Staphylococcus in the smear: consequences, treatment with folk remedies
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Today one of the most discussed problems in medicine and laboratory diagnostics is staphylococcus in the smear. Identifying it is quite simple, difficulties arise at the stage of interpretation of the results. The fact is that staphylococcus is a representative of normal microflora and inhabits many biotopes of the human body, while performing a number of useful functions. However, under certain circumstances, he becomes the causative agent of many infectious diseases and pathological conditions. The emerging fine line between such conventional concepts as norm and pathology is increasingly becoming the subject of discussion for many physicians.
Staphylococcus in the smear in men
Staphylococcus in men is part of the normal microflora of the urogenital tract, respiratory tract, skin, intestines. Infringements of a microflora at men are observed rather seldom, therefore autoinfection arise mainly in the event that the organism has undergone adverse influence from environmental factors. For example, a disorder of the microflora may occur after taking antibiotics, after prolonged hormone therapy, under the influence of stress, fatigue and neuropsychic overstrain.
Also, the cause may be the ingestion of a pathogenic microorganism from outside. In order to develop an infectious process in this case, the concentration of bacterial cells should be relatively high, and immunity must also be reduced.
Often men take up staphylococcal infection in hospitals and hospitals, after surgical operations, other invasive interventions, with prostheses and catheters.
Staphylococcus in a smear in women
In women, autoinfection predominates, that is, the infection that develops within the body. Since staphylococcus is a part of normal human microflora, it is always found in the smear. It is important that its indicators are within the norm. But under certain circumstances and conditions of the body, changes may occur that contribute to an increase in the amount of staphylococcus, which can cause an infectious and inflammatory disease.
Staphylococcus plays a leading role in maintaining the health of female reproductive organs. Vaginal biocenosis contains about 10% of the whole microflora of the body. Violation of normal biocenosis undermines the health and future of the child.
Scientists have proved that it is the staphylococcus that plays the leading role in pathology. One of the reasons is reduced immunity, endocrine disorders.
The microflora of the vagina is largely determined by the hormonal status. They essentially affect the selective advantages in the biotope of various representatives of the microflora. Under the action of hormones of the estrogenic series, the vaginal membranes are saturated with glycogen, which is the optimal medium for the development of an anaerobic environment in which lactic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria, propionobacteria, and clostridial forms predominate. The amount of aerobic and facultative aerobic microflora is limited. Thus, the degree of staphylococci does not exceed 103-104 in 1 ml of secretion. This is the composition of the obligate microflora, which is regarded as a constant. It ensures the normal functioning of the system and protects against viral infections, inflammation, and tumor processes.
But, in addition to the obligate, the vaginal microflora also includes a transient flora, which is formed by facultative microorganisms. Their species diversity is quite high, while the population level does not exceed 3-4%. Microorganisms are referred to conditionally pathogenic forms, because when changing hormonal background, immune status, various kinds of influences, they act as causative agents of infectious and inflammatory processes. Staphylococcus enters this group. A sharp increase in staphylococcus secretion can lead to the development of pathological conditions such as bacterial vaginosis, sepsis, urogenital infections, toxic shock syndrome.
The formation of microflora begins with the birth of the girl. It should be borne in mind that microbiocenosis is not a random collection of microorganisms, but an evolutionarily formed protection system. Despite the fact that during various stages of a woman's life, the cenosis undergoes numerous changes, on the whole it remains homogeneous and genetically conditioned. The existing mechanism for the regulation of microflora depends on the level of hormones, and contributes to that, then it changes, being in close connection with the phase of the menstrual cycle. Similar changes also appear during pregnancy, when the optimal species and quantitative composition of microbiocenoses is formed, manifested due to an intensive "estrogen explosion".
Significant changes occur during childbirth, in the postpartum period, postmenopause. During this time, the amount of estrogen decreases sharply, which can lead to high susceptibility to infectious diseases and cause numerous infectious diseases. There is also a negative impact on the part of factors of exogenous origin. As such factors, consider, for example, inadequate intake of medications, in particular antibiotics. Also, the tablets containing hormone components, immunosuppressants, cytostatic agents, contraceptive preparations have a negative effect.
Staphylococcus in the smear during pregnancy
Pregnancy from the point of view of microbiology is the most favorable period when an optimal, natural vaginal microenvironment develops. There is a sharp increase in the amount of glycogen in the walls, which is due to a burst of estrogen activity. This contributes to the effective growth of representatives of lactobacilli, bifidobacteria. If we believe the results of numerous studies, available data, the most favorable microenvironment is established by the third trimester. There is a sharp decrease in the number of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic flora. Of particular interest are the information that the microflora is normalized not only in the vagina and reproductive organs, but also in the intestine, and in many other biotopes, for example, in the area of the skin, mammary glands. All the changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman (with normal health, nutrition) are aimed at protecting the developing fetus. First of all, protection from the development of perinatal infection is required. This is ensured by maintaining colonization resistance at a high level. This can provoke the development of many purulent, inflammatory and infectious processes. With advanced pathology, even signs of bacteremia, septic manifestations are possible. In the postpartum period, the protective properties of the natural microflora are reduced, the number of opportunistic pathogens, especially staphylococci, increases. There is a very high probability of developing staphylococcal infection, the risk of other infectious and inflammatory pathologies increases. The condition is normalized within 6 weeks of the postpartum period.
Staphylococcus in a child's smear
The detection of staphylococcus indicates a possible infection, or the accidental ingestion of a microorganism into a microbiocenosis. It is impossible to answer unequivocally, because it is necessary to take into account many factors that are closely intertwined with each other.
It is necessary to understand that staphylococcus can consist of a normal microflora of a child. About pathology you can speak only with a high degree of seeding. It is also necessary to consider the age of the child. Thus, microflora is not fully formed in children. In newborns and children under 3 years of age, the microflora of the mother remains for a long time.
The process of formation of the microbial ecological system begins from the moment of passage of the fetus by the fetus of the maternal pathways of the mother, therefore the endomicroacological status of the parturient woman, primarily the state of the vaginal microflora, plays a key role in the formation of the physiological microbiocenoses of the newborn.
The complex mechanism of bioconstruction of the microbial ecological system is activated from the moment of the birth of the child and is based on the cooperative activity of the newborn's body, the protective and bifidogenic factors of the mother's breast milk and its physiological microflora.
During birth in the formation of microflora, factors such as genetics, birth conditions, maternal health, the microflora of medical personnel, hospital microflora, and medicines play an important role. After birth, important is the composition of breast milk, the composition of the artificial mixture, the conditions of the newborn, the use of medication, probiotics, prebiotics.
Staphylococci and streptococci in the smear
Both microorganisms are found in various biotopes. They are considered as an aerobic and facultative-anaerobic form of life. Normally, staphylococcus should not exceed 10 3 colonies in 1 ml of the test fluid, streptococcus - no more than 10 4.
In the normal state of the immune system, the hormonal background, protect the skin and mucous membranes from colonization by pathogenic forms of microorganisms. If microecological conditions are disturbed (under the influence of negative internal and external factors), they can cause disease.
Staphylococcus cause bronchitis, pneumonia, bacterial vaginosis, sepsis, urogenital infections of various locations, toxic shock syndrome.
Streptococci are also capable of causing bacterial pneumonia and vaginosis, sepsis, peritonitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, oophoritis, catheter-associated and hospital infection. It causes chorioamnionitis, premature birth and miscarriages.
Enterococci and staphylococci in the smear
Enterococci are streptococci in the serological group D. They are isolated on a special medium, which contains triphenyltetrazolium chloride, which splits and gives the colonies a characteristic pink, red, or brown color. A distinctive feature of enterococci is their ability to cleave esculin and iron citrate. From all other streptococci they differ in their ability to grow on a medium containing 0.65% sodium chloride.
Often found together with staphylococcus, form biofilms. They take part in the formation of catheter-associated infections, are dangerous hospital strains, colonize purulent wounds, postoperative surfaces. They are frequent pathogens of intestinal diseases, food toxic infections, enteritis, dysbacteriosis.
E. Coli and staphylococcus in smear
It all depends on which biotope and how much this microorganism is found in. Intestinal bacillus is a representative of normal intestinal microflora, while staphylococcus in acceptable concentrations detects in all biotopes (norm - no more than 10 3 -10 4 cfu / ml).
If an E. Coli enters another biotope unnatural for it, inflammation may develop. Thus, the ingestion of Escherichia coli into the oral cavity may cause the development of phangitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis. Getting her into the vagina causes gynecological diseases. The latter is especially frequent due to the proximity of the intestine (rectum and anal opening) and vagina.
Complications and consequences
The most dangerous complication of detection of staphylococcus in the smear is the violation of eubiosis. Under eubiozom understand the equilibrium position of the human body and its microbiota. In this state, human health is at the highest possible level and ensures the full functioning of the body. Under the influence of various factors there is a violation of eubiosis - dysbacteriosis, which manifests itself in the development of microbiocenosis disorders in various biotopes. Changes affect exclusively endogenous microflora. If the smear shows high concentrations of staphylococcus, we are talking about imbalance between microbionts. An increase in the amount of one microorganism leads to a decrease in the number of other microorganisms. If some microorganisms die, then their place is immediately occupied by other forms. Most often, these are pathogenic microorganisms that act as causative agents of many infectious diseases. As a result, infectious and inflammatory, purulent-septic diseases develop, which entails a change in the physico-chemical parameters of the biotope. This results in damage to the processes of assimilation of individual food components, disrupts motor activity, and forms the conditions for a further increase in the population of pa- togens.
Deep changes in microbial-tissue relationships can lead to the fact that the changed microbiocenosis becomes an additional, and in most cases, decisive, factor of aggression in relation to one's own organism. The danger is that some bacterial endotoxins, the products of the vital activity of bacteria, are capable of "mimicking" the body's own antigens. Therefore, it is difficult to destroy them, it is difficult to choose an effective bacterial agent. The consequence is a serious violation of the normal state of the immune system, as well as the emergence of a conflict between the indigenous microflora and immunity.
Particular attention in pathology is drawn to the state of the intestinal microflora, since 60% of the whole human microflora is concentrated in it. In addition, the digestive tract interacts most actively with the environment.
When the microflora is disturbed, some of its representatives can change their form, properties. Many acquire cytotoxic properties, acting in a toxic manner on the cells of the host organism. Rapidly developing inflammation, which promotes the translocation of living cells and their metabolites into other biotopes. You can talk about the generalization of the inflammatory process, the development of septicemia.
Especially dangerous is the detection of microorganisms in those liquids that normally should be sterile, for example, in blood, urine, liquor. A small number speaks of bacteremia, in which pathogens penetrate the blood, leaving the affected organs, which are the focus of infection. If at this stage the disease does not cure the process will begin to progress, which will lead to the development of sepsis - "blood poisoning."
The danger of formation of microecological disturbances consists in unfavorable changes in the composition and protective properties of the indigenous microflora, and associated local symptoms, but also in the possible development of severe multi-organ failure with all its consequences, possible fatal outcome.
Dysbiotic changes in many ways are the trigger mechanism of many somatic conditions, the etiopathogenesis of which is associated with dysbiotic disorders.
The main pathologies that occur in cases of microbiota with a predominance of staphylococcus, streptococci: colitis, irritated bowel, gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer, coagulopathy, arterial pathology, arthritis, malignant neoplasms, caries, bronchial asthma, encephalopathy, opportunistic infections, gout, diabetes, infertility, premature birth, anemia, cachexia.
Treatment of the staphylococcus in smear
Widely used for the treatment of dysbiosis, the elimination of staphylococcal infection, various folk remedies.
Well-proven mixture that increases immunity, resistance of the body. Due to propolis and aloe juice, the microflora is normalized. Take 100 grams of dried apricots, prunes, dates, pass through a meat grinder. Separately squeeze the juice of 3-4 large sheets of aloe. Propolis melt on low heat with constant stirring, remove from heat, add the juice of squeezed aloe. Stir well until a uniform mass is formed. Then mix with the mass passed through the meat grinder, mix thoroughly, allow to infuse for 10-12 hours. You can take up to 3-4 table spoons a day.
Also used is another vitamin mixture that quickly restores microbiocenosis, normalizes the immune system. Take 100 grams of viburnum, sea-buckthorn, cowberry. Mash with a spoon until a homogeneous gruel is formed. Separately, melted 50 grams of honey, add to it a third of a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. Stir until a homogeneous mass is formed, slowly pour into a pre-prepared berry mass.
To improve overall health, increase efficiency, eliminate symptoms of bacterial infection and intoxication, use the juice of the following composition: fresh squeezed juice of 1 lemon, juice of 1 pomegranate, 50 ml of rose hip syrup. All this is confused, insisted for an hour, drink 1-2 glasses a day.
Herbal Treatment
Many herbs have antiseptic properties, the main thing is to be able to apply them correctly.
Cowberry ordinary is used to treat many diseases, including, bacterial infections, dysbiosis. Has antiseptic properties due to their high content of flavonoids, tannins, organic acids. Mostly ripe berries and leaves are used. They contain atribine, hydroquinone, carotene, due to which there are diuretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory properties. The berries are harvested in October, the leaves in May and June. Apply in the form of a decoction, infusion, as part of various mixtures, fees, as an additive to tea. Water infusion of berries is used as the main drink for fever patients.
Oregano also has an antiseptic effect, relieves inflammation, normalizes the condition and microflora of the female reproductive system. It is used mainly for the treatment of gynecological diseases caused by the disturbance of microflora.
Used in the form of decoctions and infusions, for external use. Used for washing, syringing, lotions, compresses. Effective for therapeutic baths, has anti-inflammatory, soothing, relaxing remedy. Normalizes the emotional state.
Ledum is a good bactericidal plant, which is used mainly in the treatment of respiratory tract viral and bacterial etiology, as well as for the treatment of infectious diseases, cough. It can alleviate even eczema, neoplasms. Approximately in May, the main components are dried. Used stems, leaves and flowers. Bactericidal properties provide glycosides, tannins. Also, plants contain a large number of palustrol, ice, other substances, which provides its basic properties.
Clover meadow is used in the treatment of purulent, inflammatory, septic processes of bacterial nature. Effective against anemia, colds, diphtheria. Helps to eliminate pain (thanks to antiseptic, anti-inflammatory methods). To quickly heal wound surfaces also apply powder from crushed leaves. In June, blossoms, at the same time produce a collection of medicinal raw materials. Applied mainly in the form of broths, less often - in the form of infusion.
In the treatment of bacterial diseases, infections, dysbiosis, an important role is given to probiotics. They are products based on bacterial cultures, which are included in the composition of microflora and normalize its state. Provide reliable prevention and treatment of microecological disorders, eliminate various types of autoinfection, including staphylococcal.
It is important to follow the precautionary measures: in no case should you drink the funds yourself, they should be prescribed only by a doctor. Even a doctor prescribes drugs only after receiving the results of bacteriological examination and analysis for dysbiosis, which will show the state of microbiocenosis. This will correctly select the drug. Incorrect use of the drug can provoke numerous side effects, for example, further disturbance of microflora and development of autoinfection, generalization of infection, and the spread of purulent-septic phenomena.
A-bacterin consists of lyophilized aerococcal culture, which are antagonists of staphylococcal infection. One dose of the drug contains 2 × 108 viable aerococci. Produced in vials.
Used internally or externally. For internal use it is used for the purpose of combating dysbacteriosis and intestinal infections, especially with those that developed after antibiotic therapy, as a result of transferred infections.
When applied externally, it is used to treat purulent wound infections of staphylococcal etiology, caused by other forms of microorganisms.
The apybakt consists of a living biomass of cells of probiotic bacteria of rather high concentration. Contains bifidobacteria, lactic acid, propionic acid bacteria, as well as lactobacilli. Produced in vials or sachets. It is used for the prevention and treatment of dysbiosis and associated diseases in children older than 2 years and adults.
Acidophillus consists of acidophilic lactobacteria. Produced in the form of capsules. One capsule contains 2.5 billion lyophilized cells. It is used for dysbacteriosis of various origin, fungal lesions of the intestine, vagina, skin. Also prescribed for acute colitis, constipation, diarrhea, lactose intolerance, hypovitaminosis, increased cholesterol, lower immunity.
Bactisubtil consists of bacillary forms of microorganisms, and also includes additional components. Applied with diarrhea, dysbiosis, enteritis, enterocolitis. Often appointed to eliminate the negative consequences that are provoked by chemo- and radiotherapy. Has a therapeutic effect in pyelonephritis, caused by enterobacteria, proteus, other opportunistic forms, staphylococcus. Effective for the treatment of infected varicose wounds.
Operational methods are rarely treated. To eliminate the direct cause of the disease - staphylococcal infection, surgical methods are unsuitable, since they do not directly affect the infection. In this regard, only antibiotic therapy is effective. But surgical methods can be used to eliminate the consequences of infection, for example, severe inflammations, abscesses, purulent exudates that are formed as a result of exposure to bacteria and their toxins.
Surgical methods can be used to treat peritonitis, acute appendicitis, neoplasms, purulent clusters, areas of necrosis.
The essence of prevention consists in the prevention of such conditions under which intensive reproduction of staphylococcus will occur. It is also necessary to maintain a normal level of immunity, to avoid stress. It is important to eat a full meal, keep all the necessary ingredients in the food, enough vitamins and minerals. You can not overcool, be nervous, overwork.
If the timely detection of staphylococcus in the smear, and take all the necessary measures to normalize its quantitative indicators, as well as to normalize all the accompanying microflora, the forecast is quite favorable. You can achieve a balance in the microbiocenosis, and he will act as a regulator of homeostasis, will protect the body, maintain colonization resistance. If you do not treat the infection and do not normalize the microbiocenosis, the prognosis can be extremely unfavorable. It is necessary to expect the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases, sepsis, which can progress up to a lethal outcome.