Hunger symptoms
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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The feeling of hunger is a natural sensation that appears after the activation of food centers in the brain. Due to this sensation, a signal is given to the body that it is time to take food.
Often, just a constant feeling of hunger prevents us from gaining the desired weight and keeping ourselves in shape. All sorts of ways to avoid it or to deceive the appetite do not always give the expected result. As a result, losing weight over time is associated with discomfort, constant alternation of severe limitations and disruptions, which affects negatively both the process of losing weight and the psychological state of a person.
Diet should not imply too strict restrictions: the feeling of hunger, oddly enough, only prevents the disposal of extra pounds.
The feeling of hunger after eating is one of the varieties of constant hunger. At the same time, after eating, a person does not feel full. There are many reasons for this, they should be considered in a separate topic. Of course, the feeling of hunger after eating can not be considered normal and indicates any failures and malfunctions in the body or in the digestive system in particular.
Strong hunger
It can be manifested by a feeling of emptiness in the abdomen, characteristic sounds in the stomach, as well as general weakness, dizziness, flashing of flies before the eyes, trembling in the limbs. If the sensations are true, then such symptoms usually appear, only after a fairly long period of time after the last meal. In this case, one can speak of a real strong sense of hunger.
However, in some cases, such symptoms are a sign of lowering blood sugar or lack of nutrients in the body, which can be caused by prolonged compliance with an excessively strict diet, or diseases most often associated with a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. In this state, the person most wants to eat something sweet, and after eating, calms down, his condition stabilizes.
A slight feeling of hunger
Usually it does not happen to be intrusive and often passes without even an additional meal. Sometimes a light hunger can be eliminated by eating an apple or just drinking a glass of water or a cup of tea.
Some experts even tend to consider an easy feeling of hunger as a normal state of the body, which must be maintained in oneself. Indeed, the recommendation "to keep your feet warm, your head in the cold, and your stomach in hunger" has some kind of meaning. However, the main thing in this case is not to overdo it.
Light hunger is exactly the state when, before the saturation stage, you need only a couple of spoonfuls of food. No wonder dieticians are advised to get up from the table with a feeling of mild hunger. The fact is that the satiety signals coming to the brain food centers do this with some delay. For this reason, to avoid overeating, you should leave the body feeling of mild malnutrition. In 20-30 minutes this feeling will pass, and you will feel quite full.
Frequent feeling of hunger
It is determined not so much by the level of glucose in the blood, as by the reasons that we usually do not take seriously:
- this is the manner of eating;
- this is the quality and caloricity of the food consumed;
- these are the products that are in our plate.
The appearance of hunger can be influenced by countless different external factors, which include joint dinners and tea parties in the office, long idleness or long watching TV, the habit of eating outside the kitchen or dining room, not at the table, but on the run or on the couch. By the way, our seemingly innocuous habits in nutrition are precisely those unconscious causes that contribute to the appearance of this symptom, overeating and subsequent ill-health and a set of extra kilograms.
The frequent feeling of hunger is formed gradually, starting with simple and at first glance frivolous moments:
- if you do not represent tea without a biscuit, candy or sandwich;
- you often allow yourself to overeat;
- you prefer to eat a hamburger or chew chips than an apple;
- you are fixated on losing weight;
- you are stressed, often nervous, then calmed down with the use of "delicious";
- you drink a lot of coffee;
- you can not watch TV or read a book without taking something to chew with;
- you rarely eat at the dinner table, preferring a sofa, a computer desk, or generally like to eat on the go.
Of course, this is not all the reasons, but it is precisely these factors that are very, very often encountered, therefore, they should be paid attention.
Sucking hunger
Why do feelings of hunger are associated with a feeling of "sucking" in the pit of a stomach? What is the reason for this?
Suckling hunger is expressed in the appearance of not very pleasant sensations, which disturb in the area of the projection of the stomach. As a rule, such a feeling is said to be about "sucking" under a spoon. If the hunger is strong, then the condition can be aggravated by the addition of nausea, weakness, a general decline in strength.
The feeling of "sucking" in the pit of the stomach is connected with the emptiness in the stomach. With a stomach full of this feeling will not be. Sometimes, with the pathological feeling of hunger, which occurs with a full stomach, you can observe the general manifestations of hunger, based on the excitation of the food center in the brain. A characteristic "sucking" is not observed.
Feelings of hunger before menstruation
The premenstrual syndrome known to all women is the appearance of increased fatigue, pain in the lower abdomen, irritability, headache. However, in most women, the main sign of PMS is hunger.
The feeling of hunger before the monthly is explained by the cyclical hormonal changes in the woman's body. In the second phase of the cycle, progesterone begins to be actively synthesized among female hormones, which is responsible for a possible pregnancy and tries to do everything to make the organism ready for it. In particular, one of the tasks of progesterone is the accumulation and retention of nutrients in the body, so that tissues do not starve, and the embryo develops normally. Under the influence of progesterone, the body begins to require additional nutrition from us to stock up with all the necessary substances in case of pregnancy.
If the pregnancy does not occur, then the level of progesterone gradually decreases, and by the 2nd to the 2nd day of menstruation, the increased feeling of hunger disappears.