Cervical lymphadenitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Cervical lymphadenitis is an inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes. Most often cervical lymphadenitis occurs in children and does not pose a big danger for them. However, if an adult is exposed to this disease, then it is much more difficult to cure him. The fact is that our lymphatic system is the very first to react to external stimuli, such as viruses and infections. Therefore, if you suddenly found on both sides of the neck compaction - this is a clear sign that your body is fighting infection and does not allow it to spread throughout the body, and you need to start treatment.
Causes of cervical lymphadenitis
The main cause of cervical lymphadenitis are pathogenic bacteria and viruses that provoke such diseases as influenza, angina, rhinitis, tonsillitis and otitis media. They penetrate into our body to hit the immune system, but thanks to the protective functions of the body, they are blocked and localized in the lymph nodes. Their inflammation can acquire not only acute, but also a chronic form. Therefore, it is very important to diagnose this disease at an early stage so that you do not have to reap the fruits of a neglected infection. If you suddenly have suspicions about your health, make sure you do not have any symptoms of cervical lymphadenitis.
Symptoms of cervical lymphadenitis
As mentioned earlier, with cervical lymphadenitis, seals form on the neck, and a small swelling can be observed. When she feels, the patient may feel pain. And when the disease progresses, the following symptoms become apparent:
- headache;
- general malaise;
- high fever if the form of lymphadenitis is acute;
- loss of appetite;
- young children suffer from intoxication.
Cervical structures tend to increase in size at the stage of its development, but after the start of treatment, the swelling decreases within 1-3 weeks. Special attention should be paid to the acute and chronic form of cervical lymphadenitis, as their patient needs to be afraid most of all and not allow the disease to grow its extreme shape.
Acute cervical lymphadenitis
Acute cervical lymphadenitis is manifested as a complication of the disease and is accompanied by very severe suppuration of the lymph nodes. The patient's temperature rises above 38 degrees. Its surface turns red and becomes more like a boil. With the course of the disease, the swelling of lymphadenitis increases, and its contours lose clarity. The focus of infection becomes less mobile to the touch. If you start such an inflammatory process, then it can develop into an even more serious disease, such as adenoma or sepsis. Therefore, the problem should be taken as seriously as possible.
Chronic cervical lymphadenitis
Chronic cervical lymphadenitis appears with every disease in people whose immune system is very weak. They just need to catch a cold, and the inflammation of the lymph nodes will not take long. They also increase, as in the acute form, but there are no strong pain sensations during palpation, and very rarely a suppuration occurs. It should be noted that chronic cervical lymphadenitis can be one of the symptoms of such a serious disease as tuberculosis. Its bacteria enter the lymph nodes from the tuberculosis focus with a stream of blood or lymph.
Cervical lymphadenitis in children
Cervical lymphadenitis in children, unfortunately, is developing quite actively, but not as dangerous as for adults. If an infant is young, its lymph nodes are very difficult to probe because of their small size. And after a year, palpation is quite an affordable procedure. The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:
- the child complains of a headache;
- his temperature rises above 38 degrees;
- often there is intoxication, it is very strongly exposed to infants;
- poor sleep and lack of appetite;
- there is a strong edema of the neck.
With chronic inflammation of the lymph nodes the child feels well, and his temperature is normal. The neck thus practically does not hurt, but the lymph nodes are considerably increased - this can be determined by probing the neck.
The consequences of neglected lymphadenitis of the cervical lymph nodes for a child can be very dangerous. The disease can cause the appearance of myocarditis, the external manifestations of which are lethargy and pallor, as well as shortness of breath. It is very difficult for such children to gain weight, how they get tired even from feeding, and sometimes they can refuse food altogether.
Cervical lymphadenitis in adults
Cervical lymphadenitis in adults, despite the similar symptoms, can be caused by completely different causes than in children, and its consequences, without appropriate treatment, can be much more serious.
Cervical lymphadenitis in adults can be caused by the following ailments in the body, such as:
- acute diseases of the nasopharynx;
- metabolic and thyroid disorders;
- alcohol abuse;
- pathological manifestations in connective tissues;
- individual allergic reactions to certain irritants;
- HIV and tuberculosis;
- oncological diseases.
And the simplest and most common causative agent of persistent cervical lymphadenitis is bacterial and viral infections.
Diagnosis of cervical lymphadenitis
Diagnosis of cervical lymphadenitis is most often determined by examination with a doctor who performs palpation. The diagnosis of lymphadenitis of the cervical lymph nodes is also based on data from previous analyzes and a number of clinical and laboratory studies:
- biopsy of a diseased lymph node;
- soft tissue X-ray of the submaxillary zone and neck;
- further investigation with histological analysis;
- computer and magnetic resonance imaging.
In any case, at whatever stage your disease is - a doctor's examination is vital. Since no one else can give you answers to all your concerns, and prescribe an effective treatment that suits your needs.
Treatment of cervical lymphadenitis
The regimen for cervical lymphadenitis is appointed by the attending physician. If the patient suffers from a mild form of inflammation, then it is recommended that he stay at home warm and at rest, drink plenty of water and avoid drafts and low temperatures. But if the infectious agent is a tubercle bacillus, then the patient needs urgent hospitalization and hospital treatment with a specialized spectrum of anti-tuberculosis antibiotics.
Also, patients are prescribed a diet. Categorically forbidden to eat food rich in hydrocarbons and tras-fatty acids. But the presence in the daily diet of fruits, vegetables, low-fat meat, fish, polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 will help cope with the inflammatory processes in the body. Also, consumption of flour and dairy products should be reduced and sugar, as well as products containing it in large quantities, should be excluded from the diet.
Drug treatment of cervical lymphadenitis
It is necessary to begin with the definition of the cause of the disease and the removal of the infectious focus. If cervical lymphadenitis is a consequence of viral diseases, such as tonsillitis, influenza or acute respiratory disease, the lymph nodes will be restored together with the whole organism without special medication. And in other cases, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. It can be prednisolone and medrol:
- Medrol. Most recommendations for the use of this drug are due to its anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects. It is due to these two factors of the action of the drug that it is possible to reduce the number of pathological cells in the inflammatory focus, the cells are restored in the connective tissues.
The standard dosage of medrol depends on the specificity of the disease and is approximately 4-48 mg / day, depending on the recommendations of the attending physician.
Children medrol prescribed in combination with prednisolone and the dosage is calculated depending on its use (4 mg medrol = 5 mg prednisolone).
Medrol is contraindicated in case of allergic reactions to the components of the medication and with systemic fungal infections of any localization.
- Prednisolone. Its dosage is assigned individually. The usual dose is 5-10 mg per day - it's 1-2 tablets. But in acute conditions usually takes 20-30 mg per day, that is, from 4 to 6 tablets.
Children prednisolone prescribed at the rate: at the age of 2-12 months - 2-3 mg / kg; 1-14 years - 1-2 mg / kg intravenously slowly for three minutes. If necessary, the drug can be re-introduced after 20-30 minutes.
Prednisolone is contraindicated in hypertensive patients and pregnant women. It can also negatively affect the health of people suffering from diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. With tuberculosis and infectious diseases, the drug should be used only in combination with antibiotics or special means for treating tuberculosis.
It is also necessary to take immunostimulants - immune-restoring drugs, preparations with a high content of vitamin C and multivitamins.
If cervical lymphadenitis has passed into acute or chronic form, if the lymph node becomes inflamed and suppuration occurs, then antibiotics are prescribed. Their specificity depends on the causative agent of the infection.
Physiotherapy of cervical lymphadenitis
This is one of the effective ways to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes. Physiotherapy procedures include such types as galvanization, drug electrophoresis and UHF therapy:
- Electrophoresis is a physiotherapeutic method of treatment performed by introducing various medications into the body with the help of electric current. The introduction is carried out through intact skin and mucous membranes.
- Galvanization is a physiotherapy procedure, in which a constant continuous electric current is applied to the patient's body through the electrodes applied to the body, in the proportion in which it can benefit the human body.
- UHF-therapy is a special method of physiotherapy, with the help of which a high-frequency magnetic field with a wavelength of 1-10 meters is exposed to the patient's body. In this case, the patient feels the thermal effect of the procedure.
Surgical treatment of cervical lymphadenitis
If the medicamental and physiotherapeutic treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes has not yielded any results, surgical intervention is necessary. Thus, an operation is performed, during which the suppuration is opened, the pus and the affected connective tissue are removed, and after the wound is drained.
Treatment of cervical lymphadenitis with alternative methods at home
If cervical lymphadenitis is caused by a bacterial infection and is one of the symptoms of a cold or flu, then some prescriptions for alternative medicine may be very effective in treating it:
- Drinking and compress will help with cervical lymphadenitis. In the pharmacy you need to buy an alcohol tincture of echinacea. To make a drink, you need to dilute 20-40 drops of Echinacea with half a glass of water and drink three times a day, regardless of food intake. To make a compress, dilute the tincture in a 1: 2 ratio with warm water. Wet gauze in this medicine and attach it to a sore spot, fix the compress so that at night it does not fall off.
- Herbal compress from inflammation of the lymph nodes. We need a crushed herb of St. John's wort, yarrow, walnut, mistletoe and water. You need to take a teaspoon of each herb, mix and pour into a saucepan, pour a glass of water and put on a fire. When the water boils, you need to make the fire weak and boil the broth for about five minutes, and then let it cool and use for night compresses for 2-3 weeks.
- Compress celandine from inflammation of the lymph nodes. Purity is a medicinal plant that grows practically in every house on the windowsill as a home flower. His leaves need to be washed and thoroughly grinded in a mortar, squeeze the juice to make one tablespoon. It should be poured into a glass container and add half a glass of alcohol or vodka. Before use, store in a dark place for about a day. To make a compress, the cheesecloth folded four times must first be soaked in hot water, and then soaked with tincture of celandine, pritotat to the sore spot for the night, and on top wrap the wrap with a woolen cloth.
Treatment of cervical lymphadenitis in children in its mild forms can also be cured with these effective alternative methods. It is necessary to remember the need to strictly follow the indicated dosage of herbs and the way to prepare home medications for inflammation of the lymph nodes, as a violation of the formulation can harm and worsen the condition of both the child and the adult.
Prophylaxis of cervical lymphadenitis
To prevent the occurrence of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes, it is necessary to closely monitor the oral hygiene and to treat the diagnosed diseases and inflammatory processes in time. In no case can the body's signals be ignored about discomfort or pain in the area of the lymph nodes, and immediately consult a doctor. It is also very important to treat cuts and wounds with antiseptic solutions.
Prognosis of cervical lymphadenitis
If the cervical lymphadenitis is detected in time and operatively started to treat it, the prognosis in most cases will be very favorable. But it is worth remembering that destructive types of lymphadenitis lead to impaired lymph flow and the development of lymphostasis, to the death of lymph nodes.
Author: Anastasia Zhitnik