Acidic phosphatase in the blood
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Why is acidic phosphatase evaluated in the blood?
Basically, an analysis for acid phosphatase is prescribed to confirm other studies of prostate cancer. Acid phosphatase in the blood, exceeding the limits of the norm, is a sign of metastasis in the bone tissue in oncopheroids of various etiologies. In addition, acidic phosphatase in the blood, showing excessive activity, can signal about possible problems with hematopoiesis, thromboembolism, deforming osteitis (Paget's disease), hemolytic pathologies. In any case, the interpretation of the results of the study on this enzyme is carried out taking into account other analytical information, therefore it is not necessary to interpret the indicators of the form on your own, without the help of a specialist, a doctor.
What is acid phosphatase?
In general, phosphatases - a special kind of enzymes, which are considered "water" - hydrolases. These substances can be found not only in the human body, but also in tissues, in the organs of almost all animals, and even in all kinds of plants. Phosphatase is actively involved in the normal metabolism of all types of carbohydrates, in the metabolism of cells, according to the latest information, phosphatase also affects the formation and maintenance of normal bone tissue. Any change in the activity of phosphatases in the blood plasma indicates one or another pathology. To date, two subspecies of phosphatases - alkaline, which is responsible for the bone system and liver function, and acid phosphatase, have been well studied.
Alkaline enzyme actively works in the small intestine, liver, bones, in small quantities it is found in leukocytes. As well as alkaline, acid phosphatase is almost universally found in nature. In the human body, it actively works mainly for the stronger sex, since in large quantities it is contained in the ejaculate (sperm), as well as in the tissues of the prostate gland. There are scientific studies that speak of a direct relationship between the synthesis of this phosphatase and the state of the hormonal system. So, if androgens go down, the activity of phosphatase is reduced simultaneously. Such signs allow on time to recognize oncoprocess in the prostate (prostate gland), cryptorchidism in the early stages.
Acid phosphatase in the blood is the main and main marker of the oncological process in the prostate. The indicator of activity exceeding the norm usually occurs in cancer without concomitant metastases in a quarter of all those suffering from this disease. In 90% of patients who have metastases, the analysis reveals a significant excess of the norm limits. As a single study, acidic phosphatase in the blood can be useful only at the first stage of the examination, it is more productive to conduct the tests periodically to see the dynamics of the enzyme activity and to clarify, adjust therapeutic purposes.
An important role acidic phosphatase in the blood plays in a completely different area, far from medicine - in forensic examination. Since the enzyme is particularly active in sperm, forensic examination uses the appropriate analysis to identify all kinds of spots, swabs and physical evidence
Acid phosphatase in the blood: female and male organisms
In the stronger sex, acid phosphatase is produced in large amounts in the prostate. In a body so important for men, the activity of phosphatase is a hundred times higher than in other, less comfortable for this enzyme zones. In much smaller quantities, the substance is contained in the liver. Also, acidic phosphatase is able to produce worn out platelets, which began to break down.
Representatives of the beautiful half of the human species in the production of the enzyme - acid phosphatase, involve red cells - red blood cells, also platelets and liver.