Pain after conception
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Pain after conception alarms women, especially those who want to become pregnant and endure a healthy baby. What does pain show, what is its cause and why does it appear? Let's look at this, as well as how to prevent the onset of pain and how to deal with it.
The appearance of pain after conception is fully justified, since the onset of pregnancy is a difficult process for the body. But how to make sure that the pain is a normal signal of the body, which says that the conception was successful and after nine months the baby would appear?
Pain after conception can be attributed to the first signs of pregnancy. Since after a successful conception, the woman's body begins to rebuild and prepare to bear the baby, or on the contrary to reject the foreign body, that is, to create everything in order for the woman to have a miscarriage. Let's look at the causes of pain after conception and their symptoms.
Causes of pain after conception
Causes of pain after conception can be associated with both hormonal changes in the body, and with serious diseases. Pregnancy, its expectation and planning is an exciting process for any woman who is full of mysteries and surprises. That is why many women are wondering whether or not conception has been successfully completed, how is it to determine what signals the body gives?
Each woman has her own particular signs of pregnancy, which the body shows. Common to all sign is the absence of menstruation. Another sign of successful pregnancy is the pain in the lower abdomen after conception. As a rule, such pains begin to intensify on the 5th-7th day after conception. Since during this period the embryo begins to actively move towards the uterus to begin its development. Sometimes pain after conception suggests that a woman has an ectopic pregnancy, that is, an embryo is not attached to the walls of the uterus.
To ensure that severe pain after conception is not disturbed, you must follow a couple of rules. First of all, to maintain good health, both emotional and physical. In this period it is desirable to have more rest. Because after conception the body of a woman should be ready for everything, and especially the immune system, since it will be the main blow.
Symptoms of pain after conception
Symptoms of pain after conception allow you to learn about how the conception passed, whether everything is normal or worth worrying about and seeking medical help. Pain after conception can be different, for example, stitching, pulling, weak, aching, strong and unpleasant.
In the body of a healthy woman, the pain that appears after conception indicates that the embryo is attached to the walls of the uterus. The main symptoms of safe pain begin to appear after a couple of days and even a week after conception. During this period, a woman can have special bloody discharge, which indicates that the uterus is in full swing preparing for the bearing of the baby.
In addition to the pain in the lower abdomen, another painful symptom after conception is the pain in the chest. The chest is poured, becomes very sensitive, the skin around the nipples can darken, in addition, the breast can grow in size in a short period of time.
If, in addition to pain in the abdomen and chest, after conception, a woman watches herself for a delay in the menstrual cycle, nausea, intolerance to certain odors and foods, cravings for food and an increase in appetite, this indicates that the conception was successful and the pain says that soon the woman will become a mother.
Pain in the abdomen after conception
Pain in the abdomen after conception may appear in a week. It is during this period that the embryo moves through the uterine tubes, which wants to get into the uterus faster and stay there for nine months. Due to changes in the female body, namely the altered hormonal background, the uterus increases in size. Because of this, the volumes of muscle fibers and middle layers of the uterus increase, which can also cause abdominal pain after conception.
All the physiological changes that occur in the female body, which is in full swing prepared and rebuilt to work for two, cause painful sensations, including pain in the abdomen. Women with hypersensitivity feel small pulling pains in the lower abdomen. If you are afraid that pain in the abdomen after conception can cause a miscarriage, then do not worry. Since in this period the embryo, that is, the fertilized egg does not feed from the mother's body, so there can be no question of aborting the pregnancy.
Pain in the lower abdomen after conception
Pain in the lower abdomen after conception is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. As a rule, pains appear after a couple of days or a week after conception. Pain arises from the fact that the embryo goes to the uterus and is attached to its walls. During this period, a woman may have small spotting. But do not worry, since these discharges, like the pain in the lower abdomen, indicate that the body is preparing to bear the baby.
As for the bleeding, after which there is pain in the lower abdomen, it lasts several hours after conception. But if the pain is accompanied by abundant secretions, then it is worth immediately contacting a qualified gynecologist, since in this case it may be in an ectopic pregnancy or a serious illness.
Pain in the ovary after conception
Pain in the ovary after conception is dangerous, as they say that a definite failure has occurred in the body. It is worth remembering that the entire period of pregnancy is accompanied by certain painful sensations. That's why pregnant women have a high pain threshold.
Pain in the ovary after conception can indicate that there is a softening of the muscles of the small pelvis, sprain and growth of the uterus. It is absolutely natural and not dangerous process. Pain accompanies the female body in the first months of pregnancy, so do not worry.
If the pain in the ovary appears in the first months of pregnancy, this may indicate that a cyst has formed in the ovary and the yellow body. The cyst may appear on the site of the follicle, which gave the egg. If, however, the conception was successful, the cyst gradually increases in size. Severe pain in the ovaries is due to the fact that the cyst slowly stretches the capsule of the ovary because of its impressive size. But do not worry, because any gynecologist will tell you that by the end of the first trimester pain will cease, and the yellow body is reduced. By the way, it is the process of pain in the ovaries after conception that indicates that the female body produces the hormone progesterone. This hormone is responsible for the normal course of pregnancy.
Diagnosis of pain after conception
Diagnosis of pain after conception should be carried out by a gynecologist, since only a doctor will be able to say exactly whether everything is normal with a female body or pain is an indicator of a progressive disease. Discomfort and any complaints are compulsorily accepted by the doctor.
If after the conception the pain appears at the bottom of the abdomen, then this is a normal sign that the female body is in full swing to rebuild to accept an embryo. If a woman has muscular pain, then it is very difficult to diagnose it. Symptoms of such pains are diagnosed after a series of tests that are carried out for two to three days. Diagnosis of pain after conception is complicated by the fact that a woman may have hidden diseases that begin to appear on an increased hormonal background.
If after the first trimester the pain does not stop, then the pregnant woman needs to pass a number of tests. For example, ultrasound, fecal, blood and urine tests. This all helps to determine the hormone level in the blood, which can be the cause of pain. The only thing that should be feared with pain after conception is to independently diagnose and prescribe the treatment of pain. Remember that self-medication never leads to anything good, so do not risk your health and the health of the baby's future.
Treatment of pain after conception
The treatment of pain after conception helps to remove spasms and muscle pains that appear in the ovaries and in the lower abdomen. Treatment of pain begins only after complete diagnosis and delivery of tests. If the conception was successful, but the pain does not stop and the gynecologist determined that the pains are pathological, then medication is possible only after the birth. But if complications arise or the pain treatment after conception should be carried out immediately, then this becomes a threat to the future baby. Let's consider in what cases it is possible to begin treatment of pain after conception.
- Torsion of the legs of the cyst - accompanied by acute muscle pain, the treatment provides only surgical intervention. •
- Detachment of the placenta - treatment is carried out only in the hospital.
- The progressive ovarian cyst and the threat of its rupture are treated only surgically.
- An exacerbation of cholelithiasis is medication.
If after examination at the gynecologist, the doctor diagnoses that the body is absolutely healthy and pain after conception is considered normal, then in order to improve well-being, a woman is offered:
- Take short-term baths.
- Make cooling compresses.
- Do swimming, as water acts as an excellent relaxant.
- Pass a couple of sessions of gentle prenatal massage.
The most effective method of treating pain after conception is to perform exercises using the Kegel method. Exercises are aimed at strengthening the inguinal muscles, the muscles of the vagina and the sphincter.
How to prevent pain after conception?
Prevention of pain after conception is a great opportunity to prevent discomfort and poor health. The most effective way of prevention is sports. Regular training will save from muscle sprains and severe pain in the ovaries, in addition, training will prepare the body for successful fertilization.
- But there are pains that do not last for several days and make a woman worry. In this case it is recommended to take a pregnancy test, if the result is positive, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. As, most likely preventive maintenance in this case does not help, as serious treatment is required.
- Pain in the abdomen can be the result of an ectopic pregnancy. The woman is experiencing pain in the ovaries. This is due to the fact that the woman has narrow fallopian tubes. As a rule, it is recommended to perform exercises using Kegel's method for prevention.
- If the pain appeared a couple of days after conception, it indicates that the conception was successful and at the moment the embryo is sent to the uterus. As a prevention, it is recommended to take warm baths and rest more. Full relaxation will help to relieve muscle spasms.
Pain after conception is the signal of the body, that the woman is ready to bear the child. But not all pains are good, some can be life threatening. If you feel pain after the conception and you are worried about it, do not delay the trip to the gynecologist. The sooner you find out the cause of the pain, the faster you can perform therapeutic or preventive procedures.