Erectile Pain
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Many people say that sex is not the main thing. Such people either lie, or did not understand the whole charm of life. But, no matter how it was (the main thing is not the main thing), without this, too, it is impossible.
Erectile pain is not only discomfort during intercourse, it is also psychological stress and reproductive health disorders. It's a shame to realize this especially at a young age.
Can I get rid of the pain during an erection? Of course, now everything is possible! Only the main thing is to listen to the advice of doctors and not delay with treatment. No matter how, now it is not about something superficial, but about men's dignity.
Causes of pain with erection
However strange it may seem, this fact is possible at any age.
Normal erection proceeds painlessly, otherwise there are a number of reasons:
- a consequence of the strongest excitement,
- prolonged sexual abstinence,
- the use of contraception, lubricants and other various "tools" for sex.
Here we listed the minor processes that affect the quality of the erection. And now let's look at the real problem:
- result of trauma. The condition of a man depends on the severity of the mechanical effect on the sexual organ. The strangest thing is that a member can get injured unnoticed by its owner, for example, failed to turn in a dream. Do not exclude options for tearing a bridle, or even a fracture,
- phimosis is also a consequence of pain during erection,
- Peyronie's disease,
- priapism,
- prostatitis,
- some types of STDs: gonorrhea, chlamydia and others.
If there are already pains with an erection, then in no case, "sitting in anticipation of a miracle" can not. Possible risk of impotence.
How does pain occur with erection?
Now we will consider, what symptoms the listed reasons, causing a pain at an erection possess:
- phimosis narrows the foreskin, as a result of which it becomes painful and impossible to open the head. The pain appears right now in the area of tension of the foreskin. During this period, it becomes red and swollen,
- pain with erection, provoked by Peyronie's disease, occurs at the onset of the disease. Then the penis is covered with fibrous plaques, palpable. In an excited state, the sexual organ acquires a curved shape, which makes it difficult to conduct intimacy, and sometimes makes it generally impossible. At the last stages of the disease, the penis decreases in size,
- priapism gives rise to a painful erection of a long-lasting effect, which reaches several hours. In the course of development, the disease provokes the appearance of scars on the cavernous bodies of the penis, which is a consequence of the complete disappearance of erections,
- prostatitis is one of the most common and known diseases. Here the symptomatology has a large and diverse spectrum:
- pain in the lower back,
- soreness in the perineum, which covers the testicles and penis,
- pain in the rectum,
- erection weak expression,
- premature ejaculation,
- frequent urination accompanied by pain,
- in the case of STDs (gonorrhea, chlamydia) during erection can be seen burning, itching, covering the genitals. Immediately discharge from the head, pain when urinating and so on.
Pain after an erection
The pain that occurs after an erection in comparison with pain during its occurrence is rare. Most often, the causes of such a consequence include venous congestion of the genital tract. This problem is solved in a simple way - sex or masturbation, as the soil of the appearance of pain is prolonged abstinence.
Pain in erection and after it - more serious symptoms.
With prostatitis, pain can occur before, during and after excitement. And here, a man experiences pain in the process of sexual intercourse, and in a calm state. Soreness is not only in the penis, but also in the accompanying parts of the body: the perineum, the sacrum, the abdomen, the loin, the testicles.
Pain during an erection
During an erection, pain causes not only physical discomfort. A man at such moments begins to experience fear and shame before a woman, especially if at the most interesting moment a member falls, or does not have the ability to reach the final moment (orgasm).
Pain with erection can be the cause of isolation, a sense of inferiority. But in fact, there is nothing to be ashamed of. A woman is also a living person, and she must understand that any of us can "break down". And, if the complexes appear only with one thought of consulting a doctor, it is generally stupid. Doctors in their practice and for serious things seen. In addition, a postponed "for tomorrow" visit to a specialist may lead to more significant problems, including a complete lack of physical attraction.
Pain in the penis with erection
Is there any cause for concern if a member hurts during an erection?
Well, let's start with what kind of pain in an erection worries?
- member "burns with fire", dripping from it - a clear sign of gonorrhea,
- from pain it is impossible to pull the foreskin, which in this case has a red and swollen appearance - phimosis,
- it is impossible to bring things to a victorious end + "stands" for hours = priapism,
- pain in erection occurs in men with inflammation of the prostate. It's possible to talk about symptoms endlessly, because almost everything hurts and almost always, especially if the disease has a chronic form.
Treatment of pain with erection
All the already big guys understand that the pain is not treated, but is eliminated, and not forever. To get rid of this problem, it is necessary to treat a disease that provokes pain during erection.
- Phimosis is treated in different ways according to the degree of complication of the disease.
- at the initial stages of development, preventive hygienic manipulations are avoided. How to do it? Twice a day rinse the head of the penis with decoctions. At the same time, for convenience, the foreskin must be displaced in order to maximally open the head;
- treatment with medications is suitable in cases where herbal tinctures are no longer effective, and surgical intervention can still be avoided. This treatment requires patience, because the therapeutic process itself is very slow, where gradual stretching of the prepuce using lubricants is required. The choice of type of lubrication depends on whether the man is having a sexual mode of life or not.
If "yes", often doctors prescribe cream "Hydrocortisone", "Clobetasol" or betamethasone valerate.
If "no" is triamcinolone acetonide.
Creams or ointments that contain alkalis or glycerin can not be used. And here, steroid preparations are that the doctor has registered.
In addition to using lubricants, water procedures are of great benefit;
- the need for surgery is determined by the doctor. For example, if scars have already formed, then there is no way to do without surgical operations. The operational process itself occurs both under local and under general anesthesia, where the skin of the foreskin is excised;
- Preputmoplasty is a therapeutic surgical technique that preserves the integrity of the prepuce. It can also be carried out under the influence of different types of anesthesia: local or general.
- Yes, now it's fashionable to look for a replacement for operations. But in the case of Peyronie's disease, alternatives: medicines and physiotherapy are ineffective.
The mild forms of the disease, where small plaques are present and the member is slightly curved, requires the use of vitamin E in large doses, plus preparations Potaba, Colchicine. Local use:
- antagonists of calcium, for example, the injection of "Verapamil" into the plaque,
- proteolytic enzymes such as "Lidase", "Dimexid", "
- steroid drugs, say, "Hydrocortisone."
Physiotherapy uses phonophoresis, laser therapy, and much more, which is necessary, according to the doctor.
But not the fact that medication will help. The possibility, after conservative treatment, of an operative correction of the situation is not excluded.
The operation is aimed at bringing the penis back to its natural form or, more simply, to "straighten out" the penis; remove plaques.
The operation is carried out in different ways, for example:
- the curvature of the penis does not reach 45 °, and its length is quite large, in this case the penis straightens when the folds are laid not by absorbable plication on the belly shell on the reverse side of the curvature,
- the contortion of the penis greater than 45 ° with a long length of the belly on the opposite side of the curvature makes the ellipses sections, and then sutured. This procedure is called the Nesbit operation,
- if the member is of insufficient length when bending, the operation is performed by dissection, in more rare cases by excision of the plaque with elimination of the defect of the gallbladder shell with the help of own tissues: skin, venous wall, vaginal testis shell and the like. You can replace the artificial substance "Pelvicol", "Bard", "
- curvature plus problem erections require prosthetics - a phalloimplantation that restores natural processes.
- Priapism is treated in two ways: by drugs and by surgery. Alternative medicine is inappropriate here.
- treatment with medication is prescribed if the erection lasts no more than 6 hours. The medicinal way reduces the influx of arterial blood and there is the possibility of a full outflow of blood from the penis. Therapy is performed by vasoconstrictive agents "Phenylephrine", "Mezaton" and drugs that reduce blood clotting, for example, "Heparin"
- surgery. At this moment, various types of shunts are superimposed, which provide a reflux of blood from the cavernous bodies of the penis. Most often, these methods are used:
- "Ebbehoj" or "Winter" input under local anesthesia of a biopsy or possibly thick needle through the head of the penis into the cavernous bodies of the penis with blood suction. More often than not, manipulation on the one hand suffices,
- "El-Ghorab" is an operation where a shunt is applied between the spongy and two cavernous bodies of the penis head,
- "Quackel" is the process of applying a shunt in a spongy and cavernous body. Manipulation can be carried out with one or two sides of the penis,
- "Grayhaсk" - shunts are superimposed between v.saphena and cavernous body. Such a technique is used in practice very rarely, because there are a number of contraindications.
Alternative ways to eliminate pain during erection are effective only if the causes are not serious.
The initial stages of phimosis can really be eliminated by bathing in the bathroom with additions of such tinctures:
- chamomile broth,
- infusions from the string or marigold.
If the baths are used in the local sense, then their duration should be at least 20 minutes.
Peyronie's disease can be treated by this method of alternative medicine:
- kernels of horse chestnut (20 gr.) are crushed, then pour the resulting mixture into a container with boiling water (1 tbsp.), and boil for at least 15 minutes. Cooked broth is divided into three equal doses, which during the day you need to drink. Take chestnut infusion 3 months,
- treatment with leeches is considered the most effective way, which relieves scarring and plaques. The exact recipe:
- dried leeches - ¼ cup,
- heparin ointment - 15 g,
- "Dimexide" - 2 tablespoons,
- Honey with acacia - 1 glass.
The ingredients listed are substances that form part of an ointment for external use that can be stored in a refrigerator.
Ointment is worn on the problem area at night. The course of treatment ends when the finished mixture ends.
Prevention of pain during erections
Methods that can prevent pain during erection are:
- regular, but not erratic sex,
- avoid injury to the penis,
- a timely visit to the doctor, especially if there is a reason.
Some diseases are not acquired with years, but an inherent defect, for example, phimosis, therefore, it is almost impossible to prevent problems here, but to really prevent possible consequences.
Safe sex, namely with a condom, can protect against STDs that provoke not only pain with erection, but also causing more serious problems.
Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene also refers to preventive methods.