Chest pain right
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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The pain in the chest on the right is a fairly common symptom of many diseases. It is very important to determine the nature of pain and the duration of spasmodic reactions in order to correctly diagnose the disease. In no case should one turn a blind eye to such signals as pain, because it is not without reason. Even if you know from what you have a chest pain on the right side, it is highly recommended not to take self-medication without examination and the doctor's conclusions.
In order for you to be aware of the risks of diseases associated with chest pain on the right, we have prepared for you complete and detailed information about their causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention.
Causes of chest pain on the right
Chest pain to the right due to a chest injury, excessive physical exertion, stretching and damage:
- Strong physical activity and stretching can cause pain in the intercostal and pectoral muscles. Such a pain is also called a shaking. It appears after active activities in the gym or heavy physical work. This is absolutely safe pain, which is caused by the release of lactic acid in the connective tissues, as well as partial damage to the muscular and ligamentous structures of those muscles that have strained most. The appearance of such pain is the result of an inadequate approach to the schedule of training, an incorrect calculation of the load on the body. It usually manifests itself by intramuscular pulling unpleasant sensation, and with sudden movements can intensify.
- Trauma and damage to the chest and organs under its strong, but still vulnerable protection can also cause chest pain on the right. For example, a fracture of the ribs reminds oneself of a stabbing pain directly at the site of the injury, especially when the chest is squeezed. Also, it is strongly manifested when coughing and calms down, it is only the patient to sit down and relax.
With bruises on the body, bruises and bruises can be observed. An easy bruise is not at all dangerous to humans, although it can cause small bleeding and tears. While a severe bruise can lead to rupture of the lung and to death.
Pain in the thorax to the right due to viral and infectious diseases:
- Viral diseases can cause painful syndrome with deep inhalation, sneezing or coughing. In this case, the localization of pain will depend on the weakest part of the organs affected by the infection. In this situation, the lung on the right side or the intercostal muscles of the weakened organism may be ill. Sometimes with a simple cold, this pain can go away after a course of special medication, and the obligatory stay of the patient in bed. But there are cases when the patient's health deteriorates significantly, which leads to serious impairments in the vital functions of the respiratory system.
Pain in the thorax to the right due to disruption of the respiratory system:
- Pneumonia is one of the most serious lung diseases, manifested in the body of a patient as an inflammation, which can affect both one part of the organ and affect both sides of it. There is a fairly wide range of viruses and infections that can cause this disease, but the most important fact that everyone should know is that the inflammation of the lungs, which is so hard to treat and can lead to death in severe cases, can be provoked by an incorrect drug intervention. Usually pneumonia is manifested by fever, chest pain, characteristic wheezing and coughing.
- Pleurisy is a disease of the lungs, associated with the inflammation of their membranes. This inflammatory process causes pain in the right side of the chest, especially during coughing or other diaphragm stresses. Pleurisy is recognized in sudden painful spasms in the chest, as the ability to breathe deeply is lost, as well as patients with pleurisy often suffocate. Inflammation of the pleura often manifests itself as a post-symptom of pneumonia, and also accompanies the course of tuberculosis, or in cardiovascular diseases.
- The presence of a tumor in the lungs and bronchi, as the most complex and not comforting diagnosis for the patient, can also cause pain on the right in the chest. As a rule, tumors in the pulmonary department are classified by oncologists as bronchopulmonary cancer, the main feature of which is a dry suffocating cough with bloody expectoration. Lung cancer is accompanied by a mass of various symptoms, including chest pain.
Pain in the thorax to the right due to diseases of the digestive system:
- Heartburn is the most common cause of discomfort in the chest on the right. It appears as a result of excessive secretion of gastric juice and ingestion of it into the esophagus. An unpleasant sensation may appear immediately after a meal or in half an hour, but there are also cases when heartburn manifests itself on an empty stomach. The disease-causing effect of heartburn can spread throughout the esophagus, which causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient, as heartburn starts its way in the stomach and rises to the very throat. In this case, the patient feels a burning sensation in the chest from a few minutes to an hour.
- Stagnation of food in the digestive tract. For this reason, there may also be a pain in the chest on the right. The fact is that with the digestive process, food or fluid can get stuck in the esophagus. This phenomenon often causes pain in the chest on the right, which is explained by strong pressure on the walls of the esophagus and is enhanced by swallowing and diaphragm stress.
- Liver diseases, including any inflammatory acute or chronic process, as well as parasitic liver damage can cause stabbing pain in the ribs on the right side. Especially strong it becomes with pressure on the organ, sneezing and coughing. Separately, one of the types of liver inflammation, such as hepatitis, should be highlighted.
- Hepatitis, which has several forms (A, B, C, D), is popularly called jaundice, since the skin and the white part of the eye take a yellowish tinge due to the ingestion of bilirubin in the blood, not processed in the liver. However, there are also cases of hepatitis, when jaundice is not manifested, but in any case the disease gives painful spasms in the right hypochondrium. They arise as a result of the extension of the lining of the liver due to its increase. The nature of the pain can be quite diverse: dull and prolonged pain may appear, or a sharp and intense pain may occur, the impulses of which can reach even the right shoulder and shoulder blade.
- Dysfunction in the gallbladder is one of the causes of the appearance of pain in the right hypochondrium, associated with abnormalities in the formation and excretion of bile from the body.
- Dyskinesia of the biliary tract is a disease caused by a violation of the movement of bile. With this disease there are absolutely no any organic or structural changes in the gallbladder, but only the motor function of the bile ducts is disturbed. Dyskinesia causes too much or vice versa inadequate contraction of the gallbladder, which explains the violation of the asynchronous opening and closing of the bile ducts. The appearance of dyskinesia doctors associated with acute and chronic psychotraumatic situations, deep intrapersonal conflicts, and very important is the individual intolerance of the patient's body some food (allergies).
- Chronic cholecystitis is a disease of the gallbladder caused by its inflammation. Most often, the causative agent of chronic cholecystitis becomes an acute bacterial infection - it can be a mass of varieties of Escherichia coli, enterococcus, Proteus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus. Of particular importance is the parasitic infection of the biliary tract, which contributes to the long-term course of inflammatory processes, as well as changes in the properties of bile, the formation of stones and the violation of bile outflow.
- Gallstone disease is an abnormal process in the bile, as a result of which, in the bile ducts and in the gallbladder, crystalline structures are formed from holestistry and calcium salts. Disease of this kind indicates an incorrect lifestyle, excessive consumption of fatty foods and alcohol. Gallstone disease immediately makes it known about its appearance of intolerant stitching pain in the right hypochondrium. In this case, you should always consult a doctor, since diagnosing the disease and appoint an effective treatment can only be a qualified specialist. Do not try to cure gallstones at home, because it will not lead to anything good.
Pain in the chest on the right, due to malfunctions of the cardiovascular system:
- Angina pectoris is a heart disease that manifests itself in the form of bouts of sudden pain in the chest, both on the left and on the right side. Angina is the consequence of an acute shortage of blood supply to the myocardium. This is a severe form of coronary heart disease, which requires treatment in the hospital. Due to a lack of oxygen in the necessary areas of the heart and lungs, the pressing pain in the chest is manifested. She can catch a person by surprise as during the day with physical exertion, and at night in a state of rest. Doctors can recognize this disease at the first treatment of the patient, whereas complications require analysis and continuous monitoring of the patient in the hospital.
- Myocardial infarction, or heart attack - is the withering away of a part of the heart muscle, which is directly related to a lack of supply of blood and oxygen to the muscle. It is also one of the results of clinical forms of coronary heart disease. Characterized by a sudden appearance of sharp pain, which spreads to the chest and gives to the left shoulder and neck. When an infarction is immediately called an ambulance, because if the help is not provided as soon as possible, a person can die.
- Pericarditis is an inflammatory process of the pericardium sac - the pericardium, which is the protective shell of the heart. Very often, pericarditis manifests itself as a symptom of infectious, autoimmune and oncological abnormalities and heart diseases, and is much less likely to act as an independent disease. The manifestations of pericarditis directly depend on the intensity of the inflammatory processes and their shape. Thus, the main indicators of pericarditis in its dry form are pain signals in the region of the heart. By their nature, they are very similar to angina or dry pleurisy, because of which the correct treatment of inflammation of the pericardium often begins with a great delay because of the complex diagnosis. One of the distinctive features of pain in pericardial is its increase with a deep breath, a cough or when the body is in a horizontal position. Exercise pericarditis is accompanied by the release of fluid into the pericardial space, the patient feels pressure in the heart, it becomes difficult to breathe, there is shortness of breath, and squeezing the esophagus. The organism of the patient reacts to such a painful process with fever, there is edema of the face and neck and veins appear strongly.
Symptoms of chest pain right
Previously, we listed a number of reasons that can cause pain in the right hypochondrium. However, to choose from the list of causes most likely for a particular case, you need to know the types of pain and the symptoms that accompany it. A correct understanding of the symptoms of pain will allow the doctor to make a correct medical history and carry out the most necessary tests in the first place and promptly prescribe the treatment. Next, we'll talk about the types of pain, its location and what it means in each case:
Drawing and aching pain in the chest to the right can be caused by excessive physical exertion and takes place during the day. Such pain can appear after bruises and injuries of the chest. Often it develops into a stitching pain, depending on the nature of the injury, and intensifies with diaphragm stress when a person sneezes, coughs or takes deep breaths.
The pain on the right side of the chest can be associated with inflammatory processes in the lungs. Usually, such diseases as pneumonia and bronchitis are accompanied by high fever, hoarse noises in the lungs and strong cough.
Sudden painful spasms in the chest can begin after pneumonia. Pleurisy develops and then the patient loses the ability to breathe deeply, and also choking occurs very often. Also, spasmodic pain in the upper chest, accompanied by a bloody suffocating cough, may indicate the presence of cancer in the lungs.
Burning in the chest on the right arises from heartburn and spreads through the body from the esophagus and up to the throat. Such pain comes most often after eating, but it can happen on an empty stomach, it all depends on the characteristics of the patient's body. The duration of such pain lasts from a few minutes to an hour.
Acute pain on the right under the chest can be caused by liver diseases such as hepatitis, cholecystitis and gallbladder dysfunctions. In case of liver disease, the skin and eye proteins of the patient take a yellowish tinge, and if slightly press on the diseased organ, the pain intensifies. It also increases from any chest stress.
Nesterpim stitching pain occurs at the first preconditions of cholelithiasis. Any problems with the outflow and permeability of the bile should be addressed only in the doctor's office, as the gall bladder diseases bring the patient very much pain and can lead to serious complications. Therefore, if it happened that you felt a sharp stitching pain right under the ribs, immediately call the doctors.
If the pain is systematic and has the character of an attack, it has clear conditions of appearance and remission, that is, a certain time and external factors of influence, it is likely to pass completely if you take nitroglycerin. Because such pain is characteristic of angina pectoris - one of the types of ischemic heart disease. The pain appears from physical or psychological loads, and with age the pain from angina only increases.
The dull pain of the entire thoracic cage that starts on the left side and gives a spasm to the right hypochondrium, making breathing difficult, and squeezing the esophagus is a pain from pericarditis. It is difficult for doctors to diagnose, so the symptoms of this disease are significantly similar to other diseases of the cardiovascular system and the lungs.
The sharp pain in the chest on the right, which has the character of an attack, differs in that it starts in the region of the heart on the left and gives a sharp impulse to the right shoulder, but then spreads to the right side of the thorax. This is a myocardial infarction, that is, a heart attack. If such symptoms have occurred, you need to call an ambulance immediately, as the life of the patient without the help of doctors can be cut off at any time.
Diagnosis of chest pain on the right
The diagnosis to the patient who has addressed in hospital with a pain in a thorax to the right, is put under the strict algorithm. On the nature of pain and general symptoms, it is first aid. For example, myocardial infarction or cholelithiasis can not be confused with a seizure of another disease. Therefore, if all the signs are on the face, then in an emergency mode the patient receives first aid and further treatment. And if the causes of the illness are not known when the patient is admitted to the hospital, cardiovascular diseases such as angina pectoris are excluded by ECG and ultrasound. Further, depending on what the patient complains about, the doctor makes an anamnesis and prescribes treatment. If the patient complains of a burning sensation in the chest, a special test is performed on the acidity of the gastric juice and the functioning of the lower food sphincter.
The doctor determines the presence of injuries and bruises visually as a result of examination of the patient, as well as by palpation - tactile examination. And if the pain is aggravated by pressing the thoracic region, the patient from the diagnostic department is sent to the traumatology department. If a patient enters the hospital with a high fever, cough and characteristic wheezing, he is assigned a series of routine tests, as well as a computer scan - a tomogram, in which the doctor will be able to identify the damaged areas of the lungs and diagnose one of the diseases of the respiratory system.
Treatment of chest pain on the right
After the history and diagnosis of the disease were successful, the doctor prescribes treatment of the disease, which will exclude chest pain on the right side of the patient's life for many years, and maybe forever, depending on the complexity of the disease.
Pain in the left hypochondrium due to bruises and chest injuries. The very first aid that must be given to the patient before the arrival of a doctor is the imposition of a tight bandage around the chest. The patient should take an anesthetic - an injection of two milliliters of a 50% solution of analgin. If fracture of the ribs is multiple, in any case it is accompanied by difficulty breathing and cyanosis. After first aid, depending on the complexity of the fracture, the patient is hospitalized either in the intensive care unit, or traumatological or thoracic department. In the hospital, doctors maintain normal airway patency and bronchial function, prescribe for this therapeutic exercise and respiratory gymnastics. To improve the functions of the bronchial tree, massage and inhalation are prescribed. If the rib is broken, antibacterial therapy is not used, as this group of patients has a high probability of pneumonia, therefore antibiotics are prescribed for them. To the organism continued to recover and after the hospital, the patient is prescribed to wear a special bandage or corset, which helps to support the ribs in the right shape.
Pain in the thorax to the right because of a malfunction of the respiratory system. Light forms of respiratory diseases that cause pain in the chest are treated in the complex with simple antiviral and anti-influenza drugs. However, we have already seen that improper treatment or complications can cause the development of pneumonia. That is why it is so important to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician and follow the instructions for using the drugs. The decision to hospitalize a patient with pneumonia and other serious respiratory illnesses depends on the age and condition of the patient. Most often, adults are treated at home. But in any case, chest X-ray and a general blood test for all patients is mandatory before and after treatment. From the inflammatory processes of pneumonia, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. They should be taken under strict doctor's recommendations. Even if the patient is better, but the course of treatment has not been passed yet - this does not mean that medical treatment should be stopped, as the illness can return with a double destructive power. If the medicinal effect on the patient's body does not give results, then the antibiotic is replaced after another three days by another. Bronchodilators are also prescribed. Inpatient treatment, infusion therapy is practiced, oxygen inhalations are administered, and massage is prescribed to improve the drainage function.
Pain in the thorax to the right due to diseases of the digestive system. In diseases of the digestive system, a frequent symptom is heartburn. Therefore, in order to get rid of it, it is necessary to treat the root cause, that is, the underlying disease. In addition, the use of drugs that help to suppress excessive acidity inside the stomach is prescribed. But all this is done only after thorough research and analysis. Remember - heartburn never comes alone, there is always a serious gastroenterological disease behind it! As we already know, pain in the hypochondrium on the right is also provoked by inflammations and pathologies of the digestive system's auxiliary organs, such as the liver and gallbladder. Diseases of the liver in our time are amenable to treatment, thanks to the latest advances in medicine. But still, do not forget that this is a long-term process that requires monitoring the doctor and self-treatment is inappropriate here. After all, the liver is an organ that is more susceptible to medication than others, it suffers from incompetent interference, which can lead to irreversible consequences. Medicamental treatment should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To heal the liver, hepatropic drugs are used that combine three subgroups of drugs:
- Cholagogue: improve the secretion of bile and the process of its excretion from the body.
- Hepatoprotective agents: normalize metabolic processes in the liver, improve its immunity to harmful substances, accelerate the regeneration processes with various liver lesions.
- Chololitholytic drugs: regulate the amount of cholesterol in the liver and promote the dissolution of gallstones
Unfortunately, there are cases when liver damage must be removed with the help of surgical intervention. But that this does not happen in your life, you must follow your lifestyle, habits and nutrition. In this case, everything depends on you!
Pain in the chest on the right, due to malfunctions with the cardiovascular system. The heart is the organ without which human life is impossible. Taking any independent decisions about their treatment, the patient has every chance to make a mistake and do harm to himself. Therefore, only a highly qualified specialist can determine seriously the diseases and decide on a strategy for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The most terrible and generalizing feature of all cardiovascular diseases is that they all have a progressive nature. That is why it is so important at the first symptoms to address to the cardiologist, that in the early stages of the disease to kill destructive processes, quickly and effectively correct the work of the heart. Believe me, the earlier you start to treat your sick heart, the more likely a chance to restore it, the less drugs you have to drink, the purer your liver will be. Remember that sometimes heart diseases have a hidden progressive nature, and the patient may not even suspect that it is high time to begin treatment.
How to prevent chest pain on the right?
First of all, as a prophylaxis of pain in the chest on the right, you need to control your lifestyle, and not go with the flow:
- You need to eat right, eat more vegetables and fruits and pay less attention to fatty foods, preservatives and fast food. After all, the habits of human nutrition affect first of all the work of his internal organs. Fans of fatty foods heart and liver are filled with cholesterol plaques, which leads to diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive system, metabolism is broken, obesity appears.
- To play sports with the mind the advice of a qualified coach will help you. They will teach you how to avoid injuries and reloads, as well as severe consequences in the form of long-term treatment and pain.
- Do not engage in independent treatment of acute respiratory diseases, the consequences of which can be extremely disappointing for you. After a simple cold or running bronchitis can one day turn into inflammatory or oncological formations.
- If you have experienced a bruise or a chest injury, do not think that everything will pass by itself. There is a possibility that the organs that it protects, which are directly under it, are also injured. Microfractures, sprains and bruises after a trauma can remind of themselves in a few months, or even years.
It is easier to prevent any pain than to waste one's time, resources, and unintentional capital to cure it. But the pain in the right hypochondrium is just a symptom, because from out of nowhere it does not come on its own - there is always a disease behind it, and sometimes it can be too serious, it may not suffice the remaining life to cure it. We sincerely hope that you have fully realized the seriousness of the situation and now you understand that whatever character has pain, it is worth it to turn to a qualified specialist and not wait for it to pass by itself. After all, the pain signals do not disappear without a trace. Be attentive to your body, and it will repay you with health and longevity.