, hands along the body. On the breath - the maximum rise of the head without the help of hands, the exhalation - the starting position.
- Breathing is arbitrary, we stretch our hands to an imaginary object.
- Lying on the side in a half-bent position, pulling up the arm, straightening the spine. On exhalation we turn and repeat the movement on the other side.
To begin with, enough 5 - 7 repetitions, gradually the amount is adjusted to 12 - 14. And so every day, until complete recovery.
Exercises for bronchitis do not perform in an acute period, with high temperature, a tendency to bleeding, malignant formations. In the case of chronic course of complex exercises are recommended courses, according to the instructions of the doctor.
Breathing exercises with bronchitis
Respiratory exercises with bronchitis are based on the order of inhalation-exhalations of varying intensity. Perform in three phases: introductory, basic, final.
- The preparatory consists of 15 nasal, further oral breaths and exhalations. Performed three times, with a break of 5 seconds. Then follows a light mouth-breath.
When coughing reflexes, it is necessary to help the mucus to escape. To do this: relax the neck muscles, lower the head; palms push on the stomach from both sides of the navel, coughing to the floor.
- The main stage consists of several exercises, accompanied by respiratory movements.
- Pull-up: on a sharp breath in the nose pull on the socks, hands up. Omitting the breath with the sound of "y-y-u". Repeated 5 times.
- Steps in place with the dilution of the hands. Breathe in with your nose when lifting, exhale when lowering. And so two minutes, observing the rhythm of the steps and breathing.
- Sitting in a lotus pose, to inhale with compressed fists. Exhale slowly, with the sound "x-x-x" (6 times).
- In the sitting position, stretch the bent legs, hands - in the sides. Breathe normal, exhale through the lips: "f-f-f." Exhaling, hands lower.
- Standing with legs apart, waving his arms forward-backward. Breathe through your mouth, often, breathe out your nose.
- Legs together, inhale right hand up, left - take it to the side. Slowly exhaling, change the position of the hands.
- The final movement is repeated six times.
Slow slopes standing, with lowered arms, breathing in the nose. After the initial position - a slope in the opposite direction, a quiet exhalation.
Exercises for bronchitis are available to everyone. The main condition is to do them systematically, daily for several weeks. However, there are contraindications. In particular, such gymnastics is not recommended in pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as hypertensive people, people with high myopia and glaucoma, after a heart attack, with endocrine pathologies.
Exercises exercise therapy for bronchitis
Therapeutic physical training is useful for people of different ages. The classes stimulate the metabolism, activate the activity of the heart and digestion, strengthen the musculature. The children of LFK are especially interesting, because it resembles a moving game, promotes the activity so beloved by everyone at this age.
Therapeutic exercises are prescribed for various diseases: from neuroses to diabetes mellitus. You should pay attention to contraindications, which are often short-term, but are still available.
Exercises lfk with bronchitis are recommended as an auxiliary method, in the presence of the words "chronic" or "obstructive" in the diagnosis. It is important to breathe correctly during exercise. Begin with the position of lying down, further dynamic breathing is possible.
It should be emphasized that the LFc is initiated only after the appointment of a doctor, if he considers useful such exercises. Usually they begin on the second or third day after the start of antibiotics. Therapeutic exercises with bronchitis have such effects:
- improvement of gas exchange;
- activating the release of sputum mucus;
- attenuation of cough;
- stimulation of blood circulation in the pleura;
- strengthening the muscles involved in breathing;
- improvement of pulmonary tissue;
- increase in the general tone of the body.
In addition, this exercise is used to prevent atrophy and sclerotic events in the bronchial walls.
Complexes of exercise therapy for small patients have been developed, in particular, up to 3 and up to 6 years of age. They are performed under the supervision of a specialist, if possible - in the presence of mothers.
Exercise for bronchitis
When assigning physical exercises for bronchitis, the doctor puts the main task - to reduce the intensity of inflammation and to clear them of mucus and extraneous clusters. In addition, exercises with bronchitis stimulate blood circulation and metabolism, increase immune forces and hemoglobin level in the blood. Exercises performed by different methods are shown in acute and chronic forms of bronchitis, they relieve inflammation and strengthen the body as a whole.
The main condition is the patient's perseverance and regular exercise. As a rule, the course lasts three weeks, you need to practice at least twice every day. Breathing movements are done gently, in a half whisper, through the teeth.
Exhalation through the mouth causes a desire to cough, as the sputum rises to the top. And so, experts do not advise in such cases strongly to cough, differently it is possible to damage vocal cords or provoke a bleeding.
In order not to overdry the throat, you should alternate nose and throat breathing. Daily training strengthens the diaphragm, which also depends on the normal work of the bronchi and the respiratory system as a whole.
It is noticed that the minimal physical load in the form of special exercises reduces headaches, even lowers the temperature. Before starting the exercise, it is recommended to take expectorant drugs that dilute sputum. Less viscous fluid is easier to evacuate from the bronchial lumens, so the effectiveness of exercise increases. It is especially important to pre-cough up patients with chronic bronchitis. It is advisable at the same time not to strain too much.
Exercises for Strelnikova with bronchitis
A. Strelnikova, a singer and vocal teacher, has developed a unique breathing system based on her own professional observations. In the process of working with singers, she came to the conclusion that many diseases are related to the fact that people do not know how to breathe properly. What does it mean correctly in her understanding? Correctly - means to breathe so that to eliminate stagnation of air in the lungs, to saturate the blood with oxygen and hemoglobin, reduce inflammation, normalize the work of the respiratory system and diaphragm.
Exercises for Strelnikova with bronchitis are appointed in parallel with other methods of treatment. Daily exercises stimulate the coughing and elimination of excess discharges from the bronchi. It is essential to make sharp short nasal breaths that promote positive changes in blood, normalization of cardiac activity.
Exercises for bronchitis must be performed twice a day, for two to three weeks. Begin with 16 nasal breaths in a row, followed by 16 oral. And so three approaches, with a 5-second "respite." The basic exercises are "pump", "hug shoulders", "eight".
- "Pump" is carried out with a tilt, inhaling air, imitating the sniffing of flowers. Exhale without tension, in a slightly elevated position of the body. After 8 breaths - a short rest.
- "Embrace the shoulders" begin standing or sitting, with bent and raised hands. They inhale themselves on inhalation, they raise their arms on exhalation. Repeat 16 times, with nasal and mouth breaths.
- "Eights" are considered an additional exercise. Make them out of the tilt forward. After a quick inhalation, the nose should not exhale, but several times out loud to eight. In this way, an active evacuation of the contents of the bronchi is achieved.
Medical gymnastics should be started after consultation with a doctor. It is estimated that it takes about half an hour to complete it.
Drainage exercises with bronchitis
Positional (second name - postural) drainage is recommended in chronic form, including purulent, especially in cases where the mucus is very viscous, and the cough reflex is reduced. Drainage is also prescribed after endotracheal or aerosol procedures.
Drainage exercises with bronchitis do not less than twice a day. Preliminary it is recommended to use bronchodilators and expectorants, lime tea. After half an hour the patient assumes poses that maximally support the natural excretion of phlegm under the influence of the force of gravity. Different positions help drain the fluid from individual segments to those places where they cough.
In each pose, for the beginning, the patient makes several slow, deepest inhalations with his nose, exhaling through clenched lips. After that, slowly and deeply breathing, slightly coughs (several three-time coughing will be enough).
For the sake of achieving the best effect, exercises with bronchitis of this kind are combined with massaging hands pressing on the chest area.
Drainage exercises are prohibited for pneumothorax, bloody spitting, if the procedure starts shortness of breath or suffocation.
Yoga with bronchitis
As you know, the basis of yoga is the desire to achieve complete harmony of bodily and spiritual principles. Yoga with bronchitis is considered to be an effective auxiliary method, contributing to a speedy recovery.
Such exercises with bronchitis relieve stress and eliminate excess weight, strengthen the muscles, increase vitality and mood. Thanks to them, the bronchi are cleaned, the residual phenomena disappear, the person recovers faster. Yoga techniques are recommended:
- Simha-Mudra. Sitting or standing take a deep breath, and the tongue protrudes maximally to the chin. In this position they exhale deeply. Then the head is bent on the chest, and the eyes are directed to the interbroovoy zone. After a few seconds, they return to their original position.
- Jih-wa-bandhu. Press the tongue against the palate and pull it up, and the lower jaw - forward, keeping the mouth closed. Start with three times, then bring up to six.
- Dynamic breathing. Sitting upright, hands to hold on the lap palms down. Do a few breaths of yoga and then breathe through your nose. On the inhalation, the chest should bend, sticking out the ribs and lowering the shoulders. To exhale, round your back and lower your head. The pace is constantly accelerating.
- Wave. Sitting with a straight back and hands on his knees, take a breath, bending his back. Hands at this time are diverted back, chest - up, head - back. When you exhale, the shoulders and pelvis are pulled back, the bent elbows make wavy movements. The wave is repeated up to 10 times.
Exercises for acute bronchitis
Acute bronchitis is a diffuse inflammation of the internal membrane of the entire tracheobronchial tree. Performing exercises with acute bronchitis, however, as in other cases, it is necessary to take into account the state of health and the general condition of the patient, calculate physical strength. Over-efforts do not give effect, on the contrary, they can cause discontent and distrust of the effectiveness of exercises with bronchitis.
In the acute course of the disease, sessions are designed to accelerate recovery. They begin soon after the start of the course of antibiotics, no more than on the second or third day. Combine different movements with rhythmic breathing. For warm-up use the movement "cams". Fast strong breaths are combined with compression of fists, slight exhalations - with straightening. Legs all the time in the classic position - on the width of the shoulders.
Then follow the basic exercises, imitating the typical movements of people and animals. Names help to memorize the sequence and correct execution.
- "Dropping the load": the hands on the belt are squeezed into fists, on the inspiration we unclench our fists and forcefully "drop them" down, spreading our fingers. Exhale through the slightly open lips. It is advisable to make 12 approaches for 8 respiratory movements.
- "Pumping the ball": standing with relaxed hands, vigorously breathe in the nose, lean forward, lower your head, hang your hands. Exhalation is accompanied by a return to the original positions. The number of repetitions is the same as in the previous case.
- "Cat Dance" actually looks like tracking down a cat with prey. The initial position is similar. Breathing, hands slightly bend, fingers clench. Then crouch, unfolding alternately the body in both directions. When you return, exhale.
There are other combinations of exercises for acute bronchitis. Their action is aimed at the elimination of stagnation of bronchial mucus, the restoration of the mucosa and its protective properties, the removal of the inflammatory process and purification from the microflora.
Exercises for chronic bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis - a prolonged inflammation, with relapses, often occurs due to an incurable acute. As an independent disease is formed when exposed to harmful volatile components in the workplace or at home.
Exercises for chronic bronchitis perform courses, usually two-week, with the same or large intervals. Their task is not to aggravate the process.
An example of exercises with bronchitis, especially useful for the female body.
- Pulling on the toes, hands up, with deep breaths in his nose. Exhalation with the sound "y-x-x", with the return to the original position (4 - 5 times).
- Feet apart, hands near hips. On the nasal inspiration - hands in the sides, on a noisy mouth exhalation we slap on the hips (5 - 6).
- Calm steps in place, one - hands to the sides, nasal breath; on the next account - a loud exhalation "gou-uu", with lowering of hands.
- Sit in Turkish with clenched fists. Exhale through a tightly compressed mouth with a long "p-f-f" (5 - 6).
- Standing with legs apart and hands down, often breathe through your nose and wave your arms forward / backward (8 - 9).
- In the sitting position, stretch the legs. Inhale with your mouth, raising your arms to the sides, lowering them, exhaling through the clenched lips with the sound "s-c-c" (3 - 4).
- In the pose, raise your right hand and turn the left one aside. Inhaling nose, change hands. Slowly exhale with the sound of "rr-r" (5 - 6).
- Feet together, hands down. Inhaling nose, we perform the inclination of the trunk to the side. On exhalation, the hands slide along the body, to the sound "s-c-c" (6-8 times).
- In the sitting position, the arm on the chest, the other on the stomach, the breath through the mouth. Exhale with head down and bulging belly, under the sound of "f-ff" (3 - 4).
Exercises for obstructive bronchitis
If the inflammation of the bronchi is accompanied by an obstructive syndrome, it means that the lumens of the bronchi are narrowed. This is due to swelling of the mucosa and spasm of muscles, which in the form of fibers are contained in the bronchial walls. The treatment is to make the phlegm more fluid and quickly evacuate from the inside. Simultaneously, they are fighting the cause of the disease, that is, with pathogens.
Exercises for obstructive bronchitis differ by the actual exercises and authorship of the techniques, but all pursue one goal and achieve the same results. Exercises for bronchitis are useful for adults and children of different ages.
One of the methods of breathing exercises with obstructive bronchitis is named after the physiologist K. Buteyko. The scientist believed that many pathologies were caused by the so-called hyperventilation of the lungs. To eliminate it, the doctor suggested a technique of shallow breathing and long pauses between the breaths. Such exercises are useful for obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, as well as for the prevention of exacerbation of the chronic process.
Buteyko recommended to perform exercises at least three times daily, it is permissible to combine them with normal physical exercises. Exercises only three.
- Maximally hold your breath, with the help of brief superficial breaths hold out longer.
- When walking, hold your breath until you feel a lack of oxygen, then breathe normally and again - with a delay.
- Breathe "barely", increasing the duration of the exercise from three to 10 minutes.
The weighty advantage of the method is that it can be followed at any time in any place. The implementation of these exercises significantly reduces the need for pharmaceuticals, although, of course, does not replace them at all. Success - in a reasonable combination of both ways of treatment.
Exercises for recovery after bronchitis
Exercises for recovery after bronchitis, depending on the nature of the inflammation, begin at different periods:
- at acute - after remission of acute manifestations;
- with chronic - after exacerbation.
Correctly chosen exercises for bronchitis are aimed at increasing the resistance of the respiratory system, the body's resistance to colds of various etiologies. In addition, rehabilitation measures improve the movement of blood and lymph, relieve inflammation, restore the drainage properties of the bronchial tree and the mechanism of the respiratory process.
When purulent phenomena focus on drainage gymnastics, with obstructive - on sound exercises, supplemented with respiratory exercises. An important place is given to the massage of the chest, which facilitates breathing, helps to bring out sputum outward.
During these exercises, breathing is combined with movements. The inspiration should help to increase the size of the chest, and the exhalation - a decrease in its volume.
In chronic conditions, it is necessary to involve the muscles of the chest and upper limbs. This activates circulation of blood, contributing to the elimination of inflammation in the respiratory system. Virtually any of the techniques given in this article, meets these challenges. But as medicine treats not a disease, but a patient, one should not forget about the individuality of each organism and about the fact that exercises for bronchitis in each case should be selected by a specialist.
Unfortunately, exercises with bronchitis are undeservedly not in demand. Most patients prefer pharmacy drugs, occasionally - inhalations or alternative means. If exercises are prescribed as an auxiliary therapy, then it is undesirable to refuse. They really have a beneficial effect on the entire body, and on its problem area, helping to get better quickly and rarely get sick in the future.