What to do with constipation?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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The question “what to do with constipation?” Should not cause any embarrassment, since the natural, regular emptying of the intestines is one of the conditions for the normal functioning of the body, and its absence creates many health problems.
Moreover, the World Health Organization constipation, which, in essence, is a symptom, is related to diseases and has a code in the International Classification of Diseases.
And if, according to the data of the same WHO, at least one third of the adult population of Europe and at least 10% of children have this problem, then it is necessary to speak about it seriously - from a scientific point of view.
By the way, if someone is confused by the word "constipation", then you can replace it with a Latin medical term constipation... Well, let's figure out what to do with constipation? That is, with constipation.
What to do with chronic constipation?
An impressive list of causes that cause constipation, headed by an elementary lack of fiber in the products of the usual diet and insufficient water intake. Such constipation is classified as a physiological alimentary, and doctors recommend to cope with it without the help of laxative drugs. What to do with chronic constipation of this etiology, nutritionists know exactly.
Those who have problems with the timely release of the large intestine, it is necessary to intensify its work. To do this, you should eat raw vegetables and fruits, bread - exclusively rye or bran, crumbly cereal porridge (except rice), fresh dairy products. You also need to drink at least 5-6 glasses of water daily. But tea is better to give up, because it contains a lot of binders (tannins). For the same reason, do not abuse smoked meats, chocolate, persimmon, pomegranates and blueberries.
In no case do not take laxatives that irritate the intestinal mucosa: Senade (tablets with senna leaf extract), a laxative collection of medicinal plants (senna leaf, buckthorn bark, Zhostera fruits), Bisacodil (Diphenylmethane), sodium picosulfate (Guttalax, etc..).
Saline laxatives (magnesium sulfate or bitter salt, sodium sulfate, etc.) are also not suitable, since salts are absorbed in the intestine and disrupt the electrolyte balance. Gastroenterologists advise taking the so-called osmotic laxatives - based on polyethylene glycol polymer (Macrogol, Lavacol, Forlax, Realaxan). They trap fluid in the intestines and, thus, make the excrement more plastic, facilitating the process of defecation. The contents of one package of such a drug is dissolved in a small amount of water and drunk. This is best done in the morning. But you need to keep in mind that you can take these funds for no longer than three months.
For chronic constipation with spasms of the intestine, Laminaria (seaweed granules) can be taken orally after meals 1-2 teaspoons (no more than three times a day) with a glass of water. However, this drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to iodine, severe renal failure, hemorrhagic diathesis, as well as during pregnancy.
What to do with weekly constipation, which leads to the fermentation of fecal masses and the release of toxins from them? Urgently “unlock” the intestine, because with a normal diet, such a prolonged absence of waste evacuation is diagnosed as acute constipation.
That's when the question arises, what to do with strong constipation? Most often, doctors recommend taking fast-acting drugs, which, due to chemical irritation of the intestine with sodium picosulfate monohydrate, increase the contraction of the intestinal walls - peristalsis. Such drops of constipation are available with the following trade names, such as Guttalaks, Rekulaks-Picosulfate, Evacuol, Dibrolax, Elimin, Kontumaks, Guttalan, Laksidogol, Laksoberon, Pikolaks, Picosulfol, Totalaxan, Verlaks, Slabyl.
According to the instructions, their laxative effect is manifested approximately 8 hours after a single dose of an adult dose (10-12 drops). In fact, "relief" may follow later - after 12, or even 16 hours. You can take drops only for 7 days. In this case, sodium picosulphate can produce side effects in the form of abdominal pain, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and loss of potassium, flatulence, diarrhea, lower blood pressure and seizures. The use of Guttalax and its synonyms is contraindicated in the presence of inflammation of the abdominal organs and the bladder; abdominal pain syndrome of unknown etiology; gastrointestinal and non-menstrual uterine bleeding; with constipation with cramps. These drugs are not used in children under 4 years old and pregnant during the first three months of gestation.
The “speedy” remedy (effective in 20–25 minutes) is also Bisacodil in the form of rectal suppositories (1-2 suppositories are introduced into the rectum). Contraindications for the use of these suppositories are exacerbation of hemorrhoids and anal fissures, as well as inflammation or tumors of the rectum.
There is Bisacodil in pills, but it acts after 6-8 hours after a single dose, has the same contraindications and side effects as Guttalaks, and with constant use is addictive.
For constipation associated with hemorrhoids, intestinal sluggishness in the postoperative period or previous diarrhea, it is necessary to use the means that the doctor prescribes in each case. These can be laxative pills (Senade), capsules (with castor oil), drops (Guttalaks, Regulax), or lactulose-based syrup — Dufalac, Portalac, Normase, Laxalac, Livolyuk, Lactusin, Romfalak, Prelax.
On drugs with lactulose should dwell in more detail, because doctors consider their use for constipation of various etiologies to be the most effective and safe. Lactulose is a synthetic stereoisomer of milk sugar (lactose), which is obtained as a waste in the production of dairy products. Once in the body, water-soluble lactulose is not absorbed in the intestine, because the human enzymes necessary for its hydrolization are absent. Thus, this substance is a prebiotic that is not digested by the digestive system and enters the lower intestinal tract. As a result, water retention occurs in the colon and osmotic pressure increases, and it is this factor that contributes to the dilution and increase in the volume of excrement. The result - facilitating their removal from the body.
In addition, the use of lactulose gives the answer to the question - what to do with constipation after antibiotics? As is known, many antibiotics cause drug constipation and at the same time inhibit the intestinal microflora, and lactulose restores it. How? As a result of exposure to lactulose of intestinal bacteria, a number of fatty acids are formed, and the Ph of the medium in the lumen of the colon changes. On the one hand, it inhibits pathogenic clostridia and E. Coli, and on the other, it creates conditions for the recovery of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, that is, it normalizes the bacterial state of the intestine.
In addition, as an effective remedy for constipation with hemorrhoids and after surgery, rectal glycerin suppositories (for example, Glitselaks) are used. They should be injected into the rectum once a day - 20-25 minutes after breakfast.
What to do with constipation during pregnancy?
Many women have difficulty defecating before menstruation and during pregnancy.
First, it is necessary to avoid products that increase the likelihood of difficulties with the chair. Secondly, do not drink any herbal tea and tablets, which include the medicinal plant Senna. Sena preparations - Senade, Sennalaks, Trisasen, Glaksenna - have a teratogenic effect.
Most gynecologists advise pregnant women to dispense with laxatives, although constipation during the childbearing period is often hormonal in nature and cannot be avoided. Constipation is helpful in managing foods that are high in fiber (see above). Eat prunes and dried apricots, cabbage and oatmeal. But buns, chocolates, pasta and kebabs only exacerbate the situation. If you eat fresh vegetable salad (with vegetable oil) for breakfast and drink a glass of one-day kefir before bedtime, you can cope with constipation without a pharmacy.
Flax seeds and linseed oil help. Daily dose of flaxseed - one teaspoon (drink 200 ml of water), and oil (dessert spoon per day) is recommended to use in the evening. You can cook oatmeal: pour 250 grams of oats in grains with water (so that the water slightly covers them) and cook on low heat for about a quarter of an hour. The resulting decoction must be filtered and taken half a cup three times a day.
In the first place among pharmacological agents are laxatives rectal suppositories with glycerin and suppositories Norgalaks (dose - one suppository for a day). Also used drugs with lactulose (details about them are written above). Normase or Duphalac should be taken in the morning, the daily dose is not more than 20 ml.
Constipation before menstruation is associated with the production of hormones by the corpus luteum of the ovaries before the onset of menstruation. In principle, it is short and passes by itself.
What to do with constipation in a child?
Most newborns and infants also have difficulty with a chair: functional or organic constipation.
If doctors determine that constipation is organic in nature — congenital pathological lengthening of the sigmoid colon and its mesentery (dolichosigmoid), congenital pyloric stenosis or congenital agangliosis of the large intestine (Hirshprung disease) —that may go to surgical intervention to correct the abnormality.
And with functional constipation, pediatricians tell parents what to do with constipation in a child of 1 month?
It's all about the nutrition of babies. When breastfeeding, the child most often suffers from a lack of breast milk or from what the nursing mother ate. Stop eating bread and bakery products from wheat flour, rice and semolina porridge, whole milk, black tea, cocoa and coffee. When spasms appear in constipation in a child, a nursing woman should not eat grapes, cabbage, legumes, nuts.
Well helps light massage of the tummy - in a circular motion clockwise, as well as bending the legs at the knees and pressing them to the tummy. If this does not help, it is recommended to use glycerin suppositories and oil enemas (with vaseline oil) to combat persistent constipation in children of the first year of life, including newborns. Rectal suppository Glitselaks can be used from the age of three months. Recently, doctors have prescribed Duphalac syrup (1.5-2 ml per day). But neither candles, nor other laxatives can be used often, and even more so constantly! This may cause the so-called “lazy bowel syndrome” and cause health problems in the process of growth of the child.
For constipation from the mixture, you must give the baby more water. In the absence of the effect, it is necessary to switch to another type of milk formula and introduce fermented milk formula containing lactobacteria, as well as fruit juices into the baby-fed diet.
When constipation of complementary foods, it is necessary to establish exactly what product causes constipation, and to refuse it for a while.
What to do with constipation in a teenager?
In the absence of organic pathologies (for example, hypothyroidism, diabetes, etc.), neurosis or stress, lack of physical exertion, excessive consumption of meat and eggs, lack of water and dietary fiber in the diet, as well as food “on go.
Therefore, the diet, physical education, fresh vegetables, and fruits will help fight constipation (what was written at the very beginning of these notes). And medication laxatives for adolescents are the same as for adults. But it is necessary to make every effort to do without them.
How to do an enema with constipation?
Although enemas for constipation are now rarely prescribed (since they only perform a one-time bowel cleansing), many are interested in how to do an enema for constipation and what enema to do for constipation?
Let's start with what to do an enema more often than once a week, is contraindicated.
Enema should be large (800-1000 ml), or you need to use a special enema - Esmarch's mug. Drinking or boiling water of body temperature (approximately + 37 ° C) is taken, the enema is collected inside the balloon and is slowly injected through the anus into the intestine. After this procedure, you should lie down a little on your side, and when the urge to defecate appears without delay, you go to the toilet...
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What exercises to do with constipation?
When constipation is useful to move more. You can perform simple exercises - standing or lying down.
Standing exactly (legs together, hands on the belt), you need to do the torso of the torso left and right (10-12 times), and then - back and forth. Without changing the pose, deep squats are done, taking the heels off the floor.
The following exercise for constipation should be done while lying on your back. The legs should be bent at the knees, lift up and perform a “bicycle” movement for 20-30 seconds.
Without changing the starting position (lying on the back), bend the right leg at the knee, clasp it with both hands and press it to the stomach. Return to the starting position and do the same with your left foot. The number of repetitions - 10 times each leg.
Here is another useful exercise. It is necessary to kneel down, bend forward, lower the head and rest on the floor with the palms of the straight arms, and then do squats on the buttocks - right and left (10 times in each direction).
Disruption of bowel activity with delayed stool - constipation - adversely affects the functioning of other systems and organs. Untimely release of the intestine prevents normal metabolism, and if you do not know what to do with constipation, it can lead to self-poisoning of the body.