Adaptive Syndrome
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Effects of glucocorticoids in general adaptation syndrome
Glucocorticoids are hormones that are secreted during the active work of the adrenal cortex. Their role is extremely important in the functioning of the body during the adaptation syndrome. They perform a protective function, which manifests itself in a decrease in the degree of vascular permeability, which prevents a decrease in the level of AD with negative stimuli. Reducing the permeability of cell membranes and lysosomes, glucocorticoids prevent their damage during injuries and poisoning. Also, thanks to them, the level of the energy resource of the body increases, because these hormones take an active part in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Reducing the degree of permeability of cells and blood vessels, glucocorticoids eliminate inflammatory processes. Another of their peculiarities is that they increase the tone of the nervous system, supplying nerve cells with glucose. Activating the production of albumins in the liver, which is responsible for creating the right level of blood pressure in blood vessels, in stressful situations, glucocorticoids prevent a decrease in the volume of circulating blood and a drop in blood pressure.
But not always glucocorticoids are useful, they have a damaging effect. They lead to the destruction of lymphoid tissue, which provokes the development of lymphopenia. This affects the production of antibodies. Therefore, it happens that physically healthy people begin to get sick more often.
In order not to face such an unpleasant state as an adaptation syndrome, it is necessary to carry out stress prevention, namely, to play sports, temper the body, attend auto-training, adjust the diet, pay attention to the favorite occupation. These methods will help to correct the body's response to mental stimuli, trauma, infection. The treatment process depends on the stage of the syndrome. At the first stage, hydroelectric solutions are used. On the second - prescribe salts of potassium and hydrocortisone. At the stage of exhaustion, the restoration of the circulatory process is required, therefore, cardiovascular analeptics are used.
Stress and Adaptation Syndrome
Adaptation syndrome is the body's response to stress. Experts have identified factors that predispose to the development of this pathology:
- individual characteristics of a person: anxiety, low degree of resistance to stress, nihilism, lack of initiative, social exclusion,
- mechanisms for the protection and confrontation of stratogenous factors,
- social support or lack of it,
- an individual's preliminary forecast of an event that can have a stressful effect.
The cause of the adaptation syndrome may be trauma, temperature drop, physical activity, infection and so on. Among the main signs of the adaptation syndrome are: bleeding in the digestive organs, increased work and increase in the size of the cortical layer of the adrenal glands, with increased release of hormonal substances, involution of the thymus gland and spleen, reducing the production of blood cells. Diagnosis of the adaptive disorder is possible by the following criteria:
- the appearance of a reaction to stress within 3 months, from the moment of its manifestation;
- it is not a response to an unusual stress factor, and goes beyond normal behavior;
- obvious violations in the professional and social spheres.
Avoid the emergence of an adaptation syndrome can be natural. Even specialists prescribe medication as the last measure. It is necessary to develop a mechanism of psychological protection, the main function of which is to develop conscious psychological barriers from negative emotions and factors that traumatize the psyche.
General adaptation syndrome Selje
Famous physiologist, pathologist and endocrinologist Hans Selye put forward the theory that people manifest nonspecific physiological reactions of the body to stress. The set of these reactions, he gave the name - "a general adaptation syndrome." The scientist determined that this manifestation is an intensified adaptation of the organism to changes in the environment, by including special protection mechanisms.
Selye noted that no organism can remain in a state of alarm at all times. If stress has a strong effect, the patient is expected to die even at the initial stage. At the second stage, adaptive reserves will be spent. If the stressor does not stop, then it leads to exhaustion. Selye argued that with the neglect of the general adaptation syndrome, death may ensue.
Stages of Adaptive Syndrome
In the adaptation syndrome, three phases were identified:
- 1 - stage of anxiety. It can last from six hours to two days. At this time, the degree of production and entry into the bloodstream of glucocorticoids and adrenaline rises. The patient's body begins to adjust to the situation. The stage of anxiety has two phases: shock and anti-shock. During the first, the degree of threat to the functional systems of the body increases, resulting in hypoxia, lowering blood pressure, increasing temperature, lowering blood glucose levels. In the anti-shock phase, active adrenal activity and release of corticosteroids are observed.
- 2 - stage of resistance. The patient's resistance to various kinds of influences increases. Closer to its completion, the general state of the person noticeably improves, the work of the systems comes to normal and recovery comes. If the strength of the stimulus significantly exceeds the capabilities of the organism, then it is impossible to talk about a positive result.
- 3 - stage of exhaustion. There is a high probability of a lethal outcome, because the functional activity of the adrenal cortex is weakened. There is a malfunction in the operation of other systems.