Back pain after exercising
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Even trained people after lifting an unusually heavy object, unexpectedly slipping, not having prepared properly the body and not coordinating correctly the movements can stretch the muscles of the back. In this case, back pain appears along the vertebral column along the entire length or in any area. Any movement, breaths and exhalations, a change in position, responds with pain. The nature of it can be a constant pulling, with an unsuccessful turn arises a chamber in the place of greatest stretching. In the same place, there may be swelling. If you suddenly find a bruise, you need to seek medical help. Internal bleeding speaks of rupture of blood vessels and disruption of the integrity of at least soft tissues.
Back pain after lifting heaviness, load, intense training can signal an osteochondrosis. Because of the thinning of the intervertebral discs, they are not able to properly perform the function of the shock absorber, and discomfort arises in the form of painful sensations.
People often talk about such cases: "ripped off" the back. After such a break, it is necessary to stay home, lie down, rest, restrain your load, try not to make sudden movements, you can apply joint ointments that are sold in pharmacies without a prescription and warm the sore spot with an anti-radiculite belt or simply tie it with a warm kerchief. However, complete rest is also not recommended, simple exercises performed without fanaticism, will help alleviate the pain syndrome. When pain recedes, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Symptoms of "stalling" of the back may arise from increased stress in hernia of the spine, as well as diseases of the kidneys, pancreas, gynecological problems, diseases of the cardiovascular system.
After lifting weights, the stomach often hurts. This is typical for women and can talk about problems with pelvic organs or hernia in the abdominal cavity (more often in men).
At beginners after the first employment in a sports hall of a pain in muscles backs can arise as a syndrome of the delayed muscular pain. The same can happen to any person who gave an unusual load to the muscles that did not work for a long time and relaxed, for example, in the spring, a few beds in the garden were dug up. Painful sensations in this case usually occur in the morning and are strong enough. To get rid of them, you need to work sick muscles, accelerating the accumulated overnight lactic acid.
Back pain after walking
Such complaints from time to time arise in people of different sex and age. Their appearance is associated with a variety of circumstances, so the pain can be both quite innocent, and talk about serious health problems.
Walking is considered the safest and most useful type of exercise. Even very sick people are recommended leisurely walks in the fresh air as a health measure. We walk every day, and our muscles are used to such a load. And suddenly - back pain during or after walking!
Basically, such pains are localized in the lumbar region, which experiences the main load at different positions of the body, other than lying.
Back pain after walking occurs in people who have overcome an unusually long route, went with great speed, inappropriate walking shoes or with an unusually heavy load. The result of this overstrain can be back pain and a completely healthy person. If rest brought relief, then medical intervention is still unnecessary.
Promotes the occurrence of pain during and after walking, overweight, sedentary work, the need to stand for a long time at the chair or counter (in general - be in the same position or do the same movements), a sedentary lifestyle, as a result of which muscle weakness, heavy physical labor, in gym. As a reaction to increased stress or a prolonged stay in one position, a muscle spasm arises that interferes with mobility of the spinal column in a particular department. This condition is characterized by a strong enough and prolonged pain.
But if the pains arise during the movement in the usual rhythm and almost always or accompany the rest after any pedestrian crossing, then this is already an application for a visit to the doctor. Pathological causes of back pain after walking or during it are not specific - these are the same diseases of the musculoskeletal system, internal organs, the consequences of infections, injuries and surgeries.
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Back pain after jumping
Jump - do not walk. Professional jumpers, at least, know how to properly group and land, but they often suffer back pain, because they work on a record and are subjected to high loads.
And the average citizen gets injured during the jump more than likely. Especially when jumping from a high altitude. Painful sensations after jumping can reflect and trouble in the internal organs.
In recent years, entertainment such as jumping on the trampoline has become popular with children and adults. You can jump on it to the best of your ability, entertainment is considered safe, however, many complain of back pain after the trampoline.
The risk group for the development of pain after this entertainment includes those who led a very inactive way of life, does not know how to jump and fall, got injured, hit the trampoline frame or landed badly on the trampoline, or has contraindications to jumping : diseases of the spine (curvature, osteochondrosis, vertebral hernia) or internal organs, in which jumping provoked pain syndrome.
Pain can arise from overstrain of the back muscles as a result of enthusiastic and long entertainment. In this case, after a rest, a warm bath and a relaxing massage, the pain must pass.
For all the safety of this entertainment, if the pain is severe and the legs are numb, this may be a sign of a compression fracture of the spine. In addition, if the pain appeared after a not-so-successful landing flat on your back or on your stomach, and also - accompanied by a loss of consciousness, you should visit a doctor.
If mild pains are troubling for a long time, they have a noisy character, and also intensify during rest in a comfortable posture or after regular sessions, it is necessary to be examined. Compression fracture of the vertebra occurs gradually under pressure during jumping.
In general, before you start so entertain, it's nice to make sure that you have everything in order with the spine, to take a trainee training course with the trampoline. It should be borne in mind that the load of beginners should be increased gradually.
Back pain after the pool
The aqueous environment is considered useful for problems with the spine. Staying in the water completely unloads the back, the compression of the internal organs stops, and the use of different methods and styles of swimming is a good training for all the muscles of the back, it improves the posture and gives a positive effect for the whole organism. In short, aqua fitness can solve many problems even the sick spine.
But, at the same time, some complain of back pain after the pool. This question must be differentiated. It is necessary to take into account the age of the swimmer, his health and load. If a healthy person bought a subscription to the pool and immediately tries to put an Olympic record there, then it is necessary to reduce the load. The fight against diseases should be carried out in special groups under the guidance of a professional trainer in aqua therapy. In the end, for swimming, too, there are a number of contraindications. These include, in particular, inflammatory diseases of internal organs, in which it is not recommended to be supercooled.
Swimming styles are also worth choosing according to age and preliminary training. For example, people at a respectable age, as well as - not leading a particularly active lifestyle to citizens of any age, are recommended to swim with a breaststroke or a crochet without taking their hands out of the water. Back pain after swimming can testify that the swimmer has overcome the marathon race for him without rest.
Swimming on the abdomen allows you to eliminate the curvature of the spine, kyphosis, stoop. People with vertebral hernias are recommended to swim on their backs, with osteochondrosis - alternately on the back and breaststroke. Exercises are selected by the trainer individually. Before visiting the pool, you should consult a doctor.
Back pain after sitting
Such symptoms can occur after hours of sedentary work, and even more so - computer games and an absolutely healthy person. After all, in this position, the loin can withstand loads twice as large as when walking.
To avoid back pain after sitting, it is necessary to make technological breaks during work every hour, and entertainments - even more so. A small gymnastics will help to remove muscle spasms from sitting in one position.
Back pain after sitting can also testify about the diseases. Even a healthy back hurts from a prolonged stay under the action of a monotonous load, and only the sick ...
The back hurts after a long sitting at an osteochondrosis, thus the pain amplifies, when the person wishes to be straightened, coughs or deeply sighs. Lumbar parts are more common, especially from sedentary work. In the place of thinning of discs, there may be a small swelling and muscles are more enslaved, the sensitivity of the skin is also reduced. With cervical osteochondrosis, the patient may complain of headaches and dizziness.
The cause of back pain from sitting can be a hernia of the spine. It may not manifest itself for a long time, but when it becomes inflamed, the pain is acute, shooting. During an exacerbation of motor disorders.
The protrusion of the intervertebral discs first looks like minor discomfort in the form of aching moderate pain after a long sitting posture, later the pains become intense, giving back to the buttock area, the back of the thigh, knee, shin.
Spondyloarthrosis is manifested by blunt pain at the site of cartilage damage that does not recede into the leg and is strengthened by prolonged preservation of one position. It is difficult for a patient to sit for a long time, he must stand up, resemble, change his position. After an overnight rest, he paces.
Arthritis is an inflammatory autoimmune process, joint edema is observed at the joint deformity site, pain after long sitting, loads, and a characteristic feature is pain intensification during night rest, often in the morning. Joints crunch when moving.
Back pain after sitting can indicate the development of the tumor process, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, nephritis, urolithiasis, inflammation and tumors of the genital organs - ovaries and uterus in women, the prostate gland in men.
Back pain after tilting
Pain sensations experienced with inclinations are called radiculitis. This is the manifestation of tension in the muscles of the abdominal-specific department, which is called the myofacial syndrome. Back pains are localized in the upper part of the colic and in the lower part of the spine.
The most innocuous and easily removable cause of primary syndrome is banal muscle weakness. When you lean forward on the spine, poorly supported by a weak muscular corset, a hump appears, which helps irritate the spinal cord nerves and cause pain. To eliminate muscle weakness it is enough just to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominal press, feasibly and without fanaticism, gradually increasing the load.
People with irregular posture are disturbed by the stability of the spinal column (stoop, scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis). Recommendations for strengthening the muscles remain in place.
Almost all diseases of the spine in the period of exacerbation (osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis), myocardial apparatus (myositis), metabolic disorders (osteoporosis), congenital anomalies and acquired trauma and displacement may be the cause of the primary myofascial syndrome. Increase the risk of its occurrence, physical overturning, prevention and infection.
In everyday life, often the cause of lumbar radiculitis is considered radicular syndrome (pinching of the inflamed nerve in the process of displacement of the structural elements of the spine). In fact, as experts say, this does not happen so often. Causes of radicular syndrome may be the onset of ovulation due to podvyvikha cytova, the spinal column of the spinal column, the abscess of the spine, inflammation of the joints of the spine with osteophytes at the vertebrae, the growth of the tumor into the nerve, the narrowing of the intervertebral canal.
It is almost impossible to lean forward with a root syndrome. Suspicions can arise if the pain increases sharply when trying to touch the chin to the chest, lifting from the bed, feeling the spine, straining the muscles of the abdominal press.
Another diagnostic marker - the patient lies flat on his back and tries to lift one leg (from the side where it hurts), without bending at the knee. Pain arises, intensifies and radiates to the back and limbs.
The stump cyndrome usually passes fairly quickly (maximum three or four days). Residual reflex pain in the muscles is felt for a long time and can be chronic.
Back pain after tilting (secondary myo-fatsialnyi fulminic syndrome) can be caused by causes that are not related to the spine. Kidney stone disease can be manifested by pain when trying to bend over. Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs (usually it hurts the lower abdomen and lower back), neoplasms and psychosomatic disorders can also cause pain.
Back pain after yoga
Since asanas contain elements that create increased muscular and joint loads, then, especially for beginners, back pain after class is not unusual. Pulling muscles, ligaments or joints can also be an "experienced yogi", making for the first time any new complex asana, changing to a new sequence or deciding to learn the practices of another school. The main reason for the pain is that a person simply did not calculate his strength, he did not warm up enough or performed asanas too quickly and quickly, technologically not exactly.
Starting to practice yoga in the presence of diseases of the spine or arthrosis, you need to report this to the coach, because some asanas are contraindicated in certain diseases. Carefully listen and follow the sequence of movements, observing safety precautions. Yoga is not universal. Asanas, their number and consistency should be consistent with the health and age of the practitioner. Mastering the exercise is gradual, you should not exceed your abilities or try to surprise anyone even with well-trained people who previously practiced other sports. Significant discomfort and pain after class signals about mistakes or excess of their capabilities.
Back pain after yoga in the first days of exercise is most often a syndrome of delayed muscle pain. If the symptoms continue for a week or more, you need to see the doctor, as this may indicate an injury.
Back pain after running
The spine undergoes serious overload when running, in contact with the ground, the load on the foot of the runner is more than five times the weight of his body. Even young and healthy people need to follow some rules, running, to prevent back pain during and after the run.
The back muscles of runners often hurt, if they ran on a hard surface (asphalt, concrete). In this case, the load on the spine is even greater than when running along a dirt track or grass cover.
Running shoes must be special, softening the shock load. When touching the ground, it is recommended to stand on full foot, rather than on the heel or sock.
The back after the run will hurt, if the runner leans forward, and does not keep the body strictly vertical. When tilted, the center of gravity of the body shifts, and the load on the main muscles of the back is distributed unevenly.
The rocking of the body when running, which occurs when the foot is incorrectly set. The inner edge of both feet must be on the same line.
Excess weight, weak back muscles are additional risk factors for the appearance of pain. Flat feet also provoke the appearance of back pain after running. And, of course, diseases of the spine - osteochondrosis, hernia, protrusion, and internal organs are a contraindication for regular running by running. In this case, it is better to replace running with other sports, for example, walking.
Before you start running, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications, to master the technique of movements and breathing, to equip yourself properly. The load is increased gradually in training, it is recommended to diversify the movements and alternate running with gymnastics, running backwards.
Pain after stanovaya in the back
The basic exercise with the bar, which involves the use of most of the muscles of the body (about ¾), is called deadlift. When it is performed, the musculature of the extremities, the body of the body from the shoulders to the buttocks, is simultaneously loaded, so non-observance of technical nuances can cause pain after stanovaya in the back and cause serious harm to the spine. If a person has spine diseases, there were injuries to this part of the body, there periodically appear pain in the back, it is better not to perform a deadlift or at least consult the expediency of doing this exercise with a doctor.
It is necessary to master the execution of deadlift with the trainer, it is necessary to increase the weight of the bar gradually. At first it is recommended to hone the technique with an empty bar.
Pains after stiff traction in the back may appear if the back muscles, especially the lumbar muscles, are not stretched and heated enough.
Specialists do not recommend taking the barbell in a diversion, this can lead to uneven workload and pain in the back.
The risk of stretching the musculature of the back increases when the athlete, straightened, throws the bar on the floor. It should be lowered to the ground by the rules, properly sitting down. Straightening and crouching with the bar, you need to control, so that the back is straight.
After the first training, muscle pain in the back (krepature) is bound to be, it's normal.
Back pain after squats
Such a simple exercise as squatting (without additional load in the form of dumbbells or barbells) can also be done incorrectly, and the back after that will hurt.
Before sit-ups, too, a warm-up is necessary, for example, a couple of minutes to jump with a skipping rope.
Squatting, it is recommended to place your legs wider. When the legs are not very wide, the back bends forward, helping the legs push the body up. If the squats are done with a load, then the narrowly spaced legs increase the lumbar load and lead to pain.
Knees with squats should be directly above the foot and do not go forward for the toe of the foot. If the knees diverge to the sides or converge inside, the load on the lumbar muscles also increases, and they will ache. When squatting with a load, it is recommended to plant socks and knees in the sides. If the squats are carried out with a barbell, then it should be placed on the muscles of the back, and not on the neck, because the load on the two parts of the spinal column increases - cervical and lumbar.
Head down during squats, especially with the barbell, you need to look right in front of you.
Sometimes when squats, the body "falls" back. This is corrected by the transfer of weight to the heels, when, kneeling, straightening up.
The back must be smooth, not rounded. Especially if you crouch with weight - dumbbells, weight, barbell.
The speed of squats can also cause back pain, crouch, especially with a load, you need to take it slowly, making sure that your back is straight.
The back can be sick at beginners (a syndrome of the postponed pain), at the raised or increased loading. If the back hurts strongly and stubbornly, and bruises have appeared, it is necessary to go to the doctor, there may be injuries. Severe back pain after squats or during them can be the first sign of trouble, so medical advice is also needed.