Why is calve yellow and what should I do?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Changes in the density or color of fecal matter a person not always notices. However, yellow feces are difficult to notice - an unusual color may indicate the presence of any disease states, intoxications, disturbances. Of course, not always the cause is the disease. Therefore, it is not necessary to worry in advance: perhaps, the information provided by us will help you to orient yourself in the symptoms and determine the presence or absence of pathology.
Causes of the feces of yellow color
Light yellow feces are considered one of the typical signs of problems with the liver and biliary system. Yellowing of feces is caused by a low content of bilirubin in them, which behaves poorly with bile because of impaired liver function, or with obstruction of the bile ducts. At the same time, the level of bilirubin in the blood increases. When it becomes too much, then not only does the stool turn yellow, but also the integuments and sclera. In addition, bilirubin creates a load on the kidneys: the urinary fluid darkens and becomes similar in color to beer.
Offensive stool of yellow color often becomes a sign of impaired pancreas work. Lack or absolute deficit of some enzymes leads to the impossibility of splitting fats: as a result, the feces lightens and gets an unpleasant smell. In addition to pancreatitis, this condition is observed in patients with celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, tumor processes, with blockage of the bile ducts.
White-yellow feces can also be observed in a practically healthy person - due to regular food errors, with the systematic use of fatty foods and milk.
Another variant of the norm is acceptable if the bright yellow feces appears on the background of treatment with some medicines: antibiotics, antifungals, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Faeces turn yellow with prolonged intake of contraceptives or antidotergic drugs, as well as with the abuse of vitamin preparations. As a rule, at the end of taking such medications, the color of the stool is normalized.
Risk factors
The yellow color of the feces may indicate which foods a person used the day before, and how well the digestive process was. The yellowing of the stool is also influenced by such factors:
- features of the diet;
- taking medications;
- Disorder of motor and excretory capacity of the digestive tract;
- metabolic disorders;
- the use of alcoholic beverages;
- pathology of the liver, biliary system, pancreas.
Yellow feces can be represented in different shades - from yellowish-white to yellow-brown, or rich orange.
Yellowing of stool can be associated with a variety of factors - for example, with the quality of food eaten or with the enzymatic activity of the digestive system.
All basic enzymes are needed in order to split large protein or fat molecules, for the best digestion of their body. The cleavage of carbohydrate molecules largely occurs in the oral cavity. Fats are mainly emulsified and digested in the intestinal cavity. Splitting of protein foods occurs mainly in the stomach.
If any processes associated with digestion of food components are violated, this can lead to a change in the color of feces - for example, yellowing of the stool is often associated with under-digestion of food, or with a clear malfunction in the biliary system.
Digestive processes are a complex and finely arranged mechanism that instantly responds to any change in the diet and nutritional rhythm. Therefore, if a person is observed periodically or constantly yellow feces, then a thorough diagnosis of the digestive organs should be made, and only after that draw conclusions about the possible presence of a particular pathology.
Special statistics about the frequency of detection of yellow stool in patients is not conducted. Presumably, this symptom is diagnosed in every fifth patient who seeks medical help for digestive and metabolic diseases.
Yellow feces are more often found in people who have a sedentary lifestyle, prone to obesity, as well as people prone to overeating and alcohol dependence.
Yellowing of the stool can indicate the presence of such abnormalities:
- accelerated passage of food masses through the intestine (may be due to various causes - for example, with digestive reflux);
- Bile excretion deficiency;
- acute microbial infection;
- genetically determined difficulties with the assimilation of gluten - the so-called celiac disease;
- inflammatory processes in the biliary system;
- presence of lamblia in the intestine (giardiasis);
- liver disease;
- increased bilirubin content;
- upset of the bowels.
For an accurate definition of the disease, which is accompanied by yellowing of the stool, it is necessary to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist.
First signs
Most often, ordinary feces have a brown color, so its yellowing of many worries and adds anxiety. The yellowness is mainly due to the presence of bilirubin in the mass - the result of hemoglobin breakdown, as well as other bile pigments. Due to the different contents of bilirubin, the color of the stool varies from yellow-white to yellow-brown.
In many people, a change in the color of feces is not related to pathology - for example, caused by eating habits or taking certain medications. In such a situation, a person does not sense and does not observe other signs that could indicate the presence of the disease.
An excuse for experiencing is if the yellowing of the stool is found on the background of other painful symptoms:
- Yellow-green feces, accompanied by diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, nausea - are likely signs of an infectious disease of the digestive system (for example, salmonellosis).
- Liquid yellow feces with pain in the abdomen and / or back, with a simultaneous darkening of the urine - this is a sign of malfunction from the hepatobiliary system.
- Black and yellow feces on the background of abdominal pain, general weakness, pallor of the skin and tachycardia are signs of bleeding in the digestive tract (for example, a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer may bleed).
- Yellow urine and yellow feces - if these symptoms are not accompanied by other complaints, then you should analyze your diet for the last couple of days. For example, this happens after eating a lot of citrus, dried apricots, persimmons, pears or apples. The same symptoms are observed when using large doses of multivitamin preparations - Revit, Undevit, ascorbic acid. If the feces are strongly yellow, then it is possible, if the menu was dominated by dairy products, peas. Such a condition does not require any treatment, and the color of the feces comes back to normal after the nutrition has been corrected.
- Yellow feces with blood, which is accompanied by pain in the abdomen and attacks of nausea - these are signs of bleeding in the intestinal cavity. If this condition is accompanied by diarrhea, you can suspect defeat amoeba or lamblia - parasitic protozoa.
- Yellow feces with red veins on the background of constipation indicates a violation of the integrity of the mucous tissues in the intestine. This happens when ulcerative colitis, hemorrhoids, tumor processes.
- Yellow frothy feces are more often associated with an infectious disease and are accompanied by a constant or paroxysmal nausea, vomiting, and cramps in the abdomen. The mild course of the disease can stop on its own, and in severe forms, dehydration and depletion of the body often develop. Yellow mucus instead of feces, a strong unpleasant odor with a stool frequency up to five times a day are found in yersiniosis colitis - this pathology is similar to acute appendicitis or ulcerative colitis, and sometimes accompanied by simultaneous damage to the joints, liver, spleen.
- Yellow feces and diarrhea with a stool volume exceeding 1000 ml is an occasion for urgent medical consultation. If the patient is not treated in a timely manner, dehydration, metabolic acidosis, hypovolemia may occur.
- Yellow feces and temperature often accompany an acute intestinal infection, provoked by an E. Coli. There are moderate manifestations of intoxication syndrome: chills, a sense of weakness, loss of appetite. The temperature rises to 38 ° C, the patient complains of paroxysmal pains in the lower abdomen. Diarrhea caused especially by the bacterium of dysentery or salmonella is especially severe: the stool is repeated up to 20 times a day, vomiting and yellow stool are observed, and the temperature rises already up to 40 ° C. There is a tachycardia, a drop in blood pressure, pain in the head.
- Cough yellow feces are observed in about one in four patients taking antibiotics. Antibiotic therapy is accompanied by at least three episodes of a mushy stool for a couple of days in a row. Most often this condition is associated with the increased development of bacteria against the background of the obligate intestinal flora suppressed by antibiotics.
- Constipation and yellow feces can be signs of so-called travelers diarrhea. This condition develops as a result of changes: the food ration, the frequency of food intake, climatic conditions change. All this - a kind of stress for the body, which provokes the appearance of such symptoms. Most often constipation is replaced by diarrhea, there may be tenesmus, nausea, cramps in the abdomen. In some cases, a painful condition develops after coming home, for ten days.
- Feces of yellow carrot color can be caused by increased intake of bile into the ileum and cecum cavity. In a similar situation, bile provokes intestinal hyperkinesia with increased secretion of fluid and electrolytes. This condition is called holagennoy diarrhea and occurs after surgery on the small intestine, with inflammation of the ileum, in violation of the function of the bile excretory system, after cholecystectomy. Yellow feces after removal of the gallbladder are often accompanied by an abundant watery defecation of bright yellow or greenish color, as well as soreness in the right ileal region.
- Yellow mucus in feces is provoked both by the use of antibiotics and other medications: in particular, magnesium preparations, proton pump inhibitors, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, laxatives, cardiac glycosides, essential phospholipids can be the "culprits". The condition often occurs with abdominal pain, gastric discomfort, eructation and nausea
- Yellow veins in the feces are often found in Crohn's disease - approximately 75% of cases, and especially - with the affected large intestine. Other symptoms are: unformed stool with mucus or veins (frequency - at least five times a day), with other pathological impurities (blood, purulent discharge).
- Yellow feces occur with a genetic disease such as gluten-sensitive celiac disease. For this disease, intolerance of proteins of some cereals is typical: when they are used, atrophic processes occur in the small intestinal mucosa, the malabsorption syndrome develops. The first signs of the disease are manifested in childhood: a change in the color of the stool, frequent diarrhea, emaciation, swelling, developmental disorders, etc. Stool disruption, as a rule, is chronic.
- The abdomen and yellow feces ache with functional disorder is the so-called irritable bowel syndrome. In this case, there can be observed, both diarrhea and stooling. Liquid feces are more often released in the morning, but in the afternoon and at night there is no diarrhea. Among the additional symptoms are often present: increased gas formation, belching with an unpleasant odor, unpleasant sensations in the abdomen.
- Yellow feces with dysbacteriosis is not a typical symptom, but it can be observed in some patients with intensified fermentation processes in the intestine. Feces are more often liquid, foamy, differ sour aroma. With prolonged course, the so-called anorectal syndrome develops, which is accompanied by reddening and burning of the zone around the anus.
- Yellow stool during chemotherapy can be observed no less often than diarrhea, abdominal pain or low-grade fever. These are relatively common side effects: feces can be mushy, watery, with a frequency of up to ten times a day with a small daily volume. Sometimes, on the contrary, there is a fastening of the chair of different duration. This condition is associated in most cases with the development of post-radiation colitis and drug enteropathy.
- Bold yellow feces are often found in patients with endocrine problems - for example, with diabetic enteropathy. The disease has an undulating course, with the change of acute periods and remissions. Feces are watery, with tenesmus. Laboratory determined steatorrhoea without signs of emaciation.
- Feces of yellow color with pieces of food against the background of diarrhea are often associated with an increased function of the thyroid gland. Diagnosis in this situation tends toward diffuse toxic goiter. Certainly, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies to confirm or deny the diagnosis.
- Yellow feces with pancreatitis are always accompanied by a change in consistency, shape, odor. In addition to these signs, there are pains in the hypochondrium, giving in the back, increased gas formation, bloating, diarrhea. The exact diagnosis is made only after the research - in particular, it is necessary to make ultrasound and coprogram.
- Yellow feces with cholecystitis differ in light hues, and the color of urine often darkens. With chronic cholecystitis, frequent nausea, discomfort and dull pain in the zone of the hypochondrium on the right (mainly after eating fatty foods, alcohol, medicines).
- Yellow feces with a diet is noted in several cases:
- if it is a milk diet (for example, a diet on tea with milk or whole milk);
- if periods of fasting are replaced by bouts of overeating (so-called failures);
- if there are problems with liver health or with the endocrine system.
Any diet is a kind of stress for the body, therefore it is necessary to approach the choice of changes in nutrition correctly. If necessary, it is better to consult a dietician in advance.
- Yellow feces after diarrhea occur if a person takes certain medications to normalize the stool - for example, drugs of the nitrofuran series, or antibiotics. In addition, it matters what diarrhea was caused by: yellowing of the stool could be a consequence of inflammatory processes (for example, colitis), hepatitis, hormonal disorders, pancreatic diseases. For more accurate diagnosis, you should consult a medical professional and analyze other available symptoms.
- Yellow feces with gastritis occur with difficult digestion of fats, with simultaneous disruption of the pancreas, with increased fermentation in the intestine. A similar condition can be accompanied by a decrease in appetite, emaciation, exhaustion.
- Yellow feces with a carbohydrate diet happens if the diet includes an increased amount of fat, which the body can not digest. The pancreas works in a strengthened mode, there is an enzymatic deficiency, which causes yellowing of the stool. To normalize the digestive function, it is necessary to carefully revise the diet so as not to provoke the appearance of other health problems in the future.
- Yellow stool after Ursosan can be a side effect on the background of taking the drug. It is believed that Ursosan, as well as other similar drugs, can cause a change in color and consistency of faeces. If the condition is not accompanied by other negative symptoms, then it is normalized after the end of the course of taking the medication.
- Yellow feces and plaque on the tongue are sure signs of malfunction in the intestine. For example, white plaque and yellowing of stool can become symptoms of colitis, enterocolitis. Precise information about the diagnosis is better to receive at a doctor-gastroenterologist.
- Yellow feces after rotavirus may be a consequence of taking medications. If this is the case, then the color of the faeces should soon be normalized. Nevertheless, it is not superfluous to conduct an analysis of feces for dysbiosis - perhaps, yellowing indicates an imbalance of the intestinal microflora.
- Yellow stool after magnesia indicates an increased load on the digestive system. It can be called an adverse event - after stopping the intake of magnesium sulfate, the condition usually normalizes.
- Yellow feces with cabbage use occur in young children, who are transferred to complementary foods. If this happened, then it is better to wait for the cabbage to be introduced into the lure - the digestive system of the baby is not yet ready to digest this vegetable qualitatively. It is better to return to the topic of introduction to cabbage ration after 1-2 months.
Yellow feces in the child
In infants on breastfeeding feces are almost always yellow. This is due to the presence in the mass of bilirubin, which from the fourth month is replaced by sterocobilin. A baby's milk diet always causes yellowing of stool masses - be it mother's milk, or milk formula, or whole cow's milk.
In addition, feces can change their color when overfeeding an infant, with atresia of bile ducts, with liver diseases.
Yellow feces in an adult
The yellow color of feces in adults is due to the abundance of milk products or calcium in the diet, bowel, liver or pancreas diseases. As a rule, these are the basic reasons for this condition in patients.
The main difference between adult patients and children in this aspect is that, in adulthood, the body always has many more pathologies and health problems, which can lead to a change in the characteristics of feces.
The most common reasons are:
- prevalence of dairy products and / or fatty foods in the diet;
- impaired pancreas function;
- various processes that hinder the normal release of bile;
- infectious processes in the digestive tract;
- violation of the ratio of normal and conditionally pathogenic flora in the intestine;
- liver disease.
The change in the color of feces on the background of unhealthy consistency and bad smell is an indisputable indicator of an abnormal digestive process. However, the exact diagnosis can only be made by the doctor, based on the results of the diagnosis.
Yellow feces during pregnancy
Any disease during pregnancy can potentially threaten the future mother and baby. Therefore, a pregnant woman should contact the doctor for any questions regarding her health. Even in spite of the fact that yellow feces are not always a sign of pathology, it is still necessary to conduct a survey.
The most common cause of yellowing of feces is hormonal restructuring: during pregnancy, the female body undergoes changes. It is not uncommon in this period and all kinds of digestive disorders.
The color characteristics of feces often change under the influence of high content of progesterone. The same hormone also changes the frequency of urine release, causes mood jumps, attacks of nausea, etc.
Sometimes a yellow feces is a consequence of toxicosis, or the result of an incorrect treatment of constipation in a woman. The reduced tone of smooth muscles is often observed during pregnancy already from the first weeks. To treat such problems is also necessary under the supervision of a medical specialist.
Yellow feces after childbirth
Yellowing of feces can be associated with the disease - in such a situation, appropriate treatment will be prescribed. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, although in many cases, after the delivery, there is a disruption of the normal functioning of the internal organs, and the general state of the organism after the transferred load is aggravated. If the woman had problems with the hepatobiliary system before the pregnancy, after the birth the condition almost always worsens - it depends on the specific disease, the severity of the pathology, the individual characteristics of the patient.
If the yellowing of the stool is caused by overloading the body or the predominance of milk products in the diet, then this problem always goes on its own. If the change in the color of feces does not affect the work of the internal organs, then it is hardly worth taking any medications and thereby increasing the load on the liver. After a while after the birth, recovery of adequate biliary excretion and stabilization of the digestive function takes place. If necessary, the doctor can prescribe a strict diet, reducing the load on the liver and pancreas.
Yellow feces in a nursing mother
Yellowing of feces in a woman during lactation is mainly associated with a sharp change in diet. Some women begin to intensively consume dairy products and whole milk: many believe that it can promote lactation and increase the volume of breast milk.
Dominant dairy nutrition almost always leads to yellowing of the feces. There is nothing wrong with this phenomenon: after correcting the food and reducing the number of dairy products in the menu, the color characteristics of the feces are stabilized.
Do not exclude the development of various pathologies in women during breastfeeding. If there are any other symptoms that indicate a disturbed digestive system, then the doctor should be consulted without delay.
Diagnostics of the feces of yellow color
Most doctors when treating patients about yellowing of stool spend a general examination, then they collect an anamnesis and give a referral for a consultation with a gastroenterologist or hepatologist.
The gastroenterologist conducts diagnostics of the whole digestive tract, and the hepatologist is a rarer and narrower specialist who is engaged in the treatment of the liver and biliary system. Less often the consultation of the endocrinologist, infectiologist, oncologist or surgeon is required.
Laboratory diagnostics is performed to determine the functionality of the hepatobiliary system. Most often, such tests are prescribed:
- general clinical studies of blood and urine (in particular, the content of direct bilirubin is interesting);
- coprogram - analysis of stool;
- the study of blood on the quality of pigment metabolism;
- definition of cholinesterase;
- analysis of serum enzymes.
In order to finally confirm the alleged diagnosis and determine the stage of the disease, instrumental diagnostics is used:
- Ultrasound of the liver;
- CT scan;
- Magnetic resonance imaging;
- radioisotope scanning (scintigraphy);
- liver biopsy (allows to reveal hemochromatosis, latent leaking hepatitis B).
Differential diagnosis, in the first place, is carried out with the following pathologies and conditions:
- infectious lesion, inflammatory process in the small intestine, escherichiosis (feces are voluminous, foamy, watery);
- defeat rotavirus (temperature rises, gas formation increases);
- hepatitis (viral, parasitic);
- pancreatic disease (there are signs of poor digestibility of fats);
- monotonous food with a predominance of dairy products.
Yellowing of stool is always evaluated individually: age features, general health of the patient, eating habits, etc. Are taken into account.
Treatment of the feces of yellow color
If the yellowing of the stool is associated with the use of a particular type of food or medicine, then it is not worth worrying about. After correction of the food ration, or after the end of the treatment course, the color of the feces will be restored.
If yellow feces appear after alcohol poisoning, it is better to consult the doctor: it is important that after the poisoning there are no unpleasant consequences associated with the digestive system.
If the liver function is still impaired, or other problems have appeared - with the pancreas, intestines, bile secretion system - then the doctor will prescribe the appropriate drug situation.
Dosing and Administration |
Side effects |
Precautionary measures |
Ursofalk |
With cholestasis, cholangitis, intoxication, the daily dose of the drug is 10-15 mg / kg of the patient's weight. |
Calcification of gallstones, abdominal pain. |
Ursofalk is not used to treat patients with gallstones. |
Hofitol |
With hepatitis, hepatosis, noncalculous cholecystitis take 1-2 tablets three times a day. |
Rarely - diarrhea, allergies. |
Hofitol is not prescribed for cholelithiasis. |
Pancreatic |
When eating disorders, during chemotherapy, with dysfunction of the pancreas take inside 150 thousand units per day. |
Rarely - discomfort in the abdomen, skin rashes, nausea. |
Pancreatic is not used for acute pancreatitis. |
Smekta |
In colitis, stomach ulcer and duodenum, with diarrhea take inside 3 grams three times a day, previously dissolved in 100 ml of water. |
Rarely, constipation. |
Do not take Smect at the same time as other medicines. |
Hepabene |
In diseases of the bile excretory system, with inflammatory processes in the liver, with dyskinesia and toxic hepatitis take 1 capsule three times a day. |
Increasing defecation, allergies. |
Gepabene is not prescribed in the acute period of inflammatory diseases, and also to children under six years old. |
When yellow feces are found, it is important to pay attention to the diet. To support the digestive system requires a number of vitamins - and above all, vitamin E, which supports the functionality and health of liver cells. Among other things, tocopherol protects hepatocytes from destruction, prevents age processes, normalizes the hormonal background, strengthens immune defense, normalizes metabolic reactions. Tocopherol in sufficient quantities is present in nuts, vegetable oil, in some berries (for example, sea-buckthorn, mountain ash, blackberries). If the liver is already affected, then you can go to the pharmacy and buy drugs containing vitamin E.
A major role in the normalization of the hepatobiliary system is played by lipoic acid, which controls the processes of fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Lipoic acid eliminates intoxication, reduces the load on the liver.
If yellow feces is one of the signs of liver damage, it is necessary to replenish the body's stores of vitamin A. This vitamin is rich in cod liver oil, fatty fish. You can buy and pharmacy drugs, such as Aevit or capsules with fish oil.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Treatment of many pathologies, in particular, associated with the appearance of yellow stool, is carried out in a complex, using physiotherapy. Immediately it is worth noting that in the presence of internal bleeding, a tumor process or ascites physiotherapy procedures are not prescribed.
Also contraindications are:
- acute period of inflammatory disease;
- severe complications;
- special conditions of the patient.
Types of procedures can be:
- Diathermy - heating tissues with high frequency currents. It is appropriate for hepatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis, dyskinesia, congestion of bile.
- Inductothermy is the application of a variable electromagnetic high-frequency field, which is capable of penetrating into the tissues of the parenchyma by an average of 7 cm. It is prescribed for inflammatory processes, degenerative-dystrophic and adhesive processes.
- Electrophoresis is a local transdermal method of administering medications that affect the affected organ. Suitable for cholecystitis, pancreatitis, diabetes.
- UHF therapeutic method - the effect of heat from the electromagnetic field of ultrahigh frequency. It is used for liver injuries, cirrhosis, biliary dysfunction, cholangitis or cholecystitis, hepatitis.
Alternative treatment
If the yellowing of the stool is the only disturbing symptom, you can try to get rid of it by alternative methods. Certainly, it is better to consult the doctor in advance.
- Squeeze 400 ml of juice from apples, add to it 60 g of honey. Take a drug of 100 ml 4 times a day.
- Take 200 ml of juice, obtained from black radish, and natural honey, mix and take 25 ml three times a day.
- Several times a day, use fried corn with honey, every day.
- Eat every morning on an empty stomach 50-150 grams of fresh strawberries.
- Squeeze the juice from the rhizome of celery and take it 50 ml to three times a day before eating.
It is useful to include in the diet olive or linseed oil - these are very effective products to maintain the normal function of the digestive system.
And a few good tips:
- Start the day with a spoon of vegetable oil, which should be drunk with water with lemon or grapefruit juice;
- drink a little bit of beet juice during the day;
- include in the diet of avocados - its fruits contain substances that improve the performance of the liver and bile excretory system.
Herbal Treatment
- Prepare a collection of 20 g of yarrow, 20 g of immortelle, 20 g of Artemisia, 20 g of fennel, 20 g of mint leaves. Take 2 tbsp. L. Of the collected collection is steamed in 500 ml of boiling water (in a thermos) for 40 minutes. In a warm infusion, add 1 tablespoonful of honey and take 100 ml for a quarter of an hour before any meal.
- Prepare a collection of 40 g of peppermint leaves, 30 grams of wormwood, 30 g of flowers immortelle. Pour 2 tbsp. L. Collecting 500 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 40 minutes. Drink 100 ml for half an hour before any meal. For sweetness, you can add a little honey.
- Take 40 grams of nettles, 30 grams of dandelion roots and 30 g of rose hips. Pour 2 tbsp. L. Collecting 500 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 1.5 hours. Take 100 ml three times a day for half an hour before meals, for a month. Treatment can be repeated after a 10-day break.
Treatment with homeopathy means is becoming more popular every year. Such drugs practically do not cause side effects, at the same time, there is indeed a positive result from such treatment.
Means of homeopathy can be used and for prevention - to prevent many disease states.
Consider a few of the most effective and popular drugs that can be used to normalize digestive processes - including, with yellowing of the stool.
- Hepel - tablets are taken under the tongue between meals, 1 pc. Up to 3 times a day.
- Galstena - is prescribed if yellow feces is caused by diseases such as pancreatitis or cholecystitis. Take 1 tablet under the tongue, half an hour before meals.
- Gepar compositum - used for hepatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis, cholangitis, intoxications. Dosages of the drug are individual.
- Hepa Edas 953 - take 4-5 pellets three times a day after eating.
- Adaptosan - cleanses the body and liver, normalizes the character of the stool, increases immune defenses. Take under the tongue of 5-7 pellets. The frequency and duration of reception is determined individually.
The surgeon's help may be required in case the appearance of yellow feces is associated with cholelithiasis or calculous cholecystitis. At the same time, several variants of the operative solution of the problem are singled out:
- traditional intervention (standard, open access) - cholecystectomy with upper median or right oblique laparotomy;
- laparoscopy with cholecystectomy;
- cholecystoligotomy
The operation is appointed if there is no possibility to influence the disease in a conservative way, or when there are strict contraindications to medical and litholytic treatment.
The method of conducting an operative intervention is determined by the doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the patient and the disease.
Complications and consequences
The likelihood of developing adverse effects depends on the cause of the appearance of yellow stool. With the normal operation of the biliary system, stable digestive function, the problem with yellowing of feces can be solved by diet compliance and lifestyle changes, without any further complications on the part of health.
In rare situations, there may be a need for surgical intervention, but most often yellowing of feces is eliminated by a special medication course that combines the intake of medications, changes in diet and other procedures.
There are a lot of different ways to normalize the digestive tract and stimulate the activity of the hepatobiliary system, which helps to prevent the appearance of yellow stool:
- you need to move a lot: walk, run, swim, dance, exercise - this will increase the intensity of bile excretion;
- You can not eat food hastily: breakfast, lunch and dinner should be full and occur at about the same time;
- should limit the use of fatty, sweet, salty and spicy dishes, as well as alcohol;
- Do not overeat, and also for a long time refrain from eating;
- it is necessary to protect the nervous system: stresses and experiences worsen the quality of food digestion and provoke the appearance of spasms.
To predict the prognosis for patients who have a symptom such as yellow feces is quite difficult, due to the different etiology of this condition. At the general review the forecast happens worse, if serious complications are diagnosed - for example, internal bleeding, accumulation of a liquid in an abdominal cavity, hepatic encephalopathy, colic. The possibility of timely treatment of patients improves the quality of long-term prognosis.