Pain after sex
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The themes of intimate relationships, issues and problems of a sexual nature ceased to be taboo and "shameful." In modern society, health becomes a kind of convertible resource, and normal, harmonious sexual contacts only supplement and strengthen this natural capital. Pain in the process of sexual interaction is not just an irritating, uncomfortable factor, it can become a signal of a serious inflammatory process, the pathology of the organs of the male or female sexual sphere, besides the pain after sex is one of the causes of disharmony in the couple's relationship. An English writer, one of those who preferred to write family sagas, John Galsworthy, said this: "If there is no physical attraction in one's family, marriage, or problems in this area, neither pity nor sense of duty, nor reason will not prevail, I will not prevail against disgust before coition, which is inherent in man by nature itself. "
Causes of pain after sex
In medicine there is no single nosological definition of pain after sex, it can be called "dyspareunia", "disgamya", "genitalia." By these terms, doctors denote a rather large list of problems, disorders, reactions related to the intimate sphere and with various causes.
Both women and men sometimes experience pain after intimate contact, such pain is usually called genitalia (genitalis - sexual, algia - pain) or postcoital pain. Such pains are multivariate and are symptomatic., That is, they do not have specific specific features.
Causes of pain after sex, factors that provoke genitalia, are systematized in such categories:
- Somatogenic (organic) postcoital pain, which can be caused by traumatic, postoperative factors, adhesions, inflammations and other pathologies of the genital organs in women and men.
- Psychogenic genitalgia, this is pain after sex, not associated with organic pathologies. Psychogenic pain can be caused by mental trauma, emotional stress, exhaustion, disharmonious relationships in a pair. Very rarely causes of pain after sex are explained by a hidden, unconscious reaction to homosexual inclinations. Also, rarely a factor that provokes a pain symptom after coition is a mental illness.
Causes of pain after sex in men
- Genitalgia intercopulativa - pain after sexual contact, between copulative cycles, intimate contacts.
- Frenulum tearing.
- Infection is an inflammatory process in the prostate gland.
- Cystitis.
- Infectious funiculitis - inflammation of the spermatic cord.
- Vesiculitis - inflammation of seminal vesicles.
- STDs - sexually transmitted diseases, venereal diseases.
- Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra.
- Epididymitis is an inflammation of the epididymis.
- Hydrocele is a dropsy of the testicle.
- The testicle cyst is a spermatocel.
- Varikotsele - pathological expansion of the veins of the spermatic cord.
- Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine.
- Coitus interruptus - interrupted sexual intercourse and stasis and congestive hyperemia in the prostate gland.
Psychogenic causes of pain after sex in women
- Pain after defloration, psychogenic pain.
- Pain after defloration with traumatic rupture of the hymen, mucous vagina.
- Pain after defloration, associated with a microbial infection - salpingitis, colpitis, cystitis.
- Pain after the failed defloration, when the spleen is stretched, tears, but its anatomical integrity is not violated.
- Vaginismus is a pathological muscle spasm.
- Inflammatory processes in the organs of the small pelvis.
- STDs - sexually transmitted diseases - ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, candidiasis, trichomoniasis and others.
- Adhesive process.
- Endometriosis.
- Atrophic vaginitis - dryness of the vagina.
- Neurological disorders, including pelvic nerve endings.
- Venous congestion, venous plethora of the pelvic organs.
- Ovarian cyst.
- Paresthesia associated with menopause is psychogenic genitalia.
- Psychogeny associated with violence, traumatic defloration, phobia.
- Rarely - anatomical incompatibility, when the size still matters.
Causes of pain after sex need to be refined and diagnosed in order to identify and eliminate them, you need to contact the gynecologist, urologist, sex therapist in a timely manner.
If there is pain and blood after sex?
The reasons why sexual contact is accompanied by pain and bleeding may be associated with physiological factors (defloration, mechanical damage) or with the pathology of the internal organs of the genital area.
- In women, the pain and blood after sex is most often associated with the first sexual relations, defloration and subsequent sexual acts. These are purely physiological causes, in which there is a rupture of the hymen and, possibly, a partial mucosa of the vagina.
- Coarse sexual contact is also a mechanical factor damaging the walls of the vagina, often the cervix. If a woman suffers from cervical erosion, intense sexual intercourse may be accompanied by a slight bleeding, but there will be no pain, the cervix simply can not signal a painful sensation.
- The cause of pain and blood discharge may be inflammation in the uterus or ovaries, appendages. Cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix), inflammatory process in the vagina - vaginitis, adnexitis, salpingo-orophyte and other pathologies are accompanied by postcoital pains and secretions containing blood
- Pain and blood after sex can be associated with dysplasia and even cancer of the uterus, which in the initial stage develops asymptomatically. The pain symptom is one of the indicators of the process's neglect.
- Postcoital bleeding and pain can be triggered by STDs - sexually transmitted diseases, acute pelvic infections
- Cervical polyps also often provoke a pain symptom and bleeding after sex
- Discharge with blood and some soreness can be explained by the use of certain medicines - acetylsalicylic acid, oral contraceptives
- The cause of pain and blood after intercourse may be hypoplasia of the uterine mucosa associated with a drug factor or an inflammatory disease
- One of the health problems can be ovarian apoplexy, rupture of the ovarian cyst capsules, which clinically manifest as pain, bleeding, tachycardia, falling blood pressure and pulse
Pain after first sex
Most often the pain after the first sex is experienced by a woman, men by this time already have experience of real sexual contact and do not feel any serious uncomfortable symptoms. Statistics say that the ratio of virginity by sex in equal age categories looks like this:
- Women - about 65-70%.
- Men - about 30-35%.
Many doctors and other specialists believe that the main cause of pain during defloration and after it is elementary fear and constriction. The muscles of the whole body are in tension, this prevents the stretching of a fairly elastic tissue of the hymen, which is abundantly supplied with blood vessels and nerve endings.
In addition, the reasons for which a woman may experience pain after sex are the following factors:
- An inconvenient posture, in which the rupture of the hymen is unphysiological, painful. At the first sexual contact, a horizontal position is recommended.
- The gross form of deprivation of virginity - rape, when the mucous membrane of the vulva bursts together with the hymen, there is a danger of rupture and traumatization of nearby internal organs.
- The presence of chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. Such pathologies provoke pain after the first sex.
- Individual features of the structure of the chaff - density, low level of elasticity.
- Accidental or deliberate introduction of a foreign object into the vagina, that is, an unnatural form of rupture of the hymen.
- Unprofessional medical manipulation.
- Mechanical damage, rupture of the hymen in pelvic trauma.
It should be noted that not all women experience pain symptoms during and after defloration. This is due to the competent psychological attitude and mutual understanding between partners, the individual psycho-physiological properties of women, a comfortable environment, readiness for the act, a sense of confidence and security (protected by a condom or other means of sex).
Pain can provoke the following complications that develop in women and men after the first sex, not properly protected:
- STDs are sexually transmitted diseases.
- Unwanted pregnancy and all associated problems.
- Inflammation of the vagina in women (colpitis).
- Urethritis.
- Cystitis.
Pain in the abdomen after sex
If a woman or a man has abdominal pain after sex, you need to try to pinpoint the localization of painful sensations and their character. This determines the speed and certainty of the diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Women suffer more from post-coital pain than men, according to statistics, about 60% of the representatives of the fair half of humanity experience discomfort after sex to some extent. Therefore, the following list of possible causes of pain relates primarily to women:
- Pain in the abdomen after sex, localized in the lower abdominal part may indicate an ovarian cyst, especially if the sensations accumulate below, in the side. The cyst is most often a benign pelvic organ, but it is potentially dangerous by rupturing the capsule and emptying the contents into the peritoneal cavity (peritonitis). In addition, the functional ovarian cyst is prone to torsion of the leg, which is also a serious gynecological complication. A diagnosed cyst is not a contraindication to a sexual relationship, they simply have to be limited and choose a comfortable, non-traumatic position. At the first alarming symptoms - a sharp pain in the abdomen, tachycardia, a drop in the pulse should be called an ambulance.
- Pain in the abdomen, accompanied by itching and burning, is likely a signal of infectious inflammation, possibly an STD - a sexually transmitted disease. Such a symptom should not be ignored or treated alone, you need to see a doctor, undergo a comprehensive examination, identify a specific microbial pathogen and begin treatment. Moreover, therapeutic recommendations will apply to the partner, as inflammation of an infectious nature, as a rule, has the property to amaze both a woman and a man. In addition, the disease, treated unilaterally, only one partner, will recur and neutralize the effectiveness of therapy.
- Pain in the abdomen after sex, transient, dull, aching pain can indicate a pathological process in the cervix, in the uterus itself, for example, myoma.
It should be noted that the list of possible causes of postcoital pain in the lower abdomen is very large, the origin of the pain sign, the etiology of the underlying disease is a problem solved by the doctor.
Pain in the lower abdomen after sex
Painful postcoital pain in the lower abdomen indicates possible diseases of organs located in this area. Less common pain is associated with psychogenic factors, which are more likely to manifest themselves in the form of autonomic symptoms.
Pain in the lower abdomen after sex can be provoked by such causes:
- Adhesive process, scars. Adhesions in the intestine can be the result of a full-blown cavitary operation, for example, with inflammation of the appendix. Also, a cavity volumetric operation can be conducted pop due to serious gynecological, urological diseases. The tissue of the scars and adhesions is inelastic, therefore the sexual intercourse is accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen. The problem can be solved without the use of surgical methods, in the modern pharmaceutical arsenal there are all kinds of drugs that have a good resolving power. Softening of adhesions, physiotherapy, massage, therapeutic gymnastics and diet therapy give a lasting result.
- Trauma of the sacrococcygeal spine, inflammation of the pelvic tendon. As in men and women, damage to the coccyx, problems with the spine in the lower part can cause pain in the lower abdomen after sex. This is due to the tension of the pelvic muscles and increased infringement of nerve endings.
- In women, the inflammatory process in the pelvic organs - adnexitis, salpingitis, as well as the growth of the endometrium (endometriosis). In men, diseases associated with the prostate gland. The flow of blood to the lower abdomen is a completely natural phenomenon of sexual interaction, however such intensive blood supply meets a pathological obstacle in the form of inflammations of the organs of the genital sphere, as a consequence - pain.
- Violation of venous outflow, venous congestion, which is associated with prolonged abstinence, anorgasmia. Blood in the process of sexual intercourse flows to the organs, but adequate adequate outflow (reaction, discharge) is absent.
- In men, aching, dull pain in the lower abdomen may indicate a pathological inflammation or even a prostate tumor. As a rule, such pains are accompanied by violation of urination, false calls to it and a painful process of urine release.
- Painful sensations in the lower abdomen, in the groin in men can signal a varicocele. Usually, such pain subsides in motion and increases in a static position.
Pain after sex in a girl
Many gynecologists believe that the pain after sex in a girl is quite normal, associated with defloration, rupture of the hymen. Indeed, according to statistics, only about 30% of virgins do not experience discomfort after the first sexual intercourse, while the remaining 70% have pain symptoms of varying intensity. Such signs are acceptable within 2 weeks, rarely a month, then they serve as a signal of serious malfunctions in the pelvic organs.
The reason for the pain after sex in a girl:
- The hymen does not have a large, adequate opening to the penis, and when it comes to sexual contact it breaks, which can be naturally accompanied by postcoital pain.
- Possible cause of pain can be too active for the first time sex, when not only the hymen is broken, but the mucous membrane of the vagina is damaged. As a rule, after a defloration it is recommended to take a break for several days.
- Excessive stress, spasm of the pelvic and vaginal muscles, this spastic stress is caused by fears, anxiety and insufficient psycho-emotional willingness of the girl to have sex.
- Postcoital cystitis, which is often a complication of defloration. This phenomenon is caused by non-observance of personal hygiene of partners, and also by the fact that during the act the protective means were not used - condom, vaginal funds. Penetration of microbes into the urethra channel open during defloration provokes painful urination, pain and rezi.
- The possible presence of cystic neoplasms in a girl, with the first sexual intercourse, pressure on the previously unmanifested cyst occurs, she either increases or is displaced and also presses on nearby organs.
Any pain symptom after the first sexual contacts should not be ignored. It is recommended to visit a gynecologist, a comprehensive examination to prevent possible complications in the form of inflammatory processes, STDs and more dangerous pathologies.
Pain after sex in women
Pain after sex in women, especially those who give birth, is a serious signal that indicates possible inflammation, other pathologies of the pelvic organs. If in young girls the pain after defloration is considered conditionally permissible, associated with the psychoemotional factor and the process of adaptation, the pain symptoms in older women with experience of sexual life, speaks of hidden diseases.
The most common causes of pain after sex in women:
- Pelvic pain due to adhesive process. Spikes are a pathological connection of the tissues of nearby organs, caused most often by surgical intervention (in 90-95%). As a matter of fact solderings are a dense cicatricial tissue, not possessing due elasticity and extensibility. In women, the adhesive process is associated with a cesarean section, which is used in cases where natural delivery is contraindicated or impossible. Over time, almost all adhesions are healed and resolves, if this does not occur, develops a commissural disease, accompanied by many symptoms and pains after sex, including.
- Endometriosis is a common cause for the development of pain after sex in women. The pain is quite strong, as the cells of the uterine mucosa (endometrium) grow and penetrate into atypical for themselves areas - fallopian tubes, ligaments, ovaries, abdominal organs, bladder.
- Myoma, fibromy can also provoke pain after sexual intercourse. Often the myomatous node develops asymptomatically and only postcoital pain can give rise to examination and its detection.
- Infringement of a venous outflow, stagnation, connected with absence of an orgasm. As a rule, with timely access to a sex therapist, a gynecologist, anorgasmia is successfully treated and ceases to be the cause of pain.
- PID - inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. This is an acute salpingo-orophyte (endosalpingitis, pyosalpingitis) - a pathological process leading to ovarian inflammation - oorffitis. Endometritis is an inflammation of the basal layer of the endometrium. Pelvirioperitonitis is a secondary infection of the abdominal cavity due to the penetration of pathogens located in the uterus, and also because of gonorrhea. Racing tubovarial formations - piovarium (ovaries), tubo-ovarian tumor, pyosalpinx (fallopian tubes).
- Ovarian cyst is a benign neoplasm that can increase, become complicated by a twisting of the leg, rupture of the capsule and provoking severe pain after sexual contact.
Pain in the uterus after sex
Since the uterus is the body that "receives" the penis, depending on its health and elasticity, many sensations depend both during sex and after it. Virtually all postcoital pains in this organ are associated with pathological processes of the uterus, inflammatory diseases or oncology.
Possible factors that provoke pain in the uterus after sex:
An endometrial tumor, also called fibromyoma, leiomyomyoma, myoma. This benign formation, in the initial stage proceeds without clinical manifestations. Symptoms can intensify after active sex and manifest as follows:
- Allocations with blood, bleeding and pain.
- Drawing pelvic pain within 1-2 weeks.
- Pain in the lower abdomen, cramping, transient.
- Necrosis of the node, infarction, tissue atrophy causes a typical picture of the "acute abdomen".
- The pain increases after sex, when there is a displacement of the uterus and node, the condition is accompanied by painful urination.
- Pain in the uterus and constipation within a week after sex.
- Infectious inflammation of the uterus after medical manipulations (moxibustion, abortion and so on).
- Endometriosis.
- Cervical cancer in the terminal stage.
- Hypertension of the uterus, if a woman comes into sexual contact while pregnant.
- Displacement of the uterus, all kinds of bending of the uterus.
- Polyps, which after sex can bleed.
- Hyperplasia of the uterus.
- Inflammation of the endometrium - endometritis. Pain is acute, can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
Pain in the ovaries after sex
What can provoke pain in the ovaries after sex?
- Inflammation of the appendages and ovaries is an adnexitis. The postcoital pain symptom in the acute form of adnexitis is especially characteristic. Pain spreads along the bottom of the abdomen, gives back, can be quite long and cause serious discomfort.
- Inflammation of the appendages - oorffitis. Pain in the ovaries after sex, provoked by an orifite, short-term, but very sharp, can cause a transient febrile state, subfebrile body temperature.
- Cysts of various kinds. As a rule, a small cyst does not interfere with sex, but if its size exceeds 4-5 centimeters, it provokes postcoital pain.
- Torsion of the legs of the ovarian cyst. Especially dangerous in this respect are the follicular and luteal cysts (functional cysts), since these formations have long, rather thin and vulnerable legs, inclined to torsion. Ovary after sex can be ill for a long time, at this time develops tissue necrosis, its atrophy.
- Apoplexy, rupture of the ovary with hemorrhage to the peritoneum. This condition provokes rough, intense sex, as well as inflammation of the ovarian cyst, which can burst during any sexual intercourse, even short-term.
- Tumor is large, localized on the right or left ovary.
It should be noted that the cyst of the right ovary can manifest postcoital pain, similar to the appendicitis clinic. That's why when you have repeated painful symptoms a woman should immediately seek medical help.
Headache after sex
Postcoital headache (after sex) is worthy of description in a separate article, its manifestations are so diverse, etiology and mechanisms of development, pathogenesis are interesting.
There is a legend that the first known person affected by the headache after sexual relations was the great Renaissance painter Raphael. He satisfied his needs too actively, and his next stormy adventures ended in a vascular catastrophe that led to his death. The cause was apparently intense stimulation and excessive stress on the cardiovascular system. In addition to excesses, a headache after sex can also arise when there is dissatisfaction. Postcoital cephalgia has this symptomatology:
- It wears a squeezing, rarely - pulsating character.
- Most often it is located in the forehead or occiput.
- Sudden development, unrelated to other etiological causes.
- A characteristic way of spreading is from the back of the head to all other areas of the head (crown, forehead, whiskey).
- Absence of irritating reaction to sounds, light, smells as with migraine.
Pain is caused by vascular dystonia or vertebrobasilar insufficiency, a sharp jump in blood pressure, a hormonal "explosion." Also, the factor that provokes cephalalgia is the biochemical process that occurs during the act. Orgasm or its absence is accompanied by intensive, active activity of the sympathetic nervous system, when the heartbeat frequency reaches 180 beats per minute, breathing is increased, systolic blood pressure rises, all skeletal muscles become strained. Such a "shake-up" may be incompatible with the resource status of the male body and lead to a headache.
Pain in the side after sex
Localization of postcoital pain in the side in women is a typical symptom of ovarian cysts. Also, the cause, which develops pain in the side after sex, can be an inflammation of the appendix, then the pain sensations are localized on the right.
As for the cystic formations, the most common types of cysts are asymptomatic, as 60% of them refer to the physiological ones - the cyst of the yellow body, the follicular cyst. Many people know that physiological cysts are safe and can dissolve on their own. However, the sexual intercourse can disrupt this process and provoke either an increase in the cyst or a torsion of its pedicle (especially it is characteristic of the follicular cyst), or rupture of the capsule, apoplexy of the ovary. All the complications associated with cysts are a serious threat not only to a woman's health, but also to her life.
Also, the inflammatory process in the pelvic organs can cause the pain in the side, most often it is an adnexitis.
Severe pain in the side after sexual contact may be related to the anatomical specificity of the uterus - a bend, especially such pains are characteristic of uterine latero fl exsy, when it is biased sideways due to the adhesive process in the peritoneum.
In men, postcoital pain in the side is most often due to concrements in the ureter, which can not disturb and not manifest in the absence of sex. The muscular tension of the pelvic organs, causing shifts of sand, small stones, they can clog the narrowed urinary canal and provoke pain in the side.
Factors due to which there is pain in the side after sex are diverse and must be carefully diagnosed by the physician. To tolerate a painful symptom is impossible, as it can lead to menacing consequences - peritonitis (rupture of cysts, appendicitis), chronic inflammatory process and even to oncology.
Pain in the groin after sex
Inguinal postcoital pain is most often associated with chronic or acute inflammatory processes in the organs of the sexual sphere. Sexual contact causes a rush of blood to the pelvic organs in women and genital organs in men, if they develop pathology, the blood flow is disturbed and additional blood supply only strengthens the symptoms.
Pain in the groin after sex in women:
- Virtually all inflammations of the pelvic organs - the uterus, appendages, ovaries. It can be adnexitis (epididymis and ovaries), salpingo-orophyte, parametritis. Pain after sex is usually acute, abrupt, but rapidly transient, it is possible to increase body temperature, abdominal tenderness during palpation.
- A rupture of the ovarian cyst is also accompanied by pain in the side, in the lower abdomen in the groin area.
- Inflammation of the appendix is a typical clinical picture of an "acute abdomen".
- Ectopic pregnancy, which is accompanied by severe pain in the groin, irradiating into the rectum. The rupture of the uterine tube is a menacing complication, the pain becomes intolerable, even to the loss of consciousness.
- Colpitis.
- Endometritis.
- Cystitis.
- Varicose veins of the zone of the lone articulation.
Pain in the groin after sex in men:
- Vesiculitis - inflammation of the seminal vesicles of infectious etiology.
- Excessive sexual activity, in which the rhythm of the circulation is disturbed (more often the flow of blood than the outflow).
- Prolonged sexual abstinence, which is also a cause of circulatory disorders in the organs (no tide, stagnation of outflow).
- Infectious inflammation of the urethra - colliculitis, especially in combination with venous stasis.
- Urethritis.
- Herpes virus.
- Prostatitis.
- Epididymitis is an inflammatory process in the appendage of the testis.
Pain in the groin after sex should be differentiated by a clear localization, character. In men, signs of specific diseases can include such descriptions:
- Irradiating in the groin pain - infectious inflammation of the ureter.
- Pain symptom in the suprapubic zone with irradiation in the groin - inflammation of the bladder.
- Two-sided pain in the perineum, irradiating to the scrotum - inflammation of the prostate gland, inflammation of the seminal vesicles.
Back pain after sex
Spinal pains after sex are most often due to major diseases of the spinal column, that is, back pain after sex is just another symptom of the old disease. It is possible that the sexual act provokes an increase in symptoms, this is due to the natural tension of the muscles of the back, especially in the zone of the lumbosacral spine.
In addition, back pain after sex can be caused by the following reasons:
- MBS is a myogenic pain syndrome. Violation of neural connections with musculoskeletal tissues due to frequent forced static position (sitting at the table, driving, and so on) provokes degeneration, atrophy of many muscles, intervertebral discs and so on. Infringement of nerve endings, possible intervertebral disorders (hernias, protrusions) are the causes of back pain. Sexual contact only increases pain, which can be the first signal of serious complications.
- Osteochondrosis is a problem of civilization and one of the causes of pain after intercourse, and the symptoms can manifest in both women and men.
- In men, a factor that provokes pain in the back after sexual contact may be a hidden course of prostatitis. The prostate gland itself does not hurt, but the intense strain on the spine, muscle tension causes severe pain, giving back.
- Hidden kidney pathology. Often the latent course of the disease does not appear clinically, but an active sexual life can cause a more intense course of the disease and provoke its aggravation.
- In women, the cause of back pain after sex can be almost any inflammation of the pelvic organs. It is believed that the inflammation of the uterus, cervix, tubes vocalizes in the lower abdomen, but often the pain radiates to the sacrum, to the back.
- Back pain in a woman can be caused by an adhesive process. The pain symptom, as a rule, is located in the lower abdomen, radiating from the lower back.
That the pain in the back after sexual intercourse does not become an obstacle to the continuation of intimate relationships, you just need to prevent it, prevent:
- Choose the most convenient position. If a person spends most of the time sitting on a chair at the office table and this position of the body is "habitual" for the spine, so the sexual act will not bring uncomfortable sensations if it takes place in such a pose.
- Avoid positions in which the back can bend.
- Do not have sex while lying on your stomach. This is an additional burden on the muscles of the back.
- Sex with slopes on the straight legs can provoke excessive tension and stretching of the ischiatic nerve.
- Lean your hands during sex, this will relieve unnecessary strain on the back and help to avoid postcoital pain.
- That partner who does not suffer from back pain should have a more active "activity" during sex, this must be agreed in advance.
- It is not recommended active sex with sharp movements. Orgasm can be achieved at a slow pace, in addition, it will help to neutralize the pain after the act.
Back pain after sex
Pain in the lower back after sex is a complaint of many people who have reached a certain age threshold and who have problems with the musculoskeletal system. To osteochondrosis, radiculopathy, intercostal neuralgia did not cause the refusal of intimate relations, it is necessary not only to treat the underlying disease in time, but also to agree in advance with the partner about a comfortable posture.
Doctors advise in the period of exacerbation of diseases of the musculoskeletal system in general to limit or exclude sex to a state of remission. There are also several tips to help relieve pain in the lower back after sex:
- If the loin hurts the woman, her posture during sexual intercourse can be anything but horizontal, when an additional load on the sacrum gives both the partner's weight and the rhythmic movements of his body.
- The most acceptable posture for back pain is the knee-elbow position. This posture helps to minimize the painful postcoital symptom in the waist in both women and men.
- If the pain in the lower back after the sexual intercourse is dull, aching, continues for a long period, it may signal chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis and other kidney diseases. A visit to a doctor will help reduce the likelihood of serious exacerbations and worsening of symptoms.
- Postcoital pain, giving back, women can testify about a chronic or acute inflammatory process in the appendages, about endometriosis.
- Postcoital pain in the lower back of men can be due to developing prostatitis, when the pain is implicit, but has the ability to irradiate to the lumbar spine.
- Despite all the pleasures, sex can really contribute to exacerbation of many chronic, latent organic processes localized in the zone of the lumbosacral department.
Pain in the coccyx after sex
The pain in the coccyx is called koktsigodniya, it has its own etiological reasons, not directly related to sexual intercourse. However, pain in the coccyx after sex is often found among the subjective complaints of patients of the sexopathologist's office, especially for women. Koktsigodiniya considered more female symptom complex than male. This is due to the specific mobility of the coccyx and the anatomical features of the female body. The condition of the coccyx is important in the normal physiological state of the woman, during the delivery the coccyx may be a kind of "accelerator" for the exit of the raft, in the sexual act the coccyx supports the cervix (sacro-uterine ligament).
The pain is paroxysmal, irradiates into the rectum, increases in motion, can manifest itself as a separated symptom, when trauma or damage to the coccyx occurred long before the onset of pain. Fiber of the small pelvis, rectum, which can be inflamed, the pelvic muscles begin to ache due to any sexual act, both short-lived, classical, and intense, sometimes rough. Thus, sex is a kind of trigger that triggers a pain mechanism in the coccyx.
In addition to the latent, long-lasting trauma of the coccyx, postcoital pain in this zone can be caused by the following reasons:
- Abscess of the anus, rectal abscess. His symptoms may not appear for a long time, and manifest after sex. Signs on which you can suspect a rectal abscess:
- Pain in the coccyx after intercourse, pain is aching, pulling character.
- Slight swelling in the anus, in the coccyx.
- Painful stool after sex.
- Increased body temperature.
- Retrocervical endometriosis, when the endometrium grows into the rectum zone.
- Rough anal sex, in which fiber, the muscles of the pelvic day are injured and inflamed.
- Dermoid coccyx cyst. This cause is rarely found, since the dermoid in the zone of the lumbosacral region is usually diagnosed in infancy or early childhood.
- Pathological birth, after which the muscles, pelvic bones have not yet recovered, and most of all the coccyx has suffered, as the most mobile lower part of the spine. Any premature sex, started in violation of the recommendations on two-three-week abstinence, can provoke pain in the coccyx after sex
Pain in the chest after sex
Pain in the chest after sex, postcoital mastalgia, is often taken by women as a sign of a beginning pregnancy. This is, of course, a myth, unless the pain appears a few weeks after sexual intercourse, which is extremely rare and is unlikely to have a cause-and-effect relationship with sex.
We list the really possible causes that provoke pain in the chest after sex:
- Tingling, pain in the chest, its increase can be directly related to the rhythm of the menstrual cycle. At the very beginning, such symptoms are quite normal, due to some fluid retention in the body, a change in the hormonal background, and are most often associated with sexual contact.
- Pain in the chest after sex can be a signal of developing mastopathy. Small diffuse seals may not cause symptoms, but during active, passionate intercourse, when the mammary glands are exposed to natural mechanical action (partner's hands), nodules can ache. Diffuse, nodular mastopathy is serious in the sense of malignancy of the disease. Simple postcoital pain should not be ignored, even if it subsides in time.
- The cause of the pain symptom during and after sex can be infections that provoke mastitis.
- Hormonal "storms" associated with orgasm - the most common cause of pain in the chest after sex.
- Breast injury during rough sex, stroke, bruise.
- Breast cyst, cystic mastopathy.
- An oncological process in the chest, which usually does not manifest itself symptomatically and causes pain during or after sexual intercourse only in the last stages.
- Inflammation and enlargement of lymph nodes of infectious etiology.
- Insufficient puberty. Such pain in the chest after sexual intercourse is associated with the continuing process of ripening a young woman and the instability of the hormonal background. Sexual contact activates hormonal bursts and provokes a rush of blood, lymph to the genitals and chest.
Pain in the vagina after sex
Vulvovaginal pain (vulvar pain) or vulvodynia is a symptom complex with multiple causes, among which there may be tumors, traumas, venereal diseases, inflammations.
Pain in the vagina after sex most often develops rapidly, because it is caused by the process of sexual intercourse, penis pressure on the uterus, ovaries, nearby organs. There are also delayed types of pain, which are associated with chronic pathologies, neglected latent processes.
The causes of painful vaginal symptoms that develop after sex can be various diseases of the pelvic organs, among which are common:
- Endometriosis.
- Pain in the vagina after sex in the climacteric period, due to dryness - atrophic vaginitis. Dryness provokes pain both during the act and after it, often the pain symptom is accompanied by severe burning, itching.
- Nonspecific colpitis is an inflammatory process of infectious etiology, expressed in itching, in secretions (whites), in painful sensations during and after sex, in dysuria, in edema of the vaginal walls.
- Bartholinitis is piobartolinite, that is, a purulent inflammatory process in the Bartholin gland. Most often, this inflammation is associated with gonococcus, staphylococcus, Trichomonas. Blockage of the duct of the gland provokes an abscess and pain at any contact with the sexual organs, including during sex. After sexual intercourse, there may be acute, rapidly transient pain, which indicates a mechanical dissection of the abscess.
- Adhesive process, postcoital pain with spikes is characteristic if the partners used poses with the greatest penetration.
- Postcoital pain of an acute nature, with a feeling of strong pressure in the rectal zone, a febrile condition, a drop in the pulse may be a symptom of rupture of the capsule of the ovarian cyst.
- Vaginismus is a pathological muscle spasm that interferes with a woman during and after sexual intercourse provokes pain associated with:
- Candidiasis (thrush), when pain after sexual contact is accompanied by itching, burning in the vagina.
- Ureoplasma infection.
- Leukoplakia - atrophy of epithelial cells, kraurosis - rough keratinization of the vulvar mucosa. This is a serious disease prone to malignancy. Sexual intercourse provokes severe itching, pain.
- Psychogeny. The psychoemotional factor, to which women are so exposed, can cause pain of any localization. This is due to the fear of sexual intercourse or rejection of a partner, with traumatic sexual experience (violence) and other causes. Often the pain in the vagina after sex is caused by the phobic expectation of pain, and not by real factors.
Symptoms of pain after sex
To clarify the symptoms of genitalia, dyspareunia requires the specification of such signs:
- Where the symptoms of pain are localized after sex - the abdominal region, the lower back, the genitals themselves, the other.
- Manifestation of symptoms, the beginning.
- Differentiation of the actual pain and itching, burning, other sensations.
- Characteristics of pain - acute, dull, aching, stitching, cramping.
- Prevalence of symptoms, is there one pain zone or pain diffuse.
- Communication of pain with certain circumstances, a person, situation, situational pain or generalized symptoms.
- Relationship pains with the position, posture of sexual intercourse.
It should be noted that the symptoms of pain after sex are similar to the clinical picture of the main, provoking disease, pathology and can be such:
Floor | Symptoms | Possible reasons |
Women | Weak, transient pain in the lower abdomen | Ovulation, pain is characteristic for the middle of the cycle, the period of release of the ovule from the follicle |
Pain and Bleeding | Pathologies of the cervix | |
Transient aching pain, acute pain with irradiation in the lower back, in the abdominal region. Pain is associated with a certain posture during sex | Spikes | |
Pain radiating to the sacrum, to the back (right, left) | Inflammatory process in appendages | |
Pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the blood | Inflammation of the endometrium | |
Pain and itching after sex, accompanied by white secretions (whites) | Infectious process in the vagina | |
Acute pain, drop in blood pressure, cyanosis, clinic of "acute abdomen" | Rupture of capsule of ovarian cyst, torsion of cyst legs, ovarian apoplexy | |
Acute, spasmodic pain, quickly transient, but then recurring as aching sensations, increasing after sex abdomen (muscle tension) | Myoma, fibromyoma | |
Itching, burning, pain, curdling discharge | Candidiasis | |
Pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by painful urination | Postcoital cystitis |
In addition to somatic pains, most often in women can psychogenic pain (psychogenic dyspareunia). Patients describe the nature of painful signs in a rather colorful way: cutting, sharp, dagger pain, a feeling of unbearable burning, itching, crawling of small shivers, nausea and spasms of the larynx, up to vomiting.
Symptomatic pain after sex is extremely important in a diagnostic sense, the symptoms of postcoital genitalia should be differentiated from psychogenic factors (hysterical neurosis, hypochondriac syndrome). In addition, pain symptoms after sex may not be associated with the pathology of the genital organs, but is caused by diseases of the genital segment apparatus (nearby organs and systems)
Sharp pain after sex
A sharp pain after sex is indicative primarily of trauma to either the organ, tissue, or exacerbation of the disease of internal organs. Any acute symptom requires immediate medical attention, a phenomenon such as cyst rupture, ovarian apoplexy, renal colic can not only threaten the health consequences, but also lead to death. A sharp pain after sex is a signal about the following diseases and conditions:
- Apoplexy of the ovary.
- Pelvic neuralgia.
- Herniated disc.
- A ruptured capsule of the ovarian cyst.
- Torsion of the legs of the ovarian cyst.
- Ectopic pregnancy.
- Gonorrhea.
- Vaginitis.
- Internal bleeding.
- The rupture of the vaginal wall.
- Postcoital acute cystitis.
- Coital headache, with a potential risk of aneurysm rupture.
- Obstruction of outgoing tracts.
- Renal colic.
A sharp, persistent pain after sex is a direct indication of calling for emergency medical care, sometimes the root causes of the pain symptom can be so serious that the account goes literally for a minute.
Severe pain after sex
Pain after intercourse may vary in intensity. Severe pain after sex is most often associated with such causes:
- Men's
- Intensive sexual intercourse can lead to tearing of the penis frenum.
- Severe pain is often accompanied by exacerbations of STDs - sexually transmitted diseases, gonorrhea including.
- Sex can provoke an exacerbation of infectious inflammation of the prostate.
- Inflammation of seminal vesicles.
- Inflammation of the bladder of infectious etiology (purulent).
- Postcoital pain syndrome associated with urethritis, balanitis.
- Women:
- Postcoital cystitis.
- Defloration (rupture of the hymen).
- Postnatal trauma, when ruptures and scar tissue can provoke severe pain.
- Fibromioma.
- Ovarian cyst.
- Endometriosis (spotting).
- Adhesive process.
- Vulvodnia.
- Ectopic pregnancy.
Severe pain after sex can be transient, short-term, then it is clearly associated with a situational factor - uncomfortable posture or too active sex. If the pain does not pass within a few hours, you should consult a doctor, since such a sign may indicate a serious pathology, condition.
Drawing pain after sex
Drawing character of pain in a woman after sex is clearly due to the condition of the uterus, its cervix. Drawing pain after sex can be associated with the stimulation of the uterus and its atypical contraction. Thus, temporary pain sensations are not pathological, they can be considered a direct consequence of the process of sexual contact, the depth of penetration of the penis, the rhythm and pace of the act, as well as anatomical parameters - compatibility of the genital organs.
In addition, the drawing pain after sex is related to the following reasons:
- Inadequate discharge, reaction or altogether lack of orgasm. During intercourse, blood flows to the vagina, down the abdomen, but there is no adequate outflow.
- The cause, provoking pain of a pulling nature, can be venous congestion in the pelvic organs, because of which endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian functions are developing.
- Drawing postcoital pain can be a consequence of the adhesive process in the organs of the small pelvis. In turn, the adhesions are caused either by the inflammatory process, or are a complication after the operation.
- Endometriosis, which is particularly evident before the start of the menstrual cycle. If the sexual intercourse has fallen on this period, the trailing pain is a characteristic sign of the growth of the endometrium.
It is believed that the pulling pain is a sign of chronic pathology, so sex can be a provoking factor that increases the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease. If the pain is repeated, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination to detect the disease in time and begin treatment.
Acute pain after sex
Causes that provoke a sharp pain symptom after intercourse:
- Hemorrhage, apoplexy of the ovary. Rupture of the cyst often occurs after intense physical stress or active sex. Apoplexy is characterized by a strong, sharp pain, radiating down into the rectum, dizziness, nausea, a drop in blood pressure and pulse. Such acute pain after sex requires urgent medical attention.
- Ectopic pregnancy with fights, it is usually preceded by a delay in menstrual flow. The condition also requires an ambulance crew call.
- Acute pain after sex, giving off in the groin, in the vagina, in the lower back often indicates the rupture of the capsule of the cyst. The pain may be cramping.
- Interstitial cystitis is a "honeymoon" disease, when a woman's vagina is very vulnerable to various microbial infections falling into the urethra.
- Strong contraction of the uterus due to disruption of the hormonal system.
- Clitoral adhesions.
- Bend of the uterus.
- Postcoital headache associated with a sudden jump in blood pressure.
- Inflammation of the cervix - cervicitis. The causes of cervicitis can be both traumatic, inflammatory, and STDs
In men, severe post-coital pain is most often associated with an inflammatory process in the genitals or the prostate gland.
Pain after sex in pregnancy
Pain in a pregnant woman who has sex is often associated with completely natural causes - a change in the hormonal background, a restructuring of the entire body, including pelvic organs or a psychogenic factor, when the future mother fears the health of the fetus.
In addition, pain after sex in pregnant women is explained thus:
- During the first two trimesters, the uterus of a pregnant woman is continuously reduced. During sexual intercourse, it decreases most intensively, much more actively than a non-pregnant woman. Abbreviations can provoke transient pain.
- In a pregnant woman, the outflow of blood after orgasm occurs in a slowed pace, which can provoke stagnation, muscle tension and pain.
- A pregnant woman, especially in the first trimester, is more anxious, unstable emotional state. Fears, unrest for the health of the baby can cause postcoital psychogenic pain.
- If a woman suffers from toxicosis, is weakened, tired, but still agrees to sexual intercourse without desire, then it is only natural that she will not reach orgasm. Pain can be a consequence of this condition.
- Venous congestion, which often accompanies pregnancy, swelling of the entire lower body, can be the cause of pain after sex during pregnancy.
When pregnant, you can not have sex:
- If the partner is an STD carrier.
- Threats of miscarriage.
- Previous miscarriages and premature births in the anamnesis.
- Allocation of amniotic fluid (leakage).
- Low placenta previa. Sex can provoke her detachment.
- Bleeding, discharge with blood.
As a rule, in the last trimester the pain associated with sexual relations disappears, the woman shows more activity, she regains sexual desire and correct intimate relationships that are adequate to the term bring only pleasure, and not pain.
Pain after sex after giving birth
After the happy moments of the birth of a baby, after a period of adaptation to life of the threesome - mom, dad and child, parents again strive for intimate relationships, often forgetting about caution. Pain after sex after childbirth can be provoked by such causes:
- Painful scar seal after rupture. Such stitches heal not earlier than 4-6 months, all this time the sexual intercourse can be accompanied by pain to some extent. Pain can be alleviated with the help of special medicinal ointments that absorb the scar, and also with the help of adequate sexual positions that do not injure the vagina.
- Absence of vaginal lubrication, dryness. This condition is transient and is considered relatively physiological, since the body of a woman has not yet "woken up" in the hormonal sense. Dryness can last until the normal menstrual cycle is restored. The problem is solved simply - lubricants, lubricants.
- Pain can be triggered by too early periods of sexual intercourse, before the cessation of lichen discharge. Fuckers can stand out for 3-4 weeks, sometimes even longer. All this time you need to refrain from intimate relationships in order to avoid infection, inflammation, endometritis. In the old days, obedient women implicitly obeyed the man's desire and entered into sexual contact a few days after the birth. This led to a high mortality rate from so-called "maternity fever".
- Pain after sex after childbirth can be associated with a natural process of contraction of the uterus, which tends to return to its previous dimensions.
- Pain can provoke and postpartum salpingo oritis or adnexitis.
The statistics say that about 50% of women in labor experience pain during or after sex for 3-4 months, and another 20% of women experience painful symptoms throughout the year. Most often, pain is provoked by difficult births, when an episiotomy is applied to the perineum, seams are applied, that is, there is an obstruction in the form of scar tissue. In addition, the vagina after the sutures changes its configuration, the mucous membranes become vulnerable and sensitive. That's why it's important that partners do not hurry, and they start sexual relations only if the woman's body is fully restored.
Pain after sex after cesarean
Pain during sex after cesarean is understandable, because the woman suffered a serious cavity operation, accompanied by imposing extensive, deep seams. The process of recovery after caesarean section takes at least a year, but this does not mean an annual abstinence from sex. Simply partners need to be as careful as possible, to choose comfortable postures, low-traumatic for the peritoneum and scar tissue in particular. The uterus of the woman who undergoes such an operation shrinks longer than after the usual birth. Therefore, pain during sex after cesarean can accompany a woman to six months. The pain is cramping, but it is often transient. Also, the lack of estrogen, which is a typical syndrome after childbirth, affects the fertility of a woman. The parturient women do not long to enter into an intimate relationship, and if they agree to them, then without proper inspiration. In such cases, the cause of pain may be a psychogenic factor. Famous postpartum depression is a condition common among women who have undergone a cesarean section. Accordingly, the depressive state, as well as the possible dryness of the vagina, often vaginismus, is an obstacle to obtaining true pleasure from sex.
However, the most common reason for developing pain after sex with a cesarean section is the adhesion process. The operation inevitably leads to spikes of varying degrees of prevalence.
Pain after sex in men
Genitalgia, dyspareunia are typical symptomatic complexes peculiar to women. However, pain after sex in men also occurs quite often, perhaps a low statistical percentage associated with unwillingness, shyness of men who find it embarrassing and even unacceptable to present complaints of such an intimate nature.
Pain after sex in men is commonly called postcoital genitalia. It can be a direct indication of the inflammatory process of the genitourinary system, but it can also be caused by psychogenic factors.
- STDs are sexually transmitted diseases. In this sense, the most typical gonorrhea, which often provokes pain symptoms both during and after sex.
- Inflammatory process in the prostate gland.
- Tumor of the prostate.
- Urethritis.
- Urolithiasis disease.
- Vesiculitis.
- Varikotsele.
- The hydrocele.
- Anatomical pathology of the structure of the penis.
- An erection of a bridle of a penis.
- Postcoital cystitis.
- Postcoital headache (orgasmic headache).
- Genitalia frustrana - pain associated with the termination of coitus (with anorgasmia of a woman).
- Genital herpes.
- Epididymitis.
- Cryptorchidism.
- Diseases of the spine (lumbosacral region).
- Interrupted intercourse, interrupted ejaculation.
Pain in the penis after sex
A typical cause that provokes pain in the penis after sex is the pathology of the prostate. In addition, the pain symptom can be associated with the status of the partner, for example, if the woman does not have the proper amount of lubrication, the penis will be injured. This is absolutely not noticed during the act, but after it a man feels itching, burning and pain. The uncircumcised penis undergoes mechanical traumatization, the foreskin is stretched, it can tear and inflame.
Causes of pain in the penis after sex:
- Inflammation of the head, foreskin - balanitis, postitis (balanoposthitis). Pain, hyperemia of the head, swelling, discharge with pus, burning - this is far from a complete list of the sensations that accompany this disease.
- Diabetes mellitus, which can be accompanied by a violation of blood circulation and necrosis of the head of the penis.
- STD, condyloma, gonorrhea, other sexually transmitted diseases.
- Inguinal lymphogranuloma, accompanied by pain in the penis, lymphadenopathy, dysuria.
- Peyronie's disease, the curvature of the penis. Induction of the penis is accompanied by the formation of a painless fibrous node, with the sexual act the pain symptom can manifest and manifest only during or after sex.
- Cavernitis is an inflammation of the cavernous body of the penis. Most often, cavernitis is one of the complications of urethritis. Cavernitis, in addition to pain, is manifested by high body temperature, chills, headache, and often an abscess at the site of infiltration.
- Urethritis.
- Urolithiasis, when sand passes through the urethra or small concretions.
- Prostatitis.
- Inflammation of the seminal tubercle - colliculitis.
- Contusion of the penis, its dislocation, fracture.
- Infringement of the penis as a consequence of sexual games.
- Priapism - an erection more than 5-6 hours.
Pain in the penis both during and after sex, needs timely examination, diagnosis and adequate therapy. If you start treatment in time, you can avoid not only serious pathologies, but also the main "trouble" and fear of many men - impotence and infertility.
Pain in the head after sex
Pain in the head of the penis is a clear symptom of inflammation, most often an infectious etiology. The manifestation of such a pathology can be moderate, but the pain in the head after sex is just the manifestation of the disease. It can be said that sexual intercourse serves as a kind of trigger that allows the disease to manifest clinically.
In addition to inflammation, pain in the head after sex can be due to such factors:
- STDs.
- Mechanical injury.
- Thermal damage.
- Vascular pathologies.
- Urolithiasis disease.
- Anatomical destructive pathologies.
- The most common cause of headaches is balanoposthitis. Inflammation of the head and foreskin is often associated with infectious diseases, hypothermia, but mostly it is a violation of the basic rules of hygiene. The pain is acute, accompanied by hyperemia, edema of the head, itching and burning, hyperthermia. Often when balanoposthitis can be seen a significant increase in lymph nodes in the groin. An untreated balanoposthitis develops in erosion, purulent sores and even gangrene of the prepuce. Any intensity of sexual intercourse only irritates and aggravates the course of the disease, especially its signs are clearly felt after sex.
- Also, the headache after sex can be associated with STDs, venereal diseases, herpes. This leads to an excessive passion for the change of partners, uncontrolled unprotected sex.
- Cavernitis is another reason for the appearance of a pain symptom after sexual intercourse. Inflammation of cavernous bodies can develop due to trauma or infection of the urethra. At the site of inflammation develops abscess, which during sex is injured, damaged and often breaks through.
- The inflammatory process in the urethra, the urethra, can provoke postcoital pain. Urethritis has a bacterial root cause and often develops as a consequence of STDs.
- Phimosis or paraphimosis. Narrowing the foreskin leads to mechanical pressure and pain. In addition, phimosis is often complicated by balanoposthitis, which only increases the pain symptom.
- Rupture of the bridle, more often with traumatic damage (aggressive, active sex).
- Tumor of the head of the penis (with papillomovirus).
- Priapism.
Painful symptoms in the head of the penis are treated quite successfully under the condition of timely treatment to the urologist, the venereologist.
Pain in the testicles after sex
Pain in the testicles after sex is a specific sign of the inflammatory process in them or in the prostate. What else can provoke postcoital pain in the testicles?
- Orchitis.
- Epididymitis is an inflammatory process in the epididymis.
- Chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis and other STDs.
- Chronic prostatitis.
- Trauma - bruise, stroke.
- Inguinal hernia.
- Tumor.
- Urolithiasis disease.
- Testicular torsion.
- Sexual arousal without ejaculation.
- Hydrocele, varicocele, spermatoceles.
Many pathologies of the testicles may not appear in the clinical sense, active sex life often contributes to the manifestation of symptoms. Especially typical pain in the testicles after coition, as the completion of the sexual act is accompanied by a powerful flow of blood flow to the genitals. In the presence of diseases, dysfunctions, blood flow meets obstacles, pain develops.
Almost all diseases associated with testicles in men are successfully treated, perhaps this is due to the fact that the signs of the disease are visible (the testicles are outside, not inside). The only difficulty in the timely diagnosis of pathologies can be considered false shame and fears of the stronger sex, these factors prevent men from seeking medical help on time.
Pain in the prostate after sex
Sexual intercourse in both women and men is impossible without intensive circulation, which is greatly accelerated, is enhanced by interaction with the corresponding hormones. If there are congestion, congestion in the organs to which blood rushes, accordingly there is a violation of the vascular nature, in addition, the transmission of nerve impulses is disrupted, and pain develops. Prostate plays an important role in the male body, it controls the process of readiness, maturation of sperm, the state of spermatozoa. In addition, the prostate is connected by nervous pathways with almost all the organs of the pelvis, which is precisely what explains the pain.
Pain in the prostate after sex is a typical sign of chronic prostatitis, inflammation of the prostate. Pain can be different in terms of localization, severity and intensity. Most often, prostatitis is accompanied by painful urination, burning with and after sexual intercourse.
Pain in the prostate after sex, localization:
- Prevalence in all genitals.
- Pubic bone.
- Scrotum.
- Lower abdomen, less often in the side.
- Loin and Sacrum.
- Rectum.
- Irradiation in the femoral part.
What exacerbates the pain in the prostate after sex?
- Subcooling.
- Aggressive sexual contact.
- Physical exhaustion before sex.
- Alcohol.
- Monotonous postures during sex.
Chronic prostatitis is a disease of civilization, which "gets younger" with each goal. Sexual dysfunctions in men are 65% statistically associated with inflammation of the prostate gland, including impotence and infertility.
Pain in the scrotum after sex
If, after sex, a man develops pain in the scrotum, this may be evidence of an exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland. Acute prostatitis is an occasion to immediately contact a urologist, undergo examinations and urgently begin treatment.
Symptoms of an exacerbation of a prostatitis can be such:
- Heaviness in the lower abdomen.
- Pain during sex, pain after sexual intercourse.
- Pain when urinating.
- Pain with physical activity in the scrotum area.
In addition to prostatitis, pain in the scrotum after sex can be provoked by such diseases:
- Varikotsele - pathological expansion of the spermatic cord (varicose extension). Sick and testicles and scrotum, if you do not treat varicocele, a man can develop persistent infertility.
- Gidrotsele - accumulation of excessive fluid in the scrotum, its puffiness.
- Inguinal hernia, which can worsen on symptoms after sex and appear as a pain in the scrotum.
- Testicular torsion. In adult men, such a pathology is rare, but with active sexual contact, often erratic, postcoital torsion occurs in 15-17%.
Pain in the scrotum is rarely acute, more often it is blunt, pulling character. However, such pains need timely diagnosis and treatment.
Pain after anal sex
The modern world is changing so rapidly that the previously taboo subject of anal sex today is considered almost the most fashionable, and homosexual relations in almost the whole world have become quite normal.
Will not go into the details of the moral side of this issue, it is more appropriate to discuss the physiological part, including pain after anal sex.
To avoid painful feelings with such an exotic form of sexual relations, you must adhere to the basic "golden" rule of any sex:
Sexual contact should bring pleasure, not discomfort. If there was pain after anal sex, then one of the rules was violated. What is the contraindication to anal intercourse? Conditions, diseases that can trigger a pain symptom after anal sex:
- Cracks in the anus.
- Hemorrhoids in any of its manifestations, as chronic, especially in the stage of exacerbation.
- Submucous abscess of the rectum.
- Coccyx cyst.
- Intervertebral hernia of the lumbosacral spine.
- Polyps of the rectum.
- Appendicitis, both chronic and in the stage of exacerbation.
- Prolapse of the rectum.
- Prostatitis, both chronic and acute.
- Tumor of the rectum.
- Ovarian cyst (with anal contact with a woman).
- Glistovye infestations.
- Venereal diseases, STDs.
- Pathological inflammation of the pelvic organs in women - adnexitis, colpitis, endometriosis, cysts and so on.
- Paraproctitis.
- Colitis.
- Pregnancy.
Prevent pain during anal sex or after it will help in the first place knowledge about the process, preparation for it, psychoemotional readiness of partners, the absence of the aforementioned diseases
Pain in the anus after sex
In principle, for sex, or rather for penetrating the penis, a vagina is fitted, not the rectum. However, there are fans of acute, extravagant ways of satisfying sexual needs, which are not at all intimidated by the possible pain in the anus after sex. When the penis penetrates the anal opening, it can be so actively stretched that it provokes a pain symptom, often very sharp.
If you know why, for what reasons this pain can develop, it is possible to warn it.
Pain in the anus after sex can be caused by such diseases and conditions:
- Too rapid penetration into the anus.
- Trauma of the intestine because of the incompatibility of penis and anus size (the vagina is more elastic, it's not for nothing that a woman is capable of giving birth to a child).
- Rupture of the mucous membrane of the rectum, often accompanied by bleeding.
- Hemorrhoids.
- Spasm of muscles.
- Anal fissure.
- Paraproctitis.
- Abscess of rectum.
- Tumor of the rectum.
- Lack of lubrication, dryness (unlike the anus, the vagina is able to produce a lubricant on its own).
- Spastic constipation.
In general, to engage in anal sex, whether to suffer pain in the anus after sex, or abandon it in favor of traditional (heterogeneous) sexual contacts is the choice and responsibility of the two partners. Judging by the growing number of lovers of anal acts, they are not fatal, and pain can be avoided with proper preparation.
Pain in the urethra after sex
Sex, especially unprotected, is dangerous for its consequences. Pain in the urethra after sex is one of the typical signs of not only cystitis, but also STDs - sexually transmitted diseases. Of course, with timely access to a doctor, they are treated, but it is better to avoid such troubles.
Pain in the urethra after sex is characterized by burning, acute sensations, the pain increases with urination (dysuria), can recur for a long time even with antibacterial therapy. Pain in the urethra can be both in women and in men and is associated with such causes:
- Postcoital cystitis in women. This is a typical symptom, which is also called the "honeymoon" syndrome. During defloration, not only the hymen is damaged, but the urethra is injured, especially if the sex was unprotected. Microbial infection of the urethra, and possibly non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene can provoke cystitis and as a result - pain in the urethra after sex.
- Inflammation of the urethra, both in women and in the stronger sex, can be explained by hypothermia or pyelonephritis. Sex provokes increased pain and aggravates the course of the disease.
- Pain in the urethra after sex in men can be associated with prostatitis, periurethral abscess, urolithiasis, as well as venereal disease (gonorrhea).
- Diseases transmitted sexually. They suffer women and men who do not care about their sexual health. The first thing that becomes infected with STDs is the urethral canal as the most vulnerable organ for the penetration of pathogenic pathogens.
Pain after urination after sex
A typical sign of prostatitis is pain when urinating after sex. In women, such a symptom can indicate cystitis, including postcoital. Also, a factor that increases pain when urinating, can be any disease from a large list of STDs:
- Venereal diseases.
- Pathologies that are sexually transmitted to other organs.
The most common pain when urinating after sex, especially unprotected, provokes:
- Ureaplasmosis.
- Chlamydia.
- Gonorrhea.
- Mycoplasmosis.
- Herpes virus.
- Candidiasis.
- Trichomoniasis.
Also, disturbed urination after intercourse is characteristic of such pathologies:
- Neurogenic bladder.
- Tumor of the bladder.
- Hyperplasia of the prostate gland in men.
- Pressure on the bladder and urethra from the side of nearby inflamed organs.
- Narrowing of the lumen of the urethra.
- Urolithiasis disease.
- Atrophy of the musculature of the sphincter of the bladder.
- Atrophic vaginitis.
- Omission of the uterus, vagina.
- Diabetes.
Treatment of pain after sex
Treatment and therapeutic complex of measures for postcoital pain obviously must correspond to the therapy of the underlying disease. Pain after sex is not a disease, but a symptom, often nonspecific.
The main rule in determining therapeutic tactics in neutralizing genitalia is to eliminate the etiologic factor, often for such a decision requires a long, extended diagnosis, including all available methods of modern medicine.
If dyspareunia is associated with psychogenic causes, treatment of pain after sex is a course of psychotherapeutic sessions, as well as the appointment of adequate mielorelaksantov, sedatives.
If genitalgia is associated with infectious etiology, after clarification of the causative agent of the disease, intensive antibiotic therapy is performed.
Treatment of pain after sex should be carried out for both women and men, that is, treat both partners in order to avoid relapse and new infection.
With a timely appeal to the gynecologist, urologist, sex therapist, neurologist, pain after sex is not only possible to cure, but also to prevent its appearance in the future.
Separate topic and discussion deserve the treatment of postcoital pain, due to STDs, sexually transmitted diseases. Such pathologies are not only dangerous in the sense of complications, they carry an epidemiological threat, so regular urological and gynecological examinations are so important.
Prevention of pain after sex
Preventative measures that prevent pain after sex, consist in a conscious, competent attitude to sexual intercourse in principle. Prevention of pain after sex is first and foremost a protected sexual act, whether it be a condom or vaginal preparations, means. Thus, it is possible to avoid, prevent the infection of STDs, venereal diseases, herpes viruses, hepatitis, HIV. In addition, the prevention of pain after sex - is a systematic appeal to the treating urologist, gynecologist, examinations and examinations. So it is possible to prevent the development of many inflammatory processes, to identify them in the early stages.
It is also important to observe the basic rules of personal hygiene, but, perhaps most importantly, it is to treat the partner with care and reverence, then sex will deliver only mutual pleasure, and not pain.