Children's Anesthesiologist
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A pediatric anesthesiologist is one of the most sought after and necessary specialties in all medicine. It includes not only the basics of anesthesiology, but also the resuscitative aspects. This important scientific and practical medical specialty occupies a special place in the surgical, obstetrical, therapeutic and a large number of other fields of medicine.
Anesthesiology in pediatrics takes on a tremendous responsibility for the lives of children of all ages. Thanks to her, many children can postpone surgical intervention and get out of anesthesia by a practically healthy person. In addition, the management of the early postoperative period is also placed on the shoulders of the anesthesiologist, on which the subsequent recovery largely depends.
Who is the children's anesthesiologist?
Surgical manipulation is not possible without the presence of an anesthesiologist. Of course, depending on the scope of the surgery, general anesthesia can be dispensed with, but nevertheless, even local anesthesia should be conducted with knowledge of its rules and requirements.
Now it is necessary to understand who is the children's anesthesiologist? This is a highly qualified specialist who, after careful examination of the child, allows for an operative intervention. In addition, if there is a certain condition that interferes with the surgical operation, he must eliminate it so that during the anesthesia nothing threatens the life of the baby. Also, the children's anesthesiologist is considered one of the most important specialists in the operating unit. After all, it provides the optimal conditions for the operation, both for the surgical team and for the patient himself.
When should I contact a pediatric anesthesiologist?
When should I contact a pediatric anesthesiologist? The main difference between pediatrics is the fact that even conducting any diagnostic intervention requires controlled sedation. This, of course, is not a surgical intervention, but nevertheless from a pediatric anesthesiologist, it is necessary to immobilize the patient and ensure a quiet investigation.
In addition, an important contribution is the moral preparation of the child before the operation. Children have such a developed connection with the mother that when she rips, even for a short period of time, the child becomes uncontrollable. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to conduct a conversation with the child, try to captivate him with what is happening, to come up with an exciting journey that he will make during sleep. Of course, it is not always possible to soothe the baby, but for this case there are special medications.
What tests should I take when I go to a pediatric anesthesiologist?
In order to have as few unpleasant surprises as possible during operations, the pediatric anesthesiologist should know in advance about the baby's health before the operation. In the event of any pathology, a thorough investigation of this area should be conducted.
Preoperative examination includes acquaintance with the history of the child's illness. Then the liver, cardiovascular and urinary systems are examined. It is also necessary to learn about allergic conditions for medications, traumas, operations and the presence of any chronic pathology. If a pathology is found that is not related to the proposed surgical intervention, it is recommended to more closely examine the disease in order to avoid the development of complications during or after the operation.
What tests should I take when I go to a pediatric anesthesiologist? To begin with, you should conduct a clinical blood test and make a general urine test. With the help of these analyzes, you can see a picture of the overall health of the baby. For example, for the presence of an inflammatory or allergic process, and also to suspect a pathology of the urinary system. In addition, in the presence of concomitant disease, it is necessary to examine this body system. If there are suspicions of problems with the kidneys, then it is recommended to pass a urine test for Nechiporenko or Zemnitskiy. If there is a suspicion of dysfunction of the liver and biliary system, then it is recommended to do a biochemical blood test with the study of bilirubin, ALT, AST. In addition, the importance of glucose in the blood, urea, creatinine, as well as acute phase parameters.
What diagnostic methods does the child anesthesiologist use?
What diagnostic methods does the child anesthesiologist use? Obligatory for diagnosis before surgery is electrocardiography. The remaining methods of research are appointed according to the indications. In the event that there is a concomitant disease of the respiratory system, then it is advisable to provide an X-ray examination, spirography or other diagnostic methods. With the pathology of the urinary system, it is desirable to perform ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder. Diseases of the reproductive system require consultation of a specialist with his subsequent conclusion about the state of health. The heart is examined with the help of echocardiography, which allows assessing the contractility of the myocardium, cardiac output, the state of the valve system and the thickness of the walls. In the presence of diabetes it is necessary to conduct a study of glucose with loads. This is necessary in order to determine the optimal dose of insulin needed before the operation and in the postoperative period.
What diagnostic methods does the child anesthesiologist use? On the initial examination, the pediatric anesthesiologist performs auscultation of the heart and lungs with a stethophonendoscope. Further, it measures pressure and pulse. All these diagnostic methods must be performed to assess the child's health before the operation.
What does the children's anesthesiologist do?
What does the pediatric anesthesiologist do during the operation? The operation is a surgical way of treating any diseases. However, every surgical intervention or even minimal painful manipulation causes a stressful response of the body to the stimulus. The cause of this condition can be not only the pain factor, but also changes in the circulatory system, for example, due to blood loss, gas exchange disorders or biochemical changes.
The response of the body is conditioned by activation of the neurohumoral system, as a result of which spasm of the peripheral blood vessels is observed, which leads to additional production of catecholamines. Thus, the circle closes, and regardless of whether the cause continues to act or not, the reaction of the body is already conditioned by the reactions that have been triggered.
What does the children's anesthesiologist do? It is to avoid the activation of such processes that a careful monitoring and participation of the children's anesthesiologist is necessary. His duties include not only the removal of pain and disabling the child's consciousness for the time of surgery, but also ensuring the safety of his life, both in the process of surgical intervention, and soon after anesthesia and the postoperative period.
What diseases are treated by an anesthesiologist?
Anesthesia and resuscitation in medicine most often solve the same questions, therefore in most clinics these branches are connected. The main task of the anesthesiologist is the moral and medicament preparation of the child for the operation, control over the state of the baby during surgical intervention, as well as keeping it in the early postoperative period.
What diseases are treated by an anesthesiologist? A pediatric anesthesiologist prepares the child for the forthcoming operation. In addition, in the presence of a certain pathological condition, the anesthesiologist tries to turn it into an inactive state in order to prevent surgical intervention. As for the postoperative period, in some cases, children require intensive care. This is due to the characteristics of their anatomical and physiological structure, so that in childhood, critical states occur much more often than in adults. Especially when carrying out even an insignificant surgical manipulation, in most cases anesthesia is required.
The pediatric anesthesiologist corrects the impaired vital functions and maintains them at the required level.
Advice of a pediatric anesthesiologist
A pediatric anesthesiologist must immediately have a conversation with the child immediately before the surgery. The doctor should be consulted about taking certain medications, which may be taken on a regular basis. Some should be canceled for the period of the postoperative period. For example, funds that reduce the level of sugar, since the anesthesiologist must independently monitor this figure with the help of insulin and infusion therapy. Also drugs that contain aspirin. They can increase bleeding during or after surgery. As for drugs to reduce blood pressure, it is necessary to adhere to your intake scheme right up to the operation. The doctor will be able to control blood pressure independently during and after the operation.
The advice of a pediatric anesthetist doctor is to prohibit the use of various alcoholic and energy drinks 10 days before the proposed operation. This is due to the toxic effect of alcohol on the liver, which leads to a slowing down of the detoxification process, thereby delaying toxic substances in the body. In addition, under the influence of alcohol, the heart begins to beat violently, which can lead to a breakdown in rhythm and arrhythmia. Also, spontaneous pressure rises are unacceptable in the preoperative period. Blood clotting can change with the further formation of thrombi with subsequent thrombosis of large and small vessels, or provoke bleeding.
To avoid development in the postoperative period of pneumonia or other inflammations in the respiratory system, it is recommended to perform respiratory gymnastics. This contributes to the intensive operation of the lungs and the prevention of blood stagnation in a small circle of circulation.
The advice of a pediatric anesthesia doctor includes recommendations for nutrition prior to surgery. It is necessary to eat food that gives energy. For example, lean meat, chicken, fish, cottage cheese, kefir and much more. From food that is poorly digested and promotes weight gain, it should be discarded. In order to avoid allergic reactions, it is advisable on the eve of the operation not to consume exotic fruits, not to take new drugs or to use cosmetic means. In addition, do not consume large amounts of chocolate and other easily digestible carbohydrates.
Adhering to the above tips and following the recommendations of a pediatric anesthesiologist, you can significantly reduce the risk of complications during the operation and in the postoperative period. The rest is in the hands of a professional.