Back pain under the ribs: causes, treatment
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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When we encounter such a phenomenon as pain, for some reason we always think that it can be associated only with that part of the body or a specific organ that is located in the area of localization of pain sensations. Doctors who are familiar with such a concept as reflected (irradiating) pain, look at the symptom somewhat differently. So pain in the back under the ribs, which most of us associate either with kidney disease or sciatica, can actually have many other causes. Not surprisingly, doctors are interested not only in the exact localization of the pain, but also in other symptoms, the specifics of food intake on the eve of the pain, the strength of physical activity, the presence of injuries in the past, etc.
Causes of the back pain under the ribs
When a patient comes to the doctor and complains of pain under the ribs on the back side, it is not easy for the specialist to understand what exactly hurts. Where does it hurt: under the lower rib or under the ribs of the rib cage from behind, i.e. Inside the sternum? Is it a superficial pain spreading along the muscles and skin, or is the large organ located deep inside? What is the nature of the pain: is it shooting, sharp, or is it aching and dull?
All of these points are very important to clarify in order to narrow down the possible causes of pain, and there can be several:
- All kinds of back injuries: fractures of bones, particularly ribs, punctures and fractures of the posterior segments of the ribs, contusions (especially with hematomas), wounds. In rib fractures, especially if they are displaced, bone fragments can damage the lungs, then the pain acquires a special character, which patients can not always accurately describe in words.
- Diseases of the spine (degenerative pathologies: osteochondrosis, herniated discs, spondylosis, as well as infectious and inflammatory diseases of the spinal column: spondylitis, arthritis, etc.).
- Neurological problems. Most often it is intercostal neuralgia (thoracalgia), which occurs due to compression or irritation of the nerve roots that run between the ribs. Risk factors can be considered: spinal diseases (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, spondylitis, Bechterew's disease), trauma, sudden movements, exposure to drafts (colds). Sometimes the cause of neuralgia is high physical exertion, prolonged presence in an uncomfortable position, metabolic disorders, stress.
Colds and prolonged compression of the nerve can lead to its inflammation, and then neuritis is diagnosed.
- Oncologic diseases. Squeeze the nerve endings can also tumors located along the passage of peripheral nerves. But cancers of internal organs located in the chest and lumbar region can also be accompanied by irradiating pain, the intensity of which does not depend on the position of the body.
- Diseases of the digestive system. All organs of the GI tract, except for the upper segments of the esophagus and intestines are located in the chest cavity and lumbar region. In the back can give pain with inflammation of the pancreas, diseases of the liver, stomach, gallbladder.
- Infectious-inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs, more specifically of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, lung abscess, diaphragm lesions, etc.).
- Kidney disease. This can be either inflammation of the organ or kidney stones, as a result of which patients suffer from renal colic.
- Cardiovascular disease. Pain under the ribs from the back can be a symptom of myocardial infarction or spinal stroke, which is caused by compression, blockage or rupture of spinal cord vessels. Back pain may also occur in angina pectoris, which resembles that of osteochondrosis.
- Spleen diseases. With the disease of this mysterious organ, the functions of which are not fully understood, there is pain, easily irradiating to the back.
- Injuries to internal organs, especially with the formation of hematomas in the retroperitoneum (most often these are injuries to the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, spleen and duodenum).
What about sciatica, which is often attributed to acute back pain under the ribs? Under this term is not a separate pathology, but a syndrome that includes motor, autonomic and pain disorders with compression and inflammation of the roots of the spinal cord. In other words, it is spinal neuritis. And the localization of pain depends on the location of the segment of the spinal cord, from which the affected nerve root departs.
Back pain under the ribs is not necessarily associated with some disease, because there are many muscles located in the back, which sometimes experience banal fatigue. Active training in an unprepared person or excessive physical exertion (carrying heavy objects, working in the vegetable garden, etc.) can provoke the appearance of incomprehensible pulling pains in the back and lower back, which go away if the muscles are allowed to relax and rest.
Pains of this etiology pass quickly, but if there was a stretching of muscles, for example, when lifting heavy weights, then rest will need longer.
Back pain under the ribs can have various causes. Depending on the cause, the nature of the pain may also vary. If it is a nerve lesion (it can be a wound, tear, compression or inflammation of a nerve fiber), the pain is usually acute (stabbing, shooting). But if in inflammation such pain is constant and tolerable, then neuralgia is characterized by a pain syndrome, the intensity of which depends on the position of the body (at its highest point it becomes unbearable, restraining movement).
Nerve fibers can be compressed as bone tissue, and cartilage, ligaments, muscles. For example, in myositis, the pathogenesis of which is associated with inflammation and swelling of muscle tissue, back pain can occur as a result of compression of nerve roots by swollen muscles. With prolonged compression, the nerve fiber can become inflamed (aseptic inflammation), which will also be accompanied by constant pain.
In back injuries, both nerve fibers can be torn and compressed. Most often, the nerve is compressed by damaged muscles, which swell when bruised. In the muscle and subcutaneous tissue, a thickening may form, first red and then bluish in color (hematoma). This mass may also compress the small nerves that innervate the area, resulting in sensory disturbances, pain and movement disorders.
Tumors in the back and spine are not always inflammatory, but their effect on nerve fibers is similar to hematomas. In addition to nerves, such seals squeeze nearby blood vessels, which causes ischemia of tissues, including nerve tissue. This is the second cause of persistent pain in trauma and tumor processes.
Often the cause of back pain under the ribs is muscle hypertonus. The focus of hypertonus is considered to be a zone of aseptic inflammation resulting from compression and ischemia of tissues, and hematoma. But the causes of locally increased muscle tone can be more serious. For example, such a symptom can be an indicator of vascular diseases of the brain or spinal cord, CNS pathologies, trauma, demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis. In the latter case, the myelin sheath of nerve fibers is destroyed, which disrupts bioelectric conduction in them. Delayed signal from the CNS about muscle relaxation is accompanied by compression of nerve fibers and vessels by tense muscle tissue, resulting in severe pain.
Small, painful lumps in the muscles are called trigger points. Any impact on them is accompanied by unbearable pain.
The localization of pain when internal organs are affected is not easy to describe in words. After all, the focus of the lesion (usually inflammation) is located inside, and what we feel in the back is reflected pain. All internal organs have innervation, their work is regulated by the autonomic (autonomous) nervous system. But they also have receptors that transmit information about the state of different organs to the CNS. With inflammation and swelling of organ tissues, as well as with their ischemic or ulcerative lesions, we feel pain as a response to irritation of the nervous system. Some waves of nervous excitation can reach the back, that is why we indicate it as a zone of pain, although in fact the localization of the lesion may be quite different.
As you can see, pain under the ribs in the back can occur in response to inflammation of tissues, and when they are damaged. The cause of acute pain may be compression of nerves and vessels of the back by healthy or pathological tissues. Pain from internal organs can also irradiate into the back.
Such an ambiguous symptom as back pain under the ribs can occur at any age, but according to statistics, it is most often complained of by people of working age. Hard physical work and poor working conditions, improper approach to sports, nutritional errors, infectious and inflammatory diseases - all these are risk factors for the appearance of pain syndrome in young people.
Hypodynamia, strange as it may seem, is also beginning to firmly take its place as one of the main causes of back pain in young people. The reason for these statistics can be considered to be universal computerization and the emergence of professions that involve working in a static posture for long periods of time. In this case, back pain appears both in those who stand for long periods of time and in those who work in a sitting position, because in this position the load on the spine is even greater.
In the elderly, such complaints are most often associated with degenerative diseases and hypodynamia. But hypodynamia here has other causes. A person does not move much because of pain in the legs, lower back and many other diseases that have accumulated over the course of life.
In children, aching pain in the back under the ribs can occur in diseases of the lower respiratory tract (usually with inflammation of the lungs), acute inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis), impaired functionality of the CNS, which is often congenital in nature (foci of muscle hypertonus are noted in infantile cerebral palsy, so children often complain of pain in the back and lower back).
Diagnostics of the back pain under the ribs
How many times have we heard about the dangers of self-diagnosis. But is it really so dangerous? If we are talking about the fact that the patient independently diagnoses himself and prescribes treatment, the result of such an attitude to his health can have the most unpredictable and often negative consequences. But in the case of a careful attitude to one's body, when a person listens to his or her sensations and notes peculiarities in order to help the doctor make the correct diagnosis, self-diagnosis can only be welcomed.
Back pain under the ribs is an ambiguous symptom. Behind it can hide many pathologies. And to facilitate the doctor's task, we can provide him with as accurate information as possible about this and other symptoms. In other words, listen to your sensations, understand what causes their changes, in which area the pain is most pronounced and appears more often than in other areas.
Self-diagnosis will be of great value if done according to a plan that includes the following questions:
- what preceded the onset of the pain syndrome (trauma, eating spicy food, sudden movement, etc.),
- on which part of the body the pain syndrome is most pronounced,
- whether the source of the pain is near the surface of the body or whether the symptom comes from inside the body,
- pain is localized or spreads to other parts of the body,
- the nature of the pain: constant or attack-like, sharp or blunt, etc.
- if there are other pathologic symptoms,
- what methods and medications were used to relieve pain before seeing a doctor, and what was the result of treatment?
In acute intolerable pain, no therapeutic experiments can be performed. Not only that, even anesthesia is forbidden in suspected appendicitis. In such situations, it is necessary to urgently call emergency care and fully trust the professionalism of doctors. About the situations preceding the onset of pain, the doctor can learn from relatives and eyewitnesses.
Information about the nature of pain and possible causes will help the doctor to orient during physical examination. Some important information will be provided by palpation of the area of pain localization (the doctor can detect the presence of thickened tissues, tension of the organ walls, muscle tone, etc.) and auscultation (listening to assess the work of the heart and respiratory system).
During the physical examination of suspected osteochondrosis, in addition to palpation, the doctor may resort to percussion (tapping) of the area of localization of pain, which makes it possible to determine the zone of distribution of pain sensations. A needle is used to determine the sensitivity of the area of the body with pain.
The doctor also evaluates the symmetry of the right and left sides of the back, the presence of skin defects on it. He is interested in the patient's gait, volume of movements (simple physical exercises are suggested), changes in the intensity of pain syndrome during different movements and breathing acts.
Medical records can also be helpful, as pain syndrome is often a complication of a pre-existing condition.
Laboratory diagnostics in the case of non-specific symptoms, which can include back pain under the ribs, is of particular value. Clinical and biochemical blood tests will allow you to find out whether the symptom is associated with inflammatory pathology or it is a matter of dystrophic changes associated with metabolic disorders. Urine analysis allows you to assess the work of the kidneys and urinary system, to identify sand and other uncharacteristic inclusions. Stool and vomit analysis is appointed less often, but it is necessary to exclude erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Analysis of sputum and pleural fluid is necessary to identify the causative agent of diseases of the respiratory system.
If cancer is suspected, a biopsy of the affected tissues with subsequent histologic examination is prescribed.
It is clear that the need to prescribe all these tests is extremely rare. Usually, the doctor prescribes tests in various combinations based on the patient's history and symptoms. Some tests are prescribed by a general practitioner, to whom you should usually go with complaints of back pain. Referrals for specific studies are given by highly specialized specialists. Given the fact that the causes of back pain may vary, the general practitioner may refer the patient to different doctors for consultation: neurologist, surgeon, gynecologist, gastroenterologist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, urologist, etc.
But laboratory diagnostics is usually not limited to laboratory diagnostics. If suspected GI diseases, the patient is prescribed ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS - endoscopic examination of the stomach and 12-intestine, allowing biopsy and assess the acidity of gastric juice). If there is suspicion of kidney pathology prescribe ultrasound, in liver disease - ultrasound of the liver and elastography, if suspected of acute appendicitis urgent ultrasound or X-ray examination of the pelvic organs, which allows to exclude diseases of the reproductive system (especially in women).
In pneumonia and other diseases of the lower respiratory system the most informative are lung radiography, computer or magnetic resonance imaging of the chest.
The condition of the spine and spinal cord is assessed using radiography, CT and MRI of the relevant sections. If there are symptoms of ischemia, blood vessels are examined: angiography, which is performed as part of X-ray examination, CT and MRI, duplex scanning of vessels of different caliber (ultrasound Dopplerography).
Instrumental diagnostics is carried out on the basis of analyzing the available symptoms, when the doctor has a preliminary diagnosis ready, i.e. When the specialist has determined which organ may be responsible for the appearance of back pain.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis is a comprehensive analysis of information obtained from various tests and history taking. This analysis is necessary to make a definitive diagnosis.
Since back pain under the ribs can appear in various diseases and the localization of the symptom does not always indicate the localization of the diseased organ, the diagnosis of such a symptom can present certain difficulties. The doctor must clearly differentiate pain in osteochondrosis from an attack of angina pectoris, exacerbation of appendicitis from gynecological diseases with similar symptoms, renal colic from exacerbation of pancreatitis, back pain in diseases of the respiratory system from the beginning of myocardial infarction.
These diseases, which are so different in nature, can have similar symptoms, so it is very important to take into account the general picture of the disease, as well as the results of laboratory and instrumental tests that will help narrow down the range of possible diagnoses. Even in critical situations, doctors try to conduct the best possible examination of patients in order to take into account its results in the process of treatment at the time of or after emergency care. Otherwise, there is a high risk of a doctor's error, which can sometimes cost the patient his life.
Treatment of the back pain under the ribs
As we have already noted, pain in the back under the ribs can have different localization and intensity. In principle, both weak and strong pains are worth paying attention to. But it so happens that as long as specifically not pressed, few people seek advice and help from a doctor. And when the pain is so severe that it is difficult to breathe, we have to call an ambulance.
The only thing is that it takes time for the ambulance to reach its destination, which means that until it arrives, the patient or people around him will have to solve the problem of acute pain on their own.
Emergency treatment for pain. Analgesics and antispasmodics are considered to be the most appropriate medications for pain relief. And here it is very important to choose the right drug. If we are talking about pain of neurological nature and painful periods, the most relevant will be antispasmodics and combined drugs (antispasmodics plus analgesics). Antispasmodics are also effective in renal or hepatic colic.
Do not use myorelaxants without your doctor's knowledge. These are unsafe drugs, overdose of which can cause respiratory and cardiac arrest. In pain caused by muscle and vascular spasms, heat is a good help, which should be applied to the painful area. This treatment will somewhat relieve the pain and allow you to wait until the doctor arrives.
By the way, heat treatment is not bad for relieving pain and fatigue caused by hard physical labor. Although it is not associated with pathological processes in the body, it is no less unpleasant.
Still, heat is a method that can not be used in all cases. In purulent inflammations, heating can only complicate the situation. The most dangerous is the application of heat to the abdomen in appendicitis. This can provoke a rupture of the cecum before the arrival of the "emergency" and the development of peritonitis. If suspected appendicitis or peritonitis is undesirable neither to warm the abdomen to relieve pain, nor to take painkillers that complicate diagnosis, with the exception of antispasmodics that do not blur the overall picture of pathology.
If we are talking about inflammatory diseases, to relieve pain, it is more effective to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that provide analgesic effect. But here you need to take into account the fact that most of them have a strong irritating effect on the mucosa of the stomach and intestines. Spasmolytics act milder, so in exacerbations of gastritis or gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, to relieve pain, it is recommended to use them or drugs with a combined action (eg, "Spasmalgon", "Spasmyl").
Help safely relieve pain in exacerbations of inflammatory and ulcerative diseases of the GI tract such drugs as "Omez" or its analog "Omeprazole", "Almagel", "Fosfalyugel" and other drugs with antacid and enveloping action, which are preferable to any painkillers. These drugs not only relieve pain, but also have a therapeutic effect.
In the absence of suitable medications, one-time help can be taken with "Paracetamol" or "Ibuprofen", considered drugs with a minimum of side effects.
In heart disease, all the above drugs do not bring the desired effect. The most relevant in angina pectoris is taking one tablet of "Nitroglycerin", which usually completely relieves the attack. With myocardial infarction, the drug does not completely remove the pain, but only slightly relieves it. A second tablet of "Nitroglycerin" can be given only after a quarter of an hour, if the ambulance has not yet arrived by then.
The use of heat in myocardial infarction is also not justified, in addition, often this measure only aggravates the patient's condition, provoking suffocation. It is enough to sit a person in a comfortable position or lay down, but so that the head was above the feet, if possible to give a sedative ("Corvalol", "Valocardine", "Valerianka" do not remove the pain symptom, but calm the nerves, as a result of which the pain is felt less acutely), to provide access to air by unbuttoning the collar, exposing the chest, etc.
In acute pain associated with osteochondrosis and spinal diseases, even local treatment - applying warming, distracting and analgesic ointments to the affected area - can help relieve discomfort. In this case, the back should be additionally insulated. Inside you can take any analgesics to accelerate the effect.
It should be understood that if the cause of pain under the ribs from the back was a disease of internal organs, local treatment of the back area will not help. After all, the source of pain is located deep inside, and we suffer from reflected pain.
When calling an ambulance, we mention the symptoms of the disease and possible causes, it is not unreasonable to ask about safe methods that will help the patient to survive the pain until the doctor arrives, and not to act blindly.
Complex treatment: Back pain under the ribs is just one of the symptoms of many diseases. In this case, the removal of pain syndrome is only a stage of a comprehensive approach to the treatment of the disease, which allows you to relieve the patient's condition.
Pain is a reaction of the body, through which we learn about the disease and its possible localization. At the stage of diagnosis, it has a certain value. In the future, it only complicates treatment, exhausting the patient, so it must be relieved, in parallel with therapeutic procedures. The choice of procedures depends on the diagnosis.
We will not dwell on the peculiarities of treatment of various diseases for which back pain is one of the symptoms, but only show how seriously doctors take this symptom.
If pain from the back under the ribs is caused by degenerative changes in the spine (osteochondrosis), complex treatment is prescribed, which is carried out in two stages. First, the pain in the spine is eliminated, and then proceed to the restoration of damaged tissues of intervertebral discs and prevention of exacerbations of the disease. At the first stage, the drugs of choice are NSAIDs (less often glucocorticosteroids in injections), local distracting and analgesic agents in the form of creams and ointments. It is suggested to wear a special corset that reduces the load on the spine, physiotherapeutic treatment: electrophoresis with analgesics, electrotherapy, laser therapy, shockwave therapy, water and heat procedures, as well as non-traditional methods: acupuncture, acupressure massage.
At the second stage of treatment, relaxants, chondroprotectors, B vitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes come to the fore. The range of physiotherapeutic treatment is expanding. The complex of procedures includes massage, shockwave therapy, hirudotherapy, physical therapy.
In case of complications of osteochondrosis, when conservative therapy has failed, surgical treatment is prescribed. The indication for it is stenosis of the spinal canal, in which the spinal cord passes, as a result of herniation or protrusion of intervertebral discs, spondylolisthesis (displacement of vertebrae relative to each other).
Treatment of neuralgia is somewhat simpler, but also involves a comprehensive approach. In addition to analgesics, antispasmodics and lidocaine blockades for pain relief, myorelaxants are also prescribed to relieve muscle spasms. Diuretics are used to relieve tissue edema. Local treatment is carried out with anti-inflammatory ointments and drugs that improve tissue trophism. It is mandatory to take B vitamins that have a positive effect on the nervous system.
From physiotherapeutic methods used electrophoresis with analgesics and anesthetics transcranial electroanalgesia, diadynamic therapy, fluctuorization, UHF therapy, ultrasound, darsonvalization, magnetotherapy, laser therapy. Therapeutic paraffin applications, mud, hirudo and reflexotherapy sessions are also performed.
Treatment of myocardial infarction is also not limited to surgery called "coronary angioplasty" or "aortocoronary bypass surgery". In addition, treatment is carried out to eliminate pain (administration of morphine, the use of neurolepanalgesia) relief of anxiety (tranquilizers), prevention of hypoxia (oxygen mask). Obligatory: antiplatelet therapy (acetylsalicylic acid preparations), administration of anticoagulants (heparin), thrombolytic therapy (streptokinase, aldeplase), prescription of beta-blockers (metoprolol, propranolol, etc.).
In cardiac ischemia and angina pectoris, similar treatment is carried out, which is supplemented with antihypertensive agents, cardiac glycosides, anti-inflammatory drugs, antiarrhythmic drugs.
Of the methods of physiotherapy in cardiopathies most applicable hydrobalneotherapy, electrotherapy, massage, physical therapy, which are individually prescribed in the recovery period.
Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, let us consider the example of inflammation of the lungs. In this case, the pain in the back is not acute. And not every patient will pay attention to it in the absence of other symptoms. And after all, pneumonia often runs in a hidden form, and we carry it on our feet, provoking multiple complications. Nevertheless, a person who is attentive to himself and his feelings may be concerned about the pain, which will be the reason for visiting a doctor.
Pneumonia is an infectious disease, the causative agent of which can be different types of bacteria, viruses and fungal microflora. It is clear that in the therapy of different forms of inflammation of the lungs will be used different drugs to combat the causative agent of the disease. Without this, there is no way to stop the inflammation, and a prolonged inflammatory process can irreversibly change the lung tissue.
To combat bacterial infection, antibiotics are traditionally used. Treatment of pneumonia of fungal etiology involves the use of antimycotic agents. But the elimination of viruses is considered the task of the body itself, and help it in this can antiviral drugs with immunostimulating action. If antibiotics are prescribed for infection of non-bacterial nature, it means that the disease has become complicated due to the active multiplication of opportunistic microflora against the background of a decrease in the body's defenses.
The main requirement in the treatment of lung inflammation is bed rest during the first days of the acute period, to which are added plenty of warm water, cough preparations (for dry cough) and mucolytics and expectorants (for wet cough), bronchodilators for shortness of breath, if necessary antipyretics. No warming of the lung area, especially if the disease is bacterial.
Anti-inflammatory and painkillers are prescribed by a doctor. But usually the pain symptom in pneumonia is not so strong, rather tiresome in its constancy.
Physiotherapy is also a component of the comprehensive treatment of pneumonia and may include: UHF and inductotherapy, decimeter- and centimeter-wave therapy, magnetic field exposure, inhalation treatment, ultraviolet and infrared irradiation, laser therapy, electrophoresis and other methods. In the acute period, kinesotherapy is indicated, which is subsequently combined with physical therapy and prevents congestion in the lungs.
We will not dwell on the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, excretory system, where pain in the back under the ribs is a nonspecific or characteristic manifestation of the disease. These topics are discussed in detail in other articles, carrying large amounts of information. At the same time, both the drugs used and approaches to the treatment of the same diseases may differ, depending on the etiology of the disease, the age of the patient, the individual characteristics of the organism.
Without distracting from the issues of complex treatment of various diseases with pain syndrome in the back, let us consider some drugs that help to eliminate unpleasant sensations. In most pathologies, these are analgesics, antispasmodics, NSAIDs. With heart disease - the first help is "Nitroglycerin".
Popular non-narcotic analgesics that can be purchased without a doctor's prescription include: "Acetylsalicylic acid" and derivatives of salicylic acid, analgin, amidopyrine, paracetamol, etc. These drugs have analgesic and some antipyretic effect, are designed to relieve pain syndrome of mild and moderate intensity. The safest for all categories of patients is considered "Paracetamol".
This proven for years budget drug today has many forms of release, which makes its use even more convenient and safe (even with peptic ulcer and pregnancy). The drug is available in the form of tablets of different dosage, capsules, syrups, suspensions, suppositories for rectal use.
Tablets and capsules for patients over 12 years of age are allowed to take a maximum single dose of 1.5 g, while the daily dose should not exceed 3-4 g. For children 3-12 years of age, the daily maximum is 1-2 g. Take tablets at intervals of 4-6 hours, without chewing, drinking water.
Rectal suppositories are allowed to be used from 1 year of age, and the daily dosage is calculated as 60 g for each kilogram of the child's weight. For patients over 3 years of age, the daily dose corresponds to the dosage of tablets. The suppositories are placed at the same interval.
Syrup is most often treated in children from 3 months to 12 years of age, but it is quite acceptable to treat older patients. Infants up to 1 year old can be given no more than 5 ml of syrup, babies 1-5 years old, the dose can be increased to 10 ml, children up to 12 years old are given 10-20 ml of syrup at one time. Dosage for adolescents and adult patients is not more than 40 ml of syrup. The frequency of administration is 3-4 times a day, taking into account that 5 ml of syrup contains 120 mg of paracetamol.
Contraindications to taking the drug include hypersensitivity to the drug, as well as severe liver and kidney disease with impaired functionality. Rectal suppositories are not recommended for those who have inflammatory diseases of the rectum. In pregnancy and during breastfeeding, the analgesic should be used with caution after consulting with a doctor. The same can be advised to patients with liver disease (high doses have a toxic effect on the organ), as well as with renal stone disease (the drug can provoke renal colic).
Side effects of the drug can be considered: changes in blood composition, effects on the CNS (agitation or drowsiness), symptoms from the GI tract (nausea, pain in the epigastrium) and excretory system (purulent inflammatory kidney disease), allergic reactions. Severe symptoms are usually a consequence of prolonged use of analgesics or high doses of the drug.
The second group of drugs for back pain under the ribs are antispasmodics (drugs that relieve muscle spasm and pain syndrome). These drugs have a wider application, because they do not distort the overall picture of serious diseases.
Known antispasmodics include: "Drotaverine", its foreign analog "No-shpa", "Papazol", "Buscopan", "Difacil", etc. A little later on the shelves of pharmacies appeared combined drugs that simultaneously affect the pain syndrome of different etiologies ("Baralgin", "Spasmalgon", "Spasmyl", "Renalgan", "Spasgan", etc.), which allows them to be used even in the case of pain, the cause of which is not precisely determined.
For example, the drug "Renalgan" as an antispasmodic can be prescribed for renal and hepatic colic, stomach and intestinal spasms, dysmenorrhea (painful periods). But it also has an analgesic effect, which makes it possible to use it to relieve pain not only spastic nature.
The drug is produced in the form of tablets and is intended for the treatment of patients over 15 years of age. The maximum daily dose is 2 tablets, and the treatment course is limited to 3 days.
Unlike many analgesics and antispasmodics, the combined drug has a decent list of contraindications. In addition to individual intolerance to the components of the drug include: gastric and intestinal obstruction, reduced tone of the muscles of the urinary and gallbladder, severe liver and kidney diseases, identified disorders in the blood composition, blood diseases, deficiency of the enzyme G-6-FD. To this list can be added closed-angle glaucoma, bronchial asthma, collapse, arrhythmia, tachycardia, prostate pathology with impaired urine output. The drug is not given with suspected appendicitis or other acute surgical pathology.
The medicine has another list of diseases in which the drug should be used with special caution. It is also worth reading before you take the medicine or offer it to a patient.
Among the side effects of the drug it is worth mentioning a certain probability of exacerbation of gastrointestinal pathologies, discomfort in the epigastrium, stool disorders, heart rhythm disorders, decreased BP, changes in blood composition, reversible and irreversible kidney disorders, decreased vision, liver malfunctions (jaundice, hepatitis), reduced amount of sweat, fainting. Allergic and anaphylactic reactions are not excluded.
Despite the cautions, the drug is well tolerated by most patients, including those diagnosed with GI disease.
The third group of pain medications are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These are drugs against inflammation and pain, which in popularity have long overtaken analgesics. Although this applies mainly to "Analgin". Many drugs from the group of analgesics include in the list of NSAIDs. So "Aspirin" (acetylsalicylic acid) refers to the category of NSAIDs with pronounced anti-inflammatory activity, and "Paracetamol" - to NSAIDs with a weak anti-inflammatory effect. "Baralgin", the active substances of which are analgesic and antispasmodic, is categorized as a combined NSAID.
Non-steroidal drugs used for pain syndrome also include "Ibuprofen", "Ketorolac", "Ketoprofen", "Diclofenac", "Meloxicam", "Indomethacin" and other drugs with antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
When there is pain in the back under the ribs, the hand reaches for the widely publicized drug "Diclofenac" (other NSAIDs can be no less effective), which is available as an injectable solution, tablets, ointment and gel, suppositories, solution for eye treatment. And it must be said not for nothing. The drug has many indications for use, among which are inflammatory diseases of internal organs, and diseases of the spine, and neurological problems.
The injectable drug is used intramuscularly in a two-day course, administering 75 mg of the drug every 12 hours for the treatment of moderate pain syndrome. Then it is recommended to switch to oral administration of the drug or treatment with rectal suppositories.
Tablets for patients over 12 years of age are allowed to give in a maximum dosage of 150 mg per day. Children under 7 years of age - no more than 25 mg per day, up to 12 years of age - up to 75 g per day.
The same dosages should be adhered to when treating with rectal suppositories. They should be given two or three times a day.
Ointment and gel are used for topical treatment of pain syndrome in spinal diseases, injuries, muscle and joint pain. Ointment and 1% gel are applied to the body in a dosage not exceeding 4 g. Gel with a higher dosage is used cautiously (not more than 2 g per one application). The frequency of application of the drug on the body is 3-4 times a day.
The drug in any form of release should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to any NSAIDs and the development of allergic reactions against the background of past use of NSAIDs. Intramuscular injection and oral administration of the drug is not recommended in case of exacerbation of erosive and ulcerative diseases of the GI tract, blood pathologies, bleeding and blood coagulation disorders. Do not use in the treatment of children under 15 years of age. Caution should be observed in bronchial asthma, anemia, severe heart failure, severe edema, hypertension, liver and kidney dysfunction, diabetes mellitus. Rectal form of the drug is prohibited in inflammatory diseases of the rectum.
"Diclofenac" is highly undesirable to prescribe in pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
Topical forms of the medicine should not be applied to wound surfaces, scratches, cuts.
The main side effects of the drug are considered: GI disorders, sleep disorders, cramps, edema, tinnitus, impaired hearing, vision and taste sensations, kidney and respiratory system malfunctions, increased BP, exacerbation of cardiovascular pathologies, up to heart attack, allergic and skin reactions.
As we see, in heart disease and myocardial infarction, "Diclofenac" is unlikely to be recommended by a doctor, so it should not be taken to relieve reflected back pain on the background of cardiopathies. In this case, the emergency drug is "Nitroglycerin", and in the future, narcotic analgesics are prescribed to relieve severe pain syndrome.
"Nitroglycerin" does not belong to analgesic agents. It is a nitrate vasodilator, which regulates the tone of blood vessels and heart function, redistributes pressure in the vessels, helps relax the muscle tissue of the bronchi, GI tract, biliary and urinary tract. The drug is mainly prescribed to control angina attacks and reduce pain in myocardial infarction (pre-hospital care).
The medicine is used in the form of capsules for the treatment of adult patients. The tablet is placed under the tongue and kept there until complete dissolution or disappearance of pain syndrome. Re-administration of the drug is possible not earlier than in 5-15 minutes, taking into account that the effect of the first tablet lasts for half an hour. If the pain does not completely disappear after 2-3 tablets, it is a sign of myocardial infarction.
Contraindications to the use of niroglycerin are related to hypersensitivity to nitrates, shock and some cardiovascular disorders: cerebral ischemia, low BP and collapse, high intracranial pressure, stroke, aortic stenosis. The drug is also NOT given in case of pulmonary edema of toxic nature, as well as in case of recent head injury.
Side effects of the drug are considered: headaches, impaired visual acuity, fainting, decreased BP, cyanosis or hyperemia of the face, nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain. Possible: exacerbation of IBS, hot flashes, respiratory disorders, tachycardia, disorientation, allergic reactions.
Choosing an effective and, most importantly, safe drug for back pain under the ribs is a very responsible task. After all, it is necessary to relieve pain without harming human health and without blurring the overall picture of the disease, if the patient will be taken to the hospital for further examination. This does not mean that it is necessary to sit idly by. It just means that you need to listen more carefully to your body and take into account the condition of another person in the case of first aid, and not use the first drug that comes to hand, which can relieve pain.
Folk treatment
We have tried to consider almost all possible causes of pain in the back under the ribs and even complex treatment of some of them, but according to statistics, pain syndrome of this localization in 90-95% of cases occurs as a result of diseases of the spine. Most of the appeals to the doctor are associated with osteochondrosis and radiculitis, followed by scoliosis, spinal hernia, myalgias. Diseases of internal organs, with the exception of kidneys, are usually accompanied by pain in the abdomen and chest from the front, and irradiation of pain to the back is considered more of an exception to the rule.
Folk medicine, based on this, pays more attention to remedies for back pain relief in pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, whether degenerative changes or inflammatory process as a result of a cold. With infection (especially bacterial) folk remedies are ineffective, because to combat it, it is necessary to take herbs with the appropriate effect in large doses. And herbs that are effective against bacteria usually have a noticeable toxicity. So it turns out that the treatment of infection can turn into severe intoxication.
But let's return to such a symptom as back pain under the ribs. What does folk medicine offer for its treatment? First, it is local exposure to compositions with irritating, distracting, warming and anti-inflammatory action. Such exposure does not have a pronounced therapeutic effect, if not combined with the treatment of the body from the inside. Nevertheless, as an ambulance for excruciating pain, they are quite a worthy substitute for pharmacy drugs. By the way, many pharmacy ointments and rubs for back pain are made on the basis of natural products and herbal extracts.
The use of such means is combined with additional insulation of the sore spot, which enhances the analgesic effect, although even the insulation itself can reduce the intensity of pain, and sometimes completely relieve it.
Here are some examples of effective folk remedies for osteochondrosis, sciatica, myalgia and some other diseases with back pain:
- Horseradish is a popular plant with a stinging flavor that has an irritating and distracting effect when applied topically. To treat pain, both the root and leaves of the plant are used (preferably in combination). From the root is made into a porridge, and the leaves are used as a whole. First, on a piece of natural cloth put the porridge of horseradish root and put on the back in the focus of pain. The porridge is covered with a cloth and carefully apply a hot iron to it, warming the mixture inside. Such treatment can be withstood for 3-5 minutes. But during this time, the pain subsides noticeably.
Next, remove the horseradish gruel and put fresh, washed leaves of the plant on the skin. Be sure to insulate the back, using, if possible, fabrics made of natural wool. Time of exposure from 15 to 30 minutes. With each subsequent treatment, the duration can be increased.
- Who this treatment option will seem cruel, you can try another recipe, where horseradish is one of the components of the healing paste. To prepare it, again grate the root of horseradish, add to the composition of the same amount of grated raw potatoes and a little honey. Thoroughly mixed paste is applied to the sore area in a thick layer (about 1 cm) and covered with a film. A warm cloth is placed on top.
The compress causes a feeling as if the skin is burning, but do not be afraid of it. Remove the composition after an hour, after which you wipe the skin with warm water. As in the first case, 1 procedure per day is enough.
- Black radish is another medicinal product that can be used for back pain. It is used in the same way as horseradish root in the form of a porridge, which is applied over a cloth on the focus of pain. From above, it is recommended to cover the design with a film and insulate. When the compress begins to burn strongly, it is removed, and the back is wiped with a damp cloth. Treatment can be carried out up to 2 times a day.
- Dough is not only a raw material for delicious baked goods, but also an excellent remedy for back and lower back pain. For therapeutic purposes, dough made of rye or combined flour (wheat-rye) is more suitable. It is made without adding yeast and kept for some time in the heat (acidify). It is easier to use a hard but soft dough, which is spread in a thick layer on the back on top of doubled or tripled folded gauze.
Such a compress is more appropriate to fix on the body and leave overnight. Sometimes garlic powder is mixed into the dough. In this case, there is a burning sensation, and it is not recommended to keep the dough on the body for a long time.
As warming agents use pre-heated salt, sand, cherry bones in a cloth bag, such means do not irritate the skin, but only warm it, which gives relaxation and reduces pain. Warming effect have and woolen things (especially if it is sheep's wool). From woolen cloth you can make a belt that can be fixed on the sore spot. The effectiveness of such a belt increases if it is previously kept for an hour and a half in a warm salt solution, and then dried. "Salt" wool can be worn on the body for several days, which helps with chronic pain that is difficult to remove for 1-2 treatments.
Back pain under the ribs can be relieved through various homemade ointments and rubs or using ready-made pharmacy remedies, such as balm "Gold Star" (simply "star"), which has anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic, warming, antiseptic action, improving blood circulation and trophic tissue.
Good analgesic effect has and ointment-rastirka "Pchelovit", which contains bee venom (relieves pain, improves blood circulation, slows the course of degenerative processes in the joints of the spine), propolis (an excellent biostimulant and anti-inflammatory agent), essential oils (fir, rosemary, lavender have anti-inflammatory effect), camphor, turpentine (warming and trophic effect).
A variety of warming agents with local irritant (distracting), anti-inflammatory and warming effect can be made by yourself from improvised means, if you know their properties. For example, the analgesic effect can be provided by essential oils of peppermint, melissa, fennel, camphor, menthol, mustard.
Special attention should be paid to red pepper (an excellent irritant and warming agent that quickly relieves pain). It can be used in the form of an alcohol tincture (equal parts of alcohol and crushed pepper pods are insisted for a week and used for rubs and compresses, mixed 1:1 with vegetable oil) or added to various ointments (it is easier to use ready-made powder).
Anti-inflammatory effect, thanks to which relieves pain caused by swelling and inflammation of tissues, have ginger (you can use a ready-made powder or a porridge of fresh root), propolis, essential oils of rosemary, fir, thistle, cabbage leaves.
The basis of home ointment can be vaseline, butter or clarified butter, clarified lard, badger fat. Ready-made alcohol tinctures, vegetable oils can be used for rubbing.
Kerosene-based remedies are very popular. In them, kerosene is selected as an auxiliary component that improves the penetration of therapeutic substances deep into the tissue. For example, many know about the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of table beet, but rubbing with juice or compresses from the porridge will not give such a pronounced effect as a mixture of beet cake with kerosene. The composition is applied to the sore spot over a cloth, cover with a film, fasten and leave overnight. By morning, the pain usually subsides.
Acupuncture helps to quickly relieve back pain, but not everyone has knowledge about it. A substitute for such reflex action is the Kuznetsov applicator, which can be purchased in a pharmacy or made independently from metal caps from glass bottles. In the caps need to make holes and sew them on the cloth at a distance of 6-8 mm. If such an applicator is placed under the buttocks, it helps relieve tension and back pain when sitting.
For severe back pain, the ready-made applicator is applied to the painful area and pressed for 40-60 seconds.
Herbal treatment
Herbal medicine is an integral part of folk medicine. Knowing the properties of medicinal plants and their effect on the body, you can make recipes that will help if the pain in the back under the ribs is caused by inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the back and spine, as well as in the case of diseases of internal organs.
Thus, in the case of osteochondrosis of the spine great help can come:
- Parsley. Decoction of the root of the plant is taken orally 2 times a day by a tablespoon.
- Melissa. Leaves of the plant are mixed in equal proportions with orange peel, 2 tsp. Mixture brewed 2 cups of boiling water and infused for 1 hour, after straining into a warm composition add 2 tsp. Of honey and tincture of valerian. For 1 drink 1 cup of infusion, the daily dose of 2 cups. The course of treatment - 1 month.
- Pine needles. 200 grams of raw materials pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist and take twice a day 1 cup.
These plants help to reduce inflammation and swelling that accompany degenerative diseases. When inflammation of nerve and muscle tissues can be taken infusion of adonis (1 tsp. Dry raw material per glass of boiling water, infuse and take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day).
A popular method of treating various back pains in the village (especially for sciatica) is "beating" with nettles. For this purpose, you need young nettle sprigs that cause burning even when lightly touched. These sprigs should be lightly walked on the sore spot.
Nettle can be taken internally. It helps with many diseases of internal organs, increases immunity, normalizes metabolism. For internal use are suitable and dry leaves of the plant. 1 tbsp. Raw material should be poured a glass of boiling water, insist and drink 1 tbsp. Three times a day.
In inflammation of the kidneys pain helps to relieve the infusion of hernia. It is desirable to use fresh herb (1 tsp. Crushed raw material for 1 cup of boiling water, insist until cool). Ready remedy drink no more than 4 times a day, 1 tbsp., no more, because the plant is considered poisonous.
Relieve pain in the digestive system helps chamomile tea, infusion of St. John's wort, sage, yarrow, nettle, decoction of flax seeds.
For pain caused by cardiovascular disease, you can use such recipes:
- Add 15 drops each of valerian and hawthorn tincture to a small amount of water, pour into the mouth, hold and swallow.
- Infusion of melissa (1 tbsp. Per 150 g of boiling water) take 100-110 g 3 times a day.
- Infusion of mochrytsa (2 handfuls of herbs to 1 liter of boiling water, insist 6 hours) to take similar to the infusion of melissa half an hour before meals.
- Fir oil (rub into the heart area).
- Tincture of herb white stapes (alcohol 10 parts, raw herb 1 part, insist a week in a dark place) take 30 drops, diluted with water. Frequency of intake 3 times a day.
For compresses for back pain, you can use fresh burdock and horseradish leaves, infusions of chamomile, elderberry, thyme, St. John's wort, ointments based on horse chestnut (herb powder should be mixed with melted lard and camphor) and pyzhma, tinctures of eucalyptus, burdock, Adam's root, valerian.
From the domestic plant golden mustache can be prepared tincture on the pharmacy drug "Bischofit" (for 1 cup of liquid preparation take about 20 pieces of nodules of the plant and insist for 2 weeks). This tincture is good for exacerbations of spinal disorders. It can be used as a rub, and in the form of a compress.
Back muscle pain due to colds can be treated with birch leaves, which are applied to the back in the form of a compress. In pharmacies, you can ask for birch oil (a remedy based on the buds of the plant), which is used as a rub for back pain under the ribs.
In such situations will come in handy and tincture of dandelion flowers, which can be prepared in advance. Prepare the medicine from a full jar of flowers with inflorescences and half a liter of alcohol or vodka. Infuse it for 1.5 weeks, after which it can be used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic rub.
Treatment of back pain of various etiologies were once puzzled and homeopathic doctors. Today in their arsenal there are many homeopathic remedies that help relieve pain syndrome, but prescribe these drugs, based not only on the localization of pain and ready diagnosis, but also on some features of the patient's body. After all, homeopathy is not a drug, but a means of stimulating the internal forces of the body to fight the disease. And since our organism is individual, such an individual approach is required to the choice of homeopathic remedies.
But the selection of effective drugs should be a homeopath, armed with a complex of knowledge. We can only tell you what homeopathic remedies can be prescribed for back pain under the ribs.
Aconite - a drug prescribed for exacerbation of osteochondrosis and back pain of a cold nature, is good for acute, tearing pain in the lumbar region. Sulfur, as a remedy that relieves inflammation and swelling of tissues, is indicated for pinched nerves (neuralgia).
Cocculus indicus helps with first-time paralyzing pain in the lower back combined with symptoms such as dull pain in the shoulders and arms.
Natrium carbonicum is prescribed for nighttime back pain localized in the left shoulder blade area. Nux vomica may also be prescribed for similar symptoms, especially if heat improves the patient's condition and cold makes it worse.
Cincum metallicum is indicated for pain in the area of the first thoracic vertebrae, which subsides during walking and increases when sitting.
Calcarea fluorica and Rhus toxicodendron are drugs prescribed for chronic spinal pain that worsens with exercise and fatigue, and Calium carbonicum also helps with kidney pain when the patient feels like their legs might give out.
Acidum picrinicum may be prescribed for a feeling of heat in the lower back, and Dioscorea villosa and Agaricum may be prescribed for spinal pain radiating to the thigh and perineum.
For traumatic spinal cord injury and shooting back pain, Arnica and Hypericum would be the drugs of choice.
Of complex homeopathic remedies for back pain, it is worth paying attention to "Cel-T" and "Traumel". The first is similar in its action to NSAIDs, and the effect of the second is closer to the action of corticosteroids. That is, these are means with a proven anti-inflammatory effect, so they can be purchased even in ordinary pharmacies.
We have considered mainly those remedies that homeopaths prescribe for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. But back pain can be reflected, i.e. Caused by diseases of internal organs. In this case the list of prescriptions will be completely different, because to relieve pain it is necessary to treat not the back, but the focus of the disease, i.e. Kidneys, liver, stomach, pancreas, heart, reproductive organs, etc.
The prescription of drugs in homeopathy, as in traditional medicine, is based on a preliminary diagnosis, otherwise the treatment may not only have no effect, but in some cases even harm the patient.
Complications and consequences
Back pain under the ribs, not associated with physical exertion and pregnancy, is considered by doctors as a possible symptom of various diseases. At the same time, it is not the symptom itself that can be dangerous (unless the pain will be so severe that a person is unable to endure it, as it happens in injuries and road accidents), but the diseases that are characterized by it. Therefore, it is important to realize that the earlier the disease is detected, the less negative consequences it will have and the lower the risk of all sorts of complications.
For example, gastritis, in which back pain is rare and indicates more of a neglected disease, if untreated can easily turn into a peptic ulcer. Ulcer in turn requires a special diet and therapeutic and preventive procedures to prevent exacerbation of the disease and ulcer perforation. Ulcer perforation is the risk of peritonitis, which is considered a very dangerous disease that requires emergency care and often ends in the death of the patient. It turns out that if you do not pay attention to the symptoms of gastritis, among which may be back pain, changing its nature and intensity, you can get to peritonitis. Not to mention its consequences.
If the pain in the back is caused by neuralgia, there seems to be no great danger to health, but the constantly pressed nerve can become inflamed and the disease turns into neuritis. If previously it was not a matter of nerve damage, it was simply squeezed by swollen muscles, now there are deforming changes directly in the nerve tissue. As we know, nerve tissue recovers with great difficulty and not always. Nerve damage entails a decrease in sensitivity of the area of the body innervated by it, impaired motor ability of the muscles of the back, resulting in difficulty in movement of the hands. The longer the inflammatory process lasts, the more serious its consequences will be.
Osteochondrosis, for which back pain under the ribs is one of the main symptoms, is a very insidious disease. Dystrophic changes in the cartilage tissue of intervertebral discs, if nothing is done, gradually leads to displacement and bulging of discs (herniated discs), shortening of the spinal column, as a result of which the spinal cord, located inside the bony skeleton of the spine, and internal organs suffer.
Gradually, the patient is diagnosed with pelvic organ dysfunction (reproductive and sexual functions, urinary organs are affected), gastrointestinal tract (stomach and intestines are affected first of all), sciatic nerve inflammation is often diagnosed. On the segments of the spine appear bony growths that impede movement (in the cervical and lumbar spine), squeezing the nerves and blood vessels passing nearby. Lower limb paralysis may develop in lumbar spine pathology.
Is it worth mentioning that ignoring back pain as one of the symptoms of myocardial infarction or appendicitis is in itself fraught with life-threatening consequences.
Whatever the cause of pain on the side of the back under the ribs, it is very important to identify it as early as possible to prevent unpleasant and often life-threatening consequences and complications.
Back pain under the ribs can cause so many different reasons that it may seem as if it is simply impossible to get away from this affliction. In fact, it's not so bad. It may not always be possible to prevent such a tragedy as injury to the back or internal organs, but it is possible to reduce the risk of degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the back and internal organs.
Let's understand what preventive measures can help us avoid excruciating back pain:
- First of all, it is physical activity. On the one hand, excessive load on the back is a risk factor for the appearance of painful sensations. But on the other hand, with the right approach to work and sports, you can not be afraid of such an outcome. On the contrary, moderate work at home, at work, in the vegetable garden, as well as sports activities help to maintain the tone of the back muscles, strengthen the spine, which reduces the risk of dislocation of vertebrae.
If a person has to work standing or sitting for a long time, it is necessary to give the spine an active unloading, including simple exercises: turns of the torso, bends, arm movements, etc. It would seem that what could be better than to lie down and relax, but such rest can help relieve pain syndrome, but in no way trains the back and does not help it to stay healthy. On the contrary, a bedridden person develops new diseases, back pain and other unpleasant symptoms.
Swimming is an activity that is good for the back, as it works and trains all the muscles of the back. Swimming is also a fun and hardening activity, and modern conditions make it possible to swim all year round (in open water and indoor and outdoor pools).
Daily walks are a great way to get some air and stretch your back. They are available to both healthy people and those who suffer from illnesses but are not bedridden. It is a good prevention of stagnation in the body.
As for exercises to strengthen the back, you can include not only exercises to strengthen and stretch the back muscles, but also exercises that develop the abdominal press, complexes for the neck and limbs, relaxation exercises. It is not without reason that some scientists believe that most diseases come from an unhealthy spine, and it starts from the head and stretches almost to the anus.
- The second point can be called rational nutrition. Our diet should contain not only vitamins, but also a sufficient amount of minerals, which are part of muscle and bone tissue, provide nerve conduction, proper metabolism in the body.
Salt can not be called a useful mineral in nutrition, it does not contribute to the health of the joints, so do not abuse it. Another thing is that it can be used as an antiseptic agent.
As for mineral complexes, you should not use them unnecessarily. An excess of minerals can be just as dangerous as a deficiency.
Nutrition should provide for the needs of the body, not satisfy our perverted desires. Fresh, boiled, baked, stewed foods may not have the same rich flavor as fried, smoked, salted or pickled foods, but they are much healthier and safer for our stomachs.
Consumption of such products, limitation of salt and chemical additives in dishes, compliance with the diet (eat at least 3 times a day), avoid snacking on fast food and baked goods, avoid alcohol helps to maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract, which reduces the likelihood of back pain caused by pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. This approach to nutrition reduces the risk of liver and kidney disease, pancreas and gallbladder disease.
- Since a person spends a significant part of his life sleeping, it is worth taking care of his bed, which will provide complete rest. And it is possible only if the back is optimally relaxed. The bed for a full-fledged rest should include a suitable pillow (better orthopedic), a mattress of medium hardness. A shell net is not the best choice for back health.
- High heels, poor posture, unhealthy lifestyle (hypodynamia and bad habits), lifting and carrying heavy objects and the wrong approach to this (lifting weights should be from a squatting position, not bent over) have a negative impact on the health of the spine, and therefore you need to reconsider your attitude to these moments.
Back pain under the ribs is not always a consequence of spinal strain. The appearance of such a symptom often indicates certain problems in the body, which can be identified and eliminated only by a doctor working in close cooperation with the patient. Our attention to our feelings and well-being, helping to identify the disease at an early stage, first of all, we need ourselves, because it is our health. And medical professionals are called upon to help us maintain it, which is impossible without the patient's own wishes.
Back pain under the ribs is not a disease, but a symptom of a possible illness. It is possible to make any predictions about this condition only after an accurate diagnosis. And even if you remove the pain syndrome with the help of pharmacy drugs or folk recipes, there is no guarantee that the situation will not recur. Painkillers can completely get rid of only tension pain, most diseases that can cause back pain require long-term complex treatment, so that a person can forget about the unpleasant symptom for a long time.
The most difficult in terms of treatment are considered to be gastric ulcer, myocardial infarction, cancer, as well as any pathologies that run in chronic form. And it is not even the lack of effective therapeutic techniques, but the high risk of disease recurrence and the need for repeated surgical interventions on vital organs.
If we compare pain with back overexertion and pathological symptom in different diseases, it becomes clear that in the first case, the prognosis of treatment is favorable almost 100 percent. If the pain is provoked by a disease, the prognosis will depend on various factors: the nature and severity of the disease, the patient's age, the individual characteristics of the body, the justification of the prescribed treatment and fulfillment of the doctor's requirements.
Thus, it can be said that the prognosis of spinal pain in most cases is individualized and should be considered separately in each specific situation.