

Diet for food allergies

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Food allergy is a negative reaction of the body, to a product whose properties are sensitized. The main feature of food allergy is that it can be caused by any product without exception.

Since recently, the number of people suffering from food allergies has increased, doctors and allergists more and more often describe the diet to their patients. And the diet for food allergies is different for everyone.

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Diet for food allergies in adults

Diet with food allergy in adults is observed about 2-3 weeks. Such duration is maintained in the event that the allergy is manifested for the first time or has an easy character. When the initial symptoms appear, those products that theoretically could cause this phenomenon are excluded. If during the diet diet (2-3 weeks) there is an improvement, then the products that have been eliminated must be reintroduced into the diet. And it should be done in turn and in small quantities. The interval between the entry of products should be 3 days. During this time, it is necessary to observe the reaction of the body.

Read also:  Food allergy in adults

Thus, you can determine which product triggered the allergy.

When you are on a hypoallergenic diet, two important rules must be observed:

  • Do not overeat;
  • in the allowed framework to diversify their food.

The main thing to remember is that a timely diet with food allergies will help the body recover faster.

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Diet in food allergies in children

How does the diet for food allergies in children?

Despite the fact that the food allergy in a child is not a very pleasant diagnosis, the positive side is that at the moment there are a wide range of products in the stores that are recommended for food allergies. For example, the basis of many mixtures is hydrolyzed milk or soy protein, and purees and cereals contain hypoallergenic components.

One of the most difficult, believes the diet for food allergies for infants who are on artificial feeding. As a rule, all their mixtures go for cow's milk, and symptoms of rejection of this product can manifest themselves in the first months of life. In this case, substitutes for breast milk are used. Mixtures can be replaced with fermented milk liquids, soy milk based food or animal milk, not cows.

To date, if a child has an allergy to cow's milk protein, the most effective meal is considered to be a therapeutic mixture based on casein hydrolyzate.

If the food allergy is traced in a child of 2 years, it is best to exclude chicken eggs from the food, as well as fish. Seafood is especially not recommended for young children. It is also better not to give nuts, peanuts and legumes.

The most important thing is that a child who is on an eating diet is regularly examined by a doctor.

After all, a diet with food allergy requires special attention, and non-observance of an individual diet can harm your body or your baby's body.

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