Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Acupuncture is one of the methods of reflex physiotherapy. The method is based on the filo- and ontogenetic interrelation of certain skin areas through the nervous and humoral systems with internal organs. It is quite justified to use the method for neuroses and neurosis-like disorders with pronounced instability of the basic nervous processes and vegetative functions.
Acupuncture - as a method of treatment without the use of any medication - there are almost four millennia. In the 7th century, while in the forgotten Hippocrates and Galen Europe the population died out of epidemics, in China, a 30-volume illustrated medical work "A Thousand Gold Recipes" was written. Its author, the outstanding physician of the time, Sun Suimyao, described in every detail the ways of getting rid of many diseases, including by "puncturing" certain points on the body.
And when it comes to non-traditional (alternative official clinical medicine) treatment methods with dry puncture, acupuncture or acupuncture, we mean traditional Chinese acupuncture or zhen-chiu therapy.
By the way, a thousand years ago - at the beginning of the eleventh century - the first visual training aids for acupuncture appeared in the Middle Kingdom in the form of human figures cast from bronze, on which the "vital points" for acupuncture were designated. And on the human body of such points more than six hundred.
The peculiarity of the method is strict locality, the possibility of directly affecting the nerve endings and different levels of the nervous system. The choice of points (three categories of points are known: remote-reflex, metameric-segmental and local action) and their combinations are strictly individual.
With the help of acupuncture, the effect is exerted on the points of the distant-reflex action, which exert a regulating influence on the functional state of the nervous system as a whole; metamerazo-segmental action, which is especially indicated in neurovegetative and neurosomatic disorders; local action (symptomatic).
Treatment of patients with neuroses is advisable to start with the use of points of general action. Then (in accordance with the peculiarities of clinical manifestations - from the 3rd-4th session), the effect is added to segmental and local points. Thus, in treating neuroses, points of all three categories are usually used.
Indications for the appointment of acupuncture
An acupuncture is prescribed daily or every other day, for a course of 7-20 procedures. Usually, 1-3 (less often 4) courses are conducted with breaks between them of 7-20 days. In the future, supportive therapy is provided by short courses or separate procedures, which increases the therapeutic effectiveness of the method.
Iglor reflexotherapy is most effective in neurasthenia (especially in hypersthenic form), to a lesser extent in hysteria and obsessive-compulsive disorder. With pronounced vegetative dysfunctions and neurosomatic disorders, acupuncture can be used as an additional method in a comprehensive curative program. There is no doubt about the advisability of psychotherapeutic mediation and potentiation of acupuncture.
Indications for acupuncture are related to the fact that this therapeutic method reflexively influences muscle tone, reducing pain, and also activating blood supply and metabolism at the cellular level. The positive effect of acupuncture is noted for such diseases as:
- neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago;
- Myositis, myalgia, muscle spasms;
- arthritis and arthrosis, osteochondrosis of all parts of the spine;
- neurosis and neurasthenia;
- vegetative-vascular dystonia, migraine;
- bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis;
- gastritis, gastroenteritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, cholecystitis, etc.
- hypertension, angina and some types of cardiopathology;
- cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis;
- violation of the menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhea;
- hypo- and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
- obesity, diabetes mellitus;
- postoperative and posttraumatic recovery of functions.
In modern clinical practice, acupuncture is never used as a monotherapy, but it is deservedly established as a very effective adjuvant for the removal of symptoms of many diseases.
Contraindications for acupuncture
In the list of contraindications for acupuncture, all types of oncological diseases, acute cardiac and renal insufficiency, benign neoplasms of any etiology and localization, problems with blood clotting, infectious diseases (including bacterial and viral), active tuberculosis, epilepsy, exacerbation chronic mental pathologies.
Iglor reflexology is also contraindicated in cases of fever, bleeding, acute intestinal disorders and in the case of hormone-containing drugs (primarily hormonal contraceptives).
It is not recommended to apply this method of reflex action to children under five years old, as well as to women during pregnancy, breast-feeding and menstruation.
Technique of acupuncture
The method of acupuncture, as a set of tested methods and practical methods of setting up needles in biologically active points, is based on the idea of oriental medicine that one should treat not the symptoms of the disease but the whole human body. Because according to the philosophical doctrine of the "way of things" - Taoism - each person is a self-sufficient energy system, where all the primary elements (fire, earth, wood, metal and water) are present, they all interact according to the principle of unity and struggle of opposites ( yin), the functioning of the body is maintained by the vital energy of qi, and its circulation occurs through energy channels-meridians. Igrerefleksoterapiya is designed to cause the body's reaction to the activation of its "life points". And this reaction is the restoration of the internal energy balance, the harmonization of the Yang and Yin principles and the direction of the internal energy in the right place. When this goal is achieved, the body overcomes the disease.
The wording of ancient ideas is an unconditional archaic, but perhaps these notions are not so far from the real state of things. And from the point of view of clinical medicine, the therapeutic effect of acupuncture is explained simply: the prick excites the skin and subcutaneous pain receptors and thin fibers that innervate the soft tissues. Further this reflex excitation enters the peripheral part of the autonomic nervous system, the nodes of which are located either in the internal organs themselves or in nearby tissues. And from there these signals are transmitted even further - to the central part of the autonomic nervous system and the brain. And the thing is that it is necessary to activate precisely that point, which will send a signal, which is necessary in this situation ...
The method of acupuncture is based on the theory of meridians (energetic yin and yang channels), according to which internal energy circulates in the body. Ancient healers identified 12 standard meridians and 2 additional meridians: the meridian of the lungs (P), the large intestine (GI), the stomach (E), the spleen and pancreas (RP), the heart (C), the small intestine (IG), the bladder (V ), kidney (R), pericardium (MC), meridian of three heaters or three body parts (TR), gallbladder (VB), liver (F).
There are two more meridians: the hindlimb (VG) with 28 points and the fore-medial (VC), which extends 24 active points. The VG meridian begins with the VG1 point (chang-tsyan, in the perineum, midway between the anus and the cone) and ends with the VG28 point (yin-jiao, at the border of the mucosal transition of the upper lip into the gum). And the VC meridian originates from the point VC1 (hui-yin, in the perineum) and stretches along the center of the front surface of the trunk to the point VC24 (chen-jian), which is under the lower lip - right in the center.
In addition to the general principles of circulation of qi energy along the meridians and influence on their active points, the method of acupuncture takes into account that in some cases it is necessary to eliminate the energy deficit at a given point and then it is stimulated (tonicated) by rapid insertion and extraction of the needle. In other cases, the point should be freed from excess of accumulated energy, so it is calmed down (sedated): the needle is inserted for a certain time (from 5 to 25 minutes). The duration of one course of acupuncture should not exceed 10-15 sessions, and if necessary, a two-week break is made.
Needles for acupuncture are made from high quality stainless steel (the same as used for the manufacture of surgical instruments) and are manufactured sterile - for single use (in sets of 4-10 pieces per pack). The length of the needles is from 1.5 cm to 12 cm, the thickness is of the order of 0.3 mm. Also there are needles, covered with silver or gilding.
Needles for acupuncture are treated with a special method: their tip is slightly rounded, which minimizes damage to tissues when the needle is inserted.
Treatment with acupuncture
Treatment with acupuncture has several forms:
- corporal acupuncture (setting of needles active points of the trunk);
- auricular acupuncture or a micro-reflex system for placing needles at points located on the auricles;
- reflex action on biologically active points, located only on the hands or on the feet.
All the meridians of energy circulation and the active points on them, listed above, is a classical corporal acupuncture. But the specific reflex points (more than a hundred) for auricular acupuncture are separated into a separate group only in the 20th century. This happened when, on the basis of Chinese acupuncture, the German physician Reinhold Voll developed a diagnostic method for electroacupuncture and managed to convince some physicians that the ear of each person contains a complete "reflector map" of his body, but in an "upside down" position (which is very similar to an inverted fetus in the uterus).
Auricular acupuncture can reduce the overall nervous tension and stop the attack of pain - both in itself and in combination with acupuncture of other points on the body. For almost 40 years, doctors did not want to recognize this method, but in 1997 the National Institutes of Health (NIH) gave conditional approval to the practice of acupuncture.
Stimulation of points on the ear can facilitate the course of not only "regional" diseases (head and face), but also help with pathological disorders in the thoracic, abdominal, lumbar regions, as well as in the joints and muscles of the extremities. So, auricular acupuncture is used to relieve toothache, pain in trigeminal neuralgia, migraine. The positive therapeutic effect of this technique is noted for sleep disorders, dizziness, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and tonsillitis, as well as eye diseases such as glaucoma and atrophy of the optic nerve. Auricular acupuncture has found application in the fight against smoking and overweight.
Needle reflexotherapy for osteochondrosis
And now consider how to apply classical corporal acupuncture in the treatment of certain diseases. Let's start with osteochondrosis, which hurts many people.
In the osteochondrosis of the vertebrae, the backs of the needle are placed in the points VG26 (jen-zhong, under the nasal septum), VG9 (chi-yang, located at the level of the scapula, between the 7th and 8th thoracic vertebrae), IG3 on the hand, in the recess posterior to the metacarpophalangeal joint of the little finger), V16 (du-shu, is on the back - at a distance of about 5.5 cm from the level between the spinous branches of the 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae), V18 ( gan-shu, is on the back, 5.5 cm from the interval between the 9th and 10th thoracic vertebra), V43 (gao-huang, is on the back, 11 cm from the gap between the 5th and 6th thoracic vertebra), V51 (huang-men, located at the waist, 11 cm from the distance between the first two lumbar vertebrae), VB39 (xuan-zhong - 11 cm above the center of the outer surface of the ankle).
In osteochondrosis, the points in the neck region are activated: IG3 (hou-si on the hand, in the recess posterior to the metacarpophalangeal joint of the little finger), V10 (tian-chu, at the occipital border of hair growth), VB20 (feng chi - 3 , 7 cm above the rear border of hair growth, in the pit of the trapezius muscle), VG16 (fen-fu, located in the recess between the upper ends of the trapezius and sternocleidomus muscles), TR2 (e-men, located on the hand, in the hollow between the metacarpus, phalanx joints of the little finger and ring finger).
After a session of acupuncture performed according to all the rules, most patients feel a rush of sleepiness, so it is recommended to get some sleep after an hour or two.
Acupuncture with spinal hernia
If you suffer from headaches, pains in the arm and shoulder, the fingers on the arm become numb, there are AD and dizziness, it may be a hernia in the cervical spine. If the legs, lower back hurt, the sensitivity of the toes and the groin area is lost, then the most probable diagnosis is a hernia of the spine in the lumbar spine. And when inhaling or turning the torso hurts in the heart, between the shoulder blades, too, pain is felt, and behind the sternum numbness, then it is necessary to treat the hernia of the thoracic spine.
Acupuncture with spinal hernia suggests impact on the points: V12 (feng-less, on the midline of the back, at the level between the 2nd and 3rd thoracic vertebra), V43 (gao-huang, located on the back, 11 cm from the gap between the 5th and 6th thoracic vertebra), V46 (ge-guan, located on the back, 11 cm from the interval between the 7th and 8th thoracic vertebra), V62 (shenmay, is on 1, 5 cm above the lower edge of the heel bone anvil, in the cavity at the border of the plantar and dorsal surfaces of the foot), VG26 (zhen-zhong, located just below the septum between the n zdryami), PR19 (Xiang Xiong, is in the third intercostal space, at 22 cm from the midline of the chest), and others.
Acupuncture for neuroses
In the process of reflex action on the body in the treatment of neurotic conditions accompanied by various mental and physical symptoms, along with conventional psychotherapy and the use of appropriate medications, acupuncture with neuroses is used.
Points for sedative or tonic corporal acupuncture therapist chooses depending on the specific symptomatology. So, the points of the meridian of the bladder (V) located on the back are actively involved: the point at the level between the 2nd and 3rd thoracic vertebrae, 5.5 cm from the midline of the back (V12, Feng-men), the point at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae, away from the midline by 5.5 cm (V14, jeju-yin-shu) and practically all the lower points of this energy channel: V15 (blue-shu) , V17 (ge-shu), V18 (gan-shu) and V19 (tribute-shu).
In addition, 9 points of the heart meridian (C) with neuroses use 3 points on each side: point C3 (shao-hai, in the depression between the ulnar margin of the fold of the ulnar fold and the medial epicondyle of the humerus); C4 (ling-dao, 5.5 cm above the wrist fold, on the radial side of the tendon) and C9 (shao-chun, on the radial side of the little finger on the arm, about 3 mm from the corner of the nail).
[14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19]
Acupuncture for asthma
Almost 40 biologically active points are activated during acupuncture with asthma: 10 points on the back (both sides along the spine), 9 points on the chest (symmetrically equidistant from the middle of the sternum), 10 points on the head and neck, other points are on the both hands. Enumerate all the points, we probably will not, and will limit ourselves to what we call the points that reflexology physicians use to treat asthma more often. These are the points:
- VC21 (hsuan-chi) - located on the midline of the chest, in the cavity at the level of the articulation of the first rib;
- VC22 (tian-tu) - is located in the center of the sternum, 0.7 cm above the upper edge of the jugular fossa;
- P7 (le-tsue) - is on the right side of the forearm, just above the styloid process, 5.5 cm above the fold of the wrist joint;
- GI11 (qu-chi) - located midway between the radial end of the fold of the ulnar fold and the lateral epicondyle (at the maximum arm bent in the elbow, this point will be at the end of the fold);
- GI4 (he-gu) - is located on the back surface of the hand, between the first and second metacarpal bones;
- E12 (tsue-pen) - located in the middle of the supraclavicular fossa, at a distance of about 15 cm to the outside of the anterior midline of the sternum (at the margin of the mastoid muscle);
- VG14 (da-chju) - is located between the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae;
- V13 (Fei-shu) - located on the chest, 5.5 cm from the place under the appendage of the 3rd thoracic vertebra;
- V43 (Gao-huang) - is located at a distance of 11 cm from the interval between the spinous processes of the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae.
Acupuncture in the treatment of asthma is carried out every day - three points per session, and during the following sessions the combination of points should change. The average duration of the course is a week. After the first and all subsequent courses of treatment, a 7-day break is made. On average, you need to pass at least three courses. According to various data, acupuncture with asthma gives a positive result in almost 70% of cases of its use.
Acupuncture for stroke
The opinions of doctors regarding the advisability of using acupuncture in stroke vary radically. And although acupuncture works quite successfully in the complex therapy of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal pathologies and neuroses, many do not recognize the apparent effectiveness of this method in strokes - during rehabilitation and restoration of lost functions.
According to the canons of oriental medicine, stroke is a "blow of the wind": the disease strikes a man and deals a crushing blow to his health. In this case, the harmony of yin and yang is broken in the body, free circulation of qi in the paralyzed part of the body is blocked.
Among the active points affected by stroke, it should be noted:
- VC24 (cheng-chien) - is located in the center of the chin-labial fold;
- VG3 (yao-yang-guan) - located between the spinous processes of the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae);
- VB14 (yang-bai) - is located 3.7 cm above the middle of the eyebrow;
- VB29 (ju-liao) - is located at the top of the thigh, in the hollow below the anterior austa of the ilium;
- VB31 (Feng Shi) - is located on the buttock, posterior to the hip joint;
- R7 (fu-lyu) - located 7.4 cm above the center of the ankle, at the site of the gastrocnemius muscle in the Achilles tendon.
If the hand is partially or completely paralyzed, acupuncture for stroke uses an active effect on the following points:
- TR5 (wai-guan) - is located on the back surface of the forearm, 7.4 cm above the wrist joint wrist);
- IG3 (hou-si) - is on the hand, in the recess posterior to the metacarpophalangeal joint of the little finger;
- GI10 (show-san-li) - located on the back (ray) side of the forearm, 7.4 cm below the elbow joint;
- GI11 (qu-chi) - is located midway between the lateral epicondyle and the radial end of the fold of the elbow fold;
- GI15 (jian-yu) - is located between the acromial process of the scapula and the large tubercle of the humerus, in the place where the indentation is formed with the arm raised upwards.
Acupuncture for children
As already noted, doctors do not recommend the use of acupuncture for children under five years old.
For children five years or older, acupuncture can help with stuttering or enuresis. For example, when stuttering, the reflexologist puts needles in the cavity formed by the lower edge of the zygomatic arch and the condylar process of the lower jaw (point E7, xia-guan), and slightly higher at the upper edge of the zygomatic arch (point VB3, shan-guan); on the edge of the upper lip, at the junction of the lower edge of the nasolabial groove in the lip (point VG27, duy-duan).
The procedure of acupuncture is also performed on the active points of the back: 5.5 cm from the place under the process of the third thoracic vertebra (point V13, fei-shu) or at the same distance from the place under the spinous process of the 3rd lumbar vertebra (point V23, shen-shu).
For the treatment of children, acupuncture is used in cases of cerebral palsy, which helps to overcome muscle spasms and fight with impaired motor function. Treatment for infantile cerebral palsy is carried out by setting up needles (sedating) at such points:
- GI4 (he-gu) - on the back surface of the hand, between the first and second metacarpal bones);
- GI10 (show-san-li) - on the back surface of the forearm from the radial side, 15 cm below the elbow joint);
- GI11 (qu-chi) - midway between the lateral epicondyle and the radial end of the fold of the elbow fold);
- E36 (tszu-san-li) - on the front surface of the foot, 11 cm below the upper edge of the lateral condyle of the tibia, on the kneecap), etc.
In the course of further acupuncture in cerebral palsy, a tonic effect is performed (rapid insertion and extraction of the needle) on active points located on the upper and lower extremities, but no more than five points per session.
Smoking reflexotherapy
As practicing reflexotherapists say, acupuncture from smoking "destroys the smoker's reflexes" in just a few sessions. Treatment of nicotine addiction, they explain by the fact that "stimulation of acupuncture points removes nicotine from the general metabolism" ...
For this purpose, the most commonly used auricular acupuncture, that is, the introduction of needles into the auricle. Two special needles (like miniature clerical buttons) stick into the active points of the ear for a period of 3-4 to 10 days. The buttons are sealed with an adhesive plaster and are not visible to outsiders. After the extraction of the needles, a break is maintained - from three days to a week, and again a session of auricular acupuncture is performed.
According to another method, getting rid of bad habits is done in a "one-time" way, when needles are put in the auricle and in some points on the body: GI5 (yang-si - at the level of the fold of the radiocarpal joint from the radial side), P7 (le-tsue - on the facial side of the forearm, just above the styloid process, 5.5 cm above the fold of the wrist joint) and IG3 (hou-si - on the hand, in the recess posterior to the metacarpophalangeal joint of the little finger). After the 25-30 minute session is completed, a person should stop smoking.
At the same time, most more sane doctors say that after a couple of sessions the number of cigarettes smoked during the day is reduced by half, and only after two to three procedures about two thirds of heavy smokers refuse to smoke.
However, there is another opinion: to overcome the psychological dependence on nicotine acupuncture from smoking is not able to, it can only help alleviate the withdrawal syndrome of those who set out to quit smoking.
Igorefleksoterapiya in alcoholism
The problem of getting rid of mental and physical dependence on alcohol, according to the opinion of psychologists, can only be solved if the chronic alcoholic is consciously willing to give up drinking. After all, prolonged abuse of alcohol not only destroys a person's physical health, but also leads to pathological changes in his psyche. How effective is acupuncture for alcoholism, it is difficult to say, since none of the "non-traditional" methods of treatment for alcoholics have been subjected to serious clinical research.
Igoreflexotherapy with alcoholism involves setting up needles at certain active points located on the back, chest, head, upper and lower extremities.
For example, on the back, acupuncture is made at a point located under the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebra (VG11, Shen-dao). Three points are activated on the chest, including the point VC17 (tan-chzhun), which is located in the middle of the distance between the nipples.
On the head, specialists work with several points: VB7 (qu-bein, located on the temple, straight up from the rear edge of the hairline), VB8 (shuai-gu, 5.5 cm above the top of the ear), VB20 (fan- chi, is located under the occipital bone, in a depression at the outer edge of the trapezius muscle). Also, the points of the powerful posterior median meridian are activated, which is involved in the treatment of many chronic pathologies. These are the VG18 points (the qiang-jian is on the midline of the head, 9.3 cm above the rear border of hair growth), VG20 (bai-hui - on the midline of the head, at a distance of 18.5 cm from the front line of hair growth), VG23 (shan-hsin - on the midline of the head, 3.7 cm above the anterior border of hair growth), etc.
Needle-reflexotherapy infertility
In medieval Chinese medicine, the woman's genital function was associated with two uterine "vessels" - chun-mai and jen-mai (with the uterus and ovaries), and a woman with a violation of their full-time work was considered barren.
And the reasons for this pathology seven: "cold in the womb" (yang deficiency, violation of circulation of qi in the blood); lack of blood (with abundant bleeding and lack of qi energy in the spleen); a deficiency in the kidneys (with early marriages, menstrual irregularities or violent sexual life); infertility due to obesity ("blockages of phlegm," that is, a metabolic disorder due to spleen overload); stagnation of chi of the liver (which is caused by anger, irritability and stress, from which the menstrual cycle is broken and pains appear in the lower abdomen); "Heat in the blood" (with excess of yang and lack of yin, passion for spicy food and alcohol abuse); "Stagnation of blood" (with pathologies of the organs of the sexual sphere).
Needle-reflexotherapy in infertility uses needle placement in points on the auricles, on the limbs, on the abdomen and sometimes in the lower back. It always uses (with stimulation or sedation) such active points as: VC4 (guan-yuan - on the midline of the abdomen, 11 cm below the navel); R15 (chzhun-zhu - below the navel by 3.7 cm and by 1.8 cm from the midline of the abdomen); R14 (si-mani - below the navel by 7.4 cm, under the point R15).
And when infertility due to hormonal imbalance, the F11 (yin-lan) point is activated, located 7.4 cm below the upper edge of the pubic bone and 9 cm away from the midline of the abdomen.
During 2006-2007, under the aegis of the American National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), studies were conducted in which 1366 infertile women participated in the US, Germany, Australia and Denmark. After IVF (in vitro fertilization), half of them performed acupuncture sessions. As a result, with an average chance of getting pregnant after IVF in 35%, the use of acupuncture in 65% of cases increases the possibility of conception to almost 45%. However, to interpret the results of research as an affirmation of the unconditional benefit of acupuncture with infertility is impossible. After all, according to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), acupuncture has no effect on the frequency of pregnancy and, obviously, it's "just a fluke".
Igoreflexotherapy in pregnancy
One of the most controversial issues is the use of acupuncture during pregnancy. Among the studies of this problem, only the observation of Australian physicians, who 12 years ago conducted acupuncture sessions for more than 600 pregnant women with a gestation period of 14 weeks. And these sessions helped women feel better with toxicosis.
The basic rule of acupuncture during pregnancy: in no case should you put the needle in the points located in the abdomen, waist and sacrum. For possible improvement in well-being during the vomiting of pregnant women in the early stages, the effect on the points that are on the hands - on the meridian of the pericardium (MC) can be applied:
- point MC3 (chyu-chie) is located in the middle of the inner side of the ulnar fold;
- Point MC6 (Nei-guan) is located 7.4 cm above the central wrist, between the tendons of the palmar muscle and the radial flexor of the wrist;
- MC7 (da-ling) point is in the middle of the wrist fold, in the recess between the tendons of the palmar muscle and the radial flexor of the wrist.
Acupuncture for weight loss
Agglutination for weight loss in the classical version will divide obesity by types: with a deficiency in the spleen, with "gastric fire with stagnation of the chi spleen," with "stagnation of chi in the liver," "lack of yang of the spleen and kidneys," with "stagnation of phlegm and blood" and with "disturbance of the functions of the vessels chun-mai and jen-mai" (i.e., due to hormonal imbalance).
In the latter case, in women, excessive fat deposits (soft and friable) are concentrated, mainly on the stomach and buttocks. At the same time, such patients do not have "brutal appetite", but often it hurts in the lower back, disturbs the weakness in the legs, pains with monthly and frequent urge to urinate, although there is no problem with the stool. Will the doctor ask you about such "little things", to which you asked about getting rid of extra pounds? If you ask, it means that you have come to the "right doctor" ...
Here is one of several options for acupuncture acupuncture, which can be offered by a specialist in the field.
Classical corporal acupuncture is carried out by placing needles on the following active points:
- P7 (le-tsue) - located on the right side of the forearm, just above the styloid process, 5.5 cm above the fold of the wrist joint;
- E40 (Feng-moon) - is located at the bottom of the leg, in the middle, between the connection line of the femoral and tibia (at the level of the popliteal fold, 29.5 cm above the center of the lateral malleolus);
- E25 (tian-shu) - is at the level of the navel, 7.4 cm away from the midline of the abdomen;
- MC6 (Nei Guuan) - located between the tendons on the inner surface of the arm, 7.4 cm above the proximal wrist fold (along a conventional line drawn from the middle finger);
- VC9 (shuy-fen) - located on the midline of the abdomen, 3.7 cm above the navel;
- RP6 (san-yin-jiao) - is posterior to the tibia, 11 cm above the center of the medial malleolus. This point is very important, since it contains a node of three meridians - the kidneys (R), the liver (F), the pancreas and the spleen (RP).
Facial acupuncture
Facial acupuncture is carried out in the "rejuvenation points", to which specialists refer such basic points:
- the jia-chae point (E6 and E7) is located in the cavity anteriorly and upward from the angle of the lower jaw;
- the point of the di-cyan (E4) is 1 cm from the corner of the mouth, on the vertical line from the pupil;
- the point of the quan-chu (V2) is 1 cm above the eyebrow;
- the point he-gu (G14) is on the back of the palm - in the pit between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones;
By the way, there are rumors that American singers Madonna and Cher are big fans of face acupuncture. Instead of Botox injections, they almost every week hold acupuncture rejuvenation sessions.
Adverse effects of acupuncture
Procedures for acupuncture are considered painless, but at the point of needle pricking patients can feel not only pain but also numbness. This is the result of irritation of nerve endings, which, as experts say, do not pose any danger.
That's what really should bother those who attend acupuncture sessions, so it's compliance with the rules of aseptic and antiseptic. It should be borne in mind that to date, re-use of needles is unacceptable.
In addition, possible side effects of acupuncture include: bleeding hematoma (with damage to the blood vessel at the site of the injection), aches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, lowering blood pressure.
With auricular acupuncture, side effects can occur in the form of pain in the auricle, inflammation of the cartilage (at the point of needle placement), numbness of the face, headache.
The price of acupuncture
According to the data of medical institutions that practice this method of treatment, the price of acupuncture depends on several factors. First of all, this is the cost of acupuncture needles and other consumables, as well as the level of qualification of the reflexologist. Patients - depending on the location of the medical institution - you need to focus on the price range from 200-300 UAH. For one session of acupuncture.
Reviews about acupuncture
It is clear that the feedback on acupuncture is different, because even the same disease in different people can occur according to the "individual scenario". And the qualification of the specialist who carries out the treatment, alas, does not always deserve laudatory reviews ... And the patients note that the Chinese acupuncture is especially helpful in the treatment of acute and chronic pain, as well as neuromuscular dysfunction, often occurring after trauma.
The main thing that feedback about acupuncture requires to think about: in order for the treatment to bring tangible benefits to the patient, it is necessary to apply to experienced and really professionally trained doctors-acupuncturists, who have not only the appropriate certificates, but also profound knowledge in this field.
In conclusion, let us return to the already mentioned ancient healer Sun Sumyo, who himself managed to live exactly 101 years. Obviously, longevity was promoted by the way of life, which Simyao described as the basis for maintaining health: the person "should not walk, stand, sit, lie, look and listen for a long time," "do not forcibly eat, drink alcohol and lift weights," and " do not grieve, be angry, worry and over-zealous in what you want. "... And, of course, you need to protect your vital energy, which is correctly contributed by the time-honored acupuncture.