Herbs that reduce appetite
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Often, to combat excess body weight, along with changing the diet use alternative medicine techniques. Herbs that reduce appetite, contribute to a positive result in the uncritical stage of obesity, in the absence of genetic and hormonal pathology.
Excess weight is optimally exposed to alternative means: this is due to the enveloping of the gastric walls, which creates a feeling of satiety, as well as acceleration of the total metabolism. As a consequence, people are less likely to feel hungry and eat fewer foods. Medicinal herbs are an excellent proven way to significantly reduce cravings for food.
Herbs to reduce appetite
Before to note, what medicinal herbs for decrease in appetite exist, it is necessary to allocate some variants of their influence on an organism:
- mucus-forming herbs - envelop the stomach walls, thereby reducing the production of gastric juice, which contributes to a decrease in appetite;
- filling herbs - under the influence of liquids such grasses deceive the stomach, creating the illusion of satiety;
- herbs that accelerate the metabolism - they strengthen the basic metabolism and metabolic processes, improve fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
Decreased appetite with medicinal herbs is quite effective, besides, you can improve the digestive and urinary system, activate liver function, improve the overall condition.
Medicinal herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy, at grandmothers-travnits at the market, or collected and dried on their own - the main thing is to collect the collection away from busy roads and highways.
Here is a small list of the most common herbs for reducing appetite:
- flax - the seeds of this primordially Slavic plant have enveloping properties; swelling in the stomach, they signal the brain about the arrival of a large amount of food, so that the feeling of hunger recedes; from the seeds you can prepare a decoction, or simply chew a teaspoon of seeds, washed down with a glass of clean water;
- bearberry - leaves of the plant have a cleansing effect, eliminate cravings for stressful absorption of food, relieve swelling and soothe nervous tension; for the preparation of a dessert spoon leaves bearberry poured 0.5 liters of boiling water, infused for 6-7 hours and taken by a third cup several times a day;
- hawthorn - strengthens the body, improves metabolism; a dessert spoon of hawthorn flowers is brewed in a glass of boiling water, insists for 25 minutes, use half the glass of this tea three times a day, some time before eating;
- burdock (burdock) - a good diuretic and firming medicine; a teaspoon of raw material should be poured in 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist for a day, take a little during the day;
- rose hips - fruits contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, nourish and saturate the body with all the necessary elements; 20 grams of crushed fruits are steamed with a glass of boiling water and insisted until completely cooled, drink three times a day on a cup of this infusion;
- fennel or dill - the seeds of these plants are used to get rid of hunger; A tablespoon of seeds is brewed in a glass of boiling water, it is insisted for one hour and taken at ¼ cup three times a day;
- parsley - perfectly restores strength and contributes to a feeling of satiety; can be used as a decoction, or simply chew fresh leaves from time to time;
- corn stigmas - perhaps the most effective means for reducing appetite, restores the mineral balance, stabilizes blood sugar levels; a teaspoon of raw material should be filled with a mug of boiling water, insist until cooled, take 1/3 cups three times a day for half an hour before meals.
It must be remembered that all medicinal herbs are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, without consulting with a doctor in advance: you risk harming yourself and your baby.
Herbs to reduce children's appetite
Unfortunately, many believe that the child's too good appetite is quite normal, to some extent even an indicator of his health. Some parents are just touched by such children. However, what can expect this child in the future? Tendency to fullness, persistent overeating, obesity, heart disease, diabetes and much more.
Uncontrolled appetite in a child - an occasion to turn to a pediatrician, because the cause of this condition can be helminthic invasions, diseases of the digestive system.
To combat excess appetite in children, the following herbs can be used:
- buckthorn - a dessert spoon of ground bark to heat a glass of boiling water, to insist 25 minutes, to use in the evening;
- licorice - dessert spoon of ground raw materials soak in a glass of boiling water and warm it over low heat for about 15 minutes; pre-cool, strain and, topping with boiled water to a full mug, take several times a day;
- linden - a tablespoon of lime color to insist 20 minutes in a quarter of a liter of boiling water, before filtering it;
- rose hips - 4 tablespoons of crushed dog-rose brew in a liter of boiling water, insist until completely cooled;
- oregano - 2 tablespoons brew in 200 ml of boiling water, take 15 minutes before eating;
- sporish - a glass of raw material pour one liter of boiling water, insist for two hours.
The dosage of infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs for children should be agreed with the doctor, depending on the weight and age of the child. For small children, the concentration of infusion should be minimal.
Do not give the children herbs that contain natural bitterness - this can further increase appetite.
Herbs that suppress appetite
Alternative recipes used to reduce appetite, are quite diverse. However, some herbs that suppress appetite are often present in our home, although we do not know about it. For example:
- green tea - contains caffeine, theophylline, theanine, theobromine, which calms the nervous system, reduces appetite, provides a rapid onset of a feeling of satiety; the addition of green tea to milk significantly enhances the effect;
- valerian - Valerian roots contain essential oils, isovaleric acid, alcohols, esters of various acids, alkaloids, glycosides, resins, organic acids that cause the combined action of valerian; suppresses appetite centers in the hypothalamus, which leads to a decrease in hunger and appetite;
- tea karkade (red tea, hibiscus) - a source of antioxidants, vitamins and organic compounds, purifies the blood of toxic substances; You should drink freshly brewed tea before or instead of eating to lower your appetite;
- Puer tea (pu-er) - promotes weight loss, influences digestion and metabolism, significantly reduces appetite, removes harmful substances from the body.
It turns out that in order to eat less, you need to drink more! Naturally, all teas, infusions and decoctions should not contain sugar, since glucose, getting into the blood, increases appetite.
Gathering herbs to reduce appetite
Some herbs have a more pronounced effect with a certain combination with each other. Collection of herbs to reduce appetite can be combined alone, or use already prepared recipes:
- equal amounts of birch leaves, strawberries, labaznika, St. John's wort and melissa mixed, pour 4 tablespoons collection of half a liter of boiling water; after complete cooling it remains to strain and take ½ cup three times a day for half an hour before a meal;
- take two pieces of mint leaves and bark of buckthorn and one part of seeds of dill and dandelion roots; steam a glass of boiling water a tablespoon of the mixture, insist half an hour and drink just before sleep;
- take equivalent amounts of leaves of mint, chamomile flowers, yarrow herb, bilberry leaves, cowberry and currant twigs, mountain ash berries; put in a thermos and pour boiling water at a rate of 5 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of boiling water, wait 3 hours and drink half a glass shortly before eating;
- the same amount of yarrow, St. John's wort and licorice root mix, fry 2 tablespoons in half a liter of mug of boiling water, insist half an hour and take three times a day for 1 glass.
Medicinal preparations contain many useful herbs, which complement each other, which makes their effect on the organism even more effective.
Reviews of herbs to reduce appetite
To determine the effectiveness of herbs and fees, we analyzed reviews of herbs to reduce appetite.
The best evaluation was obtained from decoction of corn stigmas: in addition to the property of lowering appetite and depressing the sensation of hunger, it also calms, elevates mood, normalizes sleep and metabolic processes, both in young and mature years.
Flax seeds also deserve a good reputation: thanks to omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, a feeling of saturation comes quickly, the intestine starts working fully, the body gets rid of toxins. This effect is achieved even with the use of 20-25 grams per day. Thanks to the seeds of flax, the indicator of the amount of glucose in the blood stabilizes, and the weight decreases noticeably.
The use of valerian root, as everyone knows, is calming. However, in addition, valerian preparations also depress hunger, cope with excessive appetite, help to calmly survive the restriction and lack of food.
Well, another worthy leader of the rating is green tea. Its antioxidant and fat burning properties are estimated by many experts. Internet users especially highlight the effectiveness of green tea to reduce appetite in combination with milk or with jasmine.
It is necessary to take into account the fact that the fight against excess weight and obesity should be comprehensive. You should take care of your diet, increase your motor activity, and master the right drinking regime. Herbs that reduce appetite, will only help you achieve your goal and get as close to the intended result.