Chronic prostatitis treatment applied in a resort setting
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Mud Treatment
The therapeutic effect of rectal mud tampons consists of two phases. The first phase, reflex, is a response to the effect of the thermal factor and is manifested by a significant increase in blood filling of arterioles, precapillaries and capillaries, which leads to an improvement in trophic tissue of the rectum and prostate. The second phase, neurohumoral, is based on increasing the content of biologically active substances (histamine, etc.) in the rectal mucosa, which increases the permeability of tissue structures for ionized inorganic and organic biologically active components of mud.
The temperature of mud applications (rectal tampons), the duration of exposure and the number of procedures are of significant importance in the therapeutic effect of this factor and its effectiveness. Under the influence of mud treatment, the general condition of patients improves, blood filling of tissues increases, neurohumoral response of the organism is formed with the participation of endocrine and other systems. The beneficial effect of heat when using rectal tampons is supplemented by a slight mechanical pressure, as well as exposure to biologically active substances contained in therapeutic mud. These substances penetrate the rectal mucosa into the blood, where they exert an effect. With mud treatment, there is a decrease in pain and inflammatory phenomena in the prostate gland, its function is improved, as well as spermatogenesis. Under the influence of relatively high temperature (40-42 ° C) mud applications and rectal swabs, the permeability of the rectal mucosa increases for chemical ingredients of therapeutic mud, due to which the anti-inflammatory effect is largely realized. Therapeutic mud is used in the form of applications ("cowards") and rectal tampons (200 g of therapeutic mud per tampon). The temperature of the mud is 40-42 ° C, the duration of the procedures is 20-30 minutes, they are carried out daily, for a course of treatment 10-12 procedures. In the presence of hypertensive disease of stage I in patients with chronic prostatitis, as well as in elderly people, mud treatment is performed in the form of applications and rectal swabs of 37-38 ° C. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, in a day, 8-10 procedures are required for the course of treatment.
Paraffin is a white, dense, odorless mass. Obtained by distillation of oil. The melting point of paraffin is 50-57 ° C. It has a low thermal conductivity and a large heat capacity. These properties of paraffin are used in the treatment of chronic prostatitis. For the treatment use paraffin cakes, which are imposed on the area of the sacrum or perineum. The procedures are performed daily or every other day depending on the individual sensitivity of the patient. The temperature of tortillas is 38-40 ° C. The course of treatment - 10-12 procedures.
Ozokerite is a waxy mass of dark brown or black oil origin. Contains paraffin, mineral oils and resins. For the treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis, ozocerite is used in the form of flat cakes with a temperature of 38-40 ° C per area of the sacrum or perineum, daily, for the course of treatment - 10-12 procedures. Ozokerite has not only a thermal effect. It contains enough organic and mineral substances with anti-inflammatory properties.
Clays - mineral fine-dispersed sedimentary deposits of water bodies, various in mineral composition. According to physical properties are close to silt mud and peat, they have great plasticity, viscosity, low thermal conductivity, a large warm bone, so they keep heat well. For therapeutic use, the most suitable are fatty plastic clays (yellow, gray, green) without an admixture of sand and water.
For the treatment of chronic prostatitis apply clay, previously cleaned from foreign inclusions and diluted with 10% sodium chloride solution. The clay is heated in a water bath to a temperature of 40-42 ° C, after which it is applied to the zone of "cowards". The duration of the procedures is 20-30 minutes, they are conducted daily or after a day, for a course of treatment 10-12 procedures.
Sand treatment
Removed from foreign impurities river or sea sand, heated to a temperature of 40-42 ° C, in a dry or slightly moistened form. For local procedures use specially adapted boxes. The area of influence is the perineum. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, daily or after a day, for the course of treatment - 12-15 procedures.
Naphthalan treatment
Naphthalan oil has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, increases the overall reactivity of the organism, stimulates exchange-trophic processes in the body. It finds medical application in the form of general and local baths, naftalanic applications, vaginal and rectal tampons. For applications apply refined (dehydrated) naphthalene, as well as naphthalan ointments and pastes. When treating chronic prostatitis, naftalan is applied with a brush to the zone of "cowards". The temperature of naphthalene is 37-38 ° C. The lubricated areas of the skin are irradiated with a solux lamp for 15-20 minutes (the time of the procedure). After the procedure, rest is recommended for 30-40 minutes. For the course of treatment, 10-15 procedures are prescribed, which are carried out for 2 consecutive days with a 3-day break. In parallel, it is recommended to prescribe naftalan rectal tampons with a temperature of 36-37 ° C, which can be left for 5-6 hours.
Hydrogen sulfide treatment
With success is used in many diseases, these waters have an anti-inflammatory, desensitizing effect, improve blood circulation, have a beneficial effect on the functional state of the nervous system. B.G. Alperovich in 1936 for the first time reported on the successful use of natural hydrogen sulphide (Matsesta) water in the treatment of patients with nonspecific chronic prostatitis. A.A. Buyuklyan in 1970 proposed the use of Matsesta water in the form of microclysters with a concentration of hydrogen sulfide 150 mg / l, temperature 38-40 ° C, in the amount of 100-200 ml. Water should be kept in the rectum for 20-25 minutes. Procedures are carried out through the day, for the course of treatment - 12-15 procedures. However, the author did not scientifically substantiate the use of such dosages. I.I. Nesterov in 1976 applied artificially prepared hydrogen sulphide water in the form of semi-bodies and microclysters for the treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis. Microclysters use water with a concentration of hydrogen sulfide of 50-100 mg / l, a temperature of 36-37 ° C. The amount of water once administered is 50 ml, the duration of its presence in the rectum is 10 min. The procedures are carried out daily or every other day. The course of treatment - 10-12 procedures. Patients with nonspecific chronic prostatitis well tolerated treatment with hydrogen sulfide waters. Only in individual patients there was a reaction to a procedure slightly higher than the physiological, manifested by increased pain in the lower abdomen, in the sacrum, perineum, dysuria, general weakness. Such a reaction began in the first hours after the bath and lasted up to 24 hours, it was particularly pronounced when treated with microclysters from hydrogen sulfide water, which, apparently, is associated with the rapid absorption of sulfides by the mucosa of the rectum.
To reduce the irritating effect of hydrogen sulfide water on the mucosa of the rectum, slowing the absorption of sulfides and, consequently, eliminating the reaction to the procedure, a procaine-hydrogen sulfide mixture was proposed for microclysters with a preliminary introduction of vaseline oil into the rectum. At the same time, the number of patients who had a reaction to the procedure decreased from 25.3 to 3.8%. Procaine provided a strong analgesic effect. Under the influence of hydrogen sulfide therapy in patients with chronic prostatitis, according to rheovasography, there was an increase in the tone and elasticity of the vascular wall, an increase in the number of functioning capillaries, an increase in the blood flow velocity, a decrease in venous stasis, which led to a decrease in swelling of the prostate and promoted anti-inflammatory action. This allowed us to recommend hydrogen sulphide waters to patients with chronic prostatitis.
Climatic factors
Climatic factors serve as natural biostimulators of the body. They have a thermal, chemical and biological effect, which is carried out through a vast nerve-receptor apparatus of the skin and respiratory tract. The influence of climatic factors on the human body mobilizes adaptive mechanisms, affects trophism of tissues, changes immunobiological reactivity, metabolic processes, stimulates sexual function. When appointing climatotherapy, it is necessary to take into account the season of the year, the climatic features of the terrain, the individual reactivity of the organism, the age of the patient, the degree of activity of the inflammatory process, and the clinical course of the disease. For andrological patients, various types of aerotherapy can be used: long stay outdoors, walks in the forest, by the sea, air baths with partial or complete exposure of the body. The general and local solar baths of direct and diffuse radiation, bathing in the sea, a liman, a lake, a river are also effective, and in the cool season - in closed artificial reservoirs. During the stay in the open air, especially at the sea, in parks, in the forest, the course of the basic physiological processes in the body improves, which contributes to the normalization of sexual function. Air baths are simple, affordable and very effective procedures. Unlike general aerotherapy, air baths include the dosed effect of fresh air on a naked or partially naked person. When the air bath on the body operates the whole complex of meteorological elements: temperature, humidity, pressure, ionization of air, scattered solar radiation. For andrological patients, in most cases indifferent (air temperature 21-23 ° C) or warm (above 23 ° C) air baths are shown. In a number of cases, with sexual dysfunctions after taking warm and indifferent air baths, it is possible to gradually pass to moderately cold (9-16 ° C) baths, strictly controlling the individual capabilities of the body.
Solar baths are procedures with active photochemical and thermal action. They contribute to the activation of the functional systems of the body, primarily nervous and humoral, through which the regulation of the sexual glands occurs. Sunbaths should be administered with some caution, in small doses under a gentle (low) load, starting at 20.9 J, bringing the maximum dose to 104.5-125.4 J, adding every 2 days at 20.9 J The procedures should be carried out under comfortable environmental conditions: air temperature 20-25 ° C, wind speeds from 0.8 to 3.2 m / s, in the morning (8.00-10.00) or in the evening (17.00-19.00) hours. Sunbathing is recommended for taking on special sunbeds with a protected headboard. 20-25 procedures are prescribed for the course of treatment.
With all types of climatic and balneological treatment, andrological patients are assigned morning hygienic gymnastics, physiotherapy exercises, sports games, health path, etc. Heat treatment, radon procedures and this total interaction causes a certain wave process of high information level, which leads to stimulation of cell division, cellular and intracellular regeneration, activation of functions.
It has been shown that in radon procedures, when the level of radon radiation is several times lower than the natural radioactive background, a significant stimulation of degranulation of mast cells is observed in a person and the amount of heparin can increase by 1.5-2 times. Analysis of large clinical material, the study of long-term results of treatment helped to make a number of discoveries, one of which later in the literature was called radiation hormesis. The term "radiation hormesis" refers to the phenomenon that atomic radiation can, depending on the dose, cause a diametrically opposite effect on living organisms. In sufficiently large doses, it depresses life processes, down to the death of the organism, reduces the damaging effect when the dose is lowered, and stimulates life processes with ultra low doses, having a beneficial effect on the cells.
Studies devoted to clinical and experimental radon therapy make it possible to understand the mechanisms of radiation hormesis more deeply. The results of studying the mechanisms of the therapeutic effect of radon procedures make it possible to assert that the stimulation of the protective and restorative forces of the organism is carried out by irradiating primarily the receptor cells of barrier organs, i.e. Not directly, but indirectly, by stimulating the centers of the immune and neuroendocrine regulation. Balneotherapy, including radon therapy, in conditions adequate for the body and doses exceeding several times the natural background stimuli, replaces the tonic effect of natural stimulants, which deprived the patient of the body. Balneotherapy acts as active stimuli on the same receptors of barrier organs and awakens the protective-adaptive forces of the body. This allows the patient's body to cope with the disease to some extent or compensate for its pathological effect for a while.
Local action of balneotherapy also reduces pathological impulses from the affected organ. Of course, the tonic effect of neurohumoral centers is obtained not only from the receptors of the skin and mucous membranes, but also through vision, hearing, from proprioceptors of muscles and other endoretseptors of various organs. This influence also weakens when a person is sick and the active connection of his organism with external stimuli is limited. Radon procedures artificially increase the impulse from the side of the barrier organs, which determines their stimulating effect on the defenses of the body, and hence the therapeutic effect of their application.
Thus, radon therapy (irradiation in near-background doses) is one of the ways to stimulate weakened protective-adaptive forces of a sick organism, is applied when the action of other natural stimulation factors is impossible or insufficient. Moreover, it is found that radon, as one of the main natural factors of radiation hormesis, stimulates the resistance of living organisms to oncological and infectious diseases, increases life expectancy, and is one of the necessary conditions for maintaining normal life and health.
Studies have shown that the therapeutic effect of radon depends directly on the presence of microelements in the water. The effect of alpha particles leads to the emission of very weak beams of short ultraviolet that carry biological information. According to I.I. Gusarova (2002), in the beneficial effect of therapeutic factors, there are two effects:
- preventive (hormesis) - due to the action of radon waters;
- therapeutic - mainly due to the action of other natural and medical factors.
It was found that irradiation with small radiation doses of living organisms or freshly insulated tissues causes secondary radiation in the latter, which in turn has a stimulating effect on bioobjects. These secondary biogenic radiation are produced in the living organism under the influence of the radioactive natural background constantly, and their intensity depends on its level. A natural radiation background continuously excites biopolymers of a living organism, and excited electrons form vortex clots of energy and information (polaritons). Slowly decaying, they produce coherent secondary biogenic radiation in the ultraviolet range. Filling the inner space of a living organism, the secondary biogenic radiation appears to constitute the electromagnetic physical basis of the biofield. Diseases and conditions in which radon therapy has a beneficial effect, are associated with a violation of the consistency of various vital processes, implemented with the participation of VBI.
However, it should be noted that the role of radiation radon and its daughter products, as well as nitrogen-siliceous waters, in the formation of secondary biogenic radiation has not yet been established. As is known, the basis of the action of general and local balneotherapy procedures is a complex of various factors: mechanical, temperature, chemical and ionizing.
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Hydrostatic effects
The mechanical effect is determined by the hydrostatic pressure of the mass of water and gas bubbles. It is noted that the pressure creates a favorable ground for the elimination of inflammatory changes and the restoration of impaired functions, affects the venous blood flow. In the mechanism of action of nitrogen-siliceous baths, a special role is played by the peculiar physical influence of the gas itself (nitrogen), since the nitrogen bubbles are small and slow-moving. They tightly cover the whole body, accumulate on the hairy areas and cause very slight tactile irritation of the skin receptors. In addition to mechanical action, there is also a thermal effect caused by a difference in the temperature of the water in the bath (36-37 ° C) and bubbles of gaseous nitrogen (20-22 ° C).
Nitric-siliceous baths are easily tolerated by patients, in 69% of patients they cause a feeling of calm and a tendency to sleep, i.e. Have a sedative effect on the central nervous system. They can be referred to the category of weak stimuli, which have the ability to enhance inhibition and weaken excitation.
The temperature factor determines a number of features of the physiological action of mineral waters. Its effect is greater the greater the difference in body and water temperature. The aqueous medium dramatically changes the heat transfer conditions due to the large difference in the heat capacity and the thermal conductivity of air and water. In response to the action of a thermal stimulus (balneological procedures with a water temperature of more than 37 ° C), complex thermoregulatory reactions develop which contribute to increased heat transfer and a reduction in heat production. The lumen and number of blood vessels increase, the blood flow increases, the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems changes, the intensity of metabolism increases.
The chemical elements that make up the mineral water determine the specific features of the balneological procedures with different salt content and gas saturation. Gases, minerals, active ions that penetrate the body through the skin and mucous membranes, change the ion composition in the cells of the skin and internal organs, act as a humoral agent on the vascular interoceptors. Chemical ingredients of mineral waters influence the energy and metabolic processes that occur in the body. The irritation of exteroceptors and the penetration of various substances in the body alter the course of many physiological processes, lead to an increase in the function of the adrenal glands, which causes an indirect anti-inflammatory effect.
Numerous publications reported the growth of resistance to external regressive factors, the mobilization of reserve capabilities of the body, the increase of nonspecific reactivity and normalization of the immune status after exposure to nitric siliceous term. According to BC Dergachev (1995), in patients with chronic decompile tonsillitis under the influence of balneotherapy procedures, the numbers and differentiation of T cells towards the end of treatment are close to normal. Under the action of this water, the indices of protein-synthetic processes in the cells under investigation increase or are preserved, as indicated by the quantitative and bulk density of the ribosomes, the rough endo- plasmatic reticulum, and the Golgi complex. The energy potentials of the cell remain, or even increase, as evidenced by an increase in the number of mitochondria, the total area of the inner mitochondrial membrane, and also the surface-volume ratio of the profile length of the cutoff of the inner mitochondrial membrane to the volume of mitochondria. Transendothelial transport is preserved or increased, as evidenced by an increase in the total number of microvesicles.
Long-term clinical observations of the course of neuroendocrine syndromes in gynecological patients under the influence of balneotherapy procedures indicate a favorable course of them against the background of treatment. When studying the mechanism of action of nitric-siliceous therms, their beneficial effect on the course of the inflammatory process is proved, in particular, as a delay in the development of the sclerosing process.
IN AND. Ryazanov et al. (1976), investigating the effect of mineral waters on the transformation of lymphoid cells, determined that balneotherapy does not interfere with the body's immunostructural homeostasis. E.A. Skalskaya et al. (1976) revealed an increase in the phagocytic activity of leukocytes in the treatment of patients with rheumatism with a minimum degree of activity. In a series of experiments (in the resort of Belokurikha), bathing animals in nitric-siliceous water caused a decrease in the level of humoral antibodies in the precipitation reaction until their disappearance in 2.5 months. Reduction of antibody titers, anti-O-streptolysin, incomplete antibodies in the Coombs reaction, autohemagglutinins and y-globulin fractions of the protein after treatment shows a desensitizing effect.
E.F. Fedko et al. (1978), Yu.I. Borodin et al. (1990) studied the effect of nitrogen-siliceous waters in the early stages of chronic inflammatory phenomena in an animal experiment. They found that nitric-siliceous waters restore the structure of lymph nodes, their functional capacity and prevent sclerosing. V.N. Gorchakov et al. (1978, 1988) studied the effect of mineral waters on microcirculation in the focus of chronic inflammation. Scientists noted an increase in the capillary network and an improvement in blood circulation in the pathological focus. The positive influence of balneological procedures in the experiment on some forms of coronary heart disease was revealed. The positive effect of balneotherapy procedures on microcirculation of peripheral vessels was established. The basis for the therapeutic use of such waters was their marked analgesic, desensitizing effects, as well as strengthening the adaptive abilities of the body. The mechanism of action of nitric silicas is realized both through the normalization of hypothalamus function, blocking the transmission of pain impulses, and through the improvement of blood circulation in myometrium, endometrium, ovaries due to reserve capillaries of tissues. Improvement of metabolic processes, increase of general and regional hemodynamics, normalization of ovarian function and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system have a positive effect on the body with a number of gynecological diseases. The possibility of stimulation of anabolic processes, as well as regulation of the content of sex hormones under the influence of balneotherapy, is proved. It was shown that the intake of nitric-siliceous water after standard fat loading causes bleaching of blood serum from chylomicrons.