

Herbs that lower pressure

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Unfortunately, high blood pressure is a very common phenomenon in the modern world. And if in the old days such a problem was considered the lot of people of the age, today young people, beginning from 30-35 years old, suffer from hypertension. Stressful situations, drinking a lot of coffee, wrong lifestyle - all these factors are links in one chain, which leads to increased blood pressure. Do not always want to take pills, so many turn to alternative methods of treatment - and here to help come herbs that lower blood pressure. What herbs will help, and which should not be taken - this is our article.


Which herbs lower the pressure?

An excellent substitute for medicines are natural preparations: herbs, berries, leaves, bark of trees. Such medicines are given to us completely free of charge, practically have no side effects and are considered no less effective than tablets and pills. These plants are generally known to everyone, and are actively used to lower the pressure:

  • hawthorn - more often use plant flowers - normalizes heart activity, lowers pressure, eliminates dizziness and pain in the head;
  • Leonurus - especially effective in the early stages of hypertension, calms the nervous system;
  • Periwinkle - widens the vascular lumen, has a clear hypotensive effect, helps with atherosclerosis.

An excellent effect can be obtained from the complex effects of herbs, which are used in the form of medicinal fees - these are mixtures of different plants with a similar effect. Mixtures can be combined in various proportions using any of the proposed herbs: cucumbers, field horsetail, sweet clover, astragalus, immortelle, birch leaves, yarrow, mistletoe white, etc. Tea can be drunk for several months, about half a cup a day half an hour before a meal. After the first week of reception, the result will be noticeable.

From herbal remedies, we should not forget about the freshly squeezed plant juices: the juice from the dog rose or the black mountain ash is perfectly lowered.

Motherwort lowers or increases blood pressure?

Motherwort is known for its pronounced sedative effect. Medicines based on motherwort reduce excessive motor activity, increase the effect of hypnotics, and also have cardiotonic and hypotensive effects.

Motherwort lowers blood pressure. This plant has been used for many decades in medicine for the following purposes:

  • regulation of the rhythm of the heart;
  • stabilization of the state with vascular neurosis and angina pectoris;
  • stabilization of pressure in hypertensive disease.

In all these cases, a positive dynamics is observed with the intake of Leonurus preparations. In particular, the hypotonic effect of the plant is observed with an increase in pressure associated with disorders of autonomic functions, for example, in the period of preclimax and menopause.

Infusion or tincture of motherwort does not have a dramatic curative effect: the dosage is calculated gradually, while attention is paid to the reaction of the body to the drug.

Most tincture of motherwort take from 30 to 50 drops to 4 times a day, 1 hour before meals.

Does the Hawthorn lower or increase the pressure?

The main property of such plants as hawthorn is cardiotonic influence. Hawthorn improves the function of the myocardium, serves as a prevention of its early fatigue. In addition, the plant has a positive effect on the disturbances of the heart rhythm, eliminates spasms of blood vessels, dilates the vessels of the heart and brain.

Hawthorn lowers the pressure: this property is due to the presence of flavonoids and triterpene compounds in it. The positive effect of using hawthorn in hypertension is the result of vasodilating and spasmolytic action of the plant. Hawthorn regulates the degree of pressure on the venous vessels, and also increases the elasticity of the walls of the arteries and capillaries. The greatest effect in this case is not even fruits, but the inflorescence of the plant.

Tincture of hawthorn is used on 25 drops up to 4 times a day before meals.

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Does St. John's wort decrease or increase blood pressure?

St. John's wort has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. Drugs based on St. John's wort often used to treat diseases of the throat and mouth, digestive system, urinary and liver. St. John's wort can rinse your mouth with gingivitis and stomatitis, and also make compresses with wounds and abrasions.

St. John's wort is indispensable for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • dyskinesia, hepatitis;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • stagnation of bile;
  • gastritis with insufficient acidity;
  • flatulence;
  • urolithiasis, etc.

The St. John's wort has no direct effect on blood pressure. However, if you take funds based on St. John's wort for a long time and uncontrollably, then one of the side effects may be increased pressure. Therefore, St. John's wort increases the pressure, but this effect is not its direct property, but only a side effect.

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Thymus lowers or increases blood pressure?

Thymus is a bactericidal and bacteriostatic plant that possesses, among other things, an expectorant and enveloping property, an anti-inflammatory effect. Drugs with thyme are able to affect even a pathogenic microflora that is not susceptible to antibiotic effects. With the use of thyme, the production of gastric acid is accelerated, the development of pathogenic microorganisms is blocked, spasms of the digestive system are eliminated.

The most common use of thyme is the treatment of inflammatory processes in the mouth and throat, especially when attaching pyogenic infection. Thymus is indispensable for laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, as it has a bactericidal, expectorant and thinning phlegm.

But still, thyme raises or lowers the pressure? The plant contains flavonoids, due to which there is a certain spasmolytic property of thyme. If the pressure increase is associated with vasospasm, thyme may slightly lower the pressure, weakening the tension of the vascular walls. However, this does not always happen: with prolonged use of thyme in high doses, the pressure may, on the contrary, rise. This effect is not related to the direct action of the plant, but rather is a by-product of the uncontrolled intake of the herbal preparation.

Does hemp lower or increase blood pressure?

Hemp plant has long been used for the treatment of epilepsy, migraine, sleep disorders, sclerotic changes in the vessels of the brain. Hemp was used even in the treatment of malignant tumors, as well as bronchial asthma, increased intraocular pressure, immunodeficiency states. And the effect of the plant is so pronounced that for the healing effect it was not necessary to prepare infusions or other medicinal forms: it was enough to chew the cannabis foliage periodically.

In our time, hemp is banned, although the useful properties of the plant could be successfully used for therapeutic purposes.

As for the question, cannabis lowers or increases the pressure, one can answer the following: one of the characteristics of cannabis is its ability to suppress vascular spasms. It is this property that helps prevent an uncontrolled rise in blood pressure associated with spasm of blood vessels. The use of cannabis in large doses can cause a significant decrease in blood pressure, up to critical levels. Assistance in such situations is only emergency medical.


Does Melissa lower or increase pressure?

Melissa is lemon mint, a favorite plant for many, which is added to tea, compotes and kissels. Alternative healers use leaves and flowers of lemon balm for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, cardiac neuroses, asthma, convulsive conditions. This plant calms the nerves, increases appetite, eliminates the effects of flatulence, facilitates nausea. Women drink tea with melissa with migraines, sleep disorders, to ease their well-being during menstruation, as well as under stressful situations.

Does Melissa lower or lower the pressure? Indeed, this plant has an effect on blood pressure. As a rule, melissa lowers blood pressure. For the antihypertensive effect, it is enough to simply add the leaves of the plant to tea, however many fans use lemon balm leaves in the preparation of salads, first courses, sauces, and also add to meat or fish.


Does sage lower or increase blood pressure?

Sage has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which is explained by the presence in the leaves of tannins and flavonoids. In addition, it has been experimentally proven that the sage plant increases the secretion of the digestive system, and also regulates the secretion of sweat. In connection with this, sage is actively used for inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, for getting rid of ulcers and healing wound surfaces, inflammation of the walls of the stomach (especially with low acidity).

Sage can slightly lower blood pressure, as it has a small spasmolytic effect. This action of the plant is the result of the presence of galenic forms in the sage, which makes it possible to successfully use preparations based on sage with spasms of the digestive system, urinary system, vessels. Salvia is used both alone and in the form of complex charges.

Essentially, the plant does not have a significant effect on blood pressure, if you take infusions periodically and irregularly. Frequent and unreasonable use of sage can really destabilize the pressure, and deviations from the norm can be either one or the other.

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Ginger lowers or increases the pressure?

Ginger in recent years has gained considerable popularity. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the root of ginger is actively used for weight loss purposes. In addition, ginger is valued and other useful properties. This and antiemetic effect, and the elimination of pain, lowering cholesterol, the activation of digestive processes, stimulation of appetite.

Ginger tea is a proven remedy for the recovery of the body with physical and mental stress, as well as a cure for stress.

In view of the fact that ginger is eaten much more often, many people think about whether this plant can influence pressure. Ginger lowers or increases the pressure?

The fact is that the root of ginger has a truly unique property - to stabilize blood pressure. It dilutes the blood, thereby facilitating blood flow, improves the nutrition of tissues and the delivery of oxygen to them. Under reduced pressure, ginger tea activates blood circulation, bringing the pressure digits to normal. At an elevated pressure, ginger expands the walls of the vessels, which contributes to lowering the indices and alleviating the patient's condition. The only condition - it is not recommended to combine the treatment with ginger with the intake of medications that affect blood pressure, as this can provoke the development of unpredictable consequences.

Does mint lower or increase pressure?

Peppermint is a popular plant that is added in fresh or dried form to beverages, hot dishes, pastries and confectionery. The popularity of mint is explained by the presence in the plant of menthol - a pleasant taste and smell of the substance.

Mint preparations soothe, relieve spasms, normalize the production of bile, stabilize the microflora and somewhat alleviate pain. Thanks to mint, blood circulation in the capillary network increases.

And yet, does mint lower or increase pressure? Based on long-term observations, it can be said that mint has a slight hypotensive effect, but this effect does not play a large practical role. Mint leaves can stabilize only small pressure fluctuations, but with persistent hypertension the plant is unlikely to help.

Peppermint slightly lowers the pressure, and this is due to the vasodilating effect of the plant: vasospasm is eliminated, the nervous system calms down. But it must be remembered that mint can cause allergy, so you should use it carefully.

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Rosehip lowers or increases the pressure?

The therapeutic effect of rosehip preparations can be explained, mainly, by the presence in the fruit of a large number of vitamins: vitamin C, P, PP, group B, and K, A and E. The complex of hips helps to consume the plant with vitamin deficiency, with a decrease in immunity , after physical and stressful overload. Rosehip is used as an aid for the treatment of infectious diseases, atherosclerosis, kidney and liver diseases, in pathologies of the digestive system, with bleeding and diathesis.

How can a dogrose affect pressure? Drugs based on hips affect the permeability of the vessels, eliminate swelling and have a small diuretic property. This may in some ways affect the lowering of blood pressure. However, pronounced hypotensive effect of dogrose does not have, so rely only on this herbal remedy for hypertension is not worth it.

Calendula lowers or increases pressure?

The therapeutic use of calendula is based on the bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect of the plant. Infusion of marigolds is used for rinsings, rinsings, douching, and also inside to suppress microbial flora, increase the secretion of the gallbladder and stomach.

However, calendula is often used for the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies. How does the action of the plant affect the vessels: calendula lowers or increases blood pressure?

The effect of calendula on heart function and the state of blood vessels is determined by a clear cardiotonic and hypotensive effect. For example, when patients consume large doses of preparations based on calendula, a decrease in blood pressure of approximately 35% from the baseline was observed. At the same time, the frequency of cardiac contractions slowed down, the amplitude increased, and breathing became less frequent and deeper.

Thus, the positive effect of calendula is noted in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, which are accompanied by increased pressure, swelling, frequent palpitation. Calendula is markedly lowers blood pressure. For these purposes, you can use tincture (from 10 to 20 drops in 100 ml of water), or infusion of flowers (2 tablespoons 200 ml boiling water, take 50 ml to 3 times a day).

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Does Valerian raise or lower the pressure?

Valerian is known, first of all, for her sedative and tranquilizing action. The root of valerian normalizes the activity of the heart, relieves spasms and regulates biliary excretion, stabilizes sleep.

Does Valerian raise or lower the pressure? Valerian root preparations promote the expansion of coronary vessels and a reduction in blood pressure. However, the action of valerian is not immediately apparent, but stably increases with a regular and prolonged course of treatment. Patients noted the elimination of irritability, improving sleep, stabilizing blood pressure.

Valerian, as a rule, is well tolerated by the sick, but in some cases there may be an allergy to the plant. If allergies are not present, it is recommended to take valerian tincture on average 25 drops to 3 or 4 times a day. If valerian is given in the form of tablets, then 1-2 pills can be taken. On reception (on 0,02 g). If symptoms such as dizziness and weakness appear, the dose should be reduced.

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Chamomile increases blood pressure?

Chamomile pharmacy - antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and soothing herbal remedy. Chamomile removes spasms of the digestive system, facilitates bile excretion, reduces swelling, heals ulcers and restores damaged tissues. Often tea from a camomile drink at a stomach ulcer, enterocolitis, a meteorism, poisonings, static pains in an intestine.

Chamomile also affects the cardiovascular system: with the use of chamomile preparations, breathing becomes deeper and stronger, the heart rhythm increases, the vessels expand. Can chamomile, in any way affect the blood pressure?

The soothing effect of chamomile can also affect a certain decrease in blood pressure. However, this decrease, as a rule, is insignificant, and does not bear any practical load.

For a more pronounced hypotensive effect, chamomile flowers are used in the form of complex charges. In such collections include, in addition to chamomile, rhizomes of valerian, calendula, melissa and other plants.


Bergamot increases blood pressure?

Tea with bergamot is a fine and tasty drink, which, moreover, has a lot of useful properties. Bergamot is an excellent antiseptic, an analgesic, a firming and anti-inflammatory drug. Tea with the addition of bergamot effectively eliminates the effects of stress, removes from a depressive state, normalizes nervous processes. The aroma of the plant is recommended to inhale to activate mental activity and memory.

With a cold and sore throat, the smell of bergamot helps calm the irritated nasopharynx and remove swelling of the mucosa.

Bergamot will also help with problems with the stomach: it gently stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and increases appetite.

Does bergamot raise blood pressure? The answer is one: no, it does not. Rather, on the contrary: regular use of bergamot contributes to a slight decrease in blood pressure, which helps to temporarily relieve the condition of hypertensive patients.

One-time use of a drink with bergamot is unlikely to have any effect on blood pressure.


Oregano increases the pressure?

What kind of therapeutic effect does oregano? It is a wonderful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic plant. Preparations of oregano increase the production of bile, increase diuresis, calm the nervous system.

Grass plants are prescribed with poor appetite and weak digestion (especially with reduced acidity), with constipation and increased gas production in the intestine.

Possesses oregano and sedative properties: it is recommended for insomnia, stress, irritability. Dry grass can also be added to regular tea - this will help calm the nervous system and make the drink more pleasant to the taste.

Oregano increases the pressure? Oregano can increase the pressure only when using the plant as inhalation: the inhalation of essential oils can provoke an increase in blood pressure. If you use oregano in the form of tea or infusion, this plant helps to lower blood pressure to normal, which is recommended for hypertension and a tendency to increased blood pressure. However, it is not recommended to drink too much oregano tea: the plant can cause allergies.

Does jasmine increase the pressure?

Tea with jasmine is recommended for use in depressive states, stressful situations, neurosis and insomnia. The use of jasmine for the body is undeniable. It is prescribed for hepatitis, cirrhosis, with spastic abdominal pain, as well as for infectious diseases.

Does jasmine pressure increase? A decoction or infusion of color and foliage of jasmine stabilizes and levels blood pressure with its small fluctuations. However, to use jasmine in large quantities is not recommended: it can provoke a headache, migraine and deterioration of health.

Prepare tea from jasmine easily: 1-2 teaspoons of dried flowers should be poured with boiling water and insist. Many for taste and aroma mix jasmine with green tea: this only enhances the tranquilizing effect of the drink. In the morning this tea will cheer up, and in the evening it will set for a good and deep sleep.

Whatever herbs that lower pressure, you have chosen, if possible, consult a doctor. Regularly measure the level of blood pressure - this can be done at any pharmacy. Spend more time outdoors, give up bad habits, do not overdo it. And herbs that lower blood pressure, will always help you feel fine at any age.


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