Treatment of stuttering in children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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If the child begins to stutter, then most parents immediately have a lot of questions. How to get rid of the problem? Is it possible to do this? Which specialist should I contact? Indeed, the treatment of stuttering in children is a complex process, and often requires much patience on the part of the pope and mother. However, nothing is impossible: if everything is done correctly, then the stuttering will pass without a trace.
In this article, we have collected material that allows parents to understand the most common questions regarding child stuttering.
Which doctor heals stammering in children?
Treatment of children's stammering involved such medical specialists, as a pediatrician, speech therapist and psychoneurologist.
The pediatrician is engaged in auxiliary methods of treatment that help to strengthen immunity, prevent diseases of the larynx and vocal cords. In the presence of infectious processes, he appoints a complex treatment with additional inclusion of physical procedures.
A psychoneurologist can help a child adapt to the outside world, cope with discomfort when communicating with other people, realize his fullness and uniqueness in a good sense of the word. The psychoneurologist conducts classes not only with the child, but also with his parents, explaining to them how to behave in the family, so as not to injure the vulnerable child's psyche.
Doctor of speech therapist is directly engaged in elimination of speech problems.
Can an osteopath cure stuttering?
Osteopath is a specialist who represents one of the alternative directions of manual therapy - osteopathy. The osteopath knows the intricacies of the anatomy and structure of the body, since it affects the hands in relation to the circulation of blood and lymph, which contributes to bringing the organs to a natural natural balance.
What can an osteopath help with stuttering?
If the stammering of a child is caused by increased intracranial pressure, birth trauma or other physical disorders, then such a specialist can really help. After manual procedures, the work of the central nervous system improves, muscle spasms are removed, and the child's activity is normalized.
When choosing a specialist in this field of medicine, you should definitely make sure of his qualification. The fact is that in our country there are no specialized medical institutions where osteopathic doctors are trained. Therefore, carefully check the diplomas and licenses of doctors before entrusting them the health of your child.
In what cases is it necessary to have a speech therapist?
To suspect a stammer in a child can be based on the following symptoms:
- before trying to say anything, the baby has a pause before the phrase, or a repetition of one sound;
- the child begins to speak simultaneously with inhalation, or in dissonance with breathing;
- during a conversation, the baby has obsessive movements, mimic twitchings.
If there are suspicions, it is desirable, without delay, to get advice from a qualified speech therapist.
What are the treatment methods for stuttering in children?
Treatment methods for stammering are appointed by the doctor not only taking into account the preferences of the parents, but also on the basis of the child's personal characteristics, and also depending on the degree of manifestation of the defect. The most known methods are:
- treatment with medicines;
- hypnosis sessions;
- relaxing procedures in the form of baths, manual therapy, massage, breathing exercises;
- acupuncture;
- Logorhythmic and logopedic exercises;
- specially designed computer games and programs.
What should be the treatment of neurosis-like stuttering in children?
If the stammering of a child is caused by stress, fright or other psychoemotional conditions, then, first of all, it is necessary to tell the doctor about it. If you properly appoint therapy, then stammering of this kind can be cured in a relatively short time.
A good effect with neurosis-like stuttering is nootropic drugs, especially the medicinal product Tenoten. It is a safe medication with a mild effect and a minimal set of side effects, which will help to save the baby from a feeling of anxiety, anxiety, overcome the neuropsychic weakness - asthenia.
Sometimes the method of choice is hypnosis, which is used to treat older children.
To successfully cure neurosis-like stuttering, it is important to create a peaceful atmosphere in the family, without quarrels, scandals, dialogues on high tones, abuse and psychological pressure. The child should feel that he is loved, understood, respected as a person. For treatment to be more successful, it is recommended to attend classes with a psychologist or a psychoneurologist: at the same time, consultations are needed not only for the kid, but also for his parents.
Hypnosis Treatment: Pros and Cons
Hypnosis is considered an effective way of treating childhood stutter, which has a psychological basis. In most cases, the practice of hypnotic sessions involves "living" the child again that situation (more often - stressful), which served as an impetus to the development of a speech defect.
Another variant of hypnotic influence is suggestion to a small patient of thoughts that the problem he has felt is not so sad and terrible as he might seem. After the sessions the child becomes more self-confident. The problems experienced do not seem as large and deep as before. Gradually, the session after session, stuttering passes.
Of the minuses of hypnosis, there are two factors:
- sessions are conducted only in older children;
- treatment does not give an instant effect, which requires additional patience from parents and close toddlers.
Drug treatment for stuttering in children: general characteristics
Tablets from stammering in children are prescribed for mild and moderate forms of speech defect. The started stages, as a rule, are not subject to drug treatment. The fact is that the pills have only a superficial effect, which lasts not for long, and the list of side effects of the medicines is quite substantial.
The basis of drug therapy is anticonvulsant and sedative drugs, which, in addition to positive effects, have negative effects: they slow down mental processes in the brain, slow down metabolism, cause drowsiness, headache, impair learning and memory.
In connection with the above points, treatment with drugs should not be long, and the drugs themselves should be selected only by the doctor, taking into account the age of the child and the degree of his speech disorders.
- Fenibut with stuttering in children can be prescribed because of the psychostimulating, tranquilizing and antioxidant properties of this drug. In addition, Phenibut stabilizes sleep, eliminates convulsions, reduces overall stress, anxiety and a sense of fear.
When stuttering is usually prescribed from 50 to 100 mg of medication three times a day, for 1-1.5 months.
At the very beginning of taking the drug, there may be drowsiness, blocking, pain in the head and even an increase in neurological symptoms: the child can become irritable and nervous. However, on the 4th-5th day of treatment, such symptoms must pass independently.
- Pantogam is a nootropic anticonvulsant. Pantogam when stammering in children is used quite often, as it has a mild sedative effect combined with improved mental and physical functionality. Children under 3 years of age are usually prescribed syrup, and older patients - Pantogam in the form of tablets. The standard single amount of the drug is from 0.25 to 0.5 g, and the daily amount is from 0.75 to 3 g. Caution: Pantogam can cause allergies, sleep disorder, tinnitus.
- Tenoten with stuttering in children is considered one of the safest drugs. For children, a special "Tenoten children's" has been developed, designed to treat small patients from 3 years of age. Tablets take 1 piece from 1 to 3 times a day, keeping in the mouth until it is completely resorbed. The general duration of reception of Tenoten is 2-3 months. If necessary, the doctor can extend the course of therapy. There are practically no side effects of the drug.
- Midokalm with stuttering in children can be appointed only in the event that speech disorders are associated with increased tone and muscle spasms resulting from organic disorders of the nervous system (for example, in the defeat of pyramidal pathways, in encephalomyelitis, etc.). The drug is approved for admission from the age of 3, based on a dosage of 5 mg per kg of body per day (divided into three doses). During treatment, Midokalm can cause unwanted effects in the form of muscle weakness, headache, lowering blood pressure, dyspepsia.
Electrophoresis with stuttering in children
Physiotherapeutic treatment of speech defects is performed taking into account the clinical degree of pathology and the presence of convulsive syndrome in the child. In diseases affecting the central nervous system, treatment with potassium iodide can be prescribed.
If a child is diagnosed with articulatory cramps, electrophoresis with antispasmodics, sometimes in combination with psychostimulating therapy, can help.
In addition, the doctor can recommend a bath with needles, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and also electrosleep.
Exercises for stammering in children
When performing special exercises, or just when communicating, the kid should look straight, without lowering his head down. For this, parents can help the child by holding his chin in conversation. The kid should understand that for normal communication, in addition to speech, eye contact is very important. For the same reason, a child should not "hide" his eyes and avoid looking away.
Of the exercises are welcome breathing exercises, which we will discuss below, as well as speech training of the tongue, lips and facial expressions. It is recommended that the child read aloud, or tell the story he just heard from his parents. Constant and continuous communication contributes to the fastest elimination of signs of stuttering.
Articulatory gymnastics with stuttering in children
The correct speech function is formed by the mobility of the so-called articulatory organs: tongue, lower jaw, lips, palate. If the listed organs are defective, or are improperly controlled by the brain, then their function may be violated.
However, this situation is reparable, and special classes in the form of articulatory gymnastics can help. Classes are held every day, to secure a sustainable result.
The scheme of classes is as follows:
- exercises are carried out consistently, gradually complicating them;
- it's better if the classes are held in the form of a game - with positive emotions;
- if one of the exercises is given to the child is not easy, then do not try to learn new exercises, until the previous lesson is worked out;
- during lessons the kid should sit with a straight back, without excessive strain, opposite to the adult;
- it is desirable to have a mirror nearby so that the patient can see his reflection and control the quality of the movements performed.
Adult during the exercise, too, monitors its quality, while encouraging the baby.
In short, the articulation gymnastics looks like this:
Exercises for the mobility of the lips:
- stretching into a smile;
- movement of the tip of the tongue up and down;
- folding of lips into a "tube";
- touching the lips with teeth;
- flapping his lips ("dumb fish");
- imitation of a horse "snort";
- drawing lips inward;
- inflation of cheeks;
- keeping small objects with the lips.
Exercises for mobility of cheeks:
- demonstration of the language;
- imitation of coughing movements;
- movements of the language in one direction and the other;
- licking of teeth;
- moving in the oral cavity of large beans;
- blowing off a feather, etc.
Exercises for the mobility of the pharynx:
- imitation of yawning;
- coughing, including with sticking out tongue;
- imitation of gargling, swallowing of water;
- imitation of moaning, mooing, bleating.
In fact, the list is far from complete: there are many more such exercises, and they are all very interesting and effective. The only condition is that they should be carried out regularly, and a positive result will not take long.
Breathing with stuttering in children: features
Particular attention is paid to respiratory gymnastics, which helps a small patient to feel naturally and uninhibited during a conversation.
Such exercises are recommended to be performed every morning, regardless of the age of the baby.
Breathing exercises strengthen the diaphragm, improve the mobility of the vocal cords, make breathing deeper and more voluminous.
- Lesson I:
- the child becomes straight;
- bends anteriorly, bending the arch with an arch and lowering the head and arms outstretched (the neck is not strained at the same time);
- the child does the movements, just as the tires are pumped in the wheels with the pump, simultaneously with the inclination, with the maximum and sharp inhalation of the nose;
- with incomplete rectification of the back, exhalation is performed;
- exercise requires 8 replicates;
- After a few seconds of interruption the approach can be repeated (such approaches are recommended to be conducted from 10 to 12).
- Session II:
- the child becomes even, legs - on the width of the shoulders, hands - at the waist;
- Turns his head to the left, while breathing sharply;
- Turns his head in the opposite direction, abruptly exhaling;
- repeats the exercise, making 8 breaths and breaths;
- three approaches are usually practiced for 8 breaths and exhalations.
With the well-being of the baby, further exercises can be done twice a day. Results will be noticeable during 2-3 months of regular classes.
Massage with stuttering in children
When stammering, doctors recommend that you massage the shoulder girdle and the collar area. This massage relaxes and relieves muscle spasms. Sessions should be repeated 4 times a year, in courses of 10-12 sessions.
Good results are provided by acupressure, which must be performed by a specialist in this field. It will require activation of 17 points located mainly in the back and face area. The course of acupressure usually consists of 15 procedures. After a full course, doctors promise the appearance of the first positive results.
Treatment of stammering in children at home - is it possible?
In order to save the child from stuttering, you do not need to put him on inpatient treatment. Of course, for some classes, you may have to visit a psychologist or speech therapist. However, most of the exercises the kid can do at home, under the strict guidance of parents.
For example, poetry and tongue twisters can be practiced together with father and mother. The same goes for breathing exercises. The kid will be happy to realize that parents are trying very hard to help him.
However, if there is a negative attitude in the family, scandals, quarrels and squabbles often occur, then there is no question of home treatment for stammering. Constant moral infringement of the small person never will lead to the decision of a speech problem.
For the treatment to be successful, parents are required without fail:
- patience;
- love of the child and other family members;
- mutual respect;
- the desire to help in spite of everything.
A kid should in no case feel inferior or an outcast. The task of close people is to give him confidence and adjust to positive thinking.
Alternative means of stammering in children
Treatment of stammering in children with the help of alternative medicine is mainly aimed at normalizing the nervous function, stabilizing the patient's psycho-emotional state.
- Pour boiling water (250 ml) for 1 tsp. Dry leaves of mint, daisy flowers, rhizome of valerian. Insist 20 minutes. Take 100 ml in the morning and at night.
- Mix an equal collection of wild rose berries, lemon balm leaves, wormwood, mint, rhizome of dandelion and calendula flowers. Half a tablespoon of the mixture pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Take up to meal 4-5 times a day.
- Take a bath with fragrant oils of mint, strawberry, thyme, lavender, sage. The duration of the bath is 20 minutes. Water should be warm, providing a relaxing effect.
- Prepare tea on the basis of berries of hawthorn, linden flowers, melissa herb, rhizome of valerian. Add honey and drink a little during the day.
The most effective herbs from stammering in children:
- valerian;
- clover;
- lemon balm, mint;
- calendula;
- birch (leaves);
- heather (shoots);
- Linden;
- caraway;
- nettle;
- hawthorn and dog rose;
- raspberry, blackberries, strawberries.
Games with stuttering in children
When choosing games for a stuttering child, you need to remember some rules:
- too emotional and agile games can aggravate stuttering;
- It is necessary to choose quiet games that do not require a large number of participants. Such games can be, for example, coloring books, table games, making plasticine crafts, etc .;
- Do not go to the baby with noisy activities that can excite the child's psyche;
- In addition, it is desirable to exclude and sports competitions. Zaike better fit individual physical activities and walks in nature, in the park, by the ponds.
There is also a large number of computer development programs that, in a playful form, help the kid get rid of stuttering. Usually guys really like these games and are happy to do it.
Poems when stammering in children
A child suffering from stuttering will be interested in feeling in different ways: for example, let him imagine himself as a butterfly or a kitten. Similar games can be accompanied by sound and speech comments:
How does a butterfly flutter? - fr-rr ...
How does the kitten murch? - Murr-p, Murr-p ...
How is the owl moaning? - U-uf-f ...
Kids usually like to repeat, and they do it without hesitation.
Butterfly on the finger sat down.
I wanted to catch her.
I tore the butterfly with my hand -
I caught my finger!
Once upon a time there were two cats -
Eight legs, two tails!
Big head.
He sits high, | |
He looks far.
Poems should be read sonorous, with an expression and arrangement, correctly making breaths and exhalations. At the end of the lesson, the baby needs to be allowed to relax and lie down for a while in a calm environment.
Treatment of stammering in children should not be accompanied by discussion and condemnation of the speech problem by adults. The outcome will be successful if the emotional background for the child is created correctly, wherever it is.