Treatment for arm and leg cramps
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Features of treatment of hand and foot cramps are always associated with a specific pathology and are aimed at eliminating the root cause of the violation.
In cases of severe seizures associated with a serious disease, or those that occur without obvious cause, additional examination and more intensive therapy are prescribed. In generalized problems, anticonvulsants such as Primidone, Phenobarbital are used.
Based on the results of diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment, depending on the cause of hand and foot cramps. Therapy may cover several areas at once.
- Systemic drug treatment involves the use of medications appropriate to the underlying disease. The drugs of choice may be:
- venotonics, angioprotectors (Troxevasin, Detralex);
- analgesics, antispasmodics (Spazgan, Baralgin);
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Acetylsalicylic acid, Orthofen, Ibuprofen);
- myorelaxants (Baclofen, Midocalm);
- vitamin and mineral preparations (Magne B6, Calcium D3 Nicomed, Asparcam, calcium gluconate, Ascorutin).
- Medication local treatment involves the use of ointments, gel preparations that can improve vascular blood flow, relieve symptoms at the local level. Most often such external agents as Troxevasin, Actovegin, Heparin ointment, as well as Menovazine, Lyoton are prescribed.
In febrile convulsions, antipyretic drugs are prescribed, in severe convulsive syndrome - diazepam solution, magnesium sulfate, furosemide. Such treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor, after careful evaluation of diagnostic results.
It is not necessary to think that a single medication can get rid of hand and foot cramps. Usually it is necessary to take a whole complex of measures, which as a result produces the necessary effect, consisting not just in the elimination of symptoms, but in the impact on the underlying disease.
Detralex |
A venotonic and angioprotective drug based on diosmin and hesperidin. Detralex is taken one tablet in the morning and evening, with food. The drug can be taken for a long time, up to three months. |
Side effects occur rarely and are expressed in digestive disorders or neurovegetative disorders, which are self-corrected and do not require additional therapy. |
Spazgan |
A combination drug with analgesic and antispasmodic effect. It is a combination of non-narcotic analgesic, myotropic antispasmodic and M-cholinolytic. Spazgan is taken one tablet twice a day, trying to keep the interval between receptions of 10-12 hours. The recommended duration of intake is not more than 4-5 days. |
If the drug is taken in the recommended amounts, side effects will not bother you. In other cases, constipation, low blood pressure, dizziness, allergies, dry mucous membranes may occur. |
Baclofen |
A fairly strong myorelaxant of central action. Baclofen is taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription, 5-20 mg three times a day, adhering to the individual treatment regimen. |
The drug may cause such side effects as sleep and orientation disorders, agitation, depressive states and paresthesias, accommodation disorders, tachycardia, chest pain, liver dysfunction, increased sweating, allergies, polyuria, etc. |
Asparkam |
A combined preparation represented by potassium and magnesium aspartate. It is prescribed for potassium and magnesium deficiency in the body, 1-2 tablets three times a day, for 3-4 weeks. |
Side effects occur infrequently and are expressed in the appearance of dyspepsia, low blood pressure, allergies, feeling of blood rush. |
Ascorutin |
A drug containing ascorbic acid and rutin. It is used for cramps caused by increased vascular permeability, one tablet up to three times a day. |
Side effects when taking Ascorutin are rarely detected. Possible allergy to the drug. |
Heparin ointment |
Ointment based on heparin and anesthesin, used for superficial thrombophlebitis, phlebitis. The drug is easily rubbed into the skin of the affected limbs 2-3 times a day. |
Usually the drug does not cause side effects. The only exception may be an allergy to the components of the ointment. |
Vitamins and micronutrients
It is often possible to eliminate unpleasant cramps of the hands and feet by a simple change of diet, or by taking additional multivitamin complex preparations. Many people notice that cramps are relieved or disappear altogether after 1-2 weeks after providing the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Which of these substances should be paid special attention to:
- Magnesium is one of the main micronutrients prescribed to patients for seizures. Magnesium is present in large quantities in kelp, beans, lentils, dried fruits, greens, sprouted wheat.
- Calcium is an essential trace element that supports the growth of bone and muscle tissue. It is abundant not only in dairy products and cottage cheese, but also in hard cheeses, sesame seeds, nuts, soybeans and parsley.
- Potassium is an essential participant in most metabolic processes. It is found in foods such as fish, bananas, milk, and chicken meat.
- Vitamin D is a range of fat-soluble vitamins, which are not only synthesized in the body under the influence of ultraviolet light, but also come with food - for example, with butter and vegetable oil, sea fish, egg yolks.
If we consider pharmacy multivitamin preparations, then with hand and foot cramps, the reception of such means is especially relevant:
- Complivit, Vitrum - universal vitamin complexes that help not only to eliminate cramps, but also to strengthen the immune system;
- Aquadetrim, Vigantol - allow you to make up for the lack of vitamin D;
- Magne-B6, Magnecum - provide the body with magnesium and pyridoxine;
- Calcium D3 Nicomed - contains the essential components calcium and vitamin D;
- Doppelherz with potassium and sodium - restores potassium and sodium levels in the body.
Physiotherapy treatment for hand and foot cramps
Physiotherapeutic treatment is widely used to eliminate hand and foot cramps. For example, we are talking about such techniques:
- Interferential therapy is one of the methods of electrotherapy, in which two or more alternating currents of medium frequencies are applied. The main focus of such treatment is to improve peripheral blood circulation, normalize the disturbed tone of the main vessels.
- Phonophoresis is a procedure that involves the introduction of active medications into the tissues using ultrasound waves of low frequency. Phonophoresis allows to relieve tissues from hypoxia, improves cellular metabolism, stimulates regeneration processes, eliminates edema, activates blood and lymph flow.
- Myostimulation is a rehabilitation therapy technique based on electrical stimulation of nerve and muscle fibers. It is performed by transmitting current from the myostimulator to human tissues via electrodes. As a result, the function of muscles and other structures is optimized and restored.
- Massage - helps to activate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, eliminate muscle spasms and soreness.
- Hydrotherapy is a complex water procedures that improve blood circulation, toning vessels, helping to eliminate muscle spasms. Most often practiced contrast dousing, showers.
- Pearl baths involve temperature and mechanical action of water and air bubbles. This procedure reduces excitability, calms the nervous system, eliminates pains and spasms, and restores nervous regulation of the musculature.
In addition to the above procedures, LFK, electrotherapy, paraffin and mud applications help well.
Folk treatment
If hand and foot cramps are caused by a lack of fluid in the body, the problem can be solved not only by drinking enough water. There is another, quick folk recipe: a cold towel soaked in a strong salt solution is applied to the areas of concern - for example, to the legs.
Hot compresses and lotions are often helpful for circulatory disorders in the extremities. You can apply a towel soaked in hot herbal decoction, or simply in hot water. Also practice contrast dousing or shower, warm baths. With cramps of the hands and feet can dip the limbs alternately in hot and cold water.
If the problem concerns the legs, it is recommended to regularly perform the following gymnastic exercises:
- lying on the bed, tense the muscles of the legs, pull the socks towards themselves and hold this position for 7 seconds, then relax;
- in a standing position cross their legs, then first stand on the outside of the foot, then on the inside of the foot, and so on;
- sharply stretch their arms upward, trying to stretch the spine, standing on their toes; hold the position for seven seconds, then roll over on their heels and relax.
In case of frequent occurrence of hand and foot cramps, you should definitely reconsider your eating habits. Often cramps are provoked by excessive consumption of coffee, strong tea, as well as smoking.
Herbal treatment
To get rid of cramps, prepare such a herbal collection:
- shepherd's purse;
- wheatgrass;
- yarrow;
- mint;
- ergot;
- nettles;
- goosefoot.
All herbs are taken in equal amounts, mixed. Pour 100 g of the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos for half an hour. Next, take a deep bucket, fill it with warm water, add the infusion of herbs and lower your feet into it. It is necessary that in the water were exactly bothersome places - for example, calves. Duration of the procedure - up to 20 minutes. To eliminate the problem usually requires about ten procedures, which are repeated daily at night.
You can also prepare another herbal mixture that contains equal parts of the following plants:
- white mistletoe;
- calendula;
- Rhubarb (stems and leaves);
- yellow milkvetch;
- red clover.
Take 1 tbsp. Of the collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water, kept for 10 minutes on a water bath, then insist for another half hour. Soak a towel in the resulting infusion and apply to bothersome places, without removing for five hours.
In addition, inside it is recommended to use an infusion of chamomile, thyme: they are brewed and drunk like tea.
Homeopathy for hand and foot cramps
What can offer homeopathy from hand and foot cramps? As in other cases, homeopathic remedies are effective and safe, do not cause side effects and have practically no contraindications (exception - individual sensitivity to the components of the remedy). The difficulty is that the dosage of such a drug is determined only by a specialist in a personal consultation. In general, we can recommend the following homeopathic remedies:
- Secale, Sulphur, Veratrum album - help with cramping of the calf muscles;
- Magnesia phosphorica - eliminates leg cramps, spasms;
- Stramonium - prescribed for unilateral cramps, numbness;
- Nux Vomica helps with tactile cramps caused by touch, massage and so on;
- Veratrum viride - used for febrile seizures;
- Argentum nitricum - helps with muscle twitching in the legs, after stress and anxiety;
- Cicuta virosa - relieves from strong pronounced convulsions, which appear against the background of worm infestations, neurological disorders and so on;
- Plumbum - stops spastic contractions of the extensor muscles, including severe contractions accompanied by pain.
Surgical treatment
Surgical intervention may be recommended if seizures are provoked by circulatory insufficiency in venous vessels or in partial seizures due to the presence of a local seizure focus. However, in both the first and second cases, surgery is only a last resort if medical treatment is not effective enough to control the underlying disease.
In the case of varicose veins, treatment usually begins with the use of medication (venotonics) and compression stockings or bandages. If the proposed therapy has no effect, surgical intervention will be considered.