Ovulatory pain
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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A person is a relatively perfect model of a living organism, in which many functions are duplicated, some vital organs are paired, the system for warning of various problems is debugged and it is impossible not to notice the alarms. The female organism reacts very sensitively to the slightest disturbances in its work and women, as a rule, have a low pain threshold. Pain with mechanical damage to the skin, headache, menstrual pain, ovulatory pain - the list of reasons for messages from the body to consciousness is infinite. Sometimes the pain is purely psychological.
What causes ovulatory pain?
Periodically occurring pains in the lower abdomen can also be of a functional nature, especially such as ovulatory pain and menstrual pain. Ovulatory pain occurs periodically, depending on the time of maturation and release of the egg. The appearance of this kind of pain can be predicted and its duration and intensity are just as predictable. Usually, pain sensations appear in the middle of the menstrual cycle, are relatively easy to carry, last from a few hours to a day or two, have a paroxysmal or aching character, pass without a trace.
In the absence of gynecological problems, ovulatory pain appears monthly alternately on the right or left in the lower abdomen, depending on whether the right or left ovary carries a maturing egg. In any case, ovulatory pain differs from pain in case of damage by its short duration and relatively easy tolerability.
To confirm that the recurring pains are ovulatory, it is enough to conduct a fairly labor-intensive home study - drawing a basal temperature schedule. In the mornings, not getting out of bed, at the same time, a woman measures the temperature in the rectum and makes a graph of the readings. Relatively reliable can be considered a schedule lasting at least six months. This method is used as a method of counting the days of the greatest probability of conception. On the day of ovulation, the basal temperature rises by a few tenths of a degree. When referring to the attending physician, this schedule can be a source of valuable information.
Painful sensations arise as a reaction, a signal of irritation from the blood that appeared in the abdominal cavity due to rupture of the follicle with a mature egg. If suddenly the appearance of ovulatory pain does not coincide with the timing of possible ovulation, the character of pain changes - you should immediately seek help from specialists. If the ovulatory pain is constantly pronounced and delivers considerable discomfort, the gynecologist-endocrinologist will appoint a test, which, after confirming the reasons for the pain, hormones can be recommended. The purpose of treatment is carried out taking into account the weight, age and type of patients. The essence of the treatment is that ovulation does not occur when some preparations are taken, as the egg does not ripen, therefore, in the absence of ovulation, the follicle does not burst and blood does not enter the abdominal cavity. With a relative integrity of the internal organs, the pain signal does not arrive. This method of combating ovulatory pain is not suitable for couples planning a pregnancy.
What should I do if I have ovulatory pain?
Any kind of pain, whether it be headache pain or ovulatory pain, is worthy to undergo examination and pinpoint the cause of the appearance of uncomfortable sensations. Very often undefined pains in the lower abdomen begin various diseases associated with pelvic organs. It should be remembered that the disease is easier to prevent than cure.
Pain is the only means of reporting any malfunctioning internal organs, even if these disorders are associated with functional changes necessary for the work of these organs. If the women periodically have pain in the lower abdomen, then the reasons for the appearance of pain should be started from the exclusion of conditions that are life-threatening. If the pain is constant, but of varying intensity, incomprehensible localization, acute or intolerable, you should seek the help of specialists to avoid conditions of inflammation of appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, rupture of cystic structures and similar conditions that endanger life.