Bites of human cats
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Most people at the sight of a fluffy and cute animal immediately reach for it with a hand to stroke or scratch behind the ear. Few people think that such a beautiful creature can be aggressive. But cats are predators by nature, and their claws and teeth are quite dangerous: even a small cat bite can cause many health problems.
There are many cases where even pet animals tended to bite their owners with ease, or for other reasons. Often, the bite sites heal very long and painfully, because sharp teeth can penetrate deep into tissues, and the surface treatment of the wound does not adequately disinfect the damage. As a result - prolonged inflammatory processes, suppuration, etc.
What you need to know about cat bites, and what you need to be ready, talking to animals?
What is dangerous cat bite?
Indeed, most animal lovers underestimate their danger. As for cats, their bites can be much more serious than other skin damage.
Cat's teeth are distinguished by their particular sharpness: it is necessary for a pet to tear off coarse meat fibers, to ensure a normal digestive process. As a result, damage to the skin during the bite of a cat is obtained externally insignificant, but quite deep (penetrating).
And this is not the whole danger: there are many pathogens on the cat mucous membranes, on the tooth enamel and in the salivary fluid. During a bite, these microbes enter deeply located tissues, an anaerobic infection is actively developing, often with serious complications.
Microbes dangerous to humans are found in nine out of ten cats. The bacterium that causes pasteurellosis, an infectious disease that is complicated by general blood poisoning, is most commonly sown. Pasteurella - that is the name of this bacterium - can "cooperate" with streptococci and staphylococci, which further aggravates the unpleasant situation.
During the bite of a cat, not only soft tissues are damaged, but also tendons, nerves, joints, vessels. When it enters the bloodstream, the pathogenic microbes spread and settle in other organs, and even in the valves of the heart.
Of particular danger are cats suffering from rabies, as well as carriers of tetanus infection. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to recognize such animals.
Doctors warn: for any cat bite, you should immediately visit the emergency room, where not only provide first aid, but also will prevent possible complications.
Risk factors
Among the factors that allow to determine the victim to the category of high risk of developing an infection at the site of a cat bite, are usually identified as
- deep penetration of the cat's teeth into the tissue;
- low immunity of the victim, chronic alcoholism;
- the presence of pre-edema in the bitten limb;
- bite of dirty fingers or hands;
- diabetes, immunodeficiency;
- bite of the face, neck or foot area;
- vascular disease;
- late request for medical care.
In the majority of cases of infected cat bites, laboratory tests reveal anaerobic and aerobic bacteria: on the skin of the victim and on the teeth of the bitten pet.
The most common microorganisms are:
- Pasteurella multocida;
- streptococci;
- staphylococcus;
- nasherias;
- workmanship;
- fusobacteria ;
- bacteroids;
- moraxella, etc.
Pasteurella multocida is found in 50% of cases. This bacterium is sensitive to penicillin antibiotics, as well as to the Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid combination, Doxycycline, and to the fluoroquinolone group (for example, Ciprofloxacin).
Often there is a mixed bacterial flora, but penicillin preparations are usually the first choice drugs.
Symptoms of the cat bite
Severe infection after a cat bite occurs in about one in five victims. The infection develops in different ways, depending on the dominant pathogen. Perhaps a systemic lesion with bacteremia and other serious consequences.
A deep bite of a cat is capable of provoking the development of deep abscesses, spreading along the fascial layers.
The first signs of infection may appear already on the second day: this is a pronounced swelling and redness in the vicinity of a cat bite, the release of blood sap or pus from the wounds, an increase in body temperature, an increase in closely located lymph nodes.
A bite of a domestic cat, if not deep, can heal on its own, without causing any unpleasant symptoms. But even here there is no guarantee that the infection will not develop: the cat does not brush its teeth, it eats raw food, therefore there are quite a lot of bacteria in its mouth. It is necessary to consult a doctor with the following symptoms:
- temperature increase over 37 ° C;
- appearance of swelling of the bite site;
- bleeding from wounds, discharge of other pathological fluids;
- movement disorders in the joint;
- change in general well-being (nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, etc.).
A doctor should be visited as soon as possible if the health of the bitten pet (even home) is in doubt.
The bite of a street rabid cat is a particularly dangerous circumstance that can lead even to the death of the victim. Therefore, when attacking any yard or just an unfamiliar animal, an appeal to the doctor should be urgent: every minute is dear.
The incubation period for rabies can be quite long, and a person for a long time may not even know that he has a deadly virus. The disease itself has three symptomatic stages that you need to be aware of:
- Foreshadowing stage:
- redness of scars at the site of a cat bite;
- the formation of puffiness, the appearance of itching or burning;
- the appearance of phobias, anxiety, apathy;
- pain in the head, depressed mood, the development of depressive states;
- sleep disturbances, unpleasant dreams, insomnia;
- a slight increase in temperature.
- Stage of hyper stimulation:
- the appearance of bouts of agitation, aggression, rage;
- fear of water, sounds, light stimuli;
- frequent attacks of anxiety, cramps, laryngeal spasm, respiratory disorders;
- the development of mental disorders;
The appearance of abundant painful saliva outflow (on the background of hypersecretion, there is dehydration, impaired metabolic processes, loss of body weight).
- Stage of paralysis:
- mental retardation;
- termination of paroxysmal hyper-excitation up to complete immobilization;
- continuation of salivary gland hypersecretion;
- paralysis of the heart and respiratory activity, death.
If a patient is bitten by a rabid cat, and he has not been vaccinated against rabies, then he is doomed: the disease is not treated and ends in a fatal outcome.
What can catch a cat bite?
What is so dangerous cat bite? Let's try to single out only a few basic diseases that can be transmitted to humans from a seemingly innocent animal:
- Rabies bite from a cat develops when a sick animal is released into the tissue of the saliva. Pathological damage affects the central nervous system, the motor apparatus, the human brain. It is not always possible to recognize a rabid cat, but only at the stage of active clinical manifestations: oral breathing, inadequate behavior, increased salivation, hoarseness.
- Tetanus after a cat bite is accompanied by fever, headache, swelling of the bitten area, inflammation of the lymph nodes, the development of seizures. Such symptoms develop in unvaccinated people, but the disease can be stopped at an early stage, if you consult a doctor in time.
- Pasteurellosis after a cat bite causes problems with the respiratory system, joints, and brain. Often the disease occurs as a skin lesion: ulcers form, limbs swell. Perhaps the development of sepsis.
- Streptococcosis is accompanied by fever, sore throat, the formation of plaque on the mucous membrane of the pharynx, pain in the bones and ears, skin rashes.
- Borreliosis can go to the person from the cat, which was previously bitten by the carrier of this infectious disease - the blood-sucking parasite (most often the tick). The disease is usually manifested by redness of the bite site, a rash on the skin, headache, pain in muscles and joints, chills, and a feeling of body aches. With timely treatment and proper detection of the patient's disease can be cured. However, in advanced cases, the pathology can result in paralysis of peripheral nerves, heart rhythm disturbances, and mental disorders.
After a cat bite, you should carefully monitor your condition: even with minimal risk of an infectious process, you should immediately seek medical help.
Complications and consequences
In many cases, a cat bite is a serious danger to human health. Most often, pets "aim" at the upper limbs - as a result, areas with close proximity of joints and tendons to the surface of the skin are affected. Penetration of bacteria into the tissue significantly complicates the healing process and causes the development of an inflammatory reaction. Moreover, the victim may lose his ability to work, since pain and infectious inflammation after a cat bite do not allow free use of the injured limb.
The most unfavorable is the development of chronic infectious diseases, in which even the destruction of joints, cartilage, bone can occur.
Wounds from cat bites can be complicated by diseases such as osteomyelitis, endocarditis, meningitis, or even sepsis - a common bacterial damage to the body.
Fortunately, complications do not always develop. However, how long a cat bite heals, depends largely on the literacy of the primary treatment of wounds. In some cases, patients promptly wash the bitten place and even turn to the doctor, but further infection still develops infection from a cat bite can occur due to the fault of the microbe Pasteurella multocida, which lives in the cat's mouth. The incubation period of such an infection can be from four hours to one day. And this time is enough for the bacteria to spread beyond the bitten place.
If the problem manifests itself, and after a while the bite of the cat has festered, then a powerful antibiotic therapy is mandatory. If this is not done, then there is a threat not only to the patient’s health, but also to his life. Therefore, most victims are recommended to start taking antibiotics before the first signs of an infectious disease appear - for preventive purposes, so to speak.
When the victim notes that he has a cat bite, he already means that a local metabolic disorder begins in this area and the inflammatory process starts. To act in such a situation should immediately: consult a doctor, clean and treat the wound, proceed to anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory treatment.
The same thing needs to be done if the cat bite just hurts: damage to the soft tissues, tendons, and periosteum is always accompanied by pain. To find out the cause of this pain, to prevent the development of inflammation - all this can and should be done by the doctor after the patient turns for medical help. If the inflammation has already begun, then the pain may no longer be aching, but twitching, pulsating. Such symptoms are very serious, they can not be ignored.
With the onset of the inflammatory reaction, the temperature after the bite of the cat can be kept between 37-37.5 ° C. With extensive pathological processes and septic complications, rates can reach 39 ° C or more. Unfortunately, the fact of being bitten is often not taken as seriously as it should be. Therefore, patients tend to go to the doctor not immediately after the incident, but only with the onset of acute signs of the disease.
It is necessary to understand that even a small bump after a cat bite can be a delayed painful reaction, and eventually show up as an abscess, or other pathological formation. So is it not better to consult a doctor and protect yourself from negative consequences?
If there are no symptoms of inflammation, but there is numbness at the site of the cat bite, then this may mean damage to the nerve fibers, which also requires the prescription of a drug treatment in combination with physiotherapy. Remember: in order not to aggravate the situation, it is necessary to pay attention to any symptoms (even if they seem insignificant at first glance), and to visit a doctor in a timely manner.
Diagnostics of the cat bite
Diagnosis is carried out based on a combination of clinical and laboratory data.
First of all, it is important to interview the victim and examine the cat bite zone. The doctor must pay attention to such circumstances:
- under what conditions was the cat attacked a man;
- what time of day it happened;
- is the attacking animal familiar?
- was the attack provoked;
- what happened next to the animal, where it is currently located;
- whether the patient is prone to allergic reactions;
- what kind of first aid the victim received, what medications he is taking at the moment;
- are there current diseases;
- whether the patient is vaccinated against tetanus and rabies.
After a thorough survey, the doctor examines the wound, processes it if necessary, and writes out a referral for tests.
Analyzes in the laboratory can be virological, biological, serological. Standardly perform a general study of blood and urine. The following methods can be used as specific diagnostics:
- radioimmune method;
- enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA);
- enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (TF-ELISA);
- identification of the pathogen using monoclonal antibodies;
- PCR.
Treatment of the cat bite
Immediately after the cat bite, you need to wash the damaged area well with soap and water (optimally use the usual brown laundry soap). Next, you should treat your skin with any antiseptic - Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, and even regular vodka will do. The use of ointment preparations and gluing an adhesive plaster to the wound is not recommended, since the access of oxygen to the tissues is blocked. With a large bite on the area allowed the imposition of a gauze bandage.
These are all activities that you can do at home. After that, you should contact the specialists - for example, to the doctor on duty at the emergency room. Since bacterial processes can develop rapidly, seeking medical help should follow as soon as possible.
What to do when a cat bites, read this article.
Preventive measures are very important in preventing bites from cats or other animals. Be sure to listen to the recommendations given by experts. This will help in the future to avoid many health problems.
- Do not touch the cats walking on the street: you can not predict their reaction, even if the animal looks more than affectionately.
- Not all pets adequately respond to stroking and scratching. If there is an opportunity, then it is better to ask the owner of the cat about possible aggression from the animal.
- If you have purchased a small kitten, try to wean him from the very beginning even from a light bite of your hands and fingers. With age, such "pranks" can develop into painful bites.
- If the domestic cat loves to bite, then buy her special simulators for teeth - these are special toys that are sold in any pet store. In this way, it is often possible to satisfy the pet's "gnawing" need, and your hands will remain intact.
- Veterinarians are advised to systematically examine pets in the appropriate clinic to eliminate possible health problems. It is known that a cat that is disturbed becomes more irritated and may bite even a loving owner.
- Never force a pet to do something that it does not accept and does not like. For example, many cats do not like being taken on their hands, touching their tail, stroking their stomachs or against their fur.
- Children from early childhood need to explain how to behave with living beings. It is necessary to make it clear that the pet also feels pain, that it is impossible to drag him by the mustache or tail, to pull out wool, etc.
- You should be especially careful with a cat that has kittens: in this situation, the instinct can simply work, followed by a bite.
If the fact of a bite already exists, then you should act immediately to prevent the development of serious complications. If a cat bite vaccination is delayed, its effectiveness drops to almost zero.
Vaccinal prophylaxis is an unknown “forty injections in the abdomen”: such measures have not been used in medicine for a long time. As a rule, an anti-rabies serum is administered to the victim, the wound is treated and released home. After some time, the introduction of the vaccine will have to be repeated: the doctor will give recommendations regarding the further vaccination scheme. In most cases, prevention is limited to five injections. Also, the patient is warned that since the introduction of the serum it is forbidden to consume any alcoholic beverages. The exclusion of alcohol is valid throughout the entire period of prophylaxis and for six months after the last injection of the drug.
The prognosis for cat bites can be favorable if the victim takes action immediately and seeks medical help. For example, even if the pet was infected with rabies - a deadly infection, an emergency visit to the doctor will allow the patient to survive. If a person has blithely reacted to the bite, and emergency assistance was not provided, then all cases of rabies end in a lethal outcome.
Another possible complication - tetanus - can also be fatal, but only in 10% of cases. This disease is characterized by a short incubation period, so deterioration may occur already during the first few days. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible.
Cat's bite in infants and old people has the worst prognosis.