Back pain after ailments
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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In general, back pain is caused by diseases of the spine itself - osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, scoliosis, congenital defects of the spinal column, inflammation, trauma and neoplasm. Most often destructive or inflammatory processes are localized in the most loaded part of it - the lower back. Most of the complaints are associated with lumbar pain. With hypermobility of the vertebrae, pain is often localized in the cervical region.
Back pain can be observed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart disease and genital organs. Stiffness of the muscles, tension of the spine and spilled, and not localized soreness can be a symptom of a neurosis.
Back pain after a stroke
People who survived a brain accident often suffer from back pain. After an insult, the patients feel difficulties with coordination of movements, movements in space, their muscles are weakened, limbs become numb and the functions of the musculoskeletal system are seriously disrupted. Because of the weakness of muscle tissue, hypoxia, osteochondrosis develops, vertebral hernias, arthrosis or arthritis of the spine appear, accompanied by pain in the back. Man again learns to walk, overcoming pain.
In the early post-stroke period, the following measures are taken to prevent back pain:
- the patient should lie on a comfortable bed that does not bend under the weight of the body;
- the spine of the patient in any position should be even, and its curvature should not be allowed;
- in the sitting position there should be no appreciable pressure on the lower back, one shoulder should not be higher than the other;
- every two to four hours it is necessary to change the position of the patient's body;
- the patient is recommended early physical activity - it is necessary even in the supine position to strain different muscle groups;
- when the patient begins to sit, it is necessary to provide his body with an equilibrium position - a uniform distribution of weight on both buttocks;
- when the patient can get up, you need to help him stay in a vertical position, maintaining a smooth posture for at least a few minutes a day.
To prevent painful spasms of the musculature of the back, the patient is prescribed a relaxing, and later toning massage.
Thermal procedures can promote muscle relaxation and reduce pain in the back.
When the patient is already free to move, he is prescribed a course of physical therapy.
All procedures - massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises must be appointed by a doctor and should be conducted under the supervision of a specialist.
With intensive pain, medication is prescribed.
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Back pain after a heart attack
A large number of internal organs in the thoracic zone and the proximity of the neurovascular structures lead to a cross between the zones of sensitivity of pain signals from internal organs. Therefore, the appearance of sharp pain behind the sternum, which is similar to the cardiac, but from the back, can be provoked by different conditions. However, if such a pain occurs in a person who has already undergone a single myocardial infarction, then this is an alarming symptom that may be a harbinger of a second heart attack.
Cardialgia is a pain of cardiac origin, with a heart attack reflected in the left arm, scapula and lower jaw.
The attack of angina pectoris, which is considered a pre-infarction condition, is characterized by cramping stabbing pain on the left in the back, scapula and the back of the arm. This is usually preceded by physical stress.
Pain with aortic dissecting aneurysm is characterized by constancy, strong, cutting, giving in the back.
In elderly people with scoliosis, diabetics, heart pain is most often felt from the side of the back.
Acute cardiovascular pain (pre-infarction and myocardial infarction) usually occur suddenly. Even if felt in the back, then the left side. Accompanied by the rapidity of the pulse, pronounced breath, fainting, a sense of fear of death.
In people who have had myocardial infarction, back pain may be symptoms of other diseases that are not related to the heart - osteochondrosis, intercostal neuralgia, traumas, diseases of the esophagus, however, given the high likelihood of a second infarction, such symptoms should urgently call an ambulance team .
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Back pain after stress
Among modern urban residents, especially those working in offices and experiencing a deficit of movement load: at work - we sit, go home - then go up in the elevator and after dinner - on the sofa, there is a risk of back pain due to emotional breakdown or prolonged depressed state. Even if someone visits a gym or swimming pool two or three times a week, this is not enough to compensate for the stresses on the nervous system of our contemporary.
Psychotherapists believe that most of the back pain is caused by stressful situations, which we get with an enviable regularity, stopping them even to notice. Explain such a reaction of the body to stress factors simply - at the level of instincts we inherent, feeling the danger, drag our heads into the shoulders and shrink, trying to diminish in size, become invisible. Because of this, the musculature of the neck and back, often in a compressed state, spasmodic. With time, pain in the back begins, later - develops osteochondrosis. With such pains can not cope, only doing sports, although it is certainly necessary.
At present, there is a so-called body-oriented psychotherapy. These are activities that teach you to remove stress pains on your own, learn to react correctly to exciting and unpleasant situations and get out of them with the least loss of health.
It is not recommended to remove stress with alcohol. In fact, it can only aggravate the situation.
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Back pain after poisoning
The toxic effect of poor-quality products, poisonous substances, alcohol, medicines can not but affect the work of the kidneys. If after a poisoning there are pains in the lower back, then it is possible to assume a disruption in the functioning of the excretory organ and even the development of renal insufficiency.
Signs of a disorder of kidney function except pain, in principle, not associated with movements and felt at rest, are violations of the emptying of the bladder: oliguria, edema, symptoms of intoxication - pallor, nausea, increased heart rate, fluctuations in blood pressure.
Pain has a pulsating and bursting character, can be blunt painful, spreading all the way to the shoulder blades. Symptomatic systemic intoxication will help distinguish renal pathology from pain in muscles or bones. To determine the cause of such a condition, it is recommended to contact a medical institution.