Pain in the back of my back
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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If you are bothered by back pain, first you need to determine the cause of its occurrence. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis, the results of which will be selected the necessary treatment. Often the source of pain is not only the back. Pain can be provoked by many other factors. For example, pain can be a consequence of kidney disease, or a pinched nerve. As practice shows, you can effectively eliminate pain only if the cause that provoked it is eliminated. That is, the optimal option is etiologic treatment.
Statistically, only 50% of back pain cases are caused by a true back injury. In about 40% of cases, the pain simply irradiates from neighboring inflamed areas, such as the kidneys, liver, spleen, and the illusion that the back hurts. In 10% of cases, the source of the pain remains unknown.
If the pain is actually back pain, then in about 45% of cases the pain is caused by spinal injury, misalignment of vertebrae, or pinched intervertebral discs. In 20% of cases, the cause of pain is a pinched or inflamed nerve, most often the sciatic nerve. And in 10% of cases, the cause lies in the muscles located on the back (most often on the spine).
It is worth noting that the remaining 25% is due to unexplained sources of pain, disorders of blood circulation, tissue nutrition, innervation, hormonal and nervous disorders, pathologies of the spinal cord and brain, consequences of trauma, infectious or inflammatory diseases, muscular dystrophy, or disorders of tissue and cellular metabolism.
Causes of the back pain
The causes of back pain can be many, and without proper examination it is impossible to say what provoked the development of pain in each case. Presumably, you can identify a number of factors that may directly or indirectly indicate possible causes. But this is clearly not enough to make a diagnosis, much less prescribe treatment. Therefore, the only correct option will still be to pass the diagnosis. Only having in hand the results of examination and examination of specialists, we can talk about the causative factors.
Traditionally, people who are not familiar with medicine, argue that if your back hurts - then the cause is actually in the back. You either have a cold back, or "snapped" her excessive load. But in practice, everything turns out to be not so unambiguous. The cause may indeed be hypothermia, and stretching of muscles, and dislocation of vertebrae, and pinched nerve as a result of excessive or incorrectly distributed load on the lumbar spine and nearby areas. But it often happens that in fact the source of pain is not the back, but other areas, such as the kidneys. There are many receptors and nerve fibers in the kidneys, and when they are inflamed, pain can irradiate along the nerve fiber, resulting in the feeling that the back hurts.
Sometimes the pain oradiates in a similar way from inflamed parts of the pleura, lungs, bronchi, upper respiratory tract. Sometimes it happens that the brain and spinal cord are inflamed, or a separate part of the spine is damaged. One of the main causes of pain is increased susceptibility of pain receptors, high threshold of pain sensitivity, increased reactivity of the nervous system, disruption of the hormonal background, increased sensitization of the body.
Risk factors
The risk group includes people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, muscles, various disorders of nervous and hormonal regulation, disorders of functioning of the pituitary gland, epiphysis, cerebellum, and other parts of the brain, especially those responsible for human motor activity. The risk group includes people suffering from various diseases: lumbalgia, radiculitis, and pinched nerves. People with myalgias, epilepsy, congenital muscle diseases, people suffering from exhaustion or obesity are at significant risk.
The risk of pain increases significantly if a person is exposed to high physical loads, nervous and mental overstrain, hypothermia, if he lives and works in damp, in conditions of high humidity. Also at risk are people with hypodynamia, who lead a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, or people who have to spend a lot of time in one position. Elderly people fall into the risk group due to the natural processes of aging of the body, resolution of vertebrae, violation of intervertebral sites.
We can talk about pathogenesis if we know the cause. Otherwise, it is inappropriate to talk about the development of pathological processes. This is due to the fact that there may be many causes, and each of them causes a certain clinical picture of pathology and its specific manifestations of pathogenesis. Thus, if the cause was trauma, then the basis of pathogenesis will be the consequence of the traumatizing effect of the damaging factor. It affects the body with excessive force and intensity, which entails a violation of the integrity and distortion of the main anatomical structures. There may be a rupture of the main structural components, disruption of the integrity of the coverings and membranes, decreased sensitivity and reactivity of the membranes, and hematoma, bruising, putting pressure on the main anatomical structures.
If the cause is a pinched nerve, then in the place of its compression, normal conduction is disturbed, which entails a violation of nutritional processes in the nerve fiber, and also disrupts the process of excretion of metabolites and excess carbon dioxide from the body. As a result, hypoxia develops, hypercapnia, inflammation develops. All of this and contributes to the onset of pain.
If the cause of pain development is an intervertebral hernia, the pathogenesis is based on the pinching of intervertebral areas, inflammation of intervertebral and paravertebral muscles. In addition to the inflammatory process, there is also a violation of trophics, increased sensitivity. Also pathogenesis is associated with a violation of blood circulation, nervous regulation, with the accumulation of metabolites, carbon dioxide, lack of oxygen, high levels of inflammatory mediators, histamine, other pro-inflammatory factors that support the inflammatory process. Sometimes there is infection, and even necrosis (death) of the pinched tissue.
With inflammation of internal parenchymatous organs, violation of the structural and functional state of the kidneys, the inflammatory and infectious process is the basis of pathogenesis. It is also worth noting that often the cause of the fight is the dying off of the surrounding tissues, violation of their normal nutrition, blood supply, severe spasm, cramping, stasis. At the same time, the development of an infectious, purulent, purulent-septic process can progress. The most dangerous condition is considered to be the progression of infection, up to bacteremia and sepsis.
Symptoms of the back pain
It can be various: acute and chronic, dull and aching, as well as short-term, periodic (coming), and constant.
- Pain under the shoulder blades from the back
This is a consequence of an infectious or inflammatory process, a general decrease in the body's resistance, metabolic disorders. Here are located the apexes of the lungs. Pain - as a result of various inflammatory processes of the lungs, less often - bronchi, trachea, pleura. Often all diseases affecting the lungs are manifested by pain here. This is the basis for pulmonologic massage, which is used in the treatment of various respiratory diseases. By massaging this area, at the same time there is an improvement in the metabolic processes in the lungs, as well as stronger expectoration of sputum, reduces inflammation of the mucous membranes and submucous layer of the respiratory tract.
- Pain under the left scapula from behind from the back
Such a picture unfolds in the development of intercostal muscle pinching, heart attack, severe heart disease, and even insufficiency. It is better to check with a cardiologist and do an electrocardiogram, because it is often an early precursor of myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathies, myocarditis. If you have such complaints, you should visit a cardiologist, pulmonologist.
- Pain on the left back from the back
A sign of functional and structural heart disorders, heart failure, angina pectoris, or coronary circulation disorders (in the heart vessels). It can also indicate a violation of cardiac output, pathologies of heart vessels, including aorta and pulmonary artery. Sometimes such pain also indicates pulmonary pathology, in particular, pneumonia, pleurisy, and sometimes more severe conditions, such as accumulation of exudate in the lungs, the development of congestion, may be a sign of bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, croup, spasm of bronchi and alveoli with predominant lesions on the left side.
- Pain under the right scapula from behind from the back
It can be a sign of intercostal muscle pinching, intercostal neuralgia, congestion and inflammatory infections. This condition develops after infectious and inflammatory processes, after prolonged spasms and severe coughing.
- Pain in the back of my back on the right side
If the pain is localized in the lower back, it is often a consequence of the development of inflammatory processes in the liver, less often - kidneys. In this case, it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist.
- My side hurts in the back of my back
It can be immediately noted that in most people in this case, the cause of pain is damage to the back muscles, or pinched / inflamed nerves. In this case, you will need to consult a vertebrologist or a chiropractor. Massage and manual therapy sessions have a positive effect.
- Right side back pain in the back
If you have pain in the side, in most cases we can talk about inflammation in the muscles, nerves, or dislocation of vertebrae. In any case, to improve your condition, you will need massage or manual therapy sessions, therapeutic exercise, as well as local medications, including ointments, balms, and oils to lubricate and rub the damaged areas.
- Pain in the right subcostal region from the back
To relieve pain is well-proven ointment prepared on the basis of herbal anti-inflammatory agents. As a base take pork fat, melt it, add a teaspoon of crushed leaves of plaunus barantz, common bearberry and hoof root. All this is mixed, allowed to solidify and used for massage or rubbing the painful area.
- Pain in the left subcostal region from behind from the back
It may be a sign of inflammatory and infectious diseases, and may also indicate the development of muscle and nerve damage. It is recommended to be examined by a surgeon and neurologist, after which the appropriate diagnosis will be made and treatment will be prescribed. Self-treatment is strictly forbidden, as the situation can only worsen. But you can only temporarily manage the pain. For this purpose, various analgesics, topical ointments and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
- Back pain in the lung area in the back
It should be remembered that only a doctor can prescribe treatment. But on your own, you can control pain by taking painkillers, or use strengthening agents that will trigger the body's self-regulation mechanisms. Also positively affect and tonic means that stimulate immunity and normalize the hormonal background. All this increases the body's resistance, and increases its endurance, resulting in the activation of internal reserves to fight the disease.
- Pain in the back of my back above my lower back
The pathogenesis is based on the development of pathological processes in the lumbar spine. As a rule, salts are deposited in this zone. This entails a violation of normal blood circulation, innervation, metabolic processes in the lumbar region. Gradually there is a development of the inflammatory process, as a result of which the pain syndrome develops.
- Pain in the back of my back on both sides
It is a pain syndrome manifested by a pronounced pain localized in the lumbar region. A characteristic feature is the spread of pain along the spine. Inflammation develops, which affects the lumbar vertebrae, giving strong pain in the intervertebral and intercostal space. The pain is usually sharp and piercing and travels along the entire spine.
- Pain in the back of the back when moving and breathing in
Often results from damage to the paravertebral muscles, as well as damage to the intervertebral discs, intercostal areas and the area in the region of the kidneys, adrenal glands. It can be a consequence of trauma or insufficient motor activity, prolonged stay in one position. The main treatment is therapeutic exercise, sports, a sufficient level of motor activity, massage. Swimming and aqua aerobics also have a positive effect.
- Back pain in the back after pneumonia
Quite common phenomenon associated with the recovery processes that occur in the lungs after the elimination of the inflammatory process. It can also be a consequence of the action of some drugs, such as antibiotics. Such an effect has a similar effect gentamicin. You can eliminate such painful sensations with the help of massage. Under the influence of massage eliminates congestion, develops respiratory muscles, restores the mobility of the chest, sternum, diaphragm, increases the vital capacity of the lungs. Also massage helps to increase the elasticity of lung tissue, which entails activation of the main processes: blood circulation, lymph flow. Faster resorption of exudate, infiltrates, alveoli spread and better filled with air. Well-proven massage technique LA Kunichev, the essence of which consists of the impact on the paravertebral and reflexogenic zones of the chest, back, in the indirect massage of the diaphragm, lungs, heart. Massage is performed in a sitting or lying position. Especially effective in combination with breathing exercises.
- Coughing hurts the back of my back
It may be a distant consequence of lung diseases. The main treatment is massage, rubbing with warming ointments, breathing exercises.
Back massage is used. First of all, the broadest muscle of the back is worked on, followed by the trapezius muscle. After that, it is advisable to work on the scapulae, supra-scapular and sub-scapular areas. After working on the front surface - the area of the clavicles, sternum, diaphragm. We finish the massage by working the intercostal muscles. The sequence of movements is classical: first stroking, then squeezing, followed by rubbing and vibration.
Breathing exercises should be done at least twice a day. It is worth starting with the full yogic breathing practiced in yoga. Gradually, static and dynamic breathing exercises should be included in the practice.
- Back pain in the middle of my back
Can be a sign of physical fatigue and increased physical activity. Sometimes occurs with mental overstrain, mental fatigue. The most effective way to recover quickly is meditation. It is recommended to sit with your back leaning against the wall. Bend your legs at the knees. If you can - sit in a half-lotus pose. It is necessary to relax, close your eyes. Imagine how our body gradually relaxes, all tension, pain, discomfort goes away. The spine becomes an even column that penetrates the whole body. And all other organs, muscles, skin, relax, become soft like plasticine. They begin to "melt", and slowly flow downward, along the spinal column. At the same time you feel lightness, relaxation in the whole body. Eyes are closed. There should be no thoughts - only a state of relaxation and bliss.
You can play soft music. But it is better to enjoy the silence. The exercise should be done for 30 minutes a day, at least. Gradually increase the time of the exercise, gradually bringing it to an hour. It should be borne in mind that all the time you need to sit in one position, without moving. It is necessary to exercise for at least a month. The first effect will be noticeable after the first session. But the main changes will be felt only after a month.
- Chest pain in the back of my back
This can be a consequence of trauma, intercostal neuralgia, muscle damage, nervous and physical overstrain, hypothermia. Also such an effect occurs after treatment of various inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs, with congestion, severe cough.
- Stomach pain and backache
This is a reason to see a gastroenterologist for an examination. It can be a sign of gastritis, ulcers, or the development of neoplasms of the stomach or intestines. Usually for examination is used ultrasound, X-ray of the stomach or gastroscopy, which will show the most accurate picture of the pathology and allow you to choose the appropriate treatment.
- Neck pain in the back of my neck at the base of my back
You may have a pinched nerve or a pulled muscle. It could also be caused by a salt deposit. Whatever it is, the only main treatment is massage and physical therapy. It is recommended to use warming ointments when massaging.
- Back pain in the back vomiting
The causes can be many - from banal poisoning, to concussion of the brain and spinal cord. Similar processes can occur in toxicosis of pregnant women, and severe kidney damage. Similar processes can accompany liver damage, stomach diseases, indigestion, indigestion, prolonged constipation, autoimmune diseases and the development of malignant tumors.
- Back pain under the ribs in the back
Often a sign of inflammatory or stagnant process in the lungs, bronchi. It can be eliminated with the help of gymnastics, massage, breathing exercises. Also positively affected by spa treatment, sea air, treatment in a salt mine or salt room, various physical procedures. The simplest way is inhalation with sea water or common salt. You can also wash your nose and gargle your throat.
Complications and consequences
The consequences can be different, depending on the causes. If back pain is a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle, it is quite easy to eliminate the pain. It is enough to include in the daily regimen of charging, exercise, move more, and the pain will go away by itself. But if the cause is more serious - the consequences can be severe: it is the progression of pain syndrome, inflammation, the development of infection, contractures, stiffness. A dangerous complication is the development of hernias, tumors. It can end in sepsis, malignancy, disability, and even death.
What can back pain tell about? It should be understood that this is not a separate disease, and not a syndrome, but one of the symptoms that can indicate the development of any disease, disorders in the body. It is necessary to carefully analyze all concomitant pathologies and complaints, previous treatment, anamnesis in order to determine the cause of pain and eliminate it.
Diagnostics of the back pain
Diagnosis is based on identifying the causes that contributed to the pain, as well as identifying what changes have occurred in the body, which organ is affected. Traditionally, the patient is first examined, then, if necessary, resort to laboratory and instrumental methods of research. To begin with, it is better to contact a therapist, who will tell you which doctor to turn to next. He will also prescribe an initial examination and conduct an interview. Do not forget to tell the doctor about how long ago the pain appeared, what you think caused it, what makes it weaker or stronger.
Without laboratory tests, it is almost impossible to make a diagnosis. Blood is the main biological fluid of the body, which reflects the main processes occurring in the body. Therefore, in any appeal to the doctor, he prescribes a clinical blood test (this is the most common analysis). It allows you to determine the general parameters by which to judge what is happening in the body.
An important diagnostic criterion is the hemoglobin level. It indicates the quantitative content of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. If the ratio of these gases in the body is disturbed in one direction or another, we can suspect a violation of respiratory function. Accordingly, pain may be a consequence of lung dysfunction, for example, a distant consequence of pneumonia. It happens that pain from the lungs or respiratory tract irradiates to the lower back, back, and without tests it is impossible to accurately determine even the source of pain.
The second important indicator is the level of red blood cells in the blood. These are cellular structures responsible for transporting oxygen. They do not contain a nucleus. Their decrease is a sign of anemia, which can indicate bone marrow disease, poisoning, spleen disease.
Color index (hematocrit) is the ratio of the number of red blood cells to hemoglobin. If this indicator is violated, we can talk about anemia, iron deficiency, which may indicate diseases of the spleen, adrenal glands, pregnancy.
The number of reticulocytes can be used to assess the correctness of the prescribed treatment. When tracking the results in dynamics, you can note an increase in the number of these cells. This means that the treatment is effective.
If the cause is not completely known, such methods as X-ray examination, computer and magnetic resonance tomography, ultrasound are used. Each of the methods has its pros and cons.
Differential diagnosis
It is used when a single symptom indicates several diseases with similar features. In such cases, additional methods of investigation are required to distinguish between them. Most often laboratory and instrumental methods are used for this purpose.
Treatment of the back pain
It depends on what caused the pain. Accordingly, this treatment is called etiologic treatment. Usually it is enough to eliminate the cause, and the pain will go away on its own, as a consequence of this cause. But sometimes it happens that requires and pathogenetic treatment, aimed at eliminating the pathogenesis of the disease, and the consequences that it entailed. Medications, physiotherapeutic methods, folk remedies, homeopathy and phytotherapy are used. In rare cases, surgical treatment is also used. Additional methods of treatment are vitamin therapy, hormone therapy. Antibiotic therapy, antiviral treatment may be required. It is also important to maintain proper nutrition, a sufficient level of physical activity, to observe the daily regimen.
When using any remedy for pain, you should strictly observe precautions - consult your doctor and follow his recommendations. This is very important, because pain cannot be treated thoughtlessly. One should first determine its exact cause and then take steps to remove those causes. This is a basic rule and a basic precaution to avoid numerous side effects. The main side effects are worsening of the condition, worsening of the pain, and its spread to other areas. If the pain is caused by the lesion of an organ, inflammation, it may worsen, after which an infection may develop. Best of all, ointments and balms used to rub the painful area. This helps to relieve the pain. Topical agents always act much faster: they penetrate directly into the focus of injury, and have a therapeutic effect.
Chondroitin ointment is used when severe pain occurs. It is applied in a thin layer to the painful area. It can be used up to 5-6 times a day, it all depends on the intensity of the pain syndrome and the degree of its progression. It should be noted that the course of treatment is an average of 10-15 days.
Sabelnik rather quickly relieves the inflammatory process, resolves seals, bruises, promotes normalization of local blood circulation, eliminates congestion.
Zhivokost has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect, relieves pain, prevents the appearance of hematomas, stagnation of blood and lymph, improves the outflow of lymph from the affected areas.
Balm "Zvezdochka" has an analgesic effect. Due to the warming effect, quickly relieves inflammation, eliminates bruises, has drying properties. It is applied in a thin layer directly on the area of pain. It is recommended to use up to 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is on average 5-10 days.
When back pain occurs, which may be associated with nerve damage or muscle damage, it is necessary to take vitamins, because most pain syndromes are directly or indirectly associated with vitamin metabolism disorders and their deficiency in the body (or complete absence). Pain of any localization is associated primarily with the lack of vitamins A, E, PP. Therefore, it is recommended to take vitamins in the following daily concentrations:
- Vitamin PP - 60 mg
- Vitamin A - 240 mg
- Vitamin E - 45 mg
- Vitamin C - 1000 mg.
Physiotherapy treatment
Various methods of physiotherapeutic treatment are used. By themselves, in the form of monotherapy are rarely used, and such a method does not fully justify itself. Physiotherapy is particularly effective they are particularly effective in complex treatment. Which method to choose depends on the diagnosis and the cause of pain.
Traditionally universal treatment methods, which are used in almost all areas, are ultrasound treatment, microcurrents, waves of various lengths. Electrophoresis is used, with which drugs are injected directly into the damaged tissue. The depth of their penetration is regulated by microcurrent. Cryoprocedures, heat procedures are indicated. Sometimes electroprocedures are used.
These procedures work well with mechanical and manual methods of action. It is recommended to alternate with massage, manual therapy sessions. An important role is given to segmental-reflex massage, reflexology, acupuncture, acupressure, acupressure (shiatsu), vertebral influence (massage of vertebrae and intervertebral discs).
Such procedures allow not only to improve the condition, but also normalize metabolic processes in the affected area, reduce pain. They are an excellent preventive measure, which is used to maintain the remission period. Also used various compresses, wraps. Well-proven heat wraps of honey, which are applied to the affected area. Honey penetrates well into the inflamed tissue, causes resorption of hematomas, relieves the inflammatory process. Thanks to the warming effect, quickly relieves pain, irritation. Overlapping layers of cellophane provide a "greenhouse effect", dry heat increases the local heat, which reduces pain and inflammation.
Quite an effective method is acupuncture (acupuncture), apitherapy (treatment with bee stings), hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches). These methods significantly improve microcirculation, normalize metabolic processes in tissues, improve trophic processes in tissues. Also have a positive effect are enzymes that penetrate into the sting of bees and leeches. They resorb seals, normalize the composition and function of the blood, relieve inflammation, reduce pain. Acupuncture has an effect mainly due to stimulation of receptors and biologically active points.
An effective method is oiling, the essence of which is that the affected area is first massaged, then intensively impregnated with therapeutic oils, which are made mainly on the basis of plant components. Preference is given to handmade oils. Before application, the oil is heated, which increases the depth of its penetration through the transdermal barrier, directly into the focus of inflammation.
Physical therapy is also used, without which it is impossible to overcome the pain syndrome. Also important are the means and techniques of active and passive gymnastics, with which they achieve the desired state of the muscles, provide mobility, nutrition, normalize metabolic processes in the surrounding tissues. Selection of exercises is carried out individually. It is recommended to perform exercises at least twice a day. Small approaches are required, 15-20 minutes, but several times a day. The dosage of the load should be moderate: a slight fatigue should be felt. Excessive fatigue should also be avoided. When performing physical exercises, it is important to work all muscle groups.
An important element of pain treatment is proper breathing. You can use various complexes of breathing exercises, Strelnikov's gymnastics, Buteyko, pranayama complex from hatha yoga, Chinese health practices, qigong system. Properly organized breathing is the basis of normal metabolism, prevents the development of spasms, inflammation, which are often the cause of pain. It is recommended to perform a set of static and dynamic breathing exercises.
It is better to complete this practice with relaxation training, meditation, autogenic training, contemplation and concentration. The most effective complexes are also presented in the system of hatha yoga and qigong. They should be practiced regularly, in a calm environment, maximally abstracted from the environment. It is also recommended to include appropriate relaxing music. The accompanying aromatherapy and color therapy have a positive effect.
Folk treatment
- Recipe #1.
Ointment made of animal bark and propolis extract, fir essential oil is used for lubrication and rubbing in the area where the pain is most pronounced. Quite often this ointment is used during massage instead of massage oil. It is also suitable for wraps, compresses and oiling. The main effect is achieved due to the warming effect on the body. To prepare the ointment, take 75-100 grams of livestock. Add to it about 15 grams of melted on a water bath or steam propolis, 3-4 drops of essential fir oil, stir thoroughly and allow to solidify until the formation of a homogeneous mass. Apply a thin layer on the painful areas.
- Recipe #2.
For general strengthening of the body apply balm. It is prepared on the basis of alcohol. For preparation take a tablespoon of flax seed, about 50 grams of pumpkin seed (pre-cracked), 2 tablespoons of sea buckthorn, as well as 2-3 tablespoons of crushed sage leaves, nettle and stevia. All this is poured alcohol, insist at least 3-4 days. Drink 50 grams per day.
- Recipe #3.
To apply compresses to the affected area, use anti-inflammatory composition: 3-4 tablespoons of chamomile, calendula, sage, lavender poured a liter of boiling water, cover with a lid. Infuse until the decoction is warm. After that, it is used for compresses.
Herbal treatment
It often happens that there is pain, but it is impossible to determine its exact cause, and sometimes its localization. In this case, it is best to use herbs in the form of decoctions and infusions inside, as they will accurately reach the target organ, where they will have an owl therapeutic effect. Pain is reduced due to the fact that many herbs have a complex effect on the body. This allows you to quickly remove the inflammatory process, eliminate pain, and in general, improve health, increase the body's resistance. Thus, the natural processes of self-regulation and recovery in the body are triggered, which contributes to the normalization of the condition.
In the treatment of any pain, the herbs that have a complex anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunostimulant effect on the body have proved to be the best.
Burdock, willow, sage, chamomile have an anti-inflammatory effect;
Pine buds, calendula, lavender - antiseptic and soothing effect, relieves irritation and inflammation, relieves pain;
Onion, aloe and kalanchoe have anti-inflammatory effects;
Clover, white acacia, calendula - relieves inflammation, repairs damage;
Maple, mint, willow tea soothes, relieves inflammation of nerves, muscle elements. It should be borne in mind that mint can be taken only by women. Men it is contraindicated due to the fact that it contains a large amount of female hormones, which will cause men hormonal disorders. Men should take St. John's wort instead of mint. At the same time, for similar reasons, St. John's wort should not be taken by women, because it contains a large amount of male hormones, and is harmful to the female body;
Bitter wormwood, eleutherococcus, high elecampane, hawthorn, rosehip, lemongrass, echinacea, stevia, eleutherococcus fill the body with vitamins, have an antioxidant effect, increase immunity.
It is recommended to use these herbs as decoctions for ingestion, as well as under a compress on the affected area. Decoction is made at the rate of 2 tablespoons of remedy per glass of boiling water.
Surgical treatment
Any disease can be treated with surgery only if the exact cause of the disease is known and there are no other treatment options or they have proved to be ineffective. But there are cases when surgery is the only possible treatment.
Surgery may be performed if the cause of pain is an abscess, in which there is purulent inflammation, tissue decomposition, and pus accumulation. Necrosis (tissue death) is an indication for surgery. Surgical methods are also used if the cause is myositis, nerve compression.
The use of radical methods is also mandatory if the cause of pain is, for example, a tumor, hematoma of large size, which should be removed. Also the reason for which surgery may be required is a herniation of the spine, internal organs, or damage to the intervertebral discs, accumulation of pus, fluid, exudate. Operations are usually performed routinely, emergency are rarely required. Usually a person is prepared for surgery in advance. It is carried out after the pain is completely controlled. During the operation, attempts should be made to eliminate the cause of pathology.
The basis of prevention is the orientation to a healthy lifestyle. An important role is the avoidance of hypothermia, drafts, regular exercise, a mobile lifestyle. It is also important to eat properly, include in the diet the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals, regularly undergo preventive examinations, if necessary - timely treatment.
The course and prognosis of the disease depend on many factors. In particular, on the severity of the disease, the localization of the inflammatory and infectious process, its severity, on the individual characteristics of the body (the state of the immune system, general resistance and endurance of the body, conducted therapeutic and preventive measures). If you timely identify the cause and carry out the necessary treatment, the prognosis will be favorable. Usually pain in the back of the back is treatable. If diagnosis and treatment are delayed, the prognosis can be unpredictable, up to disability.