Treatment of psoriasis with soda
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021
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Soda or sodium bicarbonate is absolutely physiological to the human body, because it is part of our blood. The main factor responsible for the normal acid-base balance of our body are the buffer systems of blood, bicarbonate of them is the largest.
Conventional baking soda can compete with ointments and balms from psoriasis, containing corticosteroids, unsafe for the body, causing withdrawal symptoms and allergic reactions. Sodium bicarbonate is used externally as a component of ointments, balms, compresses and baths. Since one of the possible causes of scaly lichen is considered to be acidification of the blood - to fight it using soda is quite real.
Baking soda has a wide range of indications for use in the complex therapy of various diseases from colds and dental to dermatological. The effectiveness of this drug in the treatment of psoriatic skin lesions is due to its following properties:
- soften dry skin damaged by psoriatic plaques;
- soothe inflammation and irritation;
- reduce burning and itching;
- promote the outflow of lymph and blood from the areas of damage, thereby reducing puffiness and eliminating toxins.
Nutritional soda in psoriasis is one of the safest and most effective treatments, with virtually no undesirable consequences.
Pharmacodynamics of sodium bicarbonate is the ability to neutralize acid, increasing the alkaline stores of the body to maintain a normal acid-base balance.
External use of soda during pregnancy and lactation is not dangerous either for the child or for his mother, since it is absolutely non-toxic. However, soda is an alkali, it softens, dries up the skin, and can cause unwanted swelling in pregnant women.
Contraindication to use may be an individual intolerance to soda.
A weak soda solution is relatively safe, but soda powder when ingested into eyes, on mucous membranes can cause burns or skin irritation. A prolonged immersion in the soda solution causes dehydration and swelling of the skin.
How to apply soda in psoriasis?
The probability of permanently getting rid of dermatosis with a bath of soda is negligible, but it is possible to achieve relief by using this procedure. Soda baths help reduce inflammation - burning, itching and soreness, improving blood circulation, soothe not only the skin, but also the nervous system. This procedure is best done before bedtime. Before you need to rinse under the shower.
Begin the bathing procedure better with 36-degree water, so that the body gets used, then pouring hot water, raise the temperature to 38-39 ° C. Warmer water helps purify toxins and toxins, improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.
The duration of stay in the bath is no more than 20 minutes. Wipe yourself with a towel, coming out of the bath, do not, let the body dry slightly, wrap in a terry robe and rest.
Repeat the procedure is recommended with an interval of two days, with more severe skin lesions - every other day. The course of treatment is 15-20 procedures.
Elementary contents of the bath with soda in psoriasis - take from 300 to 500 g of soda (depending on the size of the bath), dilute it in warm water, pour into a bath and stir.
You can add herbal medicinal herbs, for example, sequins, celandine, calendula, taking into account individual tolerance and preferences.
The bath can be prepared according to the following recipe: 35 g of sodium bicarbonate, 15 g of ammonium peroxodisulfate, 20 g of magnesium carbonate.
The condition with exacerbations of the disease can alleviate the bath with soda and salt. To fill it, you need to take 300 g of soda and 500 g of sea salt. The principle of preparation for taking baths with any ingredients is described above.
The presence of salt contributes to the expansion of pores and skin detoxification, has a sedative effect. Salt water softens psoriatic scales and promotes their removal.
Soda is used not only for baths. You can prepare simple medicinal ointments:
- Drinking soda is diluted with water to the state of gruel, plaque psoriatic plaques on it, allowed to dry (do not rinse with water), several procedures noticeably improve the condition;
- soda mixed with oil (olive, almond or peanut) to a uniform state of thick sour cream, spread the damaged places and cover them with food film, stand for 3-5 hours, you can make a compress before going to bed and take off in the morning;
- soda is bred in warm water, moistened with a napkin made from natural cloth, applied to the damaged place and kept until it cools;
- You can mix a pinch of soda with warmed water and process psoriatic plaques.
Two more complex and very similar versions of chatters with soda, positioned as an effective remedy for psoriasis:
- 200g of chicken fat will need: 10g of soda, three raw yolks of chicken eggs, 60g of birch tar, 20-25g of finely grated household soap and fir oil. Mix with melted chicken fat all ingredients until smooth, let cool and add 15g of pharmacy bile, mix again. Seven days the mixture should stand in the cold. Spread on damaged parts of the body, keep from two to four hours.
- Ingredients: a glass of chicken fat, half a glass of dried and chopped chaga mushroom, 10 g of soda, two tablespoons of tar (birch), a medicinal bile and a finely grinded laundry soap, three yolks of chicken eggs (raw), a tablespoon of essential oil - fir, lavender, mint (for the smell).
Fat, melt, boil for ten minutes, strain and allow it to cool (≈50ºС), fill the ground chaga with fat and mix for ten minutes to a homogeneous mass, add tar and mix again, then-zheltki and mix again, soda - stir. When the mixture has cooled, add the medicine bile. As a flavor add any essential oil. Allow the mixture to stand for 1/3 hours in a water bath.
It will cool down - you can use it. Apply in the evenings three hours before bedtime.
In addition to the external use of soda in the form of a solution can be taken orally - ½ teaspoon of soda diluted in a glass of boiled water, cooled no more than 37 ° C. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Breakfast is not earlier than a quarter of an hour. Bikarbarnat sodium creates an alkaline environment in the body and activates the elimination of toxins.
This method of soda is contraindicated in patients with low acidity.
Treatment with soda and hydrogen peroxide in psoriasis
Hydrogen peroxide is in any home medicine cabinet, it is used mainly as a primary antiseptic. The properties of hydrogen peroxide were studied seriously and comprehensively by Prof. Neumyvakin. He claims that this drug has the ability to regenerate all the vital processes of the human body and defeat most diseases, and psoriasis - including oxygen saturating the tissues.
Mixing soda and peroxide causes a strong chemical reaction, which is a danger to living tissues. However, if all the recommendations and dosages are followed, these two substances together can enhance the useful properties of each other and help to eliminate health problems.
The following options for the joint use of hydrogen peroxide and soda are possible.
Take soda orally, and externally use a bath with peroxide: pour 200-300ml of a conventional solution of 3% peroxide into a bath filled with water (37-38 ° C). The duration of the bath is about half an hour. The action of the bath is as follows: oxygen affects the normalization of metabolic processes, slowing down autoimmune attacks on skin cells.
The peroxide therapy of restricted foci can be performed by rubbing psoriatic plaques with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution twice a day, daily, until they disappear.
In more severe forms of the disease, compresses are used: three teaspoons of 3% peroxide are mixed in 100 g of boiled water, the cotton or linen cloth moistened in solution is applied to the damaged skin for 1-1.5 hours.
You can, on the contrary, take inward hydrogen peroxide, and externally - soda baths, compresses, ointments described above.
Inside peroxide is taken daily in three divided doses at equal intervals of 8 hours. First, take one drop of peroxide, dissolved in two tablespoons of water. Every day, increase the amount of peroxide by one drop and dissolve it in the same volume of water. On the tenth day, 10 drops of the drug are taken for one dose, the daily dose of 30 drops is maximum. It takes a break for a week, then a new course starts at the maximum daily dose. Then take 10 drops, taking breaks every 2-3 days.
With psoriasis of the scalp and face (according to Neumyvakin) helps wash the nose: for one tablespoon of water, 10-15 drops of peroxide. Bury with a pipette ten drops into each nostril.
The mouth cavity is in addition treated with peroxide with soda. In a teaspoon of soda add seven drops of peroxide, gauze swab with this mixture make a massage of the gums and teeth, then rinse the mouth with a solution - a teaspoon of peroxide in 50 ml of water. According to the patients, this type of treatment allows you to get rid of psoriasis on the face and neck.
Hydrogen peroxide is contraindicated in case of its intolerance. The greatest daily dose of 30 drops is not dangerous for the body. Treatment with this drug can be combined with medication, however, it is worthwhile to discuss these techniques with a dermatologist in advance.
The possibility of side effects is recognized by Professor Neumyvakin and his followers. They are expressed in painful sensations, burning, itching, fainting from hyperoxygenation.
Patients respond to the treatment with soda and hydrogen peroxide both in the complex and individually, ambiguously. Some regret that they tried these recipes, they did not bring relief to them, they even aggravated the course of the disease. Others are happy. Information about fully cured psoriasis or remission of ten years is questionable.
Probably, in some cases, the external application of soda and peroxide (baths, compresses, ointments) can improve the condition of the skin and supplement medication.
Most dermatologists do not consider this therapy a serious independent method for treating psoriasis and warn that using prescriptions with peroxide and soda without first consulting a doctor is fraught with negative consequences.