Pharyngitis: symptoms
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Symptoms of pharyngitis usually appear during the off-season - in the fall, spring and in the winter. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, accompanied by acute pain and uncomfortable perspiration in the throat and having an acute or chronic character, in fact, determines the concept of pharyngitis. Anatomic structure of the pharynx suggests the presence of three parts of the organ - the nasopharynx located in the upper part, the oropharynx located in the middle part, the laryngopharynx located in the lower part.
In the place of localization of developing inflammatory processes, one can also subdivide the symptoms of pharyngitis. In this case, it is necessary to note the conventionality of such a separation, in view of the migrating nature of viral and bacterial infections, which diffusely affect the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Often the migration of infections is a downward trend. Mucous membrane with chronic pharyngitis has a morphological change, mainly localized in one anatomical section of the pharynx. This makes it possible to distinguish individual nosologies, in particular, chronic nasopharyngitis. The main cause of pharyngitis is irritation of the mucous membranes of the pharynx, by inhaling cold or infectious air, as possible chemical irritation due to the use of alcohol or tobacco. Symptoms of pharyngitis can be triggered by all kinds of microorganisms, for example, staphylo-, strepto-, pneumococcus or influenza viruses, adenoviruses. There are cases of the development of pharyngitis provoked by fungi candida. It is also possible the development of pharyngitis due to the spread of the infectious focus, directly adjacent to the pharynx. Thus, pharyngitis is formed due to sinusitis, rhinitis or dental caries. According to etiological factors, acute pharyngitis is divided into viral, bacterial, fungal, allergic, traumatic, due to surgical interventions or accidental ingress of foreign bodies and caused by the action of external stimuli, namely, acids, alkali, steam or hot liquid. Depending on the nature of changes in the mucosa, chronic pharyngitis can be simple or catarrhal, atrophic or subatrophic and hypertrophic. Perhaps a combination of these forms of chronic inflammation. Namely, diffuse atrophic changes in the mucosa can be combined with the focus of hyperplasia of the tubopharyngeal roller and lymphoid tissue of the posterior pharyngeal wall.
Depending on what symptoms of pharyngitis are observed in the patient, the disease can be classified into acute and catarrhal or simple. Acute pharyngitis, respectively, can be viral, bacterial, fungal, allergic, traumatic, chronic and caused by external stimuli. Catarrhal pharyngitis can be hypertrophic or granular, atrophic, mixed in form. Catarrhal pharyngitis in acute respiratory viral infection is one of the most common forms of acute inflammation of the mucous membranes of the pharynx.
About 70% of possible pharyngitis are provoked by such viruses: coronaviruses, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, influenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus. Most often acute pharyngitis provokes a rhinovirus. Modern research indicates an increase in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections during the off-season with the direct participation of rhinoviruses. As a rule, bacterial infection is preceded by viral infection, which is the root cause.
The causative agents of acute pharyngitis can be distributed in decreasing order of frequency in this way: rhinovirus, coronavirus, adenovirus, influenza virus, parainfluenza virus. Less often, but still there are such pathogens of pharyngitis: respiratory syncytial virus, herpes simplex virus, enterovirus, Coxsackie virus, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, human immunodeficiency virus.
Symptoms of acute pharyngitis
The clinical picture has such symptoms of acute pharyngitis - characteristic perspiration, a feeling of dryness, uncomfortable condition and severe pain in the throat when swallowed or even with a breath of air. Perhaps a general nedomaganie, an increase in body temperature. When the tubofaringeal ridges become inflamed, it is possible that the pain senses are irradiated into the ears. When palpation, an increase and soreness of the upper cervical lymph nodes is observed. Pharyngoscopy shows hyperemia of the posterior pharyngeal and palatine arch walls, inflammation of lymphoid granules, without signs of tonsillitis inflammation of the tonsils of the palatine region. The possibility that acute pharyngitis may be the root cause of all kinds of infectious diseases, for example, scarlet fever, measles rubella, measles, is not ruled out. In some cases, differential diagnosis with Stevens-Johnson syndrome or Kawasaki disease may be required.
Sore throats that do not lend themselves to prolonged therapy should be diagnosed with syndromes developing with certain systemic diseases and diseases of the nervous system. For example, Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease that is accompanied by pronounced dryness of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and an increase in the salivary glands is observed. The syndrome of stylalgia is characterized by constant strong pain sensations in the throat, provoked by an elongated subulate process located in the lower temporal part, probing over the palatine tonsil. Many different neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves can provoke pain in the throat, most often in the elderly.
Symptoms of chronic pharyngitis
Symptoms of chronic pharyngitis, as a rule, are not characterized by an increase in temperature and a significant deterioration in the patient's well-being. For a clinical picture of chronic pharyngitis, dry mouth, throat swelling and coma feel are characteristic, which provokes a cough and a desire to clear your throat. Cough is dry and stubborn, uncharacteristic for tracheobronchitis. Pain in the throat is caused by the constant swallowing of mucus that accumulates on the back walls of the pharynx. In patients with symptoms of chronic pharyngitis, there is increased irritability and sleep disturbances. Mucous membranes of pharynx, with atrophic pharyngitis, look thinned, dry, sometimes covered with sucked mucus. Pharyngoscopy of the hypertrophic form shows on the posterior wall of the pharynx, chaotically located, tubopharyngeal ridges and foci of lymphoid tissue. In the period of exacerbation, these changes are accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes.
Very often chronic pharyngitis manifests itself in the form of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, atrophic gastritis. Difficult nasal breathing provokes symptoms of chronic pharyngitis. Chronic pharyngitis can be caused by the abuse of vasoconstrictive drops for the nose, which, when flowing from the nose, has an anemic effect on the pharyngeal wall, which is absolutely not desirable in this part of the nasopharynx. Symptoms of chronic pharyngitis appear during postnosal syndrome, when uncomfortable sensations in the throat are associated with the flow from the nose to the back wall of the pharynx of the infectious secret. Constant coughing in this state causes the appearance of strong wheezing, wheezing. In the presence of such symptoms of chronic pharyngitis, it is necessary to conduct differential diagnosis for the disease of bronchial asthma.
Symptoms of exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis
The main factors that provoke the symptoms of exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis can be named features of the constitutional structure of the gastrointestinal tract and mucous membrane of the pharynx. Systematic exposure to exogenous factors, usually occurring in the workplace or in emergency situations, also exacerbates chronic pharyngitis. For example, the inhalation of smoke or dusty air, chemical vapors. The abuse of vasoconstrictive drops for the nose and, as a result, forced breathing through the nose, is also one of the factors provoking the symptoms of exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis. Abuse of alcoholic beverages and tobacco smoking having a regular persistence leads to symptoms of exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis in most cases. Diseases of the endocrine and immune systems often provoke exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis. Such diseases include allergies, hypothyroidism, renal or pulmonary insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, type A avitaminosis. As a rule, the symptoms of exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis proceed in a latent form, latent, not revealing themselves, in contrast to the characteristic symptoms of acute pharyngitis. Patients with symptoms of chronic pharyngitis complain of dryness in the mouth and a sore throat, which are accompanied by a dry cough. In elderly people, often the immune system has some deviations, which also contribute to exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis. Very often changes in the endocrine system and the work of the gastrointestinal tract provoke an exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis. Diagnosis and treatment should be carried out taking into account a specific clinical picture of the disease. With the purpose of timely diagnosis and appointment of a course of treatment it is very important not to postpone the visit to a specialist, especially in case of a child's illness.
Symptoms of pharyngitis in adults
Symptoms of pharyngitis in adults have a sluggish course, without special characteristic signs for a long time period. Symptoms of pharyngitis in adults are provoked by various causes, accompanied by a functional violation of secretion and circulation. Constant discomfort and pain in the throat, dryness and swelling in the mouth are the first signs of the beginning of pharyngitis. Symptoms of pharyngitis in adults are a consequence of various infectious acute and chronic forms of the upper respiratory tract, as well as a consequence of the negative influence of environmental factors. Dirty inhaled air, in modern cities, man-made production processes, uncontrolled use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco irritate the mucous membrane of the pharynx and lead to the development of chronic pharyngitis. Autoimmune and allergic diseases contribute to the development of pharyngitis symptoms in adults. So, the main reasons provoking the symptoms of pharyngitis in adults are - the inhalation of cold or dirty air in modern cities, the impact of chemical irritants, both in domestic conditions and at work, all kinds of infectious diseases.
Symptoms of pharyngitis in children
Symptoms of pharyngitis in children are provoked by pathogenic viruses, for example, streptococci and mycoplasma. The disease manifests itself in the child's organism somewhat differently than in adults. In the case when the sick child has an inflamed mucous membrane of the pharynx, as a rule, diagnose catarrhal pharyngitis. Granulosa pharyngitis is characterized by inflammatory processes in the greater part of the pharynx and changes in the size of the lymphadenoid elements. Diagnosis of the disease, the procedure is quite complex and requires utmost care. It is unacceptable to be limited only by visual inspection of the pharynx and oral cavity of the patient. Only after the results of all the necessary tests and analyzes can we conclude that the true causes of pharyngitis and the viruses and bacteria that caused its aggravation. It is enough to observe the changes in behavior and it is possible to identify the symptoms of pharyngitis in children. Complaints about sore throat and perspiration, unusually calm behavior, poor appetite, and sometimes refusal to eat - the first symptoms of pharyngitis in children. These symptoms are good reasons for an immediate visit to the pediatrician. Before this, you can independently inspect your baby's neck for signs of surface changes, redness or whitish plaque.
Outwardly, the symptoms of pharyngitis in children are determined by swelling of the mucous membrane and reddening of the pharynx. There are cases when the throat is covered with purulent deposits and red swelling. Detection of any of the listed symptoms is a necessity for a qualified specialist consultation. Possible methods of treatment of pharyngitis in children must necessarily be coordinated with the pediatrician, since the use of sprays during treatment can provoke bronchospasm, and the usual rinsing of the neck child resists.
Symptoms of pharyngitis in infants
Symptoms of pharyngitis in the baby can be expressed in a fairly severe form. Probably a significant increase in the body temperature of the child, worsening of the general condition, caused by lethargy, poor sleep and lack of appetite. Very often the symptoms of pharyngitis in the baby are combined with adenoiditis. In the diagnosis of pharyngitis in infants, by visual examination of the pharynx of a sick child, marked redness and swelling, infiltrated and granular surface of the mucosa of the posterior pharyngeal wall. Inflammatory processes of palatine arch and soft palate are also possible. Inflammatory processes on the lateral cushions in the throat of a child are possible with a common pharyngitis.
Viral pharyngitis in young children is manifested by such symptoms - a bright red inflammation of the throat and palatine tonsils, the areas of the soft palate are also inflamed. The posterior wall of the pharynx is covered with red dots and bloody vesicles. After two or three days there is a dry cough and a systematic cough, caused by the irritated mucous membrane of the pharynx.
In the future, cough tends to subside, but there is a possibility of a secondary complication in the form of angina or adenoiditis. There are cases when with pharyngitis painful sensations from the larynx are reflected in pain in the ears. It is very important to diagnose pharyngitis symptoms in a timely manner in the baby, it will help to conduct effective treatment and prevent possible complications that are very likely in young children. Symptoms of viral pharyngitis The symptoms of viral pharyngitis have common signs characteristic of this disease. The most common cause of acute pain in the throat is viral pharyngitis. Symptoms of viral pharyngitis are, as it were, a secondary complication of viral infections from other organs, such as the intestine or lungs. Initially, the symptoms of viral pharyngitis manifest uncomfortable sensations when swallowing, a fever occurs, accompanied by pain in the joints and muscles, there is an increase in body temperature. In the neck, you can see a significant increase in lymph nodes. These symptoms and a visual examination of the patient's throat are enough to diagnose the disease.
Before a visit to a specialist, you can, at home, alleviate the symptoms of viral pharyngitis by rinsing a glass of warm water dissolved in it half a teaspoon of table salt. Such rinses should be repeated several times a day. To stabilize the temperature, you can take anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, acetaminophen. Do not abuse the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, because antibiotics contribute to the stability of viral infection. If the disease is provoked by infectious mononucleosis, lymph nodes on the neck can significantly increase. It is advisable in this case to treat them with prednisolone or another anti-inflammatory drug.
Usually, the symptoms of viral pharyngitis disappear after ten days. Viral pharyngitis rarely turns into complicated forms. Due to the widespread spread of viruses and bacteria causing infectious inflammation of the throat in the environment, viral pharyngitis is virtually impossible to prevent. Compliance with personal hygiene rules will help reduce the likelihood of infection with viral pharyngitis.
Symptoms of bacterial pharyngitis
For bacterial pharyngitis, the characteristic time of exacerbation, as a rule, is at the end of winter - the beginning of spring. The period when the body is most susceptible to respiratory diseases, most people have avitaminosis weakening of the body's immune functions. And as a consequence, the symptoms of bacterial pharyngitis coincide with the onset of respiratory diseases, such as influenza or adenovirus. Typical symptoms, in almost all cases of the disease, can be noted - pain in the throat, persistent swelling, fever, cough. These symptoms are accompanied by a general weakening of the body, systematic headaches, local enlargement of the lymph nodes in the area between the neck and jaw. Recent symptoms indicate the presence of respiratory organs of infections of staphylococci and streptococci. On the surface of lymphoid follicles with pharyngoscopy, you can find, together with a pronounced hyperemia, whitish purulent deposits. Symptoms of bacterial pharyngitis are provoked by streptococci, pneumococci, staphylococci and the like. Weakened immunity, avitaminosis, in turn, are manifested in a decrease in the resistance of the organism to various infections and do not interfere with their penetration and reproduction in the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs.
Symptoms of gonorrhagic pharyngitis
Symptoms of gonorrheal pharyngitis are typical for inflammatory processes in the pharynx caused by gonococci. The most common method of infection with gonorrhagic pharyngitis is oral contact with the virus carrier. After contact, the cylindrical epithelium is damaged, and further deeper layers become infected. In view of the localization of gonococci in leukocytes, they are provided with double protection. Therefore, treatment of gonorrheal pharyngitis implies not only the fight against gonococci, but also the neutralization of leukocyte cytoplasm. Gonococci act by affecting the respiratory system, paranasal sinus - depending on the place of penetration of bacteria into the human body and from this place begins their large-scale distribution. The disease is characterized by such symptoms of gonorrhoeal pharyngitis - perspiration and a feeling of dryness in the oral cavity, painful sensations when swallowed, dry cough, fever, increased tonsils. When coughing, it is possible to separate a small amount of mucus. The general condition of the patient is characterized by drowsiness.
Symptoms of gonococcal pharyngitis
Symptoms of gonococcal pharyngitis, easily diagnosed with pharynoscopy and represent reddening of the tonsils and mucopurulent deposits on the surface of the posterior pharyngeal wall. In some cases, difficulty breathing, accompanied by swelling of the palatine tongue and arches. For this type of infection of gonococcal bacteria, the most prominent is the increased salivation, together with minor pain in the throat region. The pains are of moderate strength, but painful sensations are also possible. Symptoms of gonococcal pharyngitis are not immediately apparent and have a hidden almost asymptomatic course, which causes its danger and unpredictability. The internal sensations of the patient, which determine the symptoms of gonococcal pharyngitis, can be noted uncomfortable sensations in swallowing activities, pain and sore throat. The main way of spreading the disease is oral-genital, transmission of the disease from mother to child. Conditionally it is possible to divide the inflammatory processes of the disease into several species, depending on the place of the main localization. Inflammatory processes can occur in the nasopharynx, the oropharynx or the laryngopharynx. Gonococci provoke in the throat the formation of redness on the mucous membranes, which subsequently become bleeding cracks with a grayish coating and purulent inclusions. These injuries cause pain. Very often, the infection is localized on the surface of the throat, soft or hard palate, less often on the tongue. Additional symptoms of gonococcal pharyngitis include unpleasant odor from the mouth and abundant discharge of mucus on the surface of the oral cavity. In the absence of an adequate treatment course, the disease persists for a long time and may be accompanied by a common purulent infection that will only worsen the patient's general condition.
Symptoms of chlamydial pharyngitis
Before considering the symptoms of chlamydial pharyngitis, you need to decide on the concept of chlamydial pharyngitis. So, chlamydial pharyngitis is practically not diagnosed, but quite common form of chlamydia. Infection with chlamydia occurs by means of oral-anal and oral-genital contacts with an infected chlamydia partner. Opinion about infection with chlamydia in a kiss does not have scientific evidence. The main symptoms of chlamydial pharyngitis are a sensation of perspiration in the throat, slight difficulty in swallowing, a characteristic reddening of the posterior pharyngeal wall. The peculiarity of the symptoms of chlamydial pharyngitis lies in the latent nature of the flow and a slight insignificant expression. This explains the lack of attention on the part of the patient and the doctors.
Chlamydial pharyngitis of acute form is most common in nursery infants. Chlamydial pharyngitis in adults, as a rule, is very rare and occurs against the background of a significant weakening of the immune functions of the body.
The acute form of the disease has such symptoms of chlamydial pharyngitis: the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx are painful and hyperemic, the follicular reaction is obvious. In some cases, chlamydial pharyngitis may develop as a complication of ophthalmo- chlamydia. This occurs when chlamydia penetrate the nasopharynx from the conjunctival sac through the nasolacrimal canal or through the epithelium. Symptoms of chlamydial pharyngitis can manifest themselves against the background of otitis and other all kinds of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
Symptoms of purulent pharyngitis
Symptoms of purulent pharyngitis in general terms are similar to the main symptoms of pharyngitis, you can still add the appearance of a purulent deposit on the back wall of the pharynx of the diseased. Similarly, the symptoms of purulent pharyngitis have a more rapid course and the patient's condition worsens significantly in the absence of a quality curative course. So, the main symptoms of purulent pharyngitis are: fever, painful swallowing, profuse purulent raids, swelling of the tongue. Inflammatory processes of the mucous tissues of the throat can be acute or chronic. The acute form of purulent pharyngitis suggests two possible forms of further development of the disease - purulent and catarrhal pharyngitis. Both forms of pharyngitis have such symptoms: the tissues of the pharynx are inflamed, the mucous membrane has puffiness, on the back wall of the pharynx, the inflamed follicles can be viewed with the naked eye. Symptoms of purulent pharyngitis are characterized by accumulations of pus on the walls of the throat with the presence of a variety of blood sores. The purulent form of pharyngitis is the most dangerous, therefore self-medication and, the more so, self-healing treatment, is excluded altogether. First of all, because of the severe course of purulent pharyngitis. Sore throat is accompanied by a dry cough, severe headaches, painful sensations when swallowing, a feeling of a lump in the throat. In general, the acute form of pharyngitis rarely causes a strong increase in body temperature. But the purulent form of pharyngitis is an exception and the patient's body temperature can rise to 40 ° C. Purulent pharyngitis is also dangerous for possible complications. Lack of timely qualified treatment threatens to spread pus and inflammatory process to other organs. It is not superfluous to add that with chronic pharyngitis, already at the first stages of the development of the disease, there is a presence of viscous purulent masses on the posterior walls of the pharynx. The disease of this nature does not have a critical danger, like the purulent form of acute pharyngitis, however, this does not indicate its safety. Symptoms of purulent pharyngitis require immediate response and a qualified course of treatment. And if at the first stage of the disease there are purulent discharge on the walls of the throat, then the third stage of the disease is characterized by atrophy of the tissues of the throat.
Symptoms of fungal pharyngitis
Symptoms of fungal pharyngitis are caused by the vital activity of yeast-like and moldy fungi. Against the background of weakened immunity, a decrease in the protective functions of the body due to various diseases, prolonged intake of antibiotics, various diseases of the blood, gastrointestinal tract and even HIV infection, further development of fungal pharyngitis occurs. The main symptoms of fungal pharyngitis include discomfort sensations in the throat, characterized by dryness, perspiration, burning. Strong painful sensations when trying to swallow, accompanied by a simultaneous irradiation of pain in the area of the jaw and neck, ear region. Visual examination of the pharynx reveals swelling of the mucous membranes and the presence of a whitish coating. The patient manifested pronounced intoxication, general weakness, severe headaches, fever. Characteristic whitish coatings on the throat are easily removed with a cotton swab. Infectious infection with moldy mushrooms has a yellowish tint and is not removed with a cotton swab.
Symptoms of catarrhal pharyngitis
Symptoms of catarrhal pharyngitis are quite similar to the common symptoms of pharyngitis, namely, a constant sensation of perspiration in the throat, a sense of foreign body in the larynx, painful sensations of moderate strength when swallowing. These painful sensations are accompanied by a conglomeration of viscid mucus, which periodically provokes a forced cough and expectoration. These symptoms are especially severe in the morning, and in some cases, coughing can cause vomiting reflexes and nausea. The pharyngoscopy determines the presence of viscous mucus-purulent masses on the mucous membrane of the pharynx, the mucosa has obvious thickenings and diffuse hyperemia, individual groups of blood follicles are enlarged in size and protrude considerably on the surface of the throat. The tongue and soft palate are enlarged and have a strong puffiness. Symptoms of catarrhal pharyngitis of hypertrophic form have a more pronounced character. In case of untimely or substandard treatment, the symptoms of catarrhal pharyngitis may change and take the form and symptoms of granulosa pharyngitis.
Granulose pharyngitis and its symptoms
Granulosa pharyngitis and its symptoms have a common symptomatology with hypertrophic pharyngitis, the complicated form of which, in fact, is granulosa pharyngitis.
With granulezny pharyngitis, mucopurulent masses of a very viscous consistence provoke a constant expectoration, sometimes with attacks of vomiting. On the surface of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, a lot of lymphoid formations of bright red color accumulate, which have distinct boundaries and sharply stand out against the background of purulent masses. After a while, the number of such formations reaches a maximum number, and the blood follicles become granules and thus have a granular structure. Granulosa pharyngitis and its symptoms are characterized by a special sign - a tickling sensation in the larynx. The remaining symptoms of granulosa pharyngitis generally have the most common symptoms with hypertrophic pharyngitis. The launched form of granulosa pharyngitis, as a rule, entails surgical intervention, which does not always provide a complete cure for pathology. Often, after a surgical intervention, a course of medical treatment is needed and further adherence to preventive measures, for example, quitting, regular throat rinsing with medicinal herbs, inhalation with essential oils of sage, eucalyptus, chamomile.
Atrophic pharyngitis and its symptoms
Atrophic pharyngitis is the final form of chronic pharyngitis, which occurs mainly in the case of poor or untimely treatment of chronic pharyngitis. However, there are cases when atrophic pharyngitis develops as an independent disease that occurs against the background of a dystrophic disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Atrophic pharyngitis and its symptoms have characteristic features, for example, the mucous secret in the nasopharynx acquires a viscous consistency and further forms crusts that create very uncomfortable sensations, in view of their regular isolation by separate pieces or whole fragments. The mucous membrane is very dry and has a pale pink hue, blood vessels and lymphoid granules are clearly visible through it. The defeat of nerve endings with atrophic pharyngitis implies a complete absence of the pharyngeal reflex. Typically, atrophic pharyngitis and its symptoms have a prolonged course, during which there is atrophy of larynx tissues.
Allergic pharyngitis and its symptoms
Allergic pharyngitis and its symptoms have characteristic features, and have similarities with allergic diseases and with pharyngitis. So, the main symptom of allergic pharyngitis is the occurrence of sharp and sharp pain in the larynx, accompanied by a dry cough. In the mornings the patient feels pains in the throat, nasal sinuses are laid, the voice acquires a hoarseness, while in the evening of the previous day there were no such signs. Allergic pharyngitis and its symptoms are the action of swelling of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, provoked by a particular type of allergen in the larynx.
The general clinical picture of allergic pharyngitis and its symptoms is heat in the throat, dryness in the mouth, painful and unpleasant sensations when swallowing fluid or food, including saliva. There is a change in the voice of the patient, the body temperature remains unchanged.
Allergic pharyngitis and its symptoms can occur independently or manifest itself against the background of other allergic diseases of the mucous membrane of the throat.
Allergic pharyngitis and its symptoms are formed by the systematic inhalation of dirty air, for example, industrial emissions of modern enterprises or air in modern cities, saturated with motor vehicle exhaust and dust. Hypertrophic pharyngitis and its symptoms
Hypertrophic pharyngitis and its symptoms share similarities and are similar to those of the catarrhal form of the disease. Except for the fact that in hypertrophic pharyngitis, mucopurulent masses have a more viscous consistency. This provokes discomfort and the need for constant expectoration and coughing, perhaps even with a vomiting attack. Hypertrophic pharyngitis and its symptoms are characterized by a large accumulation on the surface of the mucous membrane of the throat of lymphoid outgrowths of bright red color and having clear outlines. Later, when the number of lymphoid outgrowths reaches the maximum number, and the blood follicles acquire a granular structure - the disease takes the form and symptoms of granulosa chronic pharyngitis. Hypertrophic pharyngitis and its symptoms, in the absence or inadequate treatment, can have very serious consequences right up to surgical intervention. At the same time, the results of surgical intervention do not always justify the expectations and, as a rule, require a course of medical treatment.
Subatrophic pharyngitis and its symptoms
Subatrophic pharyngitis and its symptoms are practically not manifested by an increase in body temperature or a sharp deterioration in the general condition of the patient. The most frequent complaints are feelings of perspiration and dryness in the throat, uncomfortable sensations when swallowing fluid or food, a constant sense of having a lump in the throat. These signs provoke a desire to expectorate, in order to free the throat. Such symptoms are very often the cause of sleep disturbances. Subatrophic pharyngitis and its symptoms arise and develop, as a rule, in those who for different reasons, regularly contacts with irritants of the mucous membrane of the throat, for example, with paint, dust, chemicals. Perhaps the emergence of the disease due to the development of atrophic cholecystitis, gastritis or pancreatitis. In such cases, it is necessary to use complex therapy aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of the disease. There are cases when subatrophic pharyngitis causes difficult nasal breathing, after using vasoconstrictive drugs, which have an anemic effect on the pharynx. In addition to the above reasons, subatrophic pharyngitis and its symptoms can be a consequence of regular consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking. Against the background of the development of such diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, cardiac or pulmonary insufficiency, disorders of the endocrine system of the body, under favorable conditions, the occurrence of subatrophic pharyngitis is very high.