Alternative treatment of cysts
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Alternative treatment of cysts can really help and effectively cope with small lesions that do not have complications.
The cyst is a cavity, the walls of which can be different in structure, in the cavity, as a rule, the contents of a transparent or viscous consistency, often with pus or blood. The cyst is formed in many organs and ducts of the human body, the mechanism of its formation is diverse and depends on many factors - from congenital to pathological, associated with the underlying disease.
Most often in the early stages of development of cystic formations are invisible and do not manifest themselves, especially in the case of cysts that form within the body. Symptomatic is evident only in cases of a significant increase in the cyst, its inflammation, filling with pus. Often, cysts are diagnosed at random, during the examinations, devoted to the identification of another disease, or during routine medical examination. If the cyst is diagnosed as large, which is capable of rupturing, or as such that interferes with the functioning of nearby organs, it is removed by surgery. There are cysts that need to be removed urgently in order to avoid malignancy - a transformation into an oncological disease. Alternative treatment of cysts is indicated and it is possible, if the tumor is detected in a timely manner, the cyst is of small size and is not filled with purulent contents. Phytotherapy is also effective as an auxiliary treatment in the post-operation period, when it is necessary to accelerate the process of restoring the whole organism. In order to determine the effectiveness of alternative treatments, it is advisable to perform an ultrasound examination before taking infusions or decoctions and after finishing the course.
Alternative treatment of cysts with celandine
Purity, which has long been used to treat many serious diseases. At once it is necessary to make a reservation that the celandine is a very insidious plant and does not allow frivolous application. It has indeed been used for many centuries, yet Avicenna described the healing properties of celandine, and also warned of possible poisoning at too high concentrations. The fact that the plant contains 24 alkaloids, among which the most dangerous for the body - chelidonin, morphine-like substance, which can lead to convulsions, and sanguinarine. Useful for proper use are protopin, which reduces the activity of the vegetative system and reduces the musculature of the uterus. The antitumor effect of celandine is associated with the high content of strong alkaloids in it, however it should be remembered that all broths and tinctures must be made strictly according to the prescription without violating the indicated dosages. It is advisable to consult your doctor before taking medications from celandine in order to avoid complications and elementary misunderstandings in the course of complex medication, because celandine is often not combined with certain medications. Alternative cyst treatment should be as safe as possible.
A "gentle" prescription that is suitable for treating all types of cysts, provided that they do not exceed three centimeters in size and do not have purulent contents. 1 teaspoon of dry celandine is poured a glass of boiling water and insists literally one or two minutes, no more. The broth should have a pale yellow color. It should be filtered. Take a decoction prepared in this way is necessary for 21-yearly three times a day for 30-40 minutes before meals. This method of preparing celandine is considered safe and helps to neutralize small cysts in the ovaries, liver, bile ducts. In addition, the use of this tool will help clear the liver of toxins, so do not be afraid of atypical discharge during defecation.
Recipe, which involves both internal application and external. Stem the young celandine rinse, cut into slices. The mass of "living" material should be in the volume of 100 grams. Pour the stalk of celandine with boiled hot water (500ml) and put on fire, wait for boiling and immediately remove the container from the fire. The remedy is insisted for 15-20 minutes, filtered and cooled to room temperature. 200ml is cast into a separate container for evening syringing, if it is a question of the ovarian cyst. Inside take infusion should be 50 ml three times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment - 10 days, then a week-long break and the course is repeated again. Before using this tool, you need to check the condition of the cyst to avoid complications. If there are concerns about the reaction of the body to the celandine, before the start of the course, you can take a teaspoon of infusion before meals and observe the state during the day.
Recipe, which includes a paradoxical combination of alcohol and milk. It is necessary to wash fresh stems of celandine, twist them on a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice. In equal proportions, mix the juice and vodka (alcohol - at least 40 degrees), for example, a glass of juice on a glass of alcohol. Insist for a week. Take the formula only in the morning on an empty stomach for half an hour before meals: 3 drops of infusion in 100 ml of milk, add every day one drop, reach 10 drops, then reduce one drop and return to three drops per 100ml of milk.
Burdock or burdock
Burdock or burdock ordinary. In fact, this unpretentious plant can not be called ordinary. Especially valuable are the roots of this unique plant that contain protein, essential oils, bitterness, tannins, resins, inulin, acids, pectins, B vitamins, vitamin E and D, and alkaloids and glycosides. It is arctine, which belongs to the active glycosides, belongs to the effective antitumor components. Since the alternative treatment of cysts is the treatment of neoplasms, that is, benign formations, the use of this glycoside will be appropriate and effective. Recipes from burdock are less toxic than celandine, so they can be used on their own without fear of complications.
Take the fresh roots of thistles, rinse them, you can add the leaves of the plant. Dry and put off for 10-12 hours, at this time, devoid of natural resources of the earth, roots and leaves activate their healing components, trying to "survive". In the morning, the raw material needs to be ground and squeezed juice, which should be stored in a glass container, covered with a lid in the refrigerator. Juice can quickly deteriorate, so it's always better to make a new remedy every time. In the cold, juice should stand for 3 days, after which it can be taken on a tablespoon three times a day for half an hour before meals. The course is 21 days, after which you need to take a break in a week and again repeat the alternative treatment of cysts. Before and after the course, ultrasound examination should be done.
A remedy for the juice of burdock on alcohol. Squeeze the juice from fresh roots and leaves in a volume of 400 ml and combine it with vodka (100ml). Infusion should stand for at least three days, after which it can be taken on a tablespoon before each meal. It is necessary to drink one liter of money, this will be a full course of treatment burdock.
Chaga or fungus mushroom
This is one of the most healing remedies known to mankind for many centuries. Today, the medicine from chaga, called Befungin, is no longer a rarity on chemist's shelves, it is used as an auxiliary drug that can restrain the growth of both benign and malignant tumors. As part of the chaga biologists found potassium, ash, acids, terpenes, phenols, polysaccharides, inotidol and pterin. Befungin can be used as one of the means to stop the growth of the cyst: two teaspoons for half a cup of boiled water, take a tablespoon three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is long, up to three months. Fear of complications is not worth it, chaga is not a toxic remedy. Alternative treatment of cysts suggests such recipes from chaga:
- 100 grams of chaga pour warm boiled water in a large container for 5-6 hours. Soften the mushroom twist in a meat grinder, pour 500 ml of boiled water and heat to 50 degrees, without bringing to a boil. Insist 2-3 days, strain and dilute with boiled water in a ratio of 1/1. Drink half the glass three times a day for 30-40 minutes before meals for three days. Then the broth to drink on a glass. The course of treatment should be at least two weeks. If the broth has ended or deteriorated, it must be prepared again.
- Decoction of chaga, prepared according to the recipe described above, can be applied externally. Vaginal microclysters and syringings well complement the effectiveness of treatment. During the entire course, you should observe a gentle diet, excluding canned foods from the diet, sharp, fatty and smoked dishes.
- You can also make a special vaginal swab moistened in the broth chaga. It is put on all night through the day for a month.
Green tea
The famous and popular green tea has excellent antioxidant properties. It contains catechins, which like all flavonoids have a powerful antioxidant effect. In addition, catechins well neutralize microbial infection in the early stages. Vitamin R, which strengthens capillary walls, caffeine alkaloids, which possess an antitumor effect, ethereal compounds and even proteins, is far from a complete list of components that make up green tea. Alternative treatment of cysts can be pleasant, especially if you use this recipe: Brew fresh tea in the proportion of 2 teaspoons of tea for half a liter of boiling water (pour boiling water over the tea). To insist 15 minutes, in the received tea to pour the boiled milk in volume of 400 ml. The mixture can be stored at room temperature for a day. You can drink the drink either warmly or in the cold, adding 2 teaspoons of natural honey to the drink. It is recommended to conduct a two-week course of such treatment. Tea is drunk early in the morning in the amount of ¾ cup, one hour before lunch and before going to bed, 2-3 hours after dinner. Honey, which is added to the drink instead of sugar, also has a therapeutic effect on the body, combined with milk and green tea.
Alternative treatment of cysts also involves control of body weight, since any excess of its rate can provoke the development and increase in the size of the cysts. In addition, the best way to neutralize cystic formations is considered preventive examinations, preferably complex, because cysts can be formed in various organs, ducts and canals. For prevention, it is recommended to take a phytosbora consisting of birch leaves, elecampane root, mint, licorice root and celandine grass. All herbs should be taken in the same proportion, and celandine is half as large. Two tablespoons of the mixture are poured 500ml of boiling water, insist an hour. A strained broth is taken for two weeks, two tablespoons in the morning, on an empty stomach, preferably an hour before breakfast. A similar course is good in autumn and late spring to prevent the formation of cysts.