Why did your feet show brown spots?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Today, brown spots on the legs are considered as one of the leading pathologies observed in medical practice. They suffer children, adults, elderly people. Many ignore their appearance, referring to a number of facts unworthy of concern, but this is in vain. In fact, few people think about the fact that such small manifestations on the skin can serve as a signal that indicates to us the need to pay attention to your body. They can be harbingers of a serious disease. And if responsibly treat them, then it is possible to identify the disease in time and take the necessary measures, preventing its further development.
Often the cause is an increase in the production of melanin, a brown pigment that provides the appropriate skin color. The development of it can increase under the influence of stress, in the sun, with age.
Spots can be a skin reaction to various irritants, adverse factors, to ultraviolet light, cosmetics. Increasingly, there is the phenomenon of malignancy, in which malignant degeneration of skin cells occurs. This is mainly due to the negative impact of new technologies, skin care products, epilation techniques. Often after using the epilator, the hairs grow into the skin, which causes inflammation and the appearance of red spots.
Various diseases of internal organs can cause the development of spots. So, with diseases of the kidneys, liver, adrenal glands and pancreas, numerous chloasma can develop. In newborns, lentigo often appears, which are brown spots of rather large size. Associated with enhanced keratinization of the skin, often called birthmarks.
Freckles are spots of small sizes, the severity of which can be different. Occur as a result of exposure to ultraviolet rays, so intensify in the spring and summer, when the sunlight is growing.
Spots are the consequence of hypovitaminosis. Particularly pronounced with a deficiency of vitamins A, PP, S. May be a sign of diseases such as neurofibromatosis, multicolored or herpes zoster. Sometimes spots appear on the background of diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis.
Quite often, the cause is allergic reactions, skin irritation with synthetic tissues. This can be especially pronounced in women who wear nylon tights. Dense synthetic clothing can disrupt microcirculation and air exchange, resulting in spots. This includes poor nutrition, frequent stresses, impaired metabolic processes.
Also, the causes can be found at the local level: if there is a violation of the local circulation, squeezing certain areas with tight clothing, accessories. Violation of microcirculation, varicose veins, thrombosis, arthritis and arteritis, and even, heart failure, can also lead to the appearance of spots. As an etiological factor, frequent injuries, microdamages, violation of the integrity of blood vessels, excessive sweating are also considered.
Thus, the causes of pathology can be many, and it is impossible to determine the exact cause without conducting a diagnosis.
Brown spot on the nail
The spots on the nails are mainly caused by the fungus. Most often, it is onychomycosis, candidiasis, and other fungal diseases. Infection occurs mainly by contact. Perhaps even intrafamily infection, if family members wear the same shoes. Also, infection often occurs in public places: baths, saunas, swimming pools. Therefore it is important when visiting public places to use only personal shoes, towels. Replacement shoes are better to be shod directly in the room. Shoes of closed type are preferable.
It should be taken into account that the fungus is a very resistant infection, it requires a long treatment. Measures should be taken as early as possible, which is the key to successful treatment. It is necessary to comply with all the recommendations and undergo a full course of treatment, since if the infection remains, at least in part, they will quickly spread to neighboring areas of the skin, which will lead to further progression of the disease. At the site of the development of the fungal disease, first the compaction occurs, then the complete destruction of the tissue.
Brown spots on the soles of the feet
The disease, which develops brown spots on the soles of the feet, is called lipodermatosclerosis. The main symptom is skin discoloration and swelling. The main cause is problems with the veins. Usually develops against a background of varicose veins.
At the heart of pathogenesis is the weakening of the valvular system of veins, at which their functional disturbance occurs. As a result, the blood begins to flow in the reverse order. This leads to the fact that the pressure in the entire venous system increases sharply, especially at the base of the feet. As a result, the vascular tone increases, they become weaker, the fragility increases sharply, the blood pours out. So there are brown spots, which are essentially bruises under the skin.
It is important to start treating the disease in a timely manner. Otherwise, treatment will not be effective, and the disease will only progress. The illness ends in the absence of movements with complete paralysis, disability.
Small brown spots on the legs
These are usually pigmented spots that are difficult to remove. Can appear as a result of trophic disturbances. They are a consequence of a violation of blood composition, in which oxyhemoglobin begins to predominate, and the amount of oxygen is significantly reduced. Gradually, blood circulation is disturbed, the degree of saturation of blood with oxygen, nutrients changes. Exchange processes in it deteriorate, which leads to thickening of the upper layer. It contains more melanocytes - cells that are able to synthesize the pigment melanin. It is he who provides the brown color of the skin.
Pigment melanin performs a protective function. It is designed to protect the body from excessive activity of ultraviolet light, other harmful factors. The darker the skin, the less it is exposed to ultraviolet and other negative factors. But excessive production of melanin can indicate the development of the disease. The appearance of pigment spots on the body may indicate the development of internal diseases. The darker the spots and the more their number, the heavier the pathology. Also excessive synthesis of melanin is observed during pregnancy, hormonal imbalance, excessive exposure to ultraviolet light, skin burns, especially sun, after trauma and during the aging of the body. Pathology can be caused genetically.
The color of the spots can be very different and varies on a large scale from light brown to dark, almost black. Usually the spots do not itch, they do not flake, they do not cause any special discomfort, but they attract attention to themselves. They can grow quite quickly in size, they have mostly even outlines, they can be many. If there are any changes with spots, for example, they begin to grow higher, you need to see a doctor to check the stain. You should consult an oncologist, as this may be a sign of a malignant degeneration of the spot.
Often, such spots develop against the background of a lack or complete absence in the body of vitamins A, PP, C. Therefore, it is important not only symptomatic treatment, but also pathogenetic consultation, during which vitamin complexes are taken inside. Locally applied ointments, drugs of local action, which eliminate the inflammatory process, relieve irritation.
If the cause is circulatory failure, the treatment will be aimed at normalizing blood circulation, increasing vascular tone. Diabetes and atherosclerosis often contribute to reducing blood circulation, so it is advisable to keep the sugar level within normal limits, and also take medications aimed at normalizing and lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Older people also often have similar spots. They can be a sign of a violation of metabolic processes, the predominance of decomposition processes over synthesis processes, which is quite often observed in old age. It can also be a consequence of autoimmune processes and the accumulation of endotoxins in the body. Often this is due to excessive sun exposure in youth.
Often, brown spots appear in women and girls who for a long time use various cosmetics, depilate and epilate, resort to various cosmetic procedures. If the birthmark or birthmark is damaged, the risk of malignant degeneration increases.
Brown spots can be the so-called "pregnancy mask". This is a rash that occurs as a result of hormonal changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman. Progression of the process contributes to a long stay in the sun, so it should be avoided. After childbirth and after the end of feeding the baby, the spots usually disappear on their own. If they do not disappear, you can contact the beautician for the necessary procedures.
Often, spots are a sign of colorful lichen. In this case, the spots can be peeled off, and after their disappearance, depigmented foci appear. Diagnose the lichen is simple: you need to apply 5% iodine solution to the skin. When depriving the skin will become a darker shade.
Also, such small brown spots can occur with Recklinghausen's disease, or neurofibromatosis. At this disease, small brown spots appear first. Gradually they acquire a pink shade, they become soft enough to the touch. After this, soft tissue swells and bones are deformed. If the disease occurs in severe form, a tumor can develop that is localized primarily in the spinal cord and nerves. The disease can have severe consequences, such as blindness, deafness. The disease can be caused genetically.
Brown spots on toes
Often they appear on the fingers. This is due to the fact that in the area of the fingers there is a large flexural surface, which undergoes rubbing. In this area, there is always increased sweating. Therefore, the easiest way is to form an inflammatory process and develop a fungus.
In addition, the cause of spots can be improper nutrition, damage to the kidneys and liver. This may indicate a violation of the hormonal background and normal state of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, which take an active part in the production of hormones.
A similar picture develops with banal irritation, which occurs for many reasons, for example, frequent epilations and depilations, frequent use of chemical and mechanical peelings. To irritation can lead and increased sweating, especially if sweat accumulates between the fingers. The stimulating risk factor may be the wearing of closed warmed shoes, synthetic socks. For many, they are genetically determined. For example, with such a hereditary disease as lentigo, spots can appear with any negative external influences, which are simply trigger mechanisms. This state is actually genetic, and waits for a convenient moment to prove itself. These spots are usually highly flaky. This makes it possible to suspect dermatological diseases or deep disturbances in metabolic processes.
In particular, inadequate nutrition, lack of nutrients, minerals. If the reason is just this, then the treatment will be the easiest - to provide the necessary amount of vitamins and normalize the food.
Brown spots on the skin of the legs
As an independent and independent pathology, such spots appear rarely. Exceptions are cases of excessive sunburn, or excessive amounts of cosmetics, resulting in the body exposed to ultraviolet, pharmaceuticals. Very often appear as the result of peeling, depilation, depilation, when wearing synthetic clothing, in particular, kapron tights.
Most often, spots are one of the symptoms that indicates a disease or a malfunction in the immune system. This can easily be explained by the fact that the skin is a kind of barrier that separates the external environment from the internal. At the same time, it is in contact with both media and signals about the slightest changes. Start the formation of such a pathological phenomenon can both endogenous and exogenous factors, severe trophic disorders, fragility of blood vessels, circulatory disorders. In particular, they are formed in vascular disorders, increased fragility of blood vessels, metabolic disorders. With atherosclerosis, genetic diseases (for example, with neurofibromatosis, dermatitis, erythema). End with the formation of hemorrhages under the skin, hematomas. Indirectly can point to vitamin deficiency in severe form.
Sometimes it can be signs of impaired lichen or psoriasis, in the worst cases - the symptoms of severe pigmentary disorders, in which metabolic disorders occur, the amount of melanocytes increases, and the amount of synthesized melanin that is responsible for the development of pigment spots increases. Gradually, an increased amount of melanin can trigger a mechanism of uncontrolled reproduction of melanocytes, which will result in a cancerous tumor.
Brown spots on the big toe
Often this is the result of rubbing your finger with stiff or small shoes. Excessively warm socks can also provoke the development of spots, especially in the area of the thumb. Most intensively develop against the background of excessive sweating of the feet. This can lead to the development of fungal infection, for which increased humidity, sweat secretions are the optimal habitat. Less often - a sign of depriving, psoriasis, genetic pathologies, lipodermatosclerosis. In many cases, non-compliance with hygiene rules is the cause.
Gradually, in the absence of necessary therapy, there is swelling and hyperemia, which affects all the fingers, and even the foot. Such a disease often develops against the background of disturbance of vascular current.
You can cure only knowing the exact cause of the pathology. For this you need to undergo a comprehensive examination. Treatment can be chosen only by a doctor based on the results of diagnosis. If you start treatment on time, it can be very effective. Treatment is almost always conservative, operative methods are resorted only in case of ineffectiveness of conservative methods. If the cause is a violation of the vascular system, then resort to wearing medical stockings or compression jersey, which allows to normalize blood microcirculation in the vessels of the lower extremities. Accordingly, skin nutrition and metabolic processes are normalized. There is a correct outflow of blood, which provides full hemodynamics. We use medical therapy, during which often use local remedies (ointments, creams) containing corticosteroids.
Brown spots on the lower leg
The defeat of the shins can be triggered by the development of diabetic and atherosclerotic lesions. Usually one can trace the signs of symmetry in the localization with respect to each other - this is the hallmark of these diseases. At the initial stages of pathology development, the distance is 1-2 cm from each other, the value does not exceed several centimeters. Gradually, the spots begin to grow, and the distance between them increases in the same way. The ankle is mostly affected by the male part of the population. But these are not the only reasons. Do not forget that a person can have fragile and stricken vessels. Especially for the development of hemorrhagic spots, fragile capillaries favor. Also, subcutaneous hemorrhage, a small hematoma, and dermopathy can develop. The therapeutic effect begins with the correction of the diet, the earlier, the better, because the disease can progress. Pharmacological agents are also used, which are aimed at restoring the integrity of blood vessels and normalizing blood circulation.
Similar spots can develop against a background of lipoid necrobiosis, as the structure of the vessels is disturbed and changes. Gradually, atrophy of the affected areas occurs, gradually they acquire an erosive character, they can grow into an ulcer. Usually at this stage they become quite painful. You can recommend corticosteroid drugs that are injected into restricted areas. They will help to eliminate the pathological process. Thus, necrobiosis manifests itself exclusively as spots of various sizes, brown in color. They can peel and discomfort. To prevent and prevent further progression, you need to spend more time outdoors, have an active, lively lifestyle and eat right.
Brown spots on my legs it itch
One of the symptoms of a fairly serious disease is purita. The disease at first glance is safe, and shows itself discreetly. Nevertheless, one must remember its serious consequences. The spots begin to itch strongly, and gradually the itching intensifies so much that it can not be tolerated. He displays a person, does not allow sleeping at night, resulting in nervous exhaustion and a person earning a neurosis. Spots that itch, are an indication that you need to urgently go to the doctor, no matter what color they are. It is also important to remember that the stains can not be scratched, as an infection can be infiltrated and inflammation and damage to adjacent areas of the body will occur. During carding, even if a person does not seem to scratch the spots, microtraumas and micro-scratches appear that are open to the penetration of microorganisms and the effects of negative environmental factors.
Appear in mycosis, dermatitis, inflammatory processes. In the absence of any external causes, urgent medical care is needed, it is necessary to find out the cause of the development of pathology. This will help to quickly and correctly choose the necessary treatment.
Sometimes the cause is an allergic reaction. In this case, it is enough to eliminate the irritating factor, and the pathology will disappear on its own after a while. Sometimes it may be necessary to use special creams, especially moisturizers.
But it happens that the spots do not disappear after the elimination of the irritating factor, but only continue to spread. In this case, it is necessary to resort to the use of antihistamines, to undergo examination. Perhaps, complex therapy is needed.
Brown spots on hands and feet
Blisters often appear, resembling the result of prolonged (one-time) contact with the nettle. With the hand, urticaria spreads into the abdomen and chest zone, and in the absence of treatment, it can cover the entire body completely. It can have an unfavorable outcome, up to anaphylactic shock and progressive Quincke's edema, in which the airways and the larynx swell. This can lead to suffocation, result in death. Therefore, when the earliest signs of the disease appear, consult a doctor, or call an ambulance when the disease progresses.
Brown spots on the legs with varicose veins
Varicose veins are a fairly serious disease of the veins, which is accompanied by pain in the legs, swelling, the appearance of brown spots. A fatal disease is not considered, but, nevertheless, leads to the development of stagnant phenomena, in which blood circulation is severely disturbed, and also the heart's work becomes much more complicated, as the load on it increases. Also, a possible complication is thrombophlebitis, or trophic ulcer, in which thrombi develops, the hemostasis system is disrupted. This can even lead to death.
The first signs of varicose veins, which quickly enough passes. Then, over time, brown spots appear and severe itching, burning, with which they are accompanied. First the spots are small, smooth, with even edges. Gradually, their diameter increases, the smoothness and evenness of the edges are lost, and also bubble manifestations can develop. They pass, then reappear. In the absence of treatment, the disease can progress, there is a strong dermatitis. If there were relatively light spots, they are the result of blood stagnation.
The main place of localization of spots - ankle. The consequence may be varicose dermatitis, scar scarring. Trophic ulcers may form. Therefore, the disease must necessarily be treated. Treatment begins with the return of the skin to a natural shade. To do this, eliminate vascular disorders. Apply a variety of physiotherapy and medication. After the normalization of the skin tone, the skin dermatitis is treated.
Most specialists in practice have ascertained inefficiency of conservative methods against the background of venous enlargement, therefore they resort to surgical methods. There are cases when it is not possible to cure, and brown spots do not pass, therefore they resort to laser correction.
Any treatment necessarily includes correction of nutrition, the use of vitamins and minerals. With conservative treatment throughout the therapy, and during surgical treatment at the stage of postoperative rehabilitation, special supportive linen, a specially developed diet, a set of individual physical exercises are required. Positive effect of swimming, special breathing and relaxation practices. Of the physiotherapy procedures, the most effective are electroprocedures, myostimulation, electrophoresis with a solution of medications. In the complex therapy can also include alternative and homeopathic remedies.
Brown spots on the legs with diabetes mellitus
Spots of any shade, including brownish, never appear in the normal state of the body. This is a fairly frequent sign that the body requires an attentive attitude. Perhaps, vital processes were violated, hidden diseases appeared, the optimal regime, nutrition was violated.
Values tend to vary within wide limits from 1 millimeter to several centimeters.
A distinctive feature is the symmetrical appearance of spots on both sides. Gradually they increase, become more expressive, dark. They become atrophic. Almost always this symptom appears in men and very rarely in women. Especially pronounced in those who for a long time suffers from diabetic disorders, dysfunction of blood microcirculation along the vessels.
Rough, dry brown spot on the leg
The tendency to hyperpigmentation is pronounced, the enhanced production of melanin occurs. This leads to an increase in the number of melanocytes - the cells that are responsible for the synthesis of melanin. These two processes are interdependent.
A brown dry spot on the foot indicates the development of a pigmented spot. Quite a frequent phenomenon, which is observed mainly in women aged 25 to 27 years. It is necessary to understand the very mechanism of development of such spots in order to be able to prevent their appearance. Any damage to the skin can be a trigger mechanism of the pathological process, so you need to be careful about the skin, avoid damage. People who perform hair removal are most at risk, as during these procedures microtraumas of the skin occur. Also, the risk increases with frequent use of chemical and mechanical peelings.
Brown spots on the folds of the legs
Ideal surface for the formation and accumulation of various particles, also for the propagation of microorganisms. It is here that various spots develop rapidly. They can not be neglected, it's worth paying attention, watching them, or even better - choosing the necessary treatment. Self-medication can not be dealt with, because you can only exacerbate the situation by causing complications. Often they are just an echo of some other serious disease. They can develop against a background of hypovitaminosis, an allergic reaction, exposure to stimuli, exposure to sunlight, or in old age. Violation of pigmentation is usually associated with a violation of the internal organs, including the endocrine glands. Also may be a sign of a violation of the internal organs, some infectious diseases, allergic reaction. Vascular spots - a violation of the blood flow through the vessels, a decrease in tone, a violation of the circulatory system. Also occur if the vessels are too superficial, with their accidental trauma, subcutaneous hemorrhage.
Can develop with a deficiency of routine and ascorbic acid, responsible for the permeability and integrity of membranes. Sometimes this is a temporary condition that occurs with any disease, taking medications that increase the permeability and fragility of the membranes of hypodynamia, so maintaining a sufficient level of physical activity is a prerequisite.
Pigment brown spots on the legs
This is a violation of the normal synthesis of pigments. In general, the production of melanin, which provides a shade, predominates. Therefore, visiting a cosmetology room is irrational.
You should first get a consultation from a dermatologist, after which he will perform the necessary examination and, in accordance with his results, get the proper treatment. Any cosmetic procedures can be carried out only with the permission of the attending physician, because incorrectly applied procedures can be dangerous to health. It is especially dangerous to carry out any procedures if there is a risk of developing a malignant neoplasm.
Under them, serious pathologies can be masked, developing for various reasons: both external and internal. The spots gradually expand, lighten (photoaging). Manifestations of depigmented spots develop as a result of excessive influence of radiation, substances, unfavorable environmental conditions, caused by bruising, increased brittleness, trauma, and various injuries.
At the heart of pathogenesis is a violation of the general processes in the body, and as a result, violations at the local level. At the local level, first of all, tissue and cell exchanges are disrupted. Significantly increases the synthesis of melanin, increases the number of melanocytes - cells that provoke its formation. Gradually, the pigment accumulates in the cells, leaves the intercellular space, which leads to a change in cutaneous color. As a result, the process can stop at this, and can worsen, which will lead to the growth of spots. But in some cases, lightening of affected areas can occur.
Another mechanism is known for the formation of pigmented spots, the essence of which is the violation of the local circulation. The skin color may change, a swelling appears. Neutrophils migrate to the injury site, the amount of histamine increases. As a result, varicose veins develop, other vascular lesions. The exhausted venous system loses its ability to function normally, as a result of which a reverse blood flow is possible. The venous pressure increases, the vascular tone changes. Then there is a micro-leakage of blood, damage to blood vessels. This leads to the appearance of brown spots.