Alternative treatment for gout
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Gout is considered quite a serious disease, so it is difficult to cure it. This is a chronic pathology, for which a typical metabolic disorder and the formation of uric acid deposits in the bones, joints and cartilage. To accelerate recovery and alleviate the condition of the patient, often use alternative treatment for gout - it is performed against the background of the basic traditional therapy.
Alternative remedies for gout
Medical experts warn that it is unlikely to completely get rid of gout. Therefore, often patients try various medical prescriptions, including those that are represented by alternative medicine. Such methods of therapy include:
- infusions, decoctions, tinctures;
- compresses;
- changes in diet and lifestyle.
All this will, if not cure, then completely control the disease.
The main tasks are to eliminate the inflammatory process and slow down the production of uric acid. It is also necessary to reduce the acidity of urine in order to reduce the likelihood of developing urolithiasis.
As an external therapy successfully used herbal baths. They can be cooked with decoction of soap, oat straw, rhizome nettle, chamomile, sage, pine needles, currant twigs. For baths, you can apply the following recipes:
- brew 250 g of root aira in 2 liters of boiling water, filter and add to the bath;
- brew 300 g of chamomile in 3 liters of boiling water, filter and pour into a bath;
- brew 300 g of equal mixture of roots of ayr and thyme leaves in 3 liters of boiling water, filter and add to the bath;
- brew 200 g of sporich in 3 liters of boiling water, stand for 2 hours, filter and add to the bath.
The temperature of the bath should be approximately 38 ° C. The duration of the procedure is from 15 minutes to half an hour.
In addition, a good action with gout is provided by a massage, which is carried out after the relief of the acute process. Mass the affected joint and the area around it.
Treatment with iodine
Treatment of gout with iodine causes many contradictions, however, according to reviews, this method is quite effective.
- It is necessary to take 10 ml of iodine and 250 mg of acetylsalicylic acid (5 tab.). Aspirin is ground to a powdery kind and poured into iodine, mixed and smeared with affected joints at night, preferably under a compress.
- If the joints of the lower extremities are disturbed with gout, you can take an iodine foot bath: 3 teaspoons of water are added to 3 liters of water. Baking soda and 9 cap. Iodine.
- To remove the painful syndrome, prepare a mixture of equal doses of iodine, ammonia and triple cologne. The mixture is kept in a dark place at room temperature for two days, after which it is used to lubricate the joints up to 3 times a day.
Treatment of gout with soda
In addition to the baths with soda and iodine, baking soda is advised to take inwards to lower the level of uric acid in the body. However, this is a rather dangerous method of therapy, because:
- soda dramatically reduces the production of digestive enzymes, neutralizes hydrochloric acid, which leads to a gross disruption of the digestive process;
- with the regular use of soda inside, mucus production is disrupted, and the mucous membrane of the stomach is damaged, resulting in ulcers and erosion;
- the work of the kidneys becomes more complicated and worse.
The treatment with soda and peroxide, proposed by Professor I. Neumyvakin, is also disputed. This method has both ardent admirers, and people who are skeptical about such therapy. What is the essence of this method?
Soda and hydrogen peroxide are suggested to be taken inside, separately from each other, starting with a pinch of soda and 1 drop of peroxide into a glass of water or milk, three times a day. Daily, the amount of peroxide is increased by 1 drop, until a single dosage reaches 10 drops. The amount of soda used increases to 1 tsp. Without a slide.
If such therapy is accompanied by unpleasant sensations or any side manifestations, then the reception of listed drugs should be discontinued.
Herbal Treatment
Herbs for gout can be taken in the form of decoctions, tinctures or infusions, using a single plant or plant charges.
- Insist 50 g of Mullein in 500 ml of vodka for 2 weeks. Rub the obtained medicine into the area of the affected joints.
- Brew 1 tbsp. L. Tansy in 250 ml of boiling water, infuse for 2 hours, filter. Take inside for 1 tbsp. L. For 20 minutes before each meal.
- Brew 1 tbsp. L. Crushed celery root in 400 ml boiling water, infuse for 4 hours. Drink 2 tablespoons. L. For half an hour before each meal. You can also drink freshly squeezed celery juice, 1 tbsp. L. Up to 3 times a day.
- Brew 3 tbsp. L. St. John's wort in 800 ml of boiling water, insist 2 hours, filter. Drink 50-70 ml three times a day before meals. The duration of the course is 30-60 days.
- Brew leaves of cranberries, like tea, and drink up to 4 glasses a day. You can prepare a mixture of cowberry leaves with raspberries, lime or chamomile.
- It is useful to drink freshly picked birch sap in the spring.
Successfully applied treatment for gout with burdock. The simplest recipe is applying fresh burdock leaves under a compress, overnight. You can also prepare the infusion:
- 1 tbsp. L. Crushed rhizome burdock poured 200 ml of cool water at night;
- in the morning they put on fire and bring to a boil;
- take 1 tbsp. L. Up to five times a day.
In addition, it is possible to treat gout with bay leaf - this method promotes the rapid removal of salts from the joints, thereby alleviating the pain and soothing the inflammatory response.
- 15 g of ground laurel leaves are poured in 350 ml of boiling water and boiled for another 5 minutes;
- insist 2 hours;
- filtered and taken in small sips throughout the day (you can not drink a large amount of medicine at once: bleeding may develop);
- drink broth bay leaves can be no more than 3 days, after which the gap is made for 1 week. Then the three-day reception can be repeated again;
- treatment with bay leaves can be repeated 3 times a year, preferably in spring and autumn.
No less popular is the treatment of lilac gout :
- flowers of lilacs loosely poured into a glass bottle of 0.5 liters;
- pour vodka;
- 1 month at room temperature;
- filtered;
- take 30 cap. Three times a day before the main meals;
- the duration of the course is 3 months.
This same tincture can be used for rubbing and putting on compresses.
Still from the lilac prepare an ointment:
- 1 tbsp. L. Flowers are ground with the same amount of butter;
- used for compresses.
Treatment of gout horseradish
Horseradish medications are also used in traditional medicine: they often rub the affected areas with radiculitis, myositis, pain and joint aches. Water infusion of horseradish helps to eliminate inflammation, so it can be used as lotions or compresses. To warm up the joints, masks are put in from a mess of horseradish.
When gout is most often resorted to this recipe:
- horseradish grated or grinded in a different way to a fine gruel;
- 1 tbsp. L. The resulting mass is brewed with 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for 1 hour;
- apply to the affected joint, or apply, lightly rubbing into the skin.
You can also take grated horseradish inside, pre-mixing it in equal parts with natural honey.
Treatment of gout onion
In addition to the main therapy, you can use recipes with the use of common onions, which helps to alleviate the condition of the patient, as well as prevent new exacerbations. Thanks to the onion composition, the inflammatory process is eliminated, the excretion of salts from the body is accelerated, the musculoskeletal system is strengthened.
To prepare the medicine you will need:
- 300 g of grated bulb;
- 200 g of garlic passed through the press;
- 0.5 kg of cranberry puree;
- 0,5 kg of natural honey;
- 1 liter of boiling water.
Components (except for honey) are mixed, boiled water is added, covered and allowed to stand in the dark for one day. After that add honey, mix again and put in the refrigerator. Take the medication - three times a day for 1 tsp, 20 minutes before meals. The duration of the course is up to 2 weeks, then a time interval of 10 days is made and the course is repeated again.
Treatment of gout with apricot bones
In alternative medicine apricot bones are often used in the fight against cancerous tumors. However, this remedy is quite possible to treat and gout. For this, apricot kernels are used on an empty stomach, from the calculation of a daily dose for every 10 kg of weight - 3 bones, but not more than 30 pcs per day. More use is not recommended, since the apricot kernels contain a poison that can harm the body.
Such treatment can last a long time until the first improvements are noticeable.
The therapeutic effect of apricots is explained by the presence in the nuclei of vitamin B17, and, the more bitterness in the bone, the more the amount of this vitamin is contained in it.
It should be noted that representatives of traditional medicine are strongly against such therapy. According to scientists, with the slightest overdose, this vitamin can cause severe poisoning, and even death.
Salt treatment
- Salt greasy ointment from gout: melt on low heat 50 g of butter (preferably home), after boiling remove from heat and add 50 g of alcohol. Next, the mixture is ignited so that alcohol is burned, and 5 g of salt is mixed. The resulting ointment is rubbed into the affected joints, and the top is insulated.
- Therapeutic saline application: mix the unleavened dough into which salt 1: 1 is added. Cake is applied to the affected area, covered with cellophane and insulated.
- You can put mittens, socks or a handkerchief in a strong solution of salt, then dry and put on the affected joints. The proportion of the solution is 0.5 g of water, 50 g of salt is taken.
- It is useful to drink from morning and night a solution of English salt (sodium sulfate), 10 grams of salt - 100 ml of water.
Treatment of gout with apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has long been treated with joint and vascular diseases. A natural remedy can be used not only for rubbing, but also inside:
- mix 1-2 tbsp. L. Quality apple cider vinegar in 200 ml of water;
- drink daily, once a day.
It is also recommended to mix 2 tbsp. L. Vinegar and the same amount of honey. Use this mixture twice a day - in the morning and at night.
Apple cider vinegar is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties. This will quickly alleviate the inflammation and relieve the sharp soreness in the joints.
Treatment of gout with bees
Perhaps, one of the few alternative means of gout, which are approved, including, and representatives of traditional medicine, is apitherapy - therapy by bees.
During the first session, a specialist plant 2 bees for bites on the affected area.
On the second day three bees are planted.
In this way, the number of bees is brought to seven.
In bee venom, scientists discovered a substance that is a hundred times greater than the action of hydrocortisone. This explains the pronounced anti-inflammatory effect of treatment with bee stings.
Treatment of gout with leeches
Therapy with leeches, specially grown for medical purposes, accelerates microcirculation of blood, improves trophism of tissues, restoring damaged structures. As a result, edema decreases, inflammation is removed, and metabolism improves.
The course of treatment for gout with leeches consists of 7 sessions, which involve setting six leeches on a full exposure. Between sessions, you should maintain intervals of about one week. The repeated course can be conducted after 2 weeks, which will allow to permanently fix the effect of therapy.
The essence of this method is in the secretion of the salivary glands of leeches. Its components can cure even long-standing and neglected manifestations of such a disease as gout.
Treatment of gout with juices
Therapy with juices has been gaining momentum recently and is becoming more popular. One of the necessary conditions: the juice should be freshly squeezed and drunk on an empty stomach, 0.5-0.7 liters per day. Drinking the whole daily dose at one time is not necessary. Much more benefit will be if you drink a little, 100-150 ml several times a day.
- Juice from white cabbage frees the body of toxic substances, which helps to cleanse the joints. The course of therapy with cabbage juice should last no less than 14 days. When using it is desirable to dilute the juice with a small amount of water or carrot juice.
- Juice from celery and carrots acts in a complex: improves the flow of useful substances to inflamed tissues, cleanses blood vessels. If possible, you can add to the drink and the third component - spinach juice.
- Juice from cucumbers or watermelon is an excellent diuretic that helps to eliminate swelling and remove harmful substances from the body. To achieve the effect, it is enough to drink 250 ml of juice per day.
- Beet juice cleans the blood perfectly. It can be used not only for gout, but also for rheumatoid arthritis. If desired, beet juice can be mixed with cucumber or tomato juice.
- Lemon or lime juice removes pain and aches in the joints. To drink such juice in its pure form is difficult, so it is often mixed with berry or vegetable juices.
- Birch juice, harvested in season, is considered one of the best remedies for gout. It is consumed at 0.6 l / day, divided into three portions. The duration of such therapy is not limited.
Treatment of gout with mud
Therapeutic muds are natural natural substances rich in mineral and organic substances. If such dirt is heated and applied to the damaged joint, it will transfer all its useful substances to the tissues. Many varieties of mud are known, depending on their origin and medicinal properties.
- Saki mud (or Crimean mud) is the most popular dirt in our region. It has regenerating properties and increases blood circulation in areas of inflammation.
- Dead Sea Mud is a unique natural substance that contains almost all known trace elements in its composition. To treat such mud, it is not necessary to go to Israel - a lot for mud applications is sold in pharmacies and mud baths.
Before the procedure, the mud is heated to 38 42 ° C, then applied to the affected joints, covered with polyethylene and insulated. The duration of the procedure is about 40 minutes. The dirt is washed off with warm water. Treatment usually consists of 15 procedures. Longer therapy is possible only after consultation with the doctor.
Treatment with mud can not be done during an exacerbation, but only between attacks.
Treatment with tinctures
Tincture is a medicine that is prepared by insisting on vodka or alcohol of various plants, fruits, seeds, etc. The effect of such infusions is caused by the ingress of essential oils and biologically active substances into the alcohol from the plant.
The duration of the infusion may be different, depending on what is insisted: the fruits require more time than the crushed grass or seeds.
We bring to your attention the most effective variants of tinctures from gout.
- Prepare a mixture of 50 grams of agave leaves, 50 grams of grated horseradish, 50 grams of chili pepper. Pour 0.5 liters of alcohol, add 200 g camphor oil, 50 g turpentine and 2 tbsp. L. Iodine tincture. Put in a warm place for 5 days, after which they are filtered and used for rubbing joints before going to bed. The duration of therapy is 1 month.
- A mixture of 20 grams of garlic, 20 grams of eucalyptus, 20 g of rose hips, 20 grams of cotton, 20 grams of thyme and 10 grams of horsetail are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist for one week. The medicine is taken 15 drops 4 times a day.
- Fill a half-liter bottle with large ants (it is better to collect them in the spring), pour alcohol and insist 10 days at room temperature. After that, filter and use for rubbing.
- A half-liter bottle is filled to the top with leaves of nettle and filled with alcohol. Insist 14 days, after which the liquid is drained, the cake is squeezed. Tincture is used for rubbing and compresses.
Treatment of gout with activated charcoal
The essence of the treatment of gout with activated charcoal is that charcoal has the property of sucking and removing uric acid. Patients are advised to take baths with the addition of activated carbon every other day, a maximum - every two days. It is necessary to take half a glass of pounded tablets, mix with water and pour into a bath. You can make small separate baths for the limbs. The duration of the procedure is half an hour.
In some cases, it is allowed to apply the coal grit directly to the affected area. In this case, the mask is left for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.
The use of activated carbon inside is also practiced, but after preliminary consultation with the attending physician.
Gout: treatment with homeopathy
Treatment with homeopathy perceives positively. The main therapy regimens for homeopathic medicines are as follows:
- In an acute period, which is accompanied by redness and swelling of the joint, Aconite 30 is prescribed;
- AmmonPhos 30 is prescribed for the remission of a chronic disease;
- with pain in the feet and fingers - Arnica 30;
- when the condition worsens in an acute period, Belladonna 30 is appointed;
- with a strong swelling of the joint appointed Bryonia 30;
- the defeat of the knee joint is most suitable Guaiacum 30;
- when forming gouty nodes - Sabina 30.
In an acute period, during an attack, the chosen homeopathic remedy must be taken hourly, until a clear improvement occurs.
Treatment of gout with honey
When gout is recommended to use honey as a sweetener - this will delay the onset of an acute period and avoid complications. In addition, honey is used as an ingredient of all possible alternative recipes from gout.
- An analgesic drug with honey: you need 1 liter of honey, ½ kg of cranberries (can be replaced with black currant), 300 g of onions, 200 g of garlic. All the ingredients, except for honey, are ground and mixed, insisted for 1 day. After that, add honey, mix and take three times a day before meals, 1 tbsp. Spoon.
- Anti-inflammatory drug: prepare a mixture of 50 grams of St. John's Wort, 50 g of chamomile, 50 g of chicory root, 50 g of lime-colored; pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist 3 hours. Take 200 ml of drink per day, adding a tablespoon of honey.
- Medicinal honey applications: take 50 g of honey and 100 grams of gruel from onions, mix and apply as an application to the affected area. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, once a day, throughout the week.
- With the damage to the joints of the feet, the following remedy helps: feet are soared in hot water, after which a mixture of equal parts of dry mustard, baking soda, chopped onion and honey is applied to the joints. Top put cellophane and wrapped in a warm blanket. This procedure is performed before bedtime for 14 days.
Treatment of gout with propolis
Propolis is often used to treat diseases that do not respond well to conventional treatment. This natural substance perfectly eliminates inflammation, restores damaged tissue and relieves pain. It is noted that the effect of anesthesia occurs within 10 minutes after the application of propolis and lasts no less than 2 hours.
When gout is recommended for preparation of such a composition:
- Take equal parts of 30% alcohol solution of propolis, honey and sunflower oil;
- stirring;
- put mass on mustard plasters and apply to the affected area, fixing with a bandage.
In addition, propolis is rolled into a large enough cake and attached with a plaster to the diseased area. Do not remove for 2 days. Such treatment can be carried out every other day, until the pain finally subsides.
You can also use propolis tincture inside - 15 drops in a glass of barely warm milk, daily, at night.
Treatment of gout with native royal jelly
Native royal jelly is the strongest biostimulant used by bees for feeding queen bees. In alternative medicine, this remedy is used to strengthen immunity, to improve the picture of blood, to cleanse the body, to regenerate tissues affected by inflammatory processes.
The native milk is taken immediately from the mother liquor and immediately placed under the tongue, where it is kept until complete resorption (about 15 minutes). The longer the substance is retained in the oral cavity, the better. Patients with gout take milk twice a day for half an hour before a meal. The daily dosage is from 50 to 100 mg (approximately 1/5 or 1/3 of the mother liquor). The duration of therapy is up to 3 weeks.
You can combine this therapy with apitherapy - bee stings.
Treatment of gout with mineral water
Healing mineral water is drunk by courses, according to the purpose and under the supervision of a doctor. To drink such water randomly or for a long time is impossible: the course of therapy is, as a rule, 30 days. If you drink water regularly for more than 35 days, metabolic processes and acid-base balance may be disturbed. The repeated course is prescribed if the disease has resumed, or for the prevention, not earlier than 4-6 months after the last treatment period.
It is recommended to drink mineral water on an empty stomach, three times a day, before the main meals. A single amount of water can be different and determined by the doctor. Most often the dose is from 250 to 450 ml.
To treat gout, doctors prescribe the use of alkaline (hydrocarbonate-sodium) waters, as well as sulfate-sodium slightly mineralized waters such as Borzhomi, Nabeglavi, Polyana Kvasova, Slavyanovskaya, etc. Before drinking the prescribed dose, it is recommended that water be heated to 36-40 ° C .
Treatment of gout with mushrooms
Tea mushroom is a very old remedy for many diseases, which also helps with gout. For the treatment of infusion of the fungus used in combination with infusions of medicinal herbs.
- Mix equal amounts of leaves of birch, cowberry, nettle, as well as burdock roots and violet grass. Seven tablespoons of the mixture is poured with 1 liter of boiling water, it is insisted for 2 hours, filtered. Add the tea mushroom infusion (1 L) and insist for three days. After that, the drug is ready for use: it is taken 2-3 times a day for 200 ml.
- Mix in equal quantities the fruits of juniper, horsetail grass, buckthorn bark, parsley. Seven tablespoons of the mixture is poured with 1 liter of boiling water, boiled for 15 minutes, cooled, filtered and admixed with 1 liter of tea mushroom infusion. Insist for three days and take twice a day for 200 ml.
- Prepare a mixture of birch buds, bearberry, bird mountaineer, cornflower, bean pods, horsetail grass. Seven tablespoons pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist 12 hours (usually at night). Filter and add tea mushroom infusion (1 liter), insist for another three days. The received medicine is drunk seven times a day for 100 ml.
Clay treatment
Clay is suitable for treating gout - pink or blue, from which applications are made and taken internally. Often combine both types of treatment.
For applications it is necessary to prepare about 40 g clay, 1 tsp. Lemon juice and the same amount of tincture of nettle leaves. From the proposed products make a mixture, apply it to the affected area with a thick layer. The top is covered with a warm kerchief and left for 45 minutes. The procedures are repeated every other day. The course of therapy is 15 procedures.
For oral administration, it will take 2 tsp. Clay, 3 tbsp. L. Dried elderberry, 2 tbsp. L. A leaf of a nettle and as much a leaf of a cowberry and shishechek hops, 1 item. L. Herbs of St. John's wort, 500 ml of water. A mixture of herbs pour boiling water, insist for half an hour, then filter and add the necessary amount of clay. After that, you need to filter again the liquid and drink 100 ml twice a day for half an hour before meals. The duration of therapy is 20 days.
Treatment of gout with rice
There are several known recipes for effective gout therapy with rice.
- Two tablespoons of rice are washed well, placed in a glass jar 0.5 liters, poured clean water and left overnight. In the morning, rice is washed again and put on fire. Once it boils, rinse again and bring it back to the boil. So repeat 4 times, after which they eat the whole portion of rice without any additives. Then you can not eat food or drink for four hours. The procedure should be carried out twice a day, in the morning and at night, for 45 days. The essence of the recipe is that, with numerous washing, starch is washed out of the cereal, and after repeated boiling, cavities are formed on the surface of the grains, which contribute to the cleansing of the intestine from toxic substances.
- After the first prescription treatment can be continued as follows: mix 4 tbsp. L. Rice, 3 tbsp. L. Sugar, a few highlights and 1 liter of pure water. Infuse for four days, filter and take 100 ml on an empty stomach in the morning and at night. Keep the product in the refrigerator. Duration of therapy - from 2 to 3 months.
Treatment with compresses
Applying compresses to inflamed joints is one of the most simple and effective methods of eliminating inflammation. Compresses are welcomed both in folk and in traditional medicine - they are effective and can be used at home.
- 100 g of grass quinoa, 50 ml of vinegar, 50 g of honey and 10 g of rock salt are mixed. The resulting mixture is applied in the form of a compress, covered with cellophane or wax paper on top and insulated.
- Stirred three crushed leaves of aloe, 5 pressed garlic cloves, one onion, 30 g melted butter, 50 g honey, 50 ml of pure water. The mixture is brought to a boil, but not boiled. After cooling, apply as a compress.
- Black large radish washed, peeled and rubbed on a fine grater, then add 50 g of honey. The mixture is used for setting compresses, overnight.
- In case of an acute attack of the disease, a small layer of honey is applied to the affected area. Sprinkle with crushed pills of acetylsalicylic acid (about 4 tab.). Layers are covered with gauze, pre-soaked with milk whey or kefir. When the compress is heated from inflamed skin, it should be replaced with fresh. So do until the abrupt pain ceases.
Treatment of gout with hunger
Fasting for medicinal purposes leads to significant changes within the body. Controlled hunger normalizes biochemical reactions and the function of endocrine glands, speeds up the elimination of toxic substances, improves blood circulation. Fasting is considered a general health method, which is applicable not only for gout, but also for other diseases. One of the few conditions is the complete control of the process by a medical specialist.
Gout is characterized by the accumulation of uric acid compounds in the tissues. During fasting these compounds are gradually "washed out" with blood and leave the body. Long-term hunger is practiced only in a hospital, under the supervision of a doctor. If the course lasts 2-3 days, then it can be done at home, if for that there are no medical contraindications. Without the doctor's approval to initiate this method alone, therapy is not recommended.
Treatment with foil
Treatment of joints with foil is based on the reflection of biocurrents, which supposedly should contribute to the elimination of the inflammatory process. The procedure is suitable for ordinary aluminum foil, which is used for baking products.
Affected joints are wrapped in several layers of foil, pre-laying a cotton napkin. The duration of the procedure is no more than 2 hours. The course of therapy is one week.
This method has no scientific or other confirmation. However, patients who suffer from gout are often forced to resort to a wide variety of recipes to alleviate their condition.
Hyaluronic acid in the treatment of gout
Hyaluronic acid is often used to relieve pain and restore the joints. In most cases it is preferable to use the following means:
- ostenil;
- crepe-gel;
- fermatron;
- djuralan.
Any of these drugs are injected directly into the bag of the joint, where they act like a synovial fluid.
When gout, the introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations is justified not always, but only after the removal of inflammation, if there are lesions in the internal structures of the joints.
Treatment of gout with acupuncture
Acupuncture is one of the oldest methods of therapy of medicine of the east. This type of treatment is used to eliminate the symptoms of many diseases, including arthritis and gout.
During the acupuncture session, the needles are set for half an hour-hour at different sites, which is due to the circulation and normalization of the Qi energy. When this energy flows unhindered, the body is relieved of pain and its functions are full.
In the treatment of gout, emphasis is placed on the removal of pain and swelling of the joints. The goal is to transform the accumulation of Damp Heat and Flegma-Blood inside the joint. System acupuncture helps to eliminate imbalance, and local - to cure the affected area.
Any methods that are used for gout do not give an instant effect: the therapeutic scheme is usually long and complex. To fully control the disease, it is necessary to spend a lot of time and energy.
As you can see, alternative gout treatment sometimes looks very unusual, but often very effective. Therefore, in some cases, it really makes sense to choose a suitable recipe for yourself and implement it.