Pain in the perineum
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pain in the perineum is peculiar to people, regardless of their age and sexual characteristics, as its nature can be completely different. In addition, pain symptoms can be accompanied by other signs of a disease, for example, problems with urination. Among other things, pain in the perineum can be acute, sharp, strong, aching, persistent, intermittent, and so on. Therefore, it is only possible to answer the question "why" only by establishing a diagnosis.
Which doctors should consult for pain in the perineum:
- gynecologist;
- urologist;
- proctologist;
- oncologist.
Consider the causes of pain in the perineum.
Causes of pain in the perineum
Diseases that cause pain in the perineum:
- inflammation of the urethra - urethritis;
- inflammation of the bulbous-urethral gland - kuperite;
- prostatitis;
- male diseases: orchitis, colliculitis;
- inflammation of the vagina - vaginitis;
- inflammation of the glands of the vagina vestibule - bartholinitis;
- trauma of the perineum, childbirth - is no exception;
- period of pregnancy;
- impaired genital nerve;
- abscess, prostate cancer;
- diseases related to dermatology: papillomas, condylomas, boils;
- intestinal diseases: proctitis, hemorrhoids and others.
Among the listed reasons, serious diseases are noticeable, requiring immediate consultation with a doctor, including cancer, abscess, prostatitis, proctitis and much more.
Obviously, pain in the perineum is not just a reaction of the body to the weather, but a signal about a particular disease.
Pain in the perineum during pregnancy
With regard to pregnant women, the pain in the perineum occurs, usually from the 35th week of pregnancy. At this point, the child puts pressure on the body parts at the bottom and around the fetus, including the back, crotch and legs. In this case, the pain in the perineum is stitching.
Concerning early pregnancy, such pains threaten with a possible miscarriage. Pregnancy is the period when the woman's body is completely reconstructed, preparing for childbirth, which means that the hip bones are moved apart, which causes pain in the perineum during pregnancy.
Often the child is in a position that puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. In this case, the pregnant woman feels a sharp pain, which makes it difficult to move, and does not pass even at rest.
Regarding the treatment of pain, unfortunately, now there are no such methods, and the pregnant woman must endure the pain until the end of pregnancy. But, to monitor the status of a woman in this position is extremely important, as perineal pains can mean varicose veins in this zone.
Pain in the perineum before childbirth
Calling pain in the perineum before childbirth - a normal phenomenon is impossible, but nevertheless, there is also no special reason for concern. It's clear that a pregnant woman is so hard before delivery, and then there is discomfort due to pain. During this period, anesthetics should not be taken as their effect may affect the condition of the child. Yes, and in addition, there is no use in their application, because pain is caused by fetal pressure on the hip part of the body. Eliminate the pressure is impossible because the fetus is already almost formed and is preparing for birth.
Pain in the perineum before childbirth warns of the imminent birth of the baby. But, the absence of pain symptoms in the perineum can not confirm the opposite, as not every pregnant woman experiences them.
Pain in the perineum after childbirth
Childbirth is a process that many women suffer in a traumatic way, gaps and other events are likely. The type of pain depends on the severity of the injury. After birth, pain in the perineum can be as aching as it is sharp.
If the pain in the perineum after delivery is due to stretching and is accompanied by swelling, then it passes for several days, and without medical assistance. If we talk about tears and applied seams, the duration of pain is much longer. To say the exact period of pain is impossible because it all depends on the number of seams, the depth of rupture and the individual characteristics of the woman's body. On the seams, I would like to add a few words about the rules of hygiene. No matter how painful it is, you need to wash more often than usual, as wounds (in our case, breaks) are the best environment for the appearance and reproduction of infections.
Pains in the perineum in men
For some reason, many people think that pain in the perineum is peculiar only to women. But, as it turned out, this fact is not reliable, because men can also experience pain in the perineum.
What can provoke pain in the perineum in men? There are several variants of pain symptoms in the perineum:
- prostatitis;
- abscess;
- malignant tumor.
Before talking about treatment, you need to establish an accurate diagnosis. The pain itself can be removed with anesthetic agents "Ketones", "Analgin" or other drugs that are preferred for a person suffering from pain.
If the diagnosis is still known, and it turned out to be prostatitis, how to treat it?
There is also no unambiguous answer here, since prostatitis can be both bacterial and non-bacterial. In addition, prostatitis is divided into categories:
- I - acute bacterial prostatitis;
- ІІ - chronic bacterial prostatitis;
- ІІІ - chronic non-bacterial prostatitis;
- ІІІ A - a syndrome of inflammatory chronic pelvic pain;
- ІІІ В - prostatodynia;
- IV - asymptomatic prostatitis.
For the treatment of prostatitis category I, initially it is necessary to pass tests to identify the sensitivity of flora to certain antibacterial drugs. Typically, antibiotics include "Quinolone", "Tetracycline", "Trimethoprim - Sulfamethoxazole".
Ways of using them:
- "Quinolone" is a synthetic antibiotic that should not be taken without the doctor's recommendation as it can cause a number of side effects: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, fatigue, drowsiness. As for the dosage and duration of the medication, you can decide here by consulting with a doctor.
- "Tetracycline" is an antibacterial drug. The form of its release in tablets and ointment. In this case, you need pills. Doses for adults: 2 mg - 4 mg 3 - 4 times a day. The daily dose should not exceed 8 mg. Treatment period 5 - 7 days. Side effects: increased intracranial pressure, gait disturbance, appetite decline, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, mucous membrane damage of the mouth and GIT, skin reactions, pancreatitis, skin pigmentation. Contraindications include: hypersensitivity to the drug, fungal diseases, liver problems, kidney problems, age younger than 8 years.
- "Trimethoprim - Sulfamethoxazole" - a combination of antimicrobial drugs: "Trimethoprim" and "Sulfamethoxazole". Assign, both for intramuscular injections, and for taking tablets inside. It all depends on the doctor's recommendations. The same can be said about dosages. Despite the availability of the instructions, the attending doctor independently sets the course of treatment as he knows the results of the examination.
Antibacterial therapy in the case of chronic bacterial prostatitis lasts from 2 to 4 months. At the very beginning of treatment, the infectious agent of the disease, the restoration of the immune state, is eliminated, and only then is attention paid to the regulation of the functional activity of the prostate. With proper treatment, 60% of patients achieve absolute recovery. But this does not mean that the remaining 40% must lay down their hands and accept the diagnosis. For them, treatment may be longer than 2 to 4 months. Do not exclude options for surgical extraction of the affected parts of the prostate.
In this, as in the previous case, the medicine is used to eliminate the bacteria "Timethoprim - Sulfamethoxazole" and the like. In addition, anti-inflammatory drugs are needed: "Allopurinol", alpha-blockers: "Gitrin", "Flomax" and others.
- "Allopurinol" is intended for restoring the genitourinary system, accordingly, applying this drug has an effect on the kidneys, which means that the dosage and duration of treatment should be a doctor.
- Alpha blockers are designed to treat prostate adenoma, relieving tension from the smooth muscle tissues of the prostate, increasing the flow of urine from the bladder. Usually their doses are as follows: one medicine 1 to 2 times a day.
The next category of prostatitis - without the presence of bacterial infections occurs more often than other types of prostatitis. This disease affects men of any age. Symptoms in this case are fickle, that is, "today it hurts, and tomorrow - no." Is treatable by alternative means.
Consider asymptomatic stomatitis. The patient does not feel pain or other identification marks. To reveal such disease it is possible only after delivery of analyzes where the high level of leukocytes in a seed is visible. The treatment period is an average of 2 weeks, which consists of taking antibiotics.
Alternative ways to treat prostatitis:
- They say that the hazel is able to get rid of prostatitis just a week after the course of treatment. So, the recipes of decoction based on hazel: -
- corn bark - 1 tablespoon per 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse the resulting liquid for half an hour. Filtered broth to take a quarter cup 4 times a day;
- This recipe is similar to the previous one, but instead of the bark of the hazel, the leaves of the hazel are used.
It is better to take herbal tinctures, for example, today - decoction from the bark of the hazel, tomorrow - from the leaves. So, for a week.
- It turns out that parsley can prolong the male power for many years, the main thing is to know how to cook it properly. The most popular options for the treatment of prostatitis parsley:
- 1 tablespoon fresh from parsley 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals;
- chopped parsley seeds, namely, 2 tablespoons of the manufactured powder pour one glass of boiling water. Wait for 15 minutes. Drink 1 tablespoon 4 to 6 times a day.
Abscess and malignancies are more serious causes of pain in the perineum. And, naturally, that treatment requires more radical methods such as surgical intervention, chemotherapy. You can not get by with medicines alone.
In addition, pain in the perineum in men and women is often associated with chronic pelvic pain syndrome. In this case, a person experiences pain in the lower abdomen, which gives into the perineum. In such a situation, treatment is symptomatic.
Pain in the perineum in women
Pain in the perineum in women, as in men, can occur against a background of certain diseases:
- urethritis - inflammation of the urethra. His symptoms: rubbing, burning in the process of urination. Pain is present not only at this moment. The causes of urethritis are quite diverse:
- supercooling;
- malnutrition;
- traumatic sexual intercourse;
- gynecological diseases that disrupt the vaginal microflora;
- urolithic disease;
- medical interventions, for example, a catheter in the bladder or cystoscopy.
Treatment of urethritis in women is carried out by two doctors gynecologist and urologist. The exact method of treatment can be said after the occurrence of the disease is identified. The basis of therapy includes three stages:
- regeneration of the urethral wall;
- renewal of the natural microflora of the vagina;
- normalization of the immune system.
- Cooperitis is a disease peculiar to men and women. Nowadays it occurs quite often, and it is almost impossible to detect it. If you analyze the diagnosis in detail, then about women - inflammation of the Bartholin glands; men - inflammation of bulbourethral glands in the urethra. The disease has two currents: acute and chronic. In the case of acute kuperitom symptoms are: discomfort in the anus, difficulty in urinating, fever, chills. If the disease has acquired a severe form, then in the perineal zone there is an abscess of small dimensions. It is possible that the appeared abscess causes pain in the perineum.
Chronic couperite differs from acute in that there are a lot of abscesses.
In both situations, pain in the perineum is pulling and persistent. The pain intensifies after another urination. Patients also complain of discomfort after intercourse.
How to treat couperit in women?
It is treated with opium antibacterial therapy (as with urethritis), iontophoresis of potassium iodide. The entire course of treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of doctors. Self-medication with cupper is contraindicated.
- vaginitis - gynecological disease, inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.
What are the causes of vaginitis?
- some types of STDs: trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and so on;
- weakened immunity due to the presence of infectious diseases;
- disorders related to the endocrine function of endocrine glands, for example, kimaks, ovarian diseases, obesity, diabetes mellitus and so on;
- abortions, insertion of foreign objects into the vagina and the like;
- inadequate hygiene rules, including sex;
- abuse of antibiotics;
- an allergic reaction to vaginal preparations, for example, candles, a condom;
- streptococci, staphylococci and other bacteria.
At the moment most cases are caused by mycoplasmas and chlamydia.
The vaginitis is symptomatic:
The acute form of vaginitis occurs with the presence of purulent copious discharge.
Vaginitis, the factor of which is trichomanidae, has a distinctive feature - discharge with a fishy smell.
Fungal vaginitis - allocation of white color, curdled consistency.
In addition to excretions, all types of vaginitis are characterized by itching, swelling and redness of the genital organs. Intimate contact can cause pain. When urinating, a woman feels a burning sensation. The disease is accompanied by pain in the back and lower abdomen.
The chronic stage is the most serious and the course of treatment is longer. Itching and discomfort in the area of the vagina practically do not bother. And, here, recurrence is not excluded.
Treatment of this disease is to initially eliminate the causative agent of vaginitis. During the entire course it is necessary to completely abandon intimate contacts. Checking the partner and possible further treatment, otherwise, treating a woman can be meaningless, as her partner can again infect her. Local treatment can be done in alternative ways, that in this situation - the best therapy:
- sedentary warm baths of chamomile infusion;
- thick, purulent, mucous discharge easily eliminated by douching the vagina. To do this, you need to prepare a solution of bicarbonate soda: teaspoons per 1 cup of warm water. After 20 minutes, do the same manipulations only with potassium permanganate;
- the excretions provoked by trichomonias and the like are eliminated in this way: zinc sulphate: 2 teaspoons per 1 liter of warm water; Sulfuric acid copper: 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water. The resulting solutions should be douched daily, preferably at night;
- Once the discharge stopped, use a decoction of the decoction from the bark of oak: 1 tablespoon oak bark for 1 cup of boiling water. The broth is covered with a lid and allowed to cool to room temperature.
- Bartholinitis can be formed for a variety of reasons, but most often they include microbes: gonococci, escherichia, staphylococcus and so on.
How does bartholinitis manifest itself?
The general picture looks like this: weakness, malaise, high body temperature. Prisuschy external changes in the genitals: redness, swelling, the formation of an abscess. In the case of a breakthrough of the abscess, the general condition of the woman is normalized.
There is a chronic form of the disease. Here, even the formation of a cyst is possible. After treatment, the disease can return.
Methods of treatment.
If bartholinitis is purulent, then the only effective solution is surgery.
The acute stage is treated in a less radical way: the patient needs rest. Local therapy: cold, antibacterial agents (depending on the factor), sessile warm baths with the addition of a solution of potassium permanganate - 1: 6000.
Medications that are prescribed for the treatment of bartholinitis:
- a) antibacterial:
- Sumamed, Azitrox, Azithromycin, Amoxicillin, Ospamox, Amin;
- Doxinat, Doxycycline, Doxibene, Medomycin, Solutab, Unidox;
- "Klabaks", "Klacid", "Clarithromycin";
- "Dalatsin", "Klimitsin", "Clindamycin", "Clindacin", "Clandapher", "Klinoxin";
- Septrin, Groseptol, Biseptol;
- "Oflotsid", "Ofloksatsin", "Ofloksin", "Tarivid";
- "Akvatsipro", "Afenoksin", "Arfloks", "Ciprofloxacin", "Cyprinol", "Liprochin", "Proxacin", "Recipro", "Cyprinol".
- b) sedentary baths with the addition of:
- solution of potassium permanganate. The color of water should be slightly pink, as excessive amounts of manganese can disrupt the microflora of intimate places;
- broth chamomile: 1 tablespoon chamomile medicinal for 1 cup boiling water. Within half an hour the potion is ready;
- marigold infusion. Cook on the principle of decoction with chamomile.
Symptoms of pain in the perineum
Symptoms of pain can be completely different and have or do not have accompanying general ailments: temperature, fatigue, drowsiness and so on. Pain in the perineum depends on the type of disease. It can be stitching with itching, sharp periodic, sharp permanent, aching, burning and so on.
If we talk about severe pain in the perineum in men, then most likely, the diagnosis is acute prostatitis. But to say for sure you can only after receiving the results of tests. To rule out absolute impotence, men should not look for a solution to the problem in the search engines, but with the urologist and infectious disease specialist. The same pain can provoke urethritis, which increases with urination. Severe pain that affects the rectum can signal the presence of an abscess of the prostate gland. In this case, problems with the stool are noticeable; elevated body temperature. This phenomenon can not be triggered in any way as it is a precursor of prostate cancer. Eliminate the pain with abscesses using drugs (which we will not talk about, because any drug with narcotic properties is prescribed strictly on the advice of a doctor).
A sharp pain in the perineum can signal the infringement of the genital nerve. It subsides when a person sits or stands, in general, does not walk and does not create foot traffic. At the moment of walking and lying down, the pain becomes unbearable. The strangulated nerve can create a sensation of numbness in the thigh.
Pain gives in the perineum
Pain symptoms in the lower abdomen in men are less common than in women. They can testify about many diseases, accordingly, a trip to the urologist or andrologue is mandatory. Regardless of what kind of pain is sharp, dull, it can give in the groin, rectum and perineum.
Sensing the pain in the perineum, a person often believes that the source of pain is precisely the perineum, forgetting that in fact the pain can be given to the perineum.
If the pains cover the leg, the genitals, the perineum, and there are urge to urinate, vomiting, then this is a likely sign that the patient needs to be urgently hospitalized in the urological, surgical department (if it is impossible to solve the problem at home) the way it is symptoms of an attack of renal colic. Signs of this attack include unbearable pain, which completely covers a person. A patient in this state can fidget in bed, crawl on the floor, "climb walls" in pain. How to remove the pain in this position?
- narcotic analgesics: Bupremen, Piritramide, Butorfanol, Bupresik and others;
- heating pads on the lumbar region;
- removes the spasm of the ureter immersing the patient in a warm bath. This procedure provokes the departure of the stone.
In the absence of an attack, therapy has the basis for normalizing metabolism in order to avoid stone formation.
With diabetes, pain can also be given to the perineum. During this period, the patient experiences diabetes, which causes pain in the perineum. In this case, the disease can last for decades, and sometimes lifelong diagnosis.
Drawing pain in the perineum
Drawing pain in the perineum is typical for men in the case of chronic inflammation of the prostate (chronic prostatitis), colliculi, urethritis. Sometimes burning pains in the perineal joint. These pain sensations can not be called intolerable, but exhausting and tedious is a suitable interpretation, especially if they are permanent.
If such a pain in the perineum increases in the sitting position, then it is likely that the diagnosis - Cooper. In this case, the pain can become more intense if there is a purulent development in the glands.
Pain with trailing and aching symptoms is characteristic of pregnant women and only that they give birth to women.
Pains in the perineum
Pain in the perineum and in its area can talk about many problems, but this does not mean that they are all inherent in a person with pain symptoms. The organism of each person is individual, accordingly, that each disease transfers in its own way. But to turn a blind eye to the presence of pain, even insignificant, is by no means impossible.
Pain in the perineum can signal the presence of infection (chlamydia), the abscess, trauma, skin inflammation. Even too tight and tight jeans with their seams can rub and provoke pain in the perineum.
The most important thing is to establish an accurate diagnosis and undergo the correct course of treatment.
Sharp pain in the perineum
Sharp or sharp pain in the perineum - it's not a joke!
If a man feels a sharp pain, then this can be acute prostatitis. But again it is utterly impossible to say. The same symptoms are possible with purulent formations, both in men and in women. Similar pain symptoms may be a sign of acute urethritis. In the latter case, pain increases with urination. And also accompanied by a delay in the stool. Body temperature can reach a maximum level.
A sharp and severe pain in the perineum can sometimes talk about cancer or about infringement of the pudend nerve. The variant of a trauma or formation of a hematoma on the basis of traumatic factors is not excluded. As a result of injuries, a person from a pain shock can lose consciousness.
Stitching pains in the perineum
Basically, stitching pain in the perineum is experienced by women in the last weeks of pregnancy. If the pain is not accompanied by unusual discharge, then there is no reason to worry the pregnant woman, as the development and growth of the fetus will naturally affect his mother. As for the discharge, consultation with a gynecologist is extremely necessary.
Colpitis and vaginitis are indicated by symptoms: stitching or shooting pain in the perineum, vaginal discharge. During pregnancy, these diseases are more dangerous than in the ordinary state. So, in more detail:
- Colpitis during pregnancy:
- symptoms:
- The mucous membrane of the vagina becomes swollen and acquires a red tint;
- the pregnant woman feels itching and burning in the genital area;
- pressing and bursting pain in the pelvic area and in the lower abdomen;
- purulent discharge.
- what is the danger of colpitis during pregnancy:
The colpitis does not represent a particular danger, but its consequences are terrible because the infection can affect not only the general condition of the pregnant woman, but also her fetus. In addition, the inflammation in the vagina can cause miscarriage or premature birth.
- How to treat colpitis during pregnancy? Definitely, no initiative, only a gynecologist and strict observation of him can competently resolve the situation. Any self-medication can affect the state of the child and the future possibility of conceiving a child.
Antibiotics and chemical preparations are chosen by the doctor as improper use of them threatens with unpleasant consequences for the child. In addition, the treatment includes physiotherapy, herbal infusions, baths with acidic content, the use of ointments and a special diet.
- vaginitis during pregnancy. Everything is much more complicated here because not all medicines are allowed for pregnant women, such as "Klindatsin", "Dalatsin", "Nolin". Low-effective medicines, but safe "Pimafucin" and "Nystatin."
If the gestation period is up to 15 weeks, then you can use Betadine, Vagotil, Terzhinan (but, again, only on the recommendation of a doctor).
Aching in the perineum
Pain can be accompanied by other symptoms, or can just whine, delivering discomfort. If a man has a dull aching pain in the perineum together with pain in the testicles or in one testicle, it is possible that this is a sign of hypothermia (sitting on the cold, for example) or prostatitis. In this case, tests and ultrasound are extremely necessary.
As for women, aching pain in the perineum often refers to pregnant women. The causes and symptoms of such a consequence were discussed above.
To say for certain, what exactly could cause aching pains in the perineum is impossible as the organism of each person reacts to this or that disease in its own way. Someone has an inflammatory process that is asymptomatic, and someone is writhing with pain. But, no matter what the friends said, like "Yes, I had it. Nothing is wrong "or online - advisers, visit to the doctor can not be postponed.
Shooting pain in the perineum
Such symptoms are typical of pregnant women who are about to become moms. But there are situations when the cause of such an effect may be a disease:
- an abscess can cause sharp shooting pain in the perineum;
- hematoma is the result of trauma;
- injuries;
- diseases associated with the rectum, for example, hemorrhoids;
- after-birth effects;
- skin diseases, including allergic reaction to underwear (here the pain in the perineum can be shooting, if the irritation has the appearance of wounds).
In addition to the above reasons, this phenomenon is typical for athletes when stretching the muscles, for example, during training, incorrectly sat on the twine.
Pain when walking in the perineum
If the pain in the perineum increases with walking, then its provocateurs may be the following health problems:
- trauma of the coccyx;
- orchitis;
- dropsy of testicles;
- epididymitis.
Consider the above diseases.
Orchitis - inflammation of the testicles or testicles. It can develop on the basis of urethritis, prostatitis, vesiculitis, epididymitis, as well as on the basis of trauma or the FLU. Can be acute and chronic.
His symptoms: immediately the pain appears in the affected testicle. Further, when the disease is gaining momentum, the patient feels pain in the perineum, in the lower back. The scrotum in the side where the inflammation occurred (right or left) is doubled. Her skin acquires a smooth and red surface, becomes hot. This disease also has a general malaise: weakness, fever up to 39 ° C, chills, fever, headache, nausea.
The disease can pass on its own within 2 - 4 weeks. But especially to expect such an outcome should not be as the lack of timely treatment can cause suppuration in the affected area, which in medicine is called an abscess.
Regarding the treatment itself, its basic rule is complete rest, bed rest. Compliance with diet required: the lack of sharp and fatty foods, alcohol. Antibiotics "Aminoglycosides", "Cephalosporins", enzymes "Macrolides" - "Erythromycin", "Sumamed", "Tetracyclines" - "Doxycycline", "Metacyclin", resorption drugs, vitamins E, topical application of cold compress, antibacterial drugs " "," Microfloaks "," Norillet "," Noroksin "," Ospamox "," Oflotsid "," Renor "," Forcef ". Upon termination of treatment thermal procedures and physiotherapy. But, initially eliminate the factor that triggered the emergence of orchitis.
In alternative medicine, such methods of treatment are known:
Broth 1:
- Ingredients: St. John's wort, chamomile and elderberry flowers, cranberry leaves, buds of black poplar;
- way of preparation: all components should be equal proportions, that is, one to one. The mixture of plants must be ground. Now about the doses: 2 tablespoons of the collected herbs are poured in half liters of boiling water, insist 8 hours;
- way of application: 2 tablespoons 5 times a day.
Broth 2:
- ingredients: hop flowers 100 g;
- way of preparation: plant pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Infused broth for half an hour;
- way of application: half a glass twice a day.
Gadgets from cabbage leaves, vinegar, or crushed flax seeds.
A dropsy of testicles or hydrocele is a process in which fluid accumulates in the sinuses of the testicles or testicles. The consistency of the liquid can consist of:
- blood;
- exudate - pus of inflammatory nature;
- transudate - a non-inflammatory fluid;
- liquid - after removal of the hernia;
- consequences of operations: varicoile, disturbed outflow of venous blood from the testicle;
This disease can be:
- congenital and acquired;
- acute and chronic;
- one-sided and two-sided.
Dropsy testicles (eggs) are characteristic of young people 20 - 30 years old, newborns.
Symptoms of hydrocele: an inflamed testicle increases in size. The testicle itself is usually not probed through the skin. At the same time, the skin becomes elastic. Pain in the testicles of the aching type. Sometimes the overall body temperature rises. As a result of abundant accumulation of fluid, discomfort occurs during walking and wearing underwear. Also, with excessive amounts of fluid, the testis wall can tear. In the course of which the scrotum increases, and the pain becomes acute. It also gives pain to the perineum, especially when walking.
And now about the treatment of hydrocele. Drug therapy and alternative means are useless. Only the operational method, or rather, the removal of accumulated fluid from the testicle, will bring the result.
Epididymitis is a type of inflammation of the epididymis, which is possible at any age, even in children. It has several forms: chronic and exacerbated. The nature of the disease can be such: serous, purulent and infiltrative. It can manifest itself against a background of infection from the bladder, intestine, prostate, which falls into the epididymis. Sometimes the pathogens of the disease are FLU, tuberculosis, tonsillitis and so on. Such a complication can cause trauma to the perineum, including surgery. Infections related to STDs: chlamydia, gonococcus, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, trichomonas are one of the causes of epididymitis. In addition, hypothermia can trigger the onset of such a disease.
Let's move on to the symptoms. Epididymitis is characterized by a sharp pain in the area of the testicle and perineum, which is enhanced by walking. The scrotum in the area of inflammation is enlarged and swollen; gets a red light; the skin becomes smooth, even glossy. Body temperature rises to 39 ° C plus fever, headache and joint pain. In contrast to the twisting of the testicle, the pain weakens when the scrotum rises.
Chronic form of epididymitis can occur asymptomatically or with little signs. But still, chronic epididymitis manifests itself in the process of walking - pain in the testicle.
Treatment depends on the form of the disease. Naturally, a normal adult with this problem will necessarily go to the hospital, where he will be prescribed antibacterial therapy - to eliminate the causative agent of the disease, anti-inflammatory therapy.
Epididymitis of the acute form is treated with antibacterial drugs, broad-spectrum antibiotics, anesthetizing, cold compress on the perineum; children are assigned sulfamid funds, for example, "Bactrim." This includes bed rest. In addition, in this case it is recommended to wear tight meltings or suspensions. Treatment includes adherence to a diet that prohibits the use of sharp, fatty, fried, smoked dishes. When the pain subsides prescribe physiotherapy:
- Microwave therapy,
- laser therapy,
- magnetotherapy.
If the treatment did not bring positive results, then remove the epididymis.
Pressing pain in the perineum
Unpleasant pain such that it is direct presses in a perineum and presses on an anus, speaks that the pregnant woman soon will give birth. If the gestational age is too short, then this is really a cause for concern, as there is a likelihood of a miscarriage. For the 36th (and further) weeks, this state of health is normal.
Pressing pain in the perineum in men can talk about various possible problems: prostatitis, perineal injury, hypothermia.
As for non-pregnant women, the possibility of a "cold" is more than probable.
Whatever pain in the perineum is not pressing or shooting, you do not need to postpone a doctor's consultation. As we have already said, each in his own way to bear any disease. But basically, any pain in the perineum is directly related to diseases of the genitourinary system or intestines, for example, hemorrhoids.
Pain in the perineum after sex
Consider first the causes of pain in the perineum and in the testicles during and after sex in men. This fact may indicate a varicose veins of the testicle or spermatic cord, called in medicine - varicocele. With such a disease, the pain in the perineum is not intense, but increases in a calm state, and when walking, it subsides. The duration of pain varies from a few minutes to several hours. Pain passes by itself. As a consequence of pain in the perineum during sex can be prostatitis.
Varikotsele at the very beginning of its development does not need treatment. But to eliminate the causes of stagnant processes in the small pelvis (constipation) is still worth it.
The second stage varicocele, which is characterized by intense pain, drug treatment will not be enough. In this case, the operation is necessary in order to avoid the third stage.
Women experience pain in the perineum during and after intercourse, usually because of bartholinitis. The pain is pulsating and lasts several hours after sex, and then disappears.
Pain in the perineum on the left
Pain in the perineum on the left side in men and women indicates an inflammatory process of the left appendages or testicle (ovary). Plus, with inflammatory processes of the kidneys, pain can be given to the perineum.
If we talk about men's health, we can not rule out the option of prostatitis of the appendage of the left testicle, varicocele on the left testicle, torsion of the left testicle, orchitis of the left testicle, infection, hypothermia and trauma of various nature.
The pain in the perineum on the left in women can signal about all the diseases that have been considered in this article. Just like men, women can experience pain in the perineum due to hypothermia.
Among other things, pinching the nerve, stretching the muscles, injuring the joints (dislocations, bruises) can provoke a pain syndrome in the perineum, both on the left and on the right side.
Dull pain in the perineum
Dull pain in the perineum can be a sign of skin irritations (sometimes accompanied by itching and burning), prostatitis, urethritis, colliculitis, cupperitis. With regard to cupper, then with suppuration of the gland, the dull pain is replaced by sharp.
Women complain of dull pain in the perineum, usually either during pregnancy or after childbirth. In the first case, the growing fetus presses on the perineum, back, sacrum. Plus, the woman's body prepares for childbirth, that is, the bones expand. In the second variant, childbirth is a stress for the body, muscles stretch, pressure on the bones, joints. Often, giving birth to women suffer from hemorrhoids, which, by the way, is also a reason for pain syndromes in the perineum.
Pain in the perineum after urination
At the time and after urination, pain in the perineum is characteristic of women after childbirth (or people who have experienced surgery in the perineum), if stitches have been applied. During this period, special attention should be paid to personal hygiene, as unhealed wounds are the best medium for the reproduction of infection.
Skin irritations in the perineal region can cause the same effect as in women and men. In this case, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, in order to avoid penetration of various kinds of infections into the interior.
Men should be more serious about such symptoms, because, pain in the perineum after urination can be a signal of prostatitis, cupperitis, urethritis.
Pain in the perineum with urination
Pain in the perineum with urination is similar to pain after urination can talk about several possible problems such as:
- trauma of the perineum (here surgical intervention, ruptures after delivery),
- skin inflammatory processes;
- problems with regard to male health: prostatitis, couperite, urethritis.
If at the time of urination pain in the perineum is accompanied by itching or burning of the genitals, then the option of having gonorrhea or chlamydia is not excluded. These same symptoms are peculiar due to hypothermia of the body, let's say a bladder with a cold or the kidneys can manifest themselves in this way:
- itching, burning, pain in the perineum with urination, pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region,
- difficulty urinating,
- abundant or small amount of urine,
- frequent or rare processes of urination,
- swelling on the face, legs, hands (not always),
- elevated body temperature (not always),
- In the case of inflammatory processes of the kidneys, vomiting is possible.
To list additional symptoms and causes can be endless. But, in any case, this is a valid excuse to go to the doctor, in order to prevent more serious consequences.
Pain in the perineum when sitting
Infringement of the pudend nerve is a rather painful phenomenon, especially when a person sits or walks. Pain in the perineum subsides in a standing position. Sometimes it seems to the patient that the inside of the thigh has numbness. On this occasion, on the Internet a lot of tips, like: hot or cold compresses on the pain zone. In no case, such manipulation is not worthwhile, since the human nervous system is the most unpredictable of all systems that it only has. Alternative methods and unconventional therapy are also not relevant. Only a qualified specialist (neurologist, neuropathologist, neurosurgeon) should deal with this problem.
A woman after childbirth in a sitting position can also experience pain in the perineum. Here, usually the pain passes over time on its own, when the traumatic consequences completely disappear.
Itching and pain in the perineum
Pain in the perineum in combination with itching can mean that a person has a milkman or another fungal disease. At this stage in the development of medical technology, thrush can be cured at home. Women are most often prescribed vaginal suppositories "Mikozhinaks", "Bifidin", "Atsipakt". In alternative medicine, lime syringing methods: whey, soda solution (1 tablespoon of soda to a glass of water), chamomile broth.
For the treatment of candidiasis (thrush) in men resorted to such methods: ointment Flukostat, Fluconazole, Kanefron dragee.
Itching and pain in the perineum are also characteristic of genital herpes. In addition, this disease has external defects - the formation of herpes sores on the genitals. His treatment is much more difficult. And sometimes the genital herpes acquires a chronic form. To treat genital herpes is necessary under medical supervision. Treat it with such drugs:
- acyclovir,
- valaciclovir,
- famciclovir.
Also, pain and itching in the perineum are possible in case of an allergic reaction to underwear.
Acute pain in the perineum
Sharp, as well as sharp, pain in the perineum, indeed, cause for serious reflection and an unequivocal visit to the doctor.
So, what diseases are peculiar to acute pain in the perineum:
- urethritis,
- prostatitis,
- abscess,
- chronic kupiteru, gonorrheal cupperitis, paracuperitis,
- strangulated sciatic nerve,
- trauma of open and closed origin,
- prostate cancer,
- vaginitis,
- bartholinite.
Any neoplasm, including cysts, in the perineum and genitals can cause acute pain in the perineum. In addition to these reasons, there may be those that are typical for severe pain. Each of these diseases with self-treatment can only complicate the state of health and lead to irreversible processes. Before resorting to the use of any medication, complete diagnosis and a prescription from the doctor are necessary.
Diagnosis of pain in the perineum
An unequivocal answer about the diagnosis of pain in the perineum is not as pain in the perineum is possible for various reasons.
If the pain is caused by skin diseases, the dermatologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment, which prescribes tests for the possibility of an allergic reaction and the presence of infection.
If there is a suspicion of cancer, the oncologist conducts a number of studies: ultrasound, a chemical analysis of the blood for the presence of metastases, scraping and biopsy - for women.
If the pain in the perineum is caused by gynecological diseases, then it is natural that the gynecologist is engaged in the examination. Here we use ultrasound, smear tests for cytology, scraping, biopsy, blood tests.
Men with these symptoms turn to the urologist, where they also resort to ultrasound, to urine, sperm and blood tests.
As a result of a fall or stroke in the perineal zone, a traumatologist deals with the examination.
If the suspicion of infringement of the pudend nerve, the neurologist, neurologist or neurosurgeon examines the patient, where ultrasound is also used.
Treatment of pain in the perineum
Temporarily, you can eliminate almost any pain, including pain in the perineum, with the help of painkillers "Ketones", "Analgin", "Spazmalgon". But getting rid of the pains does not always come about as if there is pain, then there is a reason.
If the reasons for pregnancy include, then pain in the perineum to treat there is no sense as the reason - pregnancy. In this case, the pain symptoms pass by themselves, after the birth. The same can be said about postpartum pain in the perineum - everything will pass when the body of the wife is fully rehabilitated.
Other causes: prostatitis, urethritis, colliculitis, cupernite, thrush, abscess, nerve infringement and so on - require therapeutic treatment. Only after this pain in the perineum will not bother.
Prophylaxis of pain in the perineum
You can say in two words: dress up a bit warm, and use a condom during intercourse. But, frankly, this is not enough because there are congenital forms of the disease (eg, dropsy); pregnancy, operation. In general, absolute means that can prevent pain in the perineum does not exist.
A good advice on prevention will be - preventive examination, and regular. The doctor in time can identify a threat that can provoke not only the pain in the perineum, but the very progress of the disease itself, for example, prostatitis, chlamydia or something else in this spirit. Yes, and most importantly, the rules of hygiene. Infections (staphylococci, streptococci and others) are the most powerful provocateurs of all sorts of diseases. Therefore, the observance of all sanitary standards regarding personal hygiene and personal hygiene means is very important in all circumstances.