Acute abdominal pain and other symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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There are many different variants of acute abdominal pain, which differ in their character, intensity, onset, provoking factors and other signs.
The main types of pain:
- Acute - occurs suddenly and does not last long. It is a warning to the body of disease or danger of organic damage. Very often occurs with aching sensations. It can be concentrated in a certain area or spread wider. It can be treated well.
- Chronic (recurrent) - discomfort occurs permanently or periodically for more than 3 months. It is difficult to treat and requires differential diagnosis.
Acute sensations can be categorized into functional and organic:
- Functional - arise in the projection of the abdomen and make themselves known for more than 6 months. The attacks are a kind of response of the body to stress, psychological problems, nervous tension, but are not associated with any pathologies or diseases.
- Organic - arise against the background of disease or pathological process in the body.
Also acute pain sensations are divided by the nature of manifestation:
- Burning.
- Stabbing.
- It's nagging.
- Sprawling.
- Cutting.
- Scrolling.
- Gripping.
- Pulling.
Another important characteristic is the onset of pain (sudden, gradually progressive), as well as the intensity of discomfort (pronounced, intense, intolerable). Discomfort can occur without movement or with movement, that is, irradiation to other parts of the body.
Read also: Acute abdominal pain: causes, diagnosis
Sharp pain in the lower abdomen
There are many reasons and factors for the appearance of painful sensations of an acute nature in the lower abdomen. If such symptomatology occurs in a woman, it may indicate such gynecological problems as:
- Endometriosis - in this pathology endometrial cells grow outside the mucous layer of the uterus. For diagnosis, a set of instrumental studies is carried out. Treatment depends on the localization and severity of endometriosis. The patient may be prescribed both conservative therapy and surgical intervention (laparoscopy).
- Dysmenorrhea is painful menstruation. Unpleasant sensations have a sharp and progressive character.
- Myoma is a benign tumor of the uterus. Symptomatology depends entirely on the localization of the neoplasm and its size. Acute pain with shooting pains indicate rapid growth of the tumor. Whining and pulling sensations develop due to compression of the surrounding tissues. Treatment consists of surgical intervention and long-term drug therapy.
Another possible cause of such symptoms in both women and men is adhesions. Most often it develops due to lesions of the pelvic organs or appendicitis. Discomfort has a pulling character with sharp prostrations, the patient complains of flatulence, problems with defecation. An acute attack of adhesions can be a sign of bowel obstruction.
Sharp pain in the left side of the abdomen
There are many reasons for the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the left side. They can be both harmless, such as gas accumulation, and signaling infectious processes. Let's consider the most common causes of sharp sensations in the left side of the abdomen:
- Diverticulitis - develops due to inflammation of diverticula. Discomfort increases during or after meals. Painful symptomatology is supplemented by fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating.
- Flatulence - when gas formation is disturbed, gases accumulate in the digestive tract, causing unpleasant symptoms. This occurs when eating certain foods, eating disorders, overeating, bacterial infections, digestive problems.
- Gluten intolerance - in this disorder, the patient faces bouts of flatulence, pressure on the intestinal walls. There is also weight loss, diarrhea, fatigue and severe abdominal pain.
- Lactose intolerance - this condition can cause painful sensations in the left side of the epigastrium. Due to increased lactose levels, a person with lactose intolerance develops diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, and rumbling in the abdomen.
- Concretions in the kidneys - most of the stones are formed due to the accumulation of calcium in the kidneys. Pathology is manifested by pronounced discomfort in the side of the abdomen and pain during urination, nausea, vomiting, fever.
- Dyspepsia - unpleasant sensations in the stomach, burning, heartburn, flatulence.
- Intestinal obstruction - in this pathology, food does not pass through the digestive tract, which causes acute painful sensations, inability to empty the intestines, vomiting, constipation. This problem is most often faced by people with diverticulitis, colon cancer, elderly patients.
In addition to the above reasons, discomfort in the left side of the abdomen can be caused by hernia, constipation, irritable colon syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis).
Sharp pain in the left side of the lower abdomen
The sigmoid colon and loops of the small intestine project into the left iliac region. Based on this, painful sensations can be due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In women, discomfort occurs due to gynecological diseases, lesions of the left ovary and uterus.
- Diseases of the intestine - discomfort develops due to errors in nutrition, flatulence, constipation, pathologies of the GI organs.
- Acute intestinal infections - most commonly dysentery, which comes in the form of inflammation of the large intestine.
- Non-infectious enterocolitis - develops due to autoimmune processes in the body. In this disease, left-sided intestinal damage is most often observed. The patient is faced with false urges to defecate, there may be diarrhea with blood and mucus, increased body temperature.
- Irritable bowel syndrome - discomfort is localized mainly in the iliac region, more often on the left side. The condition improves after defecation. Frequent headaches, anxiety, deterioration of general well-being are possible.
- Gynecologic diseases - it can be an ectopic pregnancy, left-sided salpingo-ophoritis (inflammation of the uterine appendages), torsion or rupture of the left ovarian cyst.
To diagnose the causes of a painful condition, you should consult an attending physician, undergo a set of laboratory and instrumental studies.
Sharp pain in the right side of the abdomen
The appearance of painful sensations in the right side of the abdomen is most often associated with diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas, intestines, liver. If discomfort increases after eating, it can be a sign of cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) or the formation of concretions. As the problem progresses, other symptoms appear: yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, a sharp increase in body temperature, chills.
Another possible cause of acute pain in the epigastrium on the right side is inflammation of the appendix. In this case, unpleasant symptomatology persists for more than 12 hours. To confirm the diagnosis, laboratory tests are performed.
In women, pain on the right side can be a sign of ectopic pregnancy, infections. In some cases, acute symptomatology is caused by tumor neoplasms or cyst rupture. In any case, this is a reason to seek medical help and a comprehensive diagnosis of the body.
Sharp pain in the right side of the lower abdomen
The lower abdomen contains the intestines, liver and other organs involved in digestion. In the right side is part of the large intestine and the right ovary in women.
Let's consider the main reasons for the appearance of pain sensations of an acute nature in the right side of the lower abdomen:
- Stomach upset - discomfort develops due to indigestion, overeating. It can be complemented by heartburn, flatulence, nausea. In most cases, this condition does not require medical attention, as it passes on its own.
- Flatulence - occurs due to incomplete digestion of food and accumulation of gas in the intestines. Painful symptoms go away within a few hours. If discomfort persists longer, it may indicate lactose intolerance and food allergies.
- Menstrual pain - occurs in women before or during menstruation. Unpleasant sensations occur with pronounced pain in the lower abdomen and back, nausea, deterioration of general well-being. Often the symptomatology develops in waves and lasts for several days.
- Appendicitis - inflammation of the appendix causes pain in the right lower abdomen, which rapidly increases. Patients note feverish condition, stool disorders (diarrhea, constipation), abdominal bloating, nausea and vomiting.
- Kidney calculi - small stones may pass undetected through the urinary system, while larger clusters may become lodged in the ducts and cause severe pain. As the concretions advance, the localization and severity of pain will change.
- Kidney and urinary infections - unpleasant sensations in the lower back, side and groin. The pathological condition may be complemented by fever, diarrhea, loss of appetite, pain during urination.
- Hernia - some types of hernias provoke pain in the abdominal area, which is significantly increased with exertion (coughing, lifting a heavy object).
- Inflammatory bowel disease - this can be ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome and other disorders. Inflammation occurs with pain in the lower abdomen, weight loss, flatulence, severe diarrhea (with blood).
- Ovarian cysts - neoplasms of large size can cause aching and sharp pains in the abdomen. Also with this problem there are persistent urges to urinate, flatulence, pain during sexual intercourse.
- An inguinal hernia - this problem is more commonly experienced by men. The hernia is manifested by a small lump in the upper part of the thigh and can cause acute abdominal symptoms.
- Endometriosis - this condition is chronic. The woman complains of severe pain during menstruation, after or during sexual intercourse, when urinating and emptying the bowels. Abnormally heavy periods may also be observed.
- Ectopic pregnancy - develops due to fertilization of an egg outside the uterine cavity, i.e. In one of the tubes. It occurs with abdominal pain, absence of menstruation, brownish vaginal discharge, pain when urinating, nausea and diarrhea.
In addition to the above causes, in women, such symptomatology can be due to ovarian torsion and men to testicular torsion.
Acute abdominal pain and fever
Many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract run with fever and pronounced painful sensations in the epigastrium. The fever may indicate such pathologies:
- Appendicitis (inflammation of the cecum).
- Inflammation of the gallbladder.
- Inflammation of the pancreas.
- Gastric/duodenal ulcer.
- Bacterial infections.
If the disorder is caused by appendicitis, the patient complains of increased pain in the lower abdomen during movement. There is also loss of appetite, nausea, fever, bloating. This condition requires emergency medical attention.
In cholecystitis, the pain worsens after eating. Colic is localized in the right subcostal area, upper abdomen and can go to the back. In addition to the pain syndrome and subfebrile body temperature, there are frequent attacks of nausea. Treatment depends on the stage of the pathological process, so it requires medical assistance.
If the fever and other pathological symptoms are due to peptic ulcer disease of the stomach or duodenum, patients note irradiating pain in the back, which decreases in intensity after taking antacids (drugs to deactivate hydrochloric acid). There is also a decrease in appetite and body weight, nausea and flatulence after meals, vomiting.
Sharp pain in the upper abdomen
Unpleasant sensations arising in the upper abdomen most often indicate various diseases of the GI tract. The main causes of discomfort are diseases of the biliary tract, stomach, pancreas.
In problems with the stomach, shooting pains may go to the left side of the chest. If the pancreas is affected, the pain has a shingling character, covering the right and left subcostal region. If these are disorders of the biliary tract, then discomfort goes not only to the upper abdomen, but also to the right subcostal region.
Other possible causes of upper abdominal pain include:
- Injuries, muscle inflammation.
- Hernias.
- Tumor neoplasms, gastric polyps.
- Irritation of the abdominal mucosa.
- Ischemia of internal organs (impaired patency of blood vessels).
- Chemical burns to the mucous membranes.
- Intoxication.
- Pancreatitis, cholecystitis, duodenal ulcer, gastritis.
- Gastrointestinal infections.
- Pathologies of the large intestine.
- Appendicitis.
Special attention should be paid to additional symptoms. Alarming symptoms are:
- Elevated body temperature.
- Excessive strain on the abdominal muscles.
- Disc-shaped belly.
- Abrupt weight loss.
- Appetite disorder.
- Loss of consciousness.
- Vomiting blood.
- Indomitable vomiting.
- Profuse diarrhea.
- Tachycardia, skin pallor, cold sweats.
- Decreased blood pressure.
- Blood in the feces.
- Mute abdomen (no sound when listening to the abdomen).
The appearance of the above symptoms is a signal of the need for emergency medical attention. It should also be taken into account that unpleasant symptoms can be reflected pain, while the source is located elsewhere. This is characteristic of such pathologies as myocardial infarction, inflammation of the pleura, pulmonary artery thrombosis, lower lobe pneumonia.
Acute abdominal pain and vomiting
There are many factors that cause the appearance of acute painful sensations in the epigastric region and vomiting attacks. The causes of the painful condition may be related to:
- Diseases of the stomach and intestines - appendicitis, bowel obstruction/perforation, enterocolitis, acute gastritis, peptic ulcer.
- Diseases of the liver and biliary tract - cholecystitis, colic, cholangitis, hepatic vein thrombosis.
- Diseases of the genitourinary system - pyelonephritis, cystitis, ectopic pregnancy, acute inflammation of the appendages, urolithiasis, torsion or cyst of the appendages.
- Metabolic diseases - porphyria, uremia, ketoacidosis.
- Vascular pathologies - mesenteric artery thromboembolism, abdominal aortic dissection, systemic vasculitis.
- Chest organ diseases - myocarditis, pericarditis, pneumonia, thromboembolism, coronary artery disease.
- Diseases of the glands of internal secretion - diabetic enteropathy, adrenal, thyrotoxic, hypercalcemic crisis.
- Allergic diseases.
- Poisoning by exogenous toxins.
But most often, soreness and vomiting occur with food intoxication. In rare cases, symptomatology signals an acute abdomen. This condition is a disease of the abdominal cavity organs, which suddenly appears, rapidly progresses and requires emergency medical care.
Acute abdominal pain and nausea
Nausea is an unpleasant sensation that precedes vomiting. Nausea develops because of an increase in parasympathetic tone, that is, the patient's awareness of afferent stimuli to the vomiting center, which is located in the medulla oblongata. Very often nausea is followed by a vomiting attack, i.e. Expulsion of gastric contents by strong contraction of abdominal muscles.
The most common causes of nausea and vomiting include:
- Taking medications.
- Toxic and food poisoning.
- Allergic Reactions.
- Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Pregnancy.
- Infectious infestations/diseases.
Depending on the identified cause of the painful condition, the doctor makes a treatment plan for the patient. If the disorder is associated with an exacerbation of pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract, the patient is prescribed special drugs and diet therapy. If nausea is caused by taking medications, the doctor reviews the drugs used by the patient, selecting safer means, but with no less effectiveness.
Acute abdominal pain and diarrhea
One of the most common causes of acute discomfort in the abdominal area, along with diarrhea, are intestinal infections. According to medical statistics, in 90% of cases they develop due to the consumption of poor quality water or food.
The nature of pathological symptomatology depends largely on the type of toxin. But in any case, the disease begins acutely. The incubation period lasts 2-3 hours, after which the patient is faced with attacks of acute abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. After about a day, this symptomatology disappears and the patient's condition normalizes.
It should also be taken into account that the appearance of diarrhea and pain is not always of an infectious nature. Therefore, it is very important to inform your doctor about your condition in order to determine the cause of its development and start treatment.
Severe abdominal pain and diarrhea
The appearance of liquid stools in combination with unpleasant sensations in the epigastrium, acts as a signal of the body about possible problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If the painful condition is joined by high fever, severe abdominal cramps, it is a sign of an acute process that requires medical attention.
Abdominal pain and diarrhea are most common in these cases:
- Bowel Diseases.
- Gastric and duodenal ulcer.
- Appendicitis.
- Women's menstruation.
There are also a number of more serious diseases that are accompanied by such symptoms:
- Dysentery is an infectious disease, it occurs with attack-like pain in the lower abdomen, high body temperature, nausea, diarrhea with blood, vomiting.
- Diarrhea - most often associated with disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, food and alcohol intoxication. If diarrhea is accompanied by flatulence, constant rumbling of the abdomen, emptying has a foamy character, it may indicate inflammatory processes in the intestinal mucosa.
- Enteritis is an inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane of the small intestine. Most often develops due to unbalanced nutrition, deficiency of vitamins, proteins and minerals in food. It is manifested by diarrhea, sharp pains, cardiovascular disorders.
- Appendicitis - unpleasant sensations in the epigastrium, liquid stools, loss of appetite, febrile condition, nausea and vomiting. The patient requires urgent hospitalization, since the treatment is surgical.
In addition to the above reasons, the disorder occurs in the early and late months of pregnancy. This is due to changes in the hormonal background. If the pain persists for a long period of time, you should immediately call an ambulance.
Sharp pain in the abdomen near the navel
One type of abdominal pain is an uncomfortable sensation around the belly button. Possible causes of this symptom include:
- Improper nutrition.
- A reaction to taking medication.
- Urinary tract infections.
- Diseases of the pancreas, gallbladder.
- Umbilical hernia.
- Inflammation of the intestines.
- Tumor neoplasms.
- Neuralgia.
Acute soreness at the navel on the right side in women can be a sign of a ruptured ovary, ectopic pregnancy. Another possible cause of discomfort of this localization is gallstones, hepatitis.
If the discomfort moves to the right lower part of the peritoneum, then this is a clear sign of appendicitis, that is, inflammation of the appendix (a branch of the intestine). The symptom runs with nausea, elevated body temperature, vomiting, violation of appetite. For treatment, surgical intervention is performed, since in neglected cases the appendix can burst.
If there is pain under the navel, then the cause may be in inflammatory processes in the genital organs, premenstrual syndrome, vascular pathologies. Also, do not exclude oncologic pathologies, since cancerous lesions of the intestine can run with parotid pain.
Sharp abdominal pain above the navel
With inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach or ulcerative lesions of the duodenum, there may be sharp pains in the abdomen above the navel. This symptom is characteristic of many diseases of the pancreas.
Burning pain above the navel occurs with tumor neoplasms of the genitourinary system and digestive tract organs
Acute pain is noted in diseases of a chronic nature:
- Pancreatitis.
- Cholecystitis.
- Gastric ulcer.
- Hernia impingement (inguinal, umbilical).
If the pain has a pulling character, it may indicate problems with the genitourinary system. The appearance of spasms is characteristic of pregnancy and stretching of the abdominal muscles. Whining discomfort appears with bloating of the intestines, constipation, urological, gynecological and cancerous diseases.
Stabbing and cutting sensations most often occur in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, unpleasant symptoms may be supplemented by sour belching, appetite disturbance, heaviness in the abdominal region. If the disorder appears after lifting weights or increased physical activity, it may be a sign of hernia or increased pressure inside the abdominal artery.
Sharp abdominal pain below the navel
The main causes of soreness under the belly button include:
- Inflammatory processes of the genital organs.
- Pathologies on the part of the urogenital system.
- Umbilical hernias.
- Irritable bowel syndrome.
- Lower intestinal obstruction.
- Premenstrual syndrome.
Acute gastralgia in the lower part of the peritoneum (below the navel) can be a sign of diverticulitis. In this disease, diverticula (spherical capsules) are formed in the looms of the colon, which become infected and inflamed. Also with diverticulitis there is an increased body temperature, attacks of nausea and vomiting, stool disorders, cramps.
Treatment of the painful condition begins with taking tests and ultrasound diagnostics. The patient is cleansed from infections and inflammation in the colon. For this purpose, antibacterial, antimicrobial and analgesic agents are prescribed. In particularly severe cases, the patient is placed in the hospital. If complications develop, surgical treatment is performed.
An attack of acute abdominal pain
Sudden severe pain in the epigastrium can occur due to irritation of pain receptors of the parietal peritoneum and abdominal walls, as well as irradiation from other parts of the body and organs.
An attack of acute pain is one of the vivid symptoms of an acute abdomen, which occurs due to problems from the abdominal organs. Symptomatology develops suddenly and increases rapidly, posing a threat to life.
Such attacks can be symptoms of diseases that require emergency surgical intervention. The main causes of acute painful sensations in the abdomen are:
- Diseases of the stomach and intestines - appendicitis, bowel obstruction/perforation, acute gastritis, enterocolitis, inflammation of diverticula of the large intestine, pancreatitis, ruptured spleen.
- Pathologies of the liver and biliary tract - acute cholecystitis, acute cholangitis, biliary colic, hepatic vein thrombosis, heart failure.
- Diseases of the genitourinary system - acute pyelonephritis or cystitis, urolithiasis, ectopic pregnancy, acute inflammation of the appendages, ovarian torsion or cysts.
- Diseases of the glands of internal secretion - adrenal, thyrotoxic or hypercalcemic crisis, diabetic enteropathy.
- Metabolic diseases - porphyria, uremia, systemic vasculitis, ketoacidosis in diabetes mellitus.
Attacks can be provoked by pathologies of the chest organs (coronary artery disease, myocarditis, pneumonia, pleurisy, myocarditis). Another possible cause of the disorder is allergic diseases, intoxication with exogenous toxins.
Intermittent sharp pain in the abdomen
The appearance of periodic painful sensations in the epigastrium is a reason to immediately contact your doctor. In this case, it is important to preliminarily assess your condition according to the following criteria:
- Localization of pain.
- The nature of the discomfort.
- Frequency of occurrence.
- Increased with physical activity or at rest.
- Additional symptoms (diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, fever, general weakness).
Before going to the doctor, you should remember what preceded the unpleasant sensations. Soreness could appear after stress, increased physical activity, overeating, hypothermia and a number of other factors.
If the disorder occurs periodically under the spoon, recoiling in the esophagus and sternum, it may indicate gastritis or peptic ulcer disease. Symptomatology is complemented by flatulence, nausea and vomiting. Pain in the right subcostal region indicates renal colic or cholecystitis. And unpleasant sensations down the right side can talk about the development of appendicitis.
Acute pain in the abdominal region can be caused not by gastroenterological problems. It can be myocardial infarction, pneumonia and other equally serious pathologies.
Acute abdominal pain after eating
Discomfort after eating is caused by a variety of reasons. If the soreness goes away on its own within a short period of time, it is most likely due to poor quality food and overeating. Also possible causes of the disorder include:
- Irritable stomach - about 80% of all people face this problem. The main symptoms are nausea after eating, burning, pain with cramps in the epigastrium after eating, and a feeling of heaviness.
- Peptic ulcer - in peptic ulcer disease unpleasant symptoms make themselves known 30-40 minutes after eating. The painfulness has an increasing character. An ulcer develops due to increased acid production during digestion. Gradually the food is digested and enters the duodenum, the pain goes away until the next meal.
- Gastroduodenitis - this pathology in its symptomatology is similar to the syndrome of "irritable" stomach. But in this case, the patient develops inflammation that affects the duodenum. Acute pain is localized around the navel and in the epigastrium, occurs within an hour after eating. The patient may complain of heaviness and bloating.
- Pancreatitis - when the pancreas is inflamed, discomfort is localized throughout the abdomen or in the right upper quadrant. This condition requires medication and prolonged dietary therapy.
- Pylorospasm - soreness develops 15 minutes after eating. Cramps occur, which pass from the stomach to the duodenum. Possible attacks of vomiting after each meal.
All of the above conditions require careful diagnosis and comprehensive treatment.
Abdominal pain after spicy food
Most often this condition develops due to a lack of a sense of proportion, that is, due to overeating. Spicy food has an irritating effect on the body, attracting a large volume of blood to the localization site. This stimulating effect activates the cardiovascular system, accelerates blood flow and removes excess fluid from the body.
As for abdominal pain after spicy food, then most often they are faced by people who already have diseases of the GI organs in the non-acute stage or not yet diagnosed. That is why spicy and burning is not recommended to take with gastritis, ulcer and other pathologies, so as not to provoke inflammatory processes.
Sharp abdominal pain radiating to the lower back
Very often, unpleasant sensations arising in the epigastrium region go to other parts of the body, including the lower back. Let's consider the most common causes of the painful condition:
- Peptic ulcer disease - an ulcer is an open wound inside the mucous membrane of the stomach. The wound does not heal, as it is subjected to constant irritation by food. Due to the aggravation of the inflammatory process, there are pains that give into the stomach, back. Nausea, heartburn, deterioration of general well-being may also appear.
- Gastric/duodenal ulcer - discomfort develops abruptly, the patient has difficulty moving and breathing. The pain is manifested above the navel on the right side, spreading throughout the abdomen and into the lumbar region. Treatment of this condition involves surgical intervention, so it requires immediate medical attention.
- Pancreatitis - if the inflammatory process is in the stage of exacerbation, it is manifested by acute pain 4-6 hours after eating. Patients note rasping pain in the epigastrium, which goes to the back and even the chest. In some cases with pancreatitis, vomiting occurs, which does not relieve the patient's condition.
- Liver colic - discomfort originates in the right side and gradually seizes the lumbar region, sacrum, under the shoulder blades. The duration of the painful attack from 2-3 hours to 2-3 days. The disorder runs with increased body temperature, vomiting, a sharp deterioration in general well-being.
In addition to the above causes, soreness can be caused by gastritis, gastrologic variant of myocardial infarction and a number of other pathologies. To establish the root cause of the disorder, you should consult a doctor.
Sharp abdominal pain after sex
With the problem of abdominal pain after sexual intimacy most often face women. The main causes of the painful condition include:
- Intestinal bloating - during sex (in certain positions) air can enter the body, which leads to a feeling of gas in the abdomen and discomfort. To prevent this problem, it is recommended to stay in a horizontal position for a while after intimacy so that the body can get rid of the accumulated air.
- Polyps - the appearance of polyposis neoplasms in the cervical canal causes contraction-like sensations, which intensify during or after sex. If the polyp is traumatized, the painful condition is supplemented by bleeding. Polyps are treated only surgically.
- Tumor neoplasms (fibromas, myomas) - during sex the tumor may press on the uterus and neighboring organs, causing acute discomfort. If a woman knows about the presence of a tumor, then during sexual intimacy it is recommended to control the depth of penetration and choose the most comfortable position to reduce discomfort. For the treatment of such neoplasms, surgery with further drug therapy is indicated.
- Ovarian cyst - this pathology is characterized by lower abdominal pain on the left or right side. Unpleasant symptoms increase after sex and physical activity.
- Endometriosis, adhesions - both conditions can cause abdominal pain both during and after sex.
- Cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix) - with deep penetration, the penis touches the inflamed mucosa, which causes sharp, sharp pain.
- Infectious and fungal diseases - in addition to discomfort after sex, women have visual signs of pathology. The labia are hyperemic and swollen, there is severe itching, discharge. This condition requires an immediate appeal to a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis and prescribe the most appropriate treatment.
In addition to the above reasons, soreness can be caused by emotional overstrain, sex that is too hard, orgasm (strong contraction of the uterus and vagina), and vaginal dryness.
In any case, if discomfort occurs on a constant basis, supplemented by abundant bloody, mucous or purulent discharge from the genital tract, then you should seek medical help.
Acute abdominal pain and bloating
Abdominal bloating is caused by a buildup of gas in the intestines. It can be a sign of indigestion or irritable bowel syndrome, but most often it is one of the variants of the norm. In most cases, it is enough to change your diet to eliminate this problem.
If flatulence is complemented by acute abdominal pain, then this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. This is due to the fact that the cause of the disorder is not necessarily the wrong combination or intolerance of products. Bloating and soreness can be symptoms of some diseases (pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis), which without timely treatment lead to a number of serious complications.
In this case, the discomfort is due to two factors:
- Severe distention of the intestinal walls.
- High visceral sensitivity.
Signs of the pathological process is an additional symptomatology, which includes: nausea, heaviness, stool disorder, uncontrolled discharge of gases with an unpleasant odor, painful and frequent spasms in the epigastrium.
In women, acute pain and bloating can be associated with premenstrual syndrome. The unpleasant condition also occurs during pregnancy, when the growing fetus puts pressure on the intestines and other internal organs.
Sharp abdominal pain under the ribs
There are many causes and factors that provoke painful sensations in the abdomen and under the ribs. If discomfort occurs in the area of the right subcostal region, it may indicate such problems as:
- Diseases of the gallbladder - non-calculous cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, inflammation.
- Gallbladder sphincter dysfunction.
- Cancer.
- Urolithiasis (manifested by renal colic).
- Right-sided pleurisy, pneumonia.
- Intercostal nerve impingement.
- Spasms of the hepatic angle of the large intestine.
To relieve acute painful sensations, antispasmodics are taken. If the patient's condition does not improve after taking the medication, it is necessary to seek medical help. The doctor will collect an anamnesis, conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.
Acute abdominal pain with appendicitis
Appendicitis is an inflammation of the cecum of the cecum. The appendix is an appendage of the colon and is part of the immune system, performing the same functions as the tonsils in the lungs. Acute pain and inflammation develop due to many different factors, which include the organ's lymphoid tissue trying to eliminate infection.
Major signs of the disorder include:
- Painful sensations near the navel or in the upper abdomen that descend to the lower abdomen.
- Appetite disorder.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Increased body temperature.
- Abdominal edema.
The pathological condition has several forms, which are characterized by an acute course and severe symptomatology:
- Empyema - slowly developing, the pain does not move, but is localized on one side and does not subside.
- Retrocecal appendicitis is a mild inflammation of the abdominal cavity and disruption of bowel function. Manifested by liquid stools, which can not stop for a long period of time. Unpleasant sensations occur not only in the epigastrium, but also in the lumbar region, giving into the thigh.
- Left-sided appendicitis - this form is characterized by standard symptomatology. First of all, there are pains in the abdomen, which can be localized on both the left and right sides.
- Pelvic appendicitis - this atypical form is faced mainly by women. The disease is manifested by elevated body temperature and burning in the area of the navel.
If the disease takes an acute form, it is manifested by sharp pain that is constantly moving. When pressing on the abdomen, discomfort increases, the muscles are constantly tense. If you take the fetal position (lie on your side and tuck your legs), then temporary relief comes. This condition requires emergency medical attention.
Acute abdominal cramping pain
Contracture-like pains develop due to a variety of causes. Most often they are associated with indigestion or various diseases of the GI organs. There are two groups of causes of acute cramps in the stomach area:
1. Functional (violation of metabolic processes).
- Intoxication (food, alcohol, medication).
- Eating disorders.
- Excess body weight.
- Various traumas.
- Neuroses, stress, depression.
If unpleasant symptoms occur in women during menstruation, it can signal a disturbance in the work of the sexual system. In this case, there is an increased body temperature, stool disorder and abundant discharge from the vagina. Also to the causes of the disorder can be attributed ectopic pregnancy, which in its symptomatology is similar to appendicitis.
2. Organic (gastrointestinal diseases).
- Gastritis (exacerbation period).
- Inflammation of the duodenum.
- Ulcerative or erosive lesions of the stomach.
Regardless of the cause of painful sensations, you should seek medical help. The doctor will conduct a comprehensive examination of the body and give treatment recommendations.
Sharp abdominal pain at night
The appearance of unpleasant sensations in the epigastrium at night is most often associated with banal overeating or food intoxication. The painful condition may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, heartburn and abdominal bloating.
Also possible causes of the disorder include exacerbation of gastritis. In this case, the pain is so severe that the patient cannot sleep, and changing the position of the body aggravates the painful condition.
If the disorder periodically makes itself known, you should consult a doctor. Timely diagnosis and medical care will help to identify and eliminate the cause of the pathology.
Sharp abdominal pain on movement
Painful sensations that occur in the abdominal area and increase with movement cause a lot of discomfort. This problem is faced by both adults and children. Possible causes of the disorder include:
- Appendicitis - inflammation of the appendix of the blind intestine develops due to parasitic infestations, disruption of intestinal flora, trauma and a number of other factors. Causes sharp sharp pain in the region of the navel or on the right side, which intensifies with movement. Discomfort subsides in the supine position (fetal position). In most cases, pathology requires surgical intervention, so if the above symptoms appear, you should seek medical help.
- Irritable stomach syndrome, ulcer, gastritis - unpleasant sensations can be a sign of food intoxication, impaired acidity, inflammatory processes and other pathologies in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The disorder is manifested by sharp and shooting pains, there is nausea, belching, unpleasant taste in the mouth, tachycardia. Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the disease.
- Intestinal diseases - the soreness is aggravated by any movement, spasms appear. This condition may indicate parasitic infestations, intoxication, colitis, enteritis, flatulence, intestinal obstruction, tumor neoplasms. Intense pain runs with stool disorders and general weakness.
- Kidney disease - pain can be caused by nodules, inflammatory processes, kidney prolapse, pyelonephritis. Sharp pain in the area of the epigastrium and back, which increases with pressure. There is an elevated body temperature.
- Diseases of the gallbladder - these pathologies include cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, cholelithiasis. Pain sensations are sharp, sharp, drilling. Discomfort is manifested not only in the abdomen, but also in the right subcostal region, possible vomiting with bile impurities, bitter taste in the mouth, increased body temperature, yellowing of the skin. Diagnosis and treatment is carried out by a gastroenterologist.
- Diseases of the urogenital system - in urolithiasis, pain is aggravated during movement, discomfort can be a sign of cystitis, bladder neoplasms, pathologies of the genital system. Soreness is localized in the lower abdomen and aggravated when urinating. There may be a change in the smell and color of urine, frequent urges to urinate.
All of the above disorders require comprehensive diagnosis and treatment.