Benefit and harm of the dead sea
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Modern medicine knows the benefits and harms of the dead sea, and it actively uses these gifts of nature. Medical and health centers and cosmetology concerns have turned the use of useful properties of water, mud, and even the air of Salt Lake to a super-profitable industry.
The Benefits of the Dead Sea
The climate, warm and mild, without sharp temperature changes, already brings health improvement. The Dead Sea products themselves, when exposed to the human body, treat or arrest a wide range of diseases in various fields of medicine.
- Gynecology.
- Dermatology.
- Stomatology.
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
- Neurology.
- Cosmetology.
This is not a complete list of those areas in which the benefits of the dead sea are obvious.
Researches of scientists have shown that 21 minerals and a microelement - half of Mendeleyev's table - are found in water, salts and silty sediments.
- Magnesium is indispensable in the work of metabolic and metabolic processes.
- Sulfur - without it the body can not fully absorb the incoming vitamins.
- Iodine - participates in the work of virtually all body systems.
- Sodium - transfers useful substances, is responsible for the balance of water in the intercellular region.
- Iron - controls a sufficient number of red blood cells in the blood plasma.
- Copper - is involved in the synthesis of red blood cells and collagen.
This is already enough to assess the use of the dead sea in the field of treatment and prevention of diseases. There is no doubt and a positive cosmetology result. The rejuvenating courses of Cleopatra are effective help to all who wish to keep their youth for many years to come.
The Use of Dead Sea Mud
Dark, almost black, silt deposits have a plastic structure and an oily consistency. Dirt without much effort is applied to the skin, keeps on it and is perfectly washed off. Saturated with mineral salts, the use of dead sea mud is obvious.
- Cosmetic qualities: effectively cleans the skin, exfoliating and removing dead skin fragments, making it supple, elastic, rejuvenated, slowing the aging process.
- Possessing disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties - allows you to quickly tighten the injuries and injuries on the body, cleanses the feasts.
- The high thermal conductivity of the silt deposits allows useful chemical elements and mineral compounds to easily penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue from where they are spread throughout the human body. The fineness of the silt particles is 45 microns (the particles of a similar salt lake of Moinaki are 140 microns) - enhances penetration.
- The Dead Sea mud activates the flow of blood through the vessels.
- Relaxing properties allow to normalize sleep, stabilize the work of the peripheral and central nervous system.
- Stimulates metabolic and metabolic processes.
- Silt deposits can remove the symptoms of migraine and headache.
- Shows the effect in strengthening the root bulbs of the hairline.
- Has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.
- Activates immunity.
- Raises the vitality of the body.
Wraps, compresses: a thin layer of dirt is applied to the surface of the skin in the problem area, from above, fix a towel or food film. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm fresh water.
Experience shows that the benefits of the mud of the dead sea are beyond doubt.
The mechanism of exposure to dirt on the body of a rest is simple. Possessing high thermal conductivity, when applied to the skin, it creates a bath effect. Warming widens the blood vessels and spurs blood flow, removing stagnant phenomena - the main cause of many diseases. The load on the vascular system increases, therefore, people suffering from cardiac pathology should take enough mud therapy and only after consulting with the doctor in charge.
The Dead Sea mud is also in demand in the cosmetic industry. On the shelves of any pharmacy today you can find creams, soaps, scrubs, masks and other products based on it.
The Benefits of Dead Sea Salt
To enjoy all the healing properties of the Salt Lake, it is not necessary to visit the source on the Holy Land, it is enough to go to a nearby pharmacy. And all the benefits of salt of the dead sea will be available at home.
Vyparennaya under the scorching sun of Saudi Arabia, it absorbed many useful microelements and minerals, which give it medicinal qualities.
- Iodine is the effective work of the endocrine system, the normalization of the hormonal background. Iodine also has bactericidal properties.
- Bromine - stabilizes, soothingly acts on the central nervous system, acts as a stimulator of muscular activity. Excellent antiseptic, which has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral properties.
- Sodium - supports the necessary amount of liquid in the human body, delivers nutrients to every cell, an effective shield in the prevention of hypertension.
- Silicon is a microelement of "youth." Takes an active part in rejuvenating skin processes, stopping aging. Its presence normalizes the osmotic pressure, stimulates the regeneration processes, supports the water-electrolyte balance of the epidermal cells and the subcutaneous fat layer.
- Potassium - maintains the water-salt balance of the body, normalizing the amount of water in the cell. It activates muscular activity, removes toxins and participates in the processes of anabolism.
- Chlorine - responsible for the regeneration of tissues, removal of toxins and other harmful substances from the body, promotes the normalization of osmotic pressure, is indispensable in maintaining the water-electrolyte ratio of cells.
- Cobalt - the lack of this element inhibits the synthesis of red blood cells, reduces the digestibility of vitamin B12, leads to malignant anemia, severe blood pathology.
- Calcium - is necessary for the formation and regeneration of bone tissue, the normal growth of nail plates and hair. Its shortage has a negative effect on blood coagulability and the state of the teeth.
- Manganese is the dominant element of cellular respiration, protein synthesis. Without it, the processes of oxidation of fatty acids, immune, energy processes are slowed down. Begin to manifest stagnant phenomena.
- Fluoride - deficiency of this element leads to "weakening" of bone tissue, which inevitably leads to fractures, cracks, slowing down the rate of their growth (in the case of children - it is rickets), there is a bad state of teeth.
- Copper - an active component of the synthesis of collagen and red blood cells in the blood, it is involved in the development of enzymes of the epidermis. Thanks to this element, the process of iron processing is accelerated and normalization of the cardiovascular system and connective tissues goes on.
- Selenium is a "cardiac" element that supports the work of the heart mouse, minimizing the manifestation of pathology. Provides real benefits to the immune system in protecting against possible malfunctions and consequent degeneration of cells into malignant neoplasms. Provides an active supply of blood to human skin.
- Zinc - it is indispensable in the synthesis of many enzymes and is a "vehicle" for genetic information. Zinc activates the regenerative functions of the body: wound healing, growth of nail plates and hair. It is a real support for the normal functioning of the prostate gland. Its deficiency leads to a long healing of lesions, there are purulent processes. Children with a shortage of zinc in the body begin to lag behind in development.
- Iron - supports the level of red blood cells in the plasma, oxygenates all tissues and organs of the human body.
- Sulfur - responsible for the synthesis of collagen and is one of the main elements of rejuvenation.
- Magnesium is an excellent immunostimulant, has an anti-inflammatory effect, is involved in the process of tissue regeneration.
Procedures with Dead Sea salt:
- Peeling. Cleans, rejuvenates, nourishes and stimulates the skin, effectively combats cellulite.
- Bath for the body. General health-improving procedure: strengthens, relaxes, stimulates, activates blood circulation. Used for medicinal purposes.
- Baths for hands. They stop joint diseases, skin diseases (panaritium, minor wounds, burrs, "pimples"), makes the nail plate stronger, preventing brittleness and delamination.
- Trays for feet. Stimulate systemic blood flow, stop rheumatoid pain, relieve fatigue, clear pores, effectively fight with increased sweating. Softening the calluses and corns, allow with less effort to get rid of them. Heals cracks on the heels.
- Compresses from the salt of the Dead Sea. Promote fastest tightening of small cuts, wounds after burns, ulcers. The procedure accelerates the process of resorption of hemorrhages (hematomas), the fastest "maturation" and the emergence of furuncles, other abscesses.
- Anti-aging morning cryomassage of the face, neck and décolleté area.
The Benefits of Dead Sea Sea Salt
Sea water is an excellent remedy, and the use of sea salt of the dead sea is simply not appreciable, thanks to the high concentration of salts, trace elements and minerals that make up the salt conglomerate.
The list of diseases that this product treats is huge:
- Diseases of the epidermis:
- Mycosis I - II stages.
- Psoriasis.
- Scleroderma.
- Ichthyosis.
- Erythroderma.
- Red flat lichen.
- And many others.
- Diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ENT - organs:
- Bronchitis.
- Asthma.
- Chronic rhinitis, sinusitis.
- Pharyngitis.
- Rhinitis.
- Laryngitis.
- Tonsillites.
- And other diseases.
- Inflammatory processes in the organs of the small pelvis.
- Diseases of joints and connective and bony tissues:
- Polyarthritis.
- Rheumatism.
- Bursits.
- Osteochondrosis.
- And others.
- Gastrointestinal tract:
- Stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
- Colitis.
- Dysfunction of the liver and urinary tract.
- Gastritis.
- Intestinal dysbiosis.
- Neurological problems:
- Sleep disorder.
- Depressive state.
- Stress.
- Neuroses.
- And much more.
For health purposes, they use: common bathrooms, hands and feet baths, cryomassage, peeling - massage of the face, neck, décolletage, hands and feet.
For the baths, it is sufficient to prepare a solution of 30 g of sea salt and one and half liters of hot water. To soar your hands (or feet) in such a composition it takes 12 minutes. It is enough two such procedures in a week to support a skin of hands and feet in a healthy status.
Peeling massage is carried out on the basis of fine sea salt, mixed with ordinary shower gel and the addition of a small amount of cream. This composition is rubbed lightly into the skin. The epidermis gets rid of the dead skin scales, it activates the blood flow. This procedure is effective for cellulite.
Salt trituration. It "disperses the blood," accelerates all internal processes in the body, it receives a sufficient amount of oxygen and useful for its full-fledged work of substances. The solution is prepared by calculating 80 g of sea salt for five liters of water. Soaked in this composition with a towel for 12 minutes produce rubbing. At the end take a shower.
For cryomassage, you need a tablespoon of sea salt, dissolved in 600 ml of water. It is necessary to freeze such a solution in molds. Daily morning skin massage of the face, neck and décolletage area with this cube refreshes, tones up the skin, makes it supple and healthy.
Common baths that can be taken no more than once in three days, calm the nervous system, tone the muscles, are an excellent prevention of colds. For therapeutic purposes, it is better to use them with the consent of the attending physician.
To do this, dilute 200 g of sea salt in a liter of water. The salt must dissolve completely. Only then pour into the filled bathroom.
The use of the water of the dead sea
The Dead Sea water is a brine - a concentrated solution of various mineral salts, which consists of 21 microelements and a mineral. The percentage of suspended matter in water is from 34% to 42%. The use of the water of the dead sea in its unique constituents: ions of potassium, magnesium, iodine, calcium, silane, manganese, iron, potassium and many others. They give her their excellent healing qualities.
- Inhalations are perfect for people suffering from chronic respiratory diseases and the throat-nose-ear area.
- Gargles with sea water will be pushed to the early healing of the wound, will allow you to quickly recover from stomatitis, favorably affect the tooth enamel, strengthening and mineralizing it.
- Drops in the nose contribute to the liquefaction of mucous secretions and easier their withdrawal from the nasal passages. The use of the water of the dead sea in its amazing healing properties.
- Baths and Jacuzzis with salt water are used both for medical and preventive purposes.
With the current level of development of pharmacology and cosmetology, there is no need to fly to Israel to assess the benefits of the water of the dead sea. This can be done at home, by purchasing a package of crystals of mineralized salt from the Dead Sea in a nearby pharmacy. But the lake itself, its air and its climatic characteristics are difficult to replace.
Dead sea damage
Many people write about the useful properties of this unique corner of the globe. But there are also contraindications that restrict or prohibit people suffering from certain diseases to use medicinal or prophylactic products of the lake. Neglect of such recommendations can have the opposite result, having received the harm of the dead sea.
It is necessary to control that salt water does not get into the eyes. Upon ingestion, the salt begins to irritate and corrode the cornea of the eye. In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the eyes under the shower with plenty of fresh water. You can not drink this water: one glass is enough and the result can be a lethal outcome.
Do not take such wellness baths pregnant. By activating blood circulation, the products of the Dead Sea can provoke premature birth and miscarriage.
Not good, but the harm of the dead sea can be obtained if the guest has a history:
- Benign or malignant tumor.
- Pathology of the liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis).
- Bleeding of various genesis.
- Diseases of the blood.
- Epileptic seizures.
- A number of endocrine diseases.
- Severe hypertension.
- Acute phase of inflammatory disease.
- Heavy pathology of the heart.
- Tuberculosis.
- Typhoid fever.
- Cachexia.
- And a number of others.
It is difficult to overestimate the therapeutic and cosmetic properties of products obtained from the Salt Lake. But, gathering in Israel, it is necessary to inquire what is the use and harm of the dead sea, so that the trip will justify the hopes and bring the maximum benefit.