Alternative treatment of bursitis
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021

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Alternative treatment of bursitis includes a variety of compresses, massage, tinctures, herbs with medicinal herbs, acupuncture.
Alternative methods can significantly improve the condition, reduce soreness, remove puffiness, but in the acute stage of the disease it is recommended to combine alternative agents with medication, physiotherapy, etc.
Tumor over the joint is one of the signs of developing bursitis. In this disease, the synovial bag inflames, in which the joint is located, fluid begins to accumulate in it. The tumor can reach 10 cm, it feels dense to the touch, sometimes pain appears when pressing. At the first stages of the disease, joint movements are not limited, but with the progression of the disease, motor functions are violated, rather painful sensations appear.
The disease can develop in almost any joint due to excessive loads or frequent injuries.
The human body has more than a hundred joints, most often the inflammatory process begins in the elbows, knee or shoulder joints, less often in the calcaneal, hip.
Treatment of ulnar bursitis with alternative means
It is worth noting that an alternative treatment for bursitis includes various recipes, each of which has its own contraindications, so before you start treatment you need to consult with a specialist about the appropriateness of using this or that remedy.
For the treatment of bursitis, you can use the following compress of dried and powdered eggshell eggshells and sour milk (1: 1). Put the mixture on the site of inflammation and wrap it with a warm kerchief or scarf. The compress is recommended to be done at night, the course of treatment is 5 days, then a five-day break is made and, if necessary, the course is repeated.
The second fairly effective compress should also be done before bedtime for five days: aloe juice (1 tsp), honey (2 tsp), vodka (3 teaspoons).
Another effective compress is made from cabbage leaves, which are beaten with a rolling pin for softness. On the inflamed area, pre-lubricated with vegetable oil, apply the leaves and strengthen with elastic bandage, from above it is necessary to insulate the joint. Such a compress should be worn for 24 hours, then immediately put fresh.
As a warm compress use a decoction of fresh leaves of lilac or hay. Leaves should be boiled for about half an hour and warm applied to the affected area.
When bursitis is well helped by a mixture of butter (200 g) and propolis (30 g). Take this remedy should be inside three times a day on a teaspoonful.
With a purulent form of bursitis, a mixture of honey, grated laundry soap, onions (1 tablespoon) helps. The mixture is applied to the affected elbow and is well insulated, the course of treatment is 7 days.
A coniferous bath helps well, for which you need a decoction of fresh pine or spruce small branches, needles, cones.
All components are poured into a bucket of water and boiled for a few minutes over medium heat, then the container is well wrapped and infused for 12 hours.
Decoction to filter into a bath with warm water, take such a wellness bath for at least a quarter of an hour. During the procedure, the whole body should warm up well.
Such treatment should be used at least 2-3 times a week. By the way, such a bath helps not only with bursitis of the elbow joint, but also with other types of disease.
Recipes of alternative medicine from elbow bursitis
If the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner, treatment of ulnar bursitis with alternative means, as a rule, is quite successful. There are many time-tested products for treating bursitis at home.
- Take 14 lower leaves of the colanchoe, put it in the freezer for about 7 days. Every day we take out 2 leaves, we beat them off with a rolling pin and put them on the affected joint, warming them with a scarf or woolen shawl. For seven days the disease usually passes.
- We take the art. L. Burdock root, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 6 minutes. Turn off the hotplate, we insist 20 min. Then we make a compress: we moisten the gauze or cotton cloth in the infusion, we put it on the elbow joint, cover it with a food film and wrap it with a woolen scarf. Leave for 2 hours. This procedure should be carried out daily for 20 days.
- Mix 40 g of propolis with 250 g of quality butter (can be home-made). We put the mass in the refrigerator and take 1 tsp. 3 times a day, 1-1.5 hours before meals. The course lasts 14 days.
- We grind the sprigs of needles (it is possible with small young cones). Half a liter jar of chopped twigs filled with five liters of water. We boil for about 15 minutes, then leave to insist on the night. Infusion after preheating can be used for elbow trays. The procedure lasts 45 minutes, the course lasts until complete recovery.
- A well-known and no less effective means is a leaf of white cabbage. We cut off the central vein from the leaf of cabbage, we beat off the leaf with a rolling pin (so that the juice comes out). Apply to the affected joint and bandage the scarf. It is desirable that the compress was present on the joint continuously, for 7 days. Every 3-4 hours the leaf should be changed to more fresh.
Effectively treat bursitis elbow with alternative means is easy. It is important to begin treatment on time, and then the disease will disappear without problems.
- Application, in addition to cabbage leaf, and other raw vegetables (for example, beets, potatoes, carrots). We make a vegetable compress (from one type of vegetable, not mixing). Vegetables can be cut into slices, put on cloth and attach to a sick joint, wrapping a warm kerchief over the wrap. The duration of such treatment is until the edema of the tissues is eliminated.
- treatment with sugar. We take 150 g of sugar and heat it not with a dry frying pan, not allowing it to melt. We fall asleep warmed up sugar in a dense bundle or bag, put on the affected joint. The top is covered with a film and a woolen scarf. The ideal option - the setting of such a compress at night. The duration of the course is up to the normalization of the joint condition.
- Infusion of celery. 1 tbsp. L celery seed in a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 ½ hours and filter. We drink infusion in the morning and in the evening for 14 days.
- Effective means - massage. It is carried out immediately before bedtime, using eucalyptus, lavender or mint oil, or a mixture thereof. After the procedure, we tie the elbow with a woolen cloth and go to sleep.
Often, the treatment of elbow bursitis with alternative means is delayed for 1-2 weeks, but you should be patient and adhere to the result unswervingly.
Treatment of bursitis of foot by alternative means
An alternative treatment for bursitis of the foot is usually used for a minimum of three weeks. During this period, tissue scarring occurs, which can be accompanied by strong pain sensations. After the removal of inflammation, a course of restorative therapy will be required, which will help restore the mobility of the joint, adjacent tendons, muscles.
Bursitis of the foot usually develops due to injuries or with prolonged physical exertion, sometimes the cause of the disease is bacteria. Most often the disease affects the toes, inflammation can occur in any of the fingers, but usually bursitis occurs on the thumb of the pillars or little finger.
The basis of alternative treatment is the rest of the affected joint and the use of compresses (warm and cold).
Herbal compress: herb yarrow, St. John's wort or burdock roots (200ml boiling water, 1 tablespoon herb, insist 30 minutes). Soaked in a warm infusion of bandage (gauze) to apply at night to the aching joint.
Ice pack: Apply a plastic bag of ice to the formed cone for several minutes (make sure that the joint is not supercooled).
Compress with honey and vinegar: 1 tbsp. Vinegar, 1 tbsp. Honey - mix thoroughly, put on gauze (bandage), attach to the night to the affected area.
Treatment with compresses is recommended until complete recovery.
Recipes of alternative medicine in the treatment of foot bursitis
Initial treatment of foot bursitis with alternative means is as follows:
- to ensure rest to the affected joint;
- do cold and heat lotions and compresses.
We bring to your attention the most popular and effective recipes.
- We put a little pounded ice in a polyethylene bag and apply it to the affected area of the foot for 4-5 minutes, not allowing excessive overcooling of the tissues.
- Take dry raw yarrow, burdock root and St. John's wort. We prepare herbal tea: 1 tbsp. L. Mixture in 200 ml of boiling water. We soak in cotton or linen cloth and apply to the affected area. From above we put food film and wrap it with woolen cloth, preferably at night.
- Acetic and honey compress. Take the same amount of vinegar (you can use ordinary table or apple) and natural honey, mix and evenly distribute the gauze napkin. Apply to the desired area of the foot at night.
All these methods should be carried out until the time when you feel the positive effect of treatment. Do not be ill!
Treatment of bursitis of the heel with alternative means
An alternative treatment for heel bursitis is aimed at relieving inflammation and reducing pain.
In inflammation, alternative medicine recommends taking a mixture of apple cider vinegar and honey, diluted in 200ml of warm water. Take this remedy twice a day (1 glass in the morning and in the evening). The course of admission is 7 days.
Also a good remedy is a pack of warmed linseed, which should be applied to the affected area in linen cloth. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.
Sheet Kalanchoe freeze, slightly repel and apply to the inflamed patch. The course lasts 7 days.
Good relief of inflammation contrasting compress - alternating heat and cold.
When the disease is recommended to take inside a fresh juice of grapefruit or tea from celery.
Well help to remove the inflammation of the bath with pine needles or hay.
Recipes of alternative medicine in the treatment of bursitis heel
For successful treatment of bursitis of the heel with alternative means in the home, it is necessary to take measures already at the first signs of the disease, without waiting for the bursitis to manifest "in all its glory."
We already spoke about the benefits of a white cabbage leaf leaf: this remedy can also be used for bursitis heels. The cabbage leaf is able to stabilize the composition of the fluid in the bursa, and also favorably affects the heel spur.
Well helps a banal at first glance, a bath with hot water, you need to soar your heels every day before going to bed, wearing woolen socks for the night. For greater effect, you can add to the bath extract or infusion of needles, dry mustard or eucalyptus oil.
Perfectly removes the inflammation and swelling of the tissues from the hay. We take hay and water in equal quantities and boil for 10 minutes. In such a hot broth we hold the foot baths daily or every other day until the signs of bursitis disappear.
Good reviews were received from a medical compress based on natural honey, quality vodka and aloe juice. Ingredients we take, proceeding from a proportion 2 to 3 to 1. Such compress put on night, daily.
It is also useful to soar the feet in a bath with strong broths of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort.
Treating calcified bursitis with alternative means
An alternative treatment for bursitis is a good adjuvant method for the disease.
The simplest, but quite effective folk method for treating calcane bursitis is heating. It is often recommended to take an ordinary linen bag, pour warm salt into it (warm it in a dry frying pan) and apply it to the affected area.
Instead of salt, also use heated flax seeds. The procedure should be conducted daily, best before bedtime, the course - 14 days.
Compresses also help to remove inflammation and eliminate pain. The most effective is a pack of slightly beaten leaves of cabbage, smeared with honey. It is better to make a compress for the night, you should put a warm sock on top or wrap your foot with a handkerchief, a scarf. Cabbage contributes to the removal of accumulated fluid.
A good therapeutic effect is a mixture of honey (2 tsp), vodka (3 teaspoons), aloe (1 tea).
Before use, the mixture is recommended to insist in a dark place for 24 hours.
Saturate the gauze with a prepared preparation and apply overnight to a sore spot. The course of treatment is not less than 7 days.
To achieve good results, compresses can be alternated.
Baths are used to warm the patient's joint, reduce inflammation.
The most effective is the foot bath of their needles and cones (pour over 2 liters of cold water for 500 g of needles and cones overnight, boil in a small fire for about 30 minutes in the morning, then insist 12 hours in a warm place). Before use, the broth should be heated to the required temperature.
Instead of a conifer bath, you can use a bath with hay, which is cooked according to the same recipe.
Treatment of subclavian bursitis with alternative means
An alternative treatment for bursitis under the heel (heel spur) allows you to eliminate unpleasant symptoms (pain), but not the disease itself. Subclavian bursitis is a bone growth in the attachment of the tendon, the disease causes severe discomfort when walking and tenderness, especially in the mornings.
Currently, the disease uses special insoles, thrusts, physiotherapy. In severe cases, an operation is performed to remove the build-up.
Treatment with alternative medicine should take at least two weeks in a row.
With the heel throne, salty foot baths are effective. A liter of water will require 2-3 tablespoons. Sea salt (you can take the usual). Baths should be done before bedtime, immediately after the procedure on dry feet you need to wrap your feet with a warm scarf, a handkerchief and go to bed.
With a calcaneal spur, you can use a tincture of lilac flowers or pine nuts (10 g of nuts or lilac, 100 g of vodka, 10 days in a closed container, strain) for ingestion. Infusion of lilac drink 1 tablespoon. 2-3 times a day (with the intake can be diluted with water), also this means you can rub a sore spot. Infusion of pine nuts take 1 tablespoon. 3 times a day.
Another effective compress is grated black radish. The compress should be done at night, while wearing a warm sock. In the morning, rinse well with water. As a rule, 3 procedures are enough to ease the condition.
Leaf of plantain (not washed!) Apply the wrong side to the affected area, after drying, replace with a new one. In the first days of pain may increase, but after 10-14 days the symptoms will completely pass.
When bone growth is recommended to knead with boiled potatoes and potato peelings, it is necessary to crumple before cooling down. After that, iodine net is put on the heel, warm socks are worn. The course lasts 7 days.
Triton cologne (1 fl.), Tinctures of valerian (1 fl.), Iodine (2 fl.), Bitter pepper (5 pods) - all the ingredients mixed in a bottle of dark glass, insist 24 hours, will help to remove soreness. Razirkoy need to lubricate the heel before going to bed and put on a warm sock.
You can also prepare an ointment: pour whole raw egg with vinegar, cover and remove to a cold place. After dissolving the shell (after about 10 days), gently remove the egg, remove the film and stir. Then pour the remaining vinegar, add 40g butter (unsalted). The ointment will be usable for 2-3 years. This means you need to lubricate the heel at night, then always wrap your foot.
Another ointment with podpjattochnom bursitis: a bottle of iodine, 1 tsp. Mix the fine salt and moisten the resulting mixture with a bandage (gauze). Attach the bandage to the affected area, cover with food film or plastic bag on top, wrap in a warm bandage, put on a warm sock. In the morning, you need to walk about 15 minutes with ointment, then wash it off.
At a heel spur in footwear it is recommended to put fresh grass of a mountaineer of a bird (sporicha). The grass needs to be changed every morning.
Prescriptions for alternative medicine from subclavian bursitis
Treatment of bursitis of a bag is carried out using plants that can remove pain and inflammation, stop reproduction and growth of bacteria, strengthen local immunity of the body.
- Elderberry (color), birch (leaves), willow bark. We prepare the infusion from the proposed mixture, take half the glass 4 times a day for half an hour before meals.
- Elderberry (color), nettle (leaves), parsley (root), willow bark. We make a mixture of equal amounts of raw materials, we insist in boiling water. Drink 100 ml 4 times a day before meals.
- Birch (leaf), nettle (leaves), violet (leaves). We drink tea by 100 ml to 6 times a day for 30 minutes. Before meals.
Stimulate the anti-inflammatory effect of decoctions and teas with the addition of currant or cowberry leaves, wild rose berries. Such tea should be drunk at least 2 glasses a day 30 minutes before a meal.
Remember that with bursitis it is desirable to move less, or even better - to adhere to bed rest. On the affected joint, a tight bandage of natural tissue should be applied. After 10 days, the bandage can be removed: from this point, you should try to develop a painful joint, even if the pain in it remains.
A good effect is observed from the alternate application of heat and cold. Duration of heat and cold exposure - for 10 minutes. The duration of the course is from 3 to 5 days.
Wet compresses and lotions are recommended to be used after cupping the acute process.
Alternative treatment of bursitis, usually, is prescribed as an auxiliary method in basic treatment. Alternative methods allow to remove inflammation in bursitis, reduce soreness, restore the ability to work of damaged joints. As a rule, the course of treatment with alternative medicine is long (at least two weeks), but with proper use and daily procedures, such treatment leads to good results.
For greater effect, you can use several products, for example, use the baths alternately with compresses, or combine the baths with ointments.